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You can have your companions stand and display your armor on them ;] trololol


Come on guys... If the armor is unlocked in collections, you could really make some armor stands which would display the full, non-mixed set! Guild Wars had it!

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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You can have your companions stand and display your armor on them ;] trololol


Come on guys... If the armor is unlocked in collections, you could really make some armor stands which would display the full, non-mixed set! Guild Wars had it!


heck skyrim had armor display stands in the player houses.

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I'd actually be happy with using Companions as "models", but the fact that they shows up as holos for your other characters kinda ruins it for me. Color is an important visual element in design, y'know! :( And I don't want a bunch of holos hanging around, anyway.


Would be nice to have armor stands for those class-restricted sets too, though.

Edited by Gwena
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I'd actually be happy with using Companions as "models", but the fact that they shows up as holos for your other characters kinda ruins it for me. Color is an important visual element in design, y'know! :( And I don't want a bunch of holos hanging around, anyway.

My issue with the holo companions is that my KOTOR re-creation with Vette in Mission Vao outfit and Kira in Bastilla Shan outfit just looks stupid when at least one will always be a holo. Oh, and BioWare, I need a female cathar companion in SWTOR, I have the needed outfit already, just not the coompanion to put it on!


Anyway, on topic: yes I also support having armour display stands... since I have more armour sets than my companions can possibly wear! Or give of civilians for that purpose... maybe a female cathar civilian one would be nice.

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I support Armor Display stands. I even support a variety of styles of armor display stand, from full mannequins to cross style displays where the gauntlets hang. And these stands should be able to be set to display armor by gender and body type.
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It would be nice but people saying <insert game name here> has it try to remember that these games use a different engine then TOR so what is possible to be done in them might not be possible here or might take longer to implement then they are willing to do.


You all know that if they said they would be adding this feature but doing so would delay GSH until January of 2015 and as a result would also push back the release of 3.0 you would all be ************ your brains out about the delay.

Edited by Anaesha
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It would be nice but people saying <insert game name here> has it try to remember that these games use a different engine then TOR so what is possible to be done in them might not be possible here or might take longer to implement then they are willing to do.


You all know that if they said they would be adding this feature but doing so would delay GSH until January of 2015 and as a result would also push back the release of 3.0 you would all be ************ your brains out about the delay.

Not that difficult to add armor stands with mostly any game engines now. Thing is do the producer agrees on giving the devs the time (ie spending funds) to do so.

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I want <insert game feature here> NOW! If you don't give me <insert game feature here> than you fail BW.


I never said they failed I just have more armor than comps and would like a way to display them. all in all I think strongholds will be good Its just at some point id like to make an armory in one of the rooms

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I seriously hope that mannequins (and womannequins) will be introduced at some point. It would be much better than having armor show on companions, which are already known for having problems with unify colors, hiding head slots, etc...
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Everything about GSH seems to upset somebody.


We're just so passionate about it. :p



I'd also like to support armor stands in game. Companions displaying armor just doesn't work too well with me.

Edited by Lord_of_Mu
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I think it's something they can work at. Basically all they have to do is design an NPC that's invisible or is textured like a wooden mannequin or something. Then auto-equip the selected armor set and have it spawn in your stronghold as a placeable.
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It's over a month until they even roll out the early release of strongholds, I'm sure they'll put armor stands in at some point either before or after that. Why do people act like these things are never tweaked or updated? It's not exactly like strongholds are in final format for the end of time....they aren't even through the testing phase.
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