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housing got decoration hooks :((


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omg, folks! 55 pages of flail for something no one has even tried yet? That's beyond ridiculous.


We know from experience. Housing and hook systems aren't new. Which is part of the problem. Better systems were developed over a decade ago.


Plus they've released plenty of footage demonstrating how limited their system is.


Just do a simple google image search for swg housing, and you'll notice you can't do anything you see with this hook system...and I really hate comparing swg to swtor.

Edited by Vinak
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We know from experience. Housing and hook systems aren't new. Which is part of the problem. Better systems were developed over a decade ago.


Plus they've released plenty of footage demonstrating how limited their system is.


Just do a simple google image search for swg housing, and you'll notice you can't do anything you see with this hook system...and I really hate comparing swg to swtor.


You'll be ok. You can't grow space potatoes on the ceiling, but you'll be ok.

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The system isn't a flat out hook system nor is it a completely free system. It is a combination of both. You will be able to hide the hooks and move around what you put down within that hook. It's just designed in a way where it's easy to use while also having good customization.


It is NOT as bad as some people make it out to be at all. You'll all see though soon enough. ;)

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We know from experience. Housing and hook systems aren't new. Which is part of the problem. Better systems were developed over a decade ago.


Plus they've released plenty of footage demonstrating how limited their system is.

Well said. Hooks aren't new to SWTOR.


The system seems robust, but in the end, it's just organizing your trophy case the way Bioware wants you to. Hell, even rugs can't be moved from exactly where they want them to be...or watch the videos and see how limited you are in where you can place your bed...


Hooks, no matter how robust, ruin the creative aspect of housing imo.

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Lol, yeah, I know, but sometimes the level of unnecessary panic still has the capacity to astonish, lol.


I think that uninformed people posting uninformed opinions is just as astonishing.


In RIFT, using free placement, I built a mages study. I took a book shelf and shrank it down and hung it on the wall, populating it with a skull, some potion bottles, and some books. Below that I put a desk with some open books on one end, and a neat upright group of books help up by bookends on the other end. There was a candle, an open scroll, and an ink well with a quill in the middle. Above it I spun a beam and fixed the ends in the walls, positioned parallel to the ground with lamps on chains hung from it.


In Wildstar, RIFT, and EQ2 you can subdivide the room and make smaller rooms as well, there are very few limits to the creativity. You could combine objects to make something totally new if you wished.


In SWTOR we get Ikea decorating. You can choose from bed #2, rug #5, lamp #1, and dresser #8. That is the limit of your creativity and choice. We have the dumded down non-creative system because either the devs were too lazy to do it right or they were not given the resources to do it right. Either way, it was not done right.

Edited by doctor_atomic
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Well said. Hooks aren't new to SWTOR.


The system seems robust, but in the end, it's just organizing your trophy case the way Bioware wants you to. Hell, even rugs can't be moved from exactly where they want them to be...or watch the videos and see how limited you are in where you can place your bed...


Hooks, no matter how robust, ruin the creative aspect of housing imo.


In your opinion, you mean.


As far as I'm concerned, this is the best of both worlds and I'm willing to give it a chance before making declarations about whether or not it ruins anything.


But, that's just me, I guess.

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In your opinion, you mean.


As far as I'm concerned, this is the best of both worlds and I'm willing to give it a chance before making declarations about whether or not it ruins anything.


But, that's just me, I guess.


Have you ever used a hook or free placement decorating system or are you just speaking from a total lack of experience on the topic?

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In your opinion, you mean.


As far as I'm concerned, this is the best of both worlds and I'm willing to give it a chance before making declarations about whether or not it ruins anything.


But, that's just me, I guess.


Of course I mean in my opinion...that's why I closed with "imo". On the interweb, "imo" stands for "in my opinion".


Please explain to me how it's "the best of both worlds" when there's zero free placement? EVERYTHING is attached to a hook. It looks like a decent hook system, but it's still hooks.

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Here is a novel idea. How about You all stop trying to Compare TOR to other games and just be happy that you are getting anything at all!!!


Seriously if it was me running EA and I saw all your complaining I'd be considering if keeping TOR up and running was worth the cost.


READ: This comprised about 3/4ths of the people complaining about the hooks, housing in general, the lack of content etc etc.


“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” - Socrates

Edited by Anaesha
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Here is a novel idea. How about You all stop trying to Compare TOR to other games and just be happy that you are getting anything at all!!!


Seriously if it was me running EA and I saw all your complaining I'd be considering if keeping TOR up and running was worth the cost.


READ: This comprised about 3/4ths of the people complaining about the hooks, housing in general, the lack of content etc etc.


“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” - Socrates


Ah, the bleating of the wild fanboi. Here is a hint for your education in commerce: offering an inferior product or feature does not lead to the path of customer retention and profit. Go and contemplate this, grasshopper.

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Of course I mean in my opinion...that's why I closed with "imo". On the interweb, "imo" stands for "in my opinion".


Please explain to me how it's "the best of both worlds" when there's zero free placement? EVERYTHING is attached to a hook. It looks like a decent hook system, but it's still hooks.


Because while it's a hook system, you have free placement within each hook's square footage. It's both at the same time. You can rotate and off-set things thanks to the x/y scales.


Of course, you can't put your couch on the ceiling, nor build walls out of speeders and companions, but I think I'll be able to survive that kind of 'ruining.'

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Here is a novel idea. How about You all stop trying to Compare TOR to other games and just be happy that you are getting anything at all!!!


Seriously if it was me running EA and I saw all your complaining I'd be considering if keeping TOR up and running was worth the cost.


READ: This comprised about 3/4ths of the people complaining about the hooks, housing in general, the lack of content etc etc.


“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” - Socrates

Here's a novel idea - it's feedback. Stop taking it so personally. Calm down lol.

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Because while it's a hook system, you have free placement within each hook's square footage. It's both at the same time. You can rotate and off-set things thanks to the x/y scales.


Of course, you can't put your couch on the ceiling, nor build walls out of speeders and companions, but I think I'll be able to survive that kind of 'ruining.'


I like how you wiggle and twist in order to avoid the real issues of lost creativity, very inspiring behaviour, although I probably should not tell you the exact emotion it inspires.

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Ah, the bleating of the wild fanboi. Here is a hint for your education in commerce: offering an inferior product or feature does not lead to the path of customer retention and profit. Go and contemplate this, grasshopper.


It's only inferior to you and other with narrow minds.


I at least don't condemn something before I have even gotten my hands on it.


Wildstar had this, WOW, had this, EQ2 had this, SWG HAD THIS!!



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Because while it's a hook system, you have free placement within each hook's square footage. It's both at the same time. You can rotate and off-set things thanks to the x/y scales.


Of course, you can't put your couch on the ceiling, nor build walls out of speeders and companions, but I think I'll be able to survive that kind of 'ruining.'

Hooks =/= free placement. Despite anything you say, hooks are inferior.


The system SWTOR has developed is quite robust and will suffice for me...but it's limited and doesn't appeal to the creative types.

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“He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.” - Socrates


"That quote by Socrates is ridiculous in general and in the context of this thread." - Joesixxpack

Edited by Joesixxpack
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It's only inferior to you and other with narrow minds.


I at least don't condemn something before I have even gotten my hands on it.


Wildstar had this, WOW, had this, EQ2 had this, SWG HAD THIS!!



The people who would prefer more creative freedom are the ones with narrow minds? LOL!


Calm down lol, you're going to have a heart attack.

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Hooks =/= free placement. Despite anything you say, hooks are inferior.


The system SWTOR has developed is quite robust and will suffice for me...but it's limited and doesn't appeal to the creative types.


'Inferior' is a subjective term and one based entirely in one's own biases and predetermined opinions based on zero actual use of the system in question.


You 'believe' it is, but you have no way of knowing since you haven't used it at all. You 'want' it to be inferior because you prefer the Free Placement system instead.


As far as I'm concerned, the only thing we're losing from not having Free Placement is the confusion and lack of structure that comes with Free Placement, as well as the banality of completely misusing Housing decorations in ridiculous and nonsensical ways.






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I have stated before I know what free placement is and I could do some things that a lot of people couldn't do but I also know people who the free placement system was actually a nightmare for them. While I like the free placement system it is not easy to use for people who have never used it, regardless of what everyone wants to say about the free placement.


This hook system looks interesting and still able to do some things. Sure they could add some hooks to desk and maybe a few extra hooks to allow a little leeway but in the end we have to consider the people that have never done housing or where free placement may actually deter them from trying the housing.


Yes I understand you are disappointed but this is the system they gave us and it is time for us to adjust and see what we can do with the system they have given us instead of the constant bickering about the free placement. They have stated they are still working on the system in both videos and it is possible they will add hooks for the furniture but you also know they are not going to change the complete system.


They already know some of you don't like the system but do you really think they are going to scrap what they have when the release date is in a few weeks? Come on be real here. No amount of fussing now will get it change. This constant arguing about I wanted this has past its time.


It is time to accept what they have done and wait for the system and go see what you can do. Instead of bickering about it maybe learn to accept it and see what you can do or you can keep being negative and digging your heals in but for me I will accept what they have done and see what I can do.


Have a nice week.



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It's only inferior to you and other with narrow minds.


I at least don't condemn something before I have even gotten my hands on it.


Wildstar had this, WOW, had this, EQ2 had this, SWG HAD THIS!!





Let's say for the same price I can get a pair of size 10 shoe and 48 suit or I can go to a shoe maker and a tailor and have stuff that will fit perfectly to me.


I'd say people will go for the second option, anytime even if they "don't" need it.

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