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So sad too see so many players begging for content...


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The problem is people like different things and not everything is going to make everyone happy.


Some want just new operations, some could care less about operations.

Some want just new pvp, some don't care about pvp

Some like the new housing that is coming, some don't care.




While you may think some of the items they have added or will add is not content some do consider it content.

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The problem is people like different things and not everything is going to make everyone happy.


Some want just new operations, some could care less about operations.

Some want just new pvp, some don't care about pvp

Some like the new housing that is coming, some don't care.




While you may think some of the items they have added or will add is not content some do consider it content.

My argument to this is...NOBODY here is playing because of housing...just as nobody was playing for GSF before there was GSF. The content people ARE (or WERE) playing for has been lacking severely for quite some time. More of what people DID play for is what has suffered this past year.

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<snipped epically long post>


When you have no evidence or real numbers but you act as if you do, you are a liar. And that's all I am saying. You undermine that with your example and that's why I replied to it.

I think you have me confused with someone else who is making claims about the state of the game.


Not once in this thread have I stated anything about populations, successes, failures, etc. In fact, I'm pretty sure that in my entire 2.5 year post history, I've never once claimed anything about the population levels of this game. The reason? I have no idea what they are, and any wild guesses on my part would have no real value.


Did you think I had? Is this why you're so angrily arguing against me?

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My argument to this is...NOBODY here is playing because of housing...just as nobody was playing for GSF before there was GSF. The content people ARE (or WERE) playing for has been lacking severely for quite some time. More of what people DID play for is what has suffered this past year.


Regardless content varies for each person.


For me I could care less about Pvp.


What you consider content may not be what I consider content and that is the problem. People have different ideas of what content is for them whether or not you agree or like it.

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GSF likely did not bring enough of a surge in population to justify the expenditure put into it, and it upset the people who were very interested it with a lack of peripheral support and then a complete stagnation of content. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, but you don't add a new wing to your house when the roof is leaking and you have termites. Again, their pandering to the least common denominator with the new tacticals, not just in terms of the ease of play, but also because the story depth of it is so weak. It is lacking, GSF is lacking. This game just isn't firing on all cylinders in terms of recent releases, and it still looks to be a while before another major release.


Housing will likely be huge for the RP community, but it's not going to be the thing that keeps long-term subs who have cleared all the content around. The next expansion of the story arc will again likely only contain tacticals. If this game goes until nearly year-end before new Ops are released, people will likely continue to drop subs until there's more to do. In reality, we're all just guessing here, and unsatisfied people are more likely to post that they're leaving than new players or continuing players are to say they're sticking around, but in terms of content this game is moving too slowly when it can't afford to.

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My argument to this is...NOBODY here is playing because of housing...just as nobody was playing for GSF before there was GSF. The content people ARE (or WERE) playing for has been lacking severely for quite some time. More of what people DID play for is what has suffered this past year.


Which is all well and good if the op had been talking about longer but if you would have noticed he has been playing for 5 weeks which at that time there is GSF..


Whether you want to agree it is content is another issue and I am not going to debate that with you because my idea would probably be different than yours and that is fine as each person has a right to say what they think content is for them whether or not I agree with you or you agree with me.


And on that note have a good day. I have said what I said and I will not argue about it as we will not agree so it is useless to continue to argue back and forth.

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My argument to this is...NOBODY here is playing because of housing...just as nobody was playing for GSF before there was GSF. The content people ARE (or WERE) playing for has been lacking severely for quite some time. More of what people DID play for is what has suffered this past year.


All the SWG vets wanted JTL 2.0. GSF was *not* what anyone wanted. As for no one playing for GSF... that's true, because it's kinda boring and loses it's appeal rather fast. However, if we've gotten JTL 2.0? I played SWG for 6 months purely for JTL after CU came along and ruined the ground game.


As for housing... yeah, it's not a core feature for sure, but it's something that should have been here at launch. I mean, how many years can you live off of a starship before you start to lose your **** anyways. It's certainly not a game-maker for anyone, but it's a feature that's a bonus point when thinking of quitting or not.


And for those that keep repeating the idiotic line of "it's a different team!!11!"... Look, if you have the money to hire 10 people to do 3 things then you have the money to hire 10 people to do one thing. If BW had infinite resources then that argument would be valid, but they don't. So 3 people making houses is 3 people less making new story/fp/op content.


Oh, and CM stuff is done by interns who don't cost them anything.


E: Oh, and also, I'm not saying there's 10 developers working on this game, that's just to illustrate a point lol. :D

Edited by Jandi
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Regardless content varies for each person.


For me I could care less about Pvp.


What you consider content may not be what I consider content and that is the problem. People have different ideas of what content is for them whether or not you agree or like it.


Well, pvp-ers hardly get anything at all and while I certainly consider housing a more interesting something than GSF, it is still not content enough to turn things around. Oh btw, there were also these...um...what was the name....guild ships? People seem to have lost interest and excitement over it long before BW finally decides that upon reaching the "goal" of losing this many more subs it's time to start sharing information.

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My argument to this is...NOBODY here is playing because of housing...just as nobody was playing for GSF before there was GSF. The content people ARE (or WERE) playing for has been lacking severely for quite some time. More of what people DID play for is what has suffered this past year.


I seem to remember that many people (usually those who came from SWG) wanted housing pretty badly since the beginning. Things like that are also pretty important for those "filthy casuals" (I use that term endearingly ;) ).


As for GSF, there are many people who like it, according to podcasts (Bad Feeling Podcast or OotiniCast) there are guild devoted exclusively to GSF on some servers, and they play it a lot, so they apparently have very little problems getting queue pops. It could surely be greatly improved (new maps), but it is not such flop as people make it to be just because they suck at it.


However, I will agree on the fact we need new content, ANY new content (or an excuse to run through the old content again)

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What ever happened to patience and waiting for something? Movie comes out in 6 months people climb over themselves to find every trailer every spoiler and every tidbit of information and then complain when it sucks.


Valve is what happened to patience and waiting.

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Which is all well and good if the op had been talking about longer but if you would have noticed he has been playing for 5 weeks which at that time there is GSF..


Whether you want to agree it is content is another issue and I am not going to debate that with you because my idea would probably be different than yours and that is fine as each person has a right to say what they think content is for them whether or not I agree with you or you agree with me.


And on that note have a good day. I have said what I said and I will not argue about it as we will not agree so it is useless to continue to argue back and forth.


You seem to have missed the entire point...


I didn't say GSF or housing isn't "content"...I said that NOBODY currently playing is doing so because of housing. My point being, they're sacrificing the players they have had (by ignoring the content they desire) to add features that have an unknown audience. It's as if they're willing to lose all the customers they have, for the ones they didn't have...a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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You seem to have missed the entire point...


I didn't say GSF or housing isn't "content"...I said that NOBODY currently playing is doing so because of housing. My point being, they're sacrificing the players they have had (by ignoring the content they desire) to add features that have an unknown audience. It's as if they're willing to lose all the customers they have, for the ones they didn't have...a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


No, they're providing features that current (and past) players requested (even begged for). No, nobody has been playing for two years just to be ready for GSH. But it is something that enriches the experience for an obviously significant number of people. I may, in fact, keep some people from leaving. It also shows that they DO listen to us.


Yes, we need more playable (read: story) content. We all know that. But this stuff helps. If it doesn't help you, personally, that's ok. Because other people are happy about it. More of the other stuff is on the way.

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No, they're providing features that current (and past) players requested (even begged for). No, nobody has been playing for two years just to be ready for GSH. But it is something that enriches the experience for an obviously significant number of people. I may, in fact, keep some people from leaving. It also shows that they DO listen to us.


Yes, we need more playable (read: story) content. We all know that. But this stuff helps. If it doesn't help you, personally, that's ok. Because other people are happy about it. More of the other stuff is on the way.

I never said it doesn't help. I've merely pointed out that nobody right now is playing this game because of the housing system. The content people have been playing for is being ignored...

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I never said it doesn't help. I've merely pointed out that nobody right now is playing this game because of the housing system. The content people have been playing for is being ignored...


But it's not being ignored. It's being worked on. HUGE difference there.

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I never said it doesn't help. I've merely pointed out that nobody right now is playing this game because of the housing system. The content people have been playing for is being ignored...


and you wonder why us 'defenders" say no to things like "housing" "swimming" " chat bubbles" "chairs" etc. that take away from development that people actually will use.


If everyone thought about the "cost" of everything maybe we would have less complaints about everything else.


we want housing-> "ok, will take 6 months and cost you a new raid/planet"

we want more individual class stories -> "ok, will cost you a year, and delay the next expansion, level cap, and new ops"


I can do A quickly and efficiently or I can do B quickly and efficiently I will do A & B slowly and delay both.

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Oh players like you posting doom and gloom?

"The game is at it's lowest point" ridiculous statement! You clearly were not here at the beginning.

"They are going to lose ALL their players" (if they don't listen to you) ignorant comment.

"Nobody is playing the game for content that is not even in the game". /facepalm

"Nobody wants the housing and guild ships". Yeah that's a joke a lot of people are excited for them, a little tip just because you don't like it doesn't mean "NOBODY" try to remember that in future post.


Lies lies lies...you can't attribute YOUR words to me. Only ONE of those comments is mine and it's the top one, and it's a statement I stand by. I have been here since beta, non-stop and this is most certainly the games low point.


Are you incapable of debating with facts and evidence, or at least with your own ideas? I'm not posting doom and gloom, YOU started a thread titled that, I simply replied to YOUR thread with my commentary.

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Oh players like you posting doom and gloom?

"The game is at it's lowest point" ridiculous statement! You clearly were not here at the beginning.

"They are going to lose ALL their players" (if they don't listen to you) ignorant comment.

"Nobody is playing the game for content that is not even in the game". /facepalm

"Nobody wants the housing and guild ships". Yeah that's a joke a lot of people are excited for them, a little tip just because you don't like it doesn't mean "NOBODY" try to remember that in future post.

Actually you probably were not because SWTOR lost over three-fourths of its sub base and was FORCED to move to F2P to add a cash shop in order to stay afloat.

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Lies lies lies...you can't attribute YOUR words to me. Only ONE of those comments is mine and it's the top one, and it's a statement I stand by. I have been here since beta, non-stop and this is most certainly the games low point.


Are you incapable of debating with facts and evidence, or at least with your own ideas? I'm not posting doom and gloom, YOU started a thread titled that, I simply replied to YOUR thread with my commentary.


#1 you are still wrong

#2 you said they are fine with losing all their customers

#3 you said nobody is playing Swtor for the housing. Actually you said it multiple times.


Your commentary was a passing insult but now get all defensive when I have a more direct approach.

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#1 you are still wrong

#2 you said they are fine with losing all their customers

#3 you said nobody is playing Swtor for the housing. Actually you said it multiple times.


Your commentary was a passing insult but now get all defensive when I have a more direct approach.

You're wrong with #1 and #2 - and yes, I have stated #3 multiple times because it's true. Do you know anyone playing right now because of the housing system? Even one person...?


Words mean things...use them wisely.

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You're wrong with #1 and #2 - and yes, I have stated #3 multiple times because it's true. Do you know anyone playing right now because of the housing system? Even one person...?


To be fair, I do recall seeing more than one thread in which the OP said they re-subbed because of the housing announcement.


Personally I don't get the draw of individual housing, but, hey, I don't PvP either. Different aspects of the MMO are for different players. More power to them.

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You're wrong with #1 and #2 - and yes, I have stated #3 multiple times because it's true. Do you know anyone playing right now because of the housing system? Even one person...?


Words mean things...use them wisely.


"cough" I'm playing cause I want to see the housing and guild ships "cough"

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To be fair, I do recall seeing more than one thread in which the OP said they re-subbed because of the housing announcement.


Personally I don't get the draw of individual housing, but, hey, I don't PvP either. Different aspects of the MMO are for different players. More power to them.


That's fine. I don't disagree that there are those who are looking forward to housing. I am actually looking forward to it...I think it was a hidden gem of SWG that gave players a sense of "ownership" unlike anything else could in a game.

"cough" I'm playing cause I want to see the housing and guild ships "cough"


Right. You're playing in anticipation of housing, but you're not playing because of it.

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You seem to have missed the entire point...


I didn't say GSF or housing isn't "content"...I said that NOBODY currently playing is doing so because of housing. My point being, they're sacrificing the players they have had (by ignoring the content they desire) to add features that have an unknown audience. It's as if they're willing to lose all the customers they have, for the ones they didn't have...a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


You are also ignoring the point content is different for different people. You took one comment about housing and you jumped on it and then you claim you are looking forward to it yet you are attacking it. From the way you acted it would seem you are not looking forward to it .


So what if housing isn't in the game right now but I can tell you that prior to launch a lot of people asked for it and yes I do know that as I remember people asking for it. I been here prior to launch, in fact before the game was even ready for launch and I remember people talking about it so whether or not it was in the game some people did play the game hoping it would be added.


My guild is looking forward to the housing and we are already planning for a guild ship as well.


Regarding operations not everyone has gotten to the point of operations no matter how long they have played. I am just now getting to operations considering the length of time it takes to do one. Until recently I didn't have the time to do the operations as my time was limited.


Some people love operations and that is their content and that is well and good but for others they don't consider operations content.


Some people love flashpoints and that is their content but others don't and don't consider that content.


Some people love pvp but others don't.


See my point is just because you see something as content doesn't mean someone else will. You want more content and we all get that but the problem is what you may want some one else doesn't.


Do I think there shouldn't be more operations, No but trying to balance things between all groups is not easy and no one group is more important than the other.


I play a variety of things (minus pvp) and I see things differently than someone else and I have yet to become bored playing and I haven't taken a break from the game.


You also complain that your server isn't very active. Well that is probably your server. The server I play on is very active so I don't see where you get that people are leaving because on my server it seems to have more people instead of less.


Have a good day.

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We should have had housing by now anyways. Guild whatever comes out is going to be cool I hope.


I like many others... want some REAL CONTENT on a more progressive timeline than the yearly recycle of only two operations and "NiM" being called new content.

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