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PvE Consular gear is horrendously ugly


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I have to agree, most of the headpieces especially are hideous and would make small children cry. I want to look like a awesome Jedi....not one of them bureaucrats from that abomination Phantom Menace for **** sakes....and the other helmets that look mildly ok seem to have terrible graphical gliches that cause my hair to pop out of it on every side.


Hark I found our salvation! In protest to the crappy looking armor I suggest we all wear the same suit I'm currently sporting, Tusken Raider Sand People Suit! Its stylish, airy, and gives you the excuse to shout, "Hrooh Hrooh Hrooh!" Over your slain foes in PvP.:D

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I'm sure an artist put in a lot of time and energy into the consular armor, and I appreciate the effort.


Honestly though, I am increasingly saddened by the armor that my character has received. I was hoping that by the time I hit 50 I'd have some awesome looking gear. That didn't happen. I don't even want to talk about the head pieces. I'd love to be able to change the color on my gear as well, at least then it would look like it belongs to a set.

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Huge shoulders and silly head still beats wearing the PvP old rags... :mad:


Yeah, the consular pvp sets are atrocious. This is the height of the Republic. The premier jedi diplomats and negotiators progress from wearing "fancy" effeminate robs that perhaps nobles would wear to wearing clothes that come from the rag bag. It makes no sense, whatsoever and looks terrible.

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Yeah, the consular pvp sets are atrocious. This is the height of the Republic. The premier jedi diplomats and negotiators progress from wearing "fancy" effeminate robs that perhaps nobles would wear to wearing clothes that come from the rag bag. It makes no sense, whatsoever and looks terrible.


I dislike the color scheme on the PvP set but honestly I like the look. There's nothing "Hobo" about it. It's a normal robe with jagged edged arm sleaves and is bunched up in the back.


I get that some people might dislike it, but likening it to tattered clothes isn't even close. To me the PvE gear is far worse, ESPECIALLY as a male sage.


Thankfully this won't matter once BW makes their announced changes to the mod system. Everyone can wear what they like.

Edited by Khadroth
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Don't the dancer sets lack bracers and belt, meaning you have to fill those slots with stuff that won't match the outfit?


So far you are right. I keep looking for something that looks better, but nada so far. Still leveling Synthweaving and hoping and watching for drops and checking the GTN.

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I was actually sitting here thinking about rolling a consular and then I saw that jpeg with the white robe and headress thingie. ROFLMAO!


Thank you for saving me from er... that. I am sincere.

Edited by SDFX
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I completely agree with this. They definitely need more masculine and understated end-game gear for Consulars.


Not only that, i would really like them to give more options for players who've gone Dark or Light side (although Dark side would clearly be lacking the most). I am Dark V now and it's impossible to actually look like it. A simple black cloak with maybe a little red trimming would be all i need, and i'm sure it would be a popular piece. If they think it's too Sith looking for Consulars, they could even put a Dark level requirement on it and make an equivalent for Light side alignment.


I've been looking for a black cloak since level 1 with no luck. I'm level 50 now and i have mid-grey cloak from Corellia vendor but it has blue trimmings which isn't ideal. The Rakata Survivor's gear for Tanks is actually a mid-grey version of the white one in the OP so that's what i'm aiming for right now.


Just little things on aesthetics spoil the look of my character for me. Like my Dark V speeder from the vendor. It has big blue exhausts. Why? We are evil. We like red and purple and stuff. Trying to stick to my evil color-scheme bro. :p

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Seems the easy thing that no game has thought of is just to let you tailor a suit that looks like itd be for your profession (robes with no visible armor for consular whereas a commando would be in a armor suit like the npcs wear).


Now for stats leave the slots where they are and instead of being a slot for boots its a slot for stat modification feet. Same with all other slots. Have simple picture of what the stat mod is for. Weapons can stay like they are now or you could even branch this concept to include them for certain pistol/rifle/saber/cannon looks and have the slots there now for the weapon damage plus modifiers.


Add a customization window like our companions have for what we have had a tailor npc make for us. Make some appearances drops, on venders, or in heroics/operations. Lightside venders could sell gear that looks like the earth tone colors we have now where as darkside venders would have blacks and reds.


Just a thought i had that seems like a way to make you still work for stats for your character but at the same time you could wear the outfit/armor that you think best represents your character or a look you just like.

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Is this some sort of sick joke? We look like a banana tree and have the most feminine headpiece I have ever seen. It makes my Dark V character look like a fairy princess.


This has got to be the worst looking armor that I have seen in an MMO. And replacing it with orange gear should not be an excuse for this, imo.



Bahahhaa, omg, you look so funny (sorry!).

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he he..I'd be willing to bet money that the "Alderaan Pants Vender" is the MOST frequented vendor in the game.. just trying to meet the needs of consular men all across the galaxy !!!!!!!


Not only men. My female Consular looks a lot more...interesting...in those tight...close-fitting...skintight trousers.







Sorry, what did you say?

Edited by Dekadez
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First thing I did was grind out social rank 2 and I went to Balmorra and bought the social gear there. Made my consular look like far more like what I had in mind. Normal clothes with a backpack. I'm not a big fan of the opulent robes and headgear, just doesn't seem very "Jedi" to me.
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I think the Sith gear is about just as bad. Too comically evil.


No it really isn't even close. Some Inquisitor gear borders on bad ***. Not one piece of consular gear does, in fact quite the opposite.

Edited by Sireene
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This is why I am not rolling a sage.


I play mostly empire side. I would love to start a republic alt (if only to see warzones other than Huttball more often), and the sage class interests me. But if the art direction at high levels is various forms of formal ballgowns, for males, no thanks. My agent and my BH both look awesome ;)

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