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Please stop vulgar name combinations! /sigh :(


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Most players don't know anymore how to use imagination. When "that one good name" is already in use they don't know what name to use and they try to create "funny" name.


I have no imagination. I just steal my names from other games. And if they are gone just use the random name generator and hope the good ones are free.

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I've never seen any name even remotely offensive or any of that, and I don't have any reason to believe your claim unless you umm..you know.. put down some of these names for us to see.

Myself and a lot of other people wouldn't even know what to consider offensive, let alone care about.


Listing those names here would be against forum rules AFAIK.

Edited by Halinalle
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Most players don't know anymore how to use imagination. When "that one good name" is already in use they don't know what name to use and they try to create "funny" name.


Players will always look for something to make them different. Ofcourse, some people go overboard and name their character Adolfus Hitlericus or whatever, just to provoke a reaction.


What bothers me most is when the devs make no effort to Google the names they give their NPC's. Then we end up having one named "Arkan" during the BBA event.

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The problem is equating "being offended" with "harassment." What happened to you after you were "offended"? Nothing in particular. Why should everyone else walk on egg shells around you just because you MIGHT be offended? Nowadays you can't open your mouth or make a joke without the fear that someone might be "offended." No one else should have to take the brunt of you being so easily "offended." In fact, you could call your expressing "offense" at some comment harassment as well. What, I said something you didn't like? Suck it up!


yeah, i think actively harassing someone and making a vulgar name you find hilarious are two very different things.

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Listen pal I am not a dumb *** here there is a difference between joking around than there is purely out right harassing someone. In fact I was target for being female and i had to leave due to the absolute degenerate behaviour. Now I can take a lot of crap. But I won't stand for the vulgarity or down right inhuman belittlement of women or any other racist/sexist remarks.. Do people have to walk on egg shells around me no, but for the love of god people need to be more respectful and read the dang terms of service this kind of behaviour should not be tolerated anywhere!


Edit: my apologies to you I see you weren't pertaining to my situation and I jumped the gun. However it is the point that it has to end in this game, and in life in general. Again I apologize for my outburst without fully reading your quote you know what they say about assuming....


i'm not talking about people bombarding others with hurtful words, i'm talking about having character names like "p*n*s sucker 69" or something like that. if someone gets all touchy about that it isn't anyone's problem, they can just ignore it.


there are also some really inappropriate fleet chats that i think are ok, so long as they aren't directed at any group. if people want to talk about gross sexual things that is there right. i think censorship is wrong because it blocks out freedom of speech.

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The very fact that you use the word offensive in your post should really answer your question. Sometimes, the very name is only used because they know it will offend someone - to me that is harassment. If they're going out of their way to do that, then they deserve whatever they get.


most names are used because the user finds it funny or they want attention from others. nothing is wrong with just messin' with people, the word 'harassment' should really be reserved for people whispering horrible comments to someone.

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there is a big difference between easily offended and being offended. you just cant figure it out. It is a private game, the devs have the right to define offensive. driving around with an obscene name for a piece of female anatomy as your name is harrassment. the devs want to continue to have women customers( which is a good business decision) allowing 12 year olds that want to be able to insult people with impunity behave badly would cost them money.

FYI I am a 48 year old male veteran, I have heard more profanity than you can probably imagine(in several languages) when you tell these kids saying some of these things that they are flirting with an old guy, they run away fast.


having a vulgar name referring to a female body part is not harassment because it is not maliciously targeting women, it is just mentioning a part that they happen to have. i don't think it would have any effect on how many women players there are, talking about ***** all the time certainly wouldn't effect guys.


really people should grow a thicker skin and ignore people who try to get attention. if it was someone degrading women on the chat that is a totally different story, but mentioning a "characteristic" is not harassment.

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there are also some really inappropriate fleet chats that i think are ok, so long as they aren't directed at any group. if people want to talk about gross sexual things that is there right. i think censorship is wrong because it blocks out freedom of speech.


Or maybe people should keep their sexual conquests in a private channel instead of discussing them where everyone can hear? That would be the polite thing to do, just as you avoid discussing religion or politics in polite company. Freedom of speech is something for governments - no closing newspapers for printing the "wrong" news, no silencing of political dissidents. And it's not freedom from consequences...

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Or maybe people should keep their sexual conquests in a private channel instead of discussing them where everyone can hear? That would be the polite thing to do, just as you avoid discussing religion or politics in polite company. Freedom of speech is something for governments - no closing newspapers for printing the "wrong" news, no silencing of political dissidents. And it's not freedom from consequences...


yup, we just have to hope people would do the right thing and be polite. this is a two-way street, and we all have to be responsible when someone isn't polite just as much as they have a responsibility to be courteous. we can't just flip out and rant about things if we get upset.


freedom of speech is a right, so it belongs everywhere. of course this is the dev's game and they can certainly control what is allowed, but i can definitely complain about it.

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I'm in the /ignore offenders camp.



It's silly letting people get to you. Shame on you for letting some juvenile behavior cross your eyes. And your an adult?



Time to grow up, acknowledge this is the type of world we live in and deal with it. Want to wear blinders and pretend we don't?


You are going to go thru life being 'offended'. Good luck with that........



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yup, we just have to hope people would do the right thing and be polite. this is a two-way street, and we all have to be responsible when someone isn't polite just as much as they have a responsibility to be courteous. we can't just flip out and rant about things if we get upset.


freedom of speech is a right, so it belongs everywhere. of course this is the dev's game and they can certainly control what is allowed, but i can definitely complain about it.


There is something called civility, which unfortunately many have lost. It is a shame it is not also a right. However rights can and are carried too far in my opinion as is what happens when one may carry fire-arms into one's local store .....

Edited by Incarnatus
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I'm in the /ignore offenders camp.



It's silly letting people get to you. Shame on you for letting some juvenile behavior cross your eyes. And your an adult?



Time to grow up, acknowledge this is the type of world we live in and deal with it. Want to wear blinders and pretend we don't?


You are going to go thru life being 'offended'. Good luck with that........




I couldn't have said it any better myself.

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Reasons for filter:


Saturday - third through sixth letter.

Shooter - Second through seventh letter.


They are filtering on a list of words even if found in the middle of another word.


It makes a conversation for a group that happens to meet on Saturday hard to hold. I am tired of typing the "Day of the Week before Sunday". Which is annoying, because when people do want to cuss, they would find a way to cuss by misspelling the words on purpose, and the filter won't catch it, but we all will be the proud receptors of their self-expression.


For the record, when I am not grouped, I switch the chat to "other" the moment I hit the Fleet or a capital city.

Edited by DomiSotto
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most names are used because the user finds it funny or they want attention from others. nothing is wrong with just messin' with people, the word 'harassment' should really be reserved for people whispering horrible comments to someone.


Yeah I should have been clearer in what I meant by names that are used to harass - things that are homophobic/racist/anti-Semitic are what I mean. But that's extreme. Like I said to the other poster who quoted me - I don't tend to report names at all. I do report racist/homophobic/anti-Semitic stuff when I see it.

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Reasons for filter:


Saturday - third through sixth letter.

Shooter - Second through seventh letter.


They are filtering on a list of words even if found in the middle of another word.


Lol, too funny. I'd never understood why "parse" was filtered. (Wondered if it was some social engineering to stop people from talking about parses, actually.)


Well spotted!

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It doesn't seem to me that Bioware takes any action on these names either when they are reported.

Agreed. They seem to have given up any enforcement long ago. At launch, they were quite strict...but nowadays, they don't act on any.

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having a vulgar name referring to a female body part is not harassment because it is not maliciously targeting women, it is just mentioning a part that they happen to have.


Just throwing this out there: but that's really easy for a man to say. Seriously. If we men walked a day in women's shoes, we'd change our act really quickly. Don't believe me? Ask some women, genuinely, the level of bulls**t they deal with. Every single day. Just because of 'a part they happen to have.' Perhaps it is something in most men's makeup, that we deal with things differently, but, I bet you don't even recognize the degree of crap that women put up with. On a daily basis. You think, 'ha ha ha,' what a dumb name. /ignore! That girl though ... well, she may have a slightly different outlook based on how much s**t she dealt with that day.


Disagree all you want, but you may want to look at it from more than just a male's POV.


Also: having a daughter will (at least should) change your opinion on our world.

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I mean do you ***** and moan when people swear out in public?

Depending on the venue, hell yes I'd say something. Are you so meek and afraid that you wouldn't? There are places that swearing simply isn't tolerable.

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sigh. Please stop being offended by words. You're not that special and if you get offended by words, it's your problem, my special little snowflake. Get over yourself. /sigh

You're confusing knowing right from wrong with "being offended" I think. I have no issue reporting names that are ridiculously over the line. The only time I get "offend" is when the offender pleads ignorance and assumes I'm stupid enough to believe it.

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I suspect that reporting a name isn't enough. I think it requires a certain number of reports before it even flags in their monitoring program.


It just means you're just one of the very few who cares enough to report it and therefore you are deemed insignificant. Welcome to the world of big numbers.

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Lol, too funny. I'd never understood why "parse" was filtered. (Wondered if it was some social engineering to stop people from talking about parses, actually.)


Well spotted!


OMG, this always baffled me, especially saturday, lol.!


Regarding names, while I tend to be unimpressed by people with joke names, I only report it if it's particularly offensive or degrading to others. It really does piss me off on RP servers, though. It's pretty much a big **** you to everyone there who rps or values immersion. Although the people doing it probably don't think about it that way.

Edited by errant_knight
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