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So sad too see so many players begging for content...


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or for any information about the future of swtor and bioware not reacting. They just dont communicate with the community in any way. How are we suppose to keep the faith in the game or the developement of it for the future? I still have plenty to do ingame (im in my fifth week now) and i allready unsubbed, because i dont want to play a game, where they dont know how to communicate to the community or how to improve/expand the game. They just dont have any plans it seems. And everything iss build arround the CM...im pretty sure, there will be a lot more items to buy there, once the housing addon iss out...but what about playable CONTENT? New Planets? New Warzones? New Classes? Switching to the new hero engine?


A sad customer...


PS: Sorry for my bad english...im from germany and i would have posted my complaints on the german boards, but they are allready dead...

Edited by Songano
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or for any information about the future of swtor and bioware not reacting. They just dont communicate with the community in any way. How are we suppose to keep the faith in the game or the developement of it for the future? I still have plenty to do ingame (im in my fifth week now) and i allready unsubbed, because i dont want to play a game, where they dont know how to communicate to the community or how to improve/expand the game. They just dont have any plans it seems. And everything iss build arround the CM...im pretty sure, there will be a lot more items to buy there, once the housing addon iss out...but what about playable CONTENT? New Planets? New Warzones? New Classes? Switching to the new hero engine?


A sad customer...


PS: Sorry for my bad english...im from germany and i would have posted my complaints on the german boards, but they are allready dead...

Last time this was discussed it's been said that the devs have interns working on this.



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but what about playable CONTENT? New Planets? New Warzones? New Classes? Switching to the new hero engine?


all of this has been answered, people just don't like the answers


no hero engine update it would be like starting from scratch building a new engine to modify it to fit in with swtor


new level cap and expansion by the end of the year / early next year [unless otherwise stated]


no new classes in development, add class story, open world pvp, crosserver queues and dual spec to this list too [throw in swimming day / night cycles and chat bubbles too]


new planets is a vague question in this game, most likely there will be new planet/ planets to quest on with the level increase, manaan has already been alluded too in the thumb drives but will likely just be a flashpoint maybe with a daily area, and new daily areas will come with / after the expansion going by past releases and may be on new planets


they just added the new huttball map so I wouldn't expect a new warzone very soon


new companions / playable species is something we have no info on except they "want to add more" and a base litmus bioware will most likely use to determine the next companion / playable species


guild capitol ships with guild objectives and planetary conquests will be right behind GSH early access and should be hearing more about this in the next weeks / months


the info is out there, not very detailed and not what some people want to hear but its there. regardless of what unhappy players try make people believe

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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or for any information about the future of swtor and bioware not reacting.


Actually they have reacted in a couple of these threads on the topics of more information about 2.9 and 3.0 They said to watch out for new information coming in the next week or two (end of june, beginning of july is what they said).


I agree the content this year is late, but they have reacted and we will hear about it in the very near future as it stands.

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you know, telling us that they might tell us something someday is different than telling us something....


here is how it goes


give information too soon and it changes...forums erupt in rage

give us too little information when it wont change...forums erupt in rage

give us a little information as things begin to stabilize but spread out over time...forums erupt in rage.


They have said they will tell us more information at the end of June early July. They could lay out the build schedule, release dates, and marketing campaign months in advance, but as soon as something changes (red speeder turns green) OMG WATCH OUT!!!


What ever happened to patience and waiting for something? Movie comes out in 6 months people climb over themselves to find every trailer every spoiler and every tidbit of information and then complain when it sucks.

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How are we suppose to keep the faith in the game or the developement of it for the future?

We don't. That's why the forums have devolved to frustration and animosity. That's why populations are dwindling and queue pops are taking longer and longer (if at all). They have no respect for their customers.

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all of this has been answered, people just don't like the answers


no hero engine update it would be like starting from scratch building a new engine to modify it to fit in with swtor


new level cap and expansion by the end of the year / early next year [unless otherwise stated]


no new classes in development, add class story, open world pvp, crosserver queues and dual spec to this list too [throw in swimming day / night cycles and chat bubbles too]


new planets is a vague question in this game, most likely there will be new planet/ planets to quest on with the level increase, manaan has already been alluded too in the thumb drives but will likely just be a flashpoint maybe with a daily area, and new daily areas will come with / after the expansion going by past releases and may be on new planets


they just added the new huttball map so I wouldn't expect a new warzone very soon


new companions / playable species is something we have no info on except they "want to add more" and a base litmus bioware will most likely use to determine the next companion / playable species


guild capitol ships with guild objectives and planetary conquests will be right behind GSH early access and should be hearing more about this in the next weeks / months


the info is out there, not very detailed and not what some people want to hear but its there. regardless of what unhappy players try make people believe


No where in hear did they say anything about a new operation

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No where in hear did they say anything about a new operation


They didn´t say anything about an operation for makeb or the orricon stuff till it hit pts, so keep your feet still. We will se at the beginning of July when the stuff hits pts, till than lets enjoy the world championship an watch Germany take the Top again:D

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Out of the total number of people playing SWTOR, how many are "begging for new content?"

A dozen? Two score? How many? The same person begging in every thread they can find counts as one BTW.


Now, what percentage of the total number of players is that? Less than 0.01%?

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all of this has been answered, people just don't like the answers


Pretty much... at least as much as is common for future content in an MMO in this industry.


Yep yep. They pretend to not get answers... I guess because it gives them permission to claim being a victim to the decision in Austin and it fits their narrative about the game.

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or for any information about the future of swtor and bioware not reacting. They just dont communicate with the community in any way. How are we suppose to keep the faith in the game or the developement of it for the future? I still have plenty to do ingame (im in my fifth week now) and i allready unsubbed, because i dont want to play a game, where they dont know how to communicate to the community or how to improve/expand the game. They just dont have any plans it seems. And everything iss build arround the CM...im pretty sure, there will be a lot more items to buy there, once the housing addon iss out...but what about playable CONTENT? New Planets? New Warzones? New Classes? Switching to the new hero engine?


A sad customer...


PS: Sorry for my bad english...im from germany and i would have posted my complaints on the german boards, but they are allready dead...


If only there were a roadmap describing the plans for this game.


If only there were an MMO that could produce content more quickly than players could consume it.


If only there were a way to travel faster than light and produce nutritious food and clean water from thin air.


One of those if only's exists.

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Just vacate the forums until new stuff is announced. No idea why so many of you straight up live in here. I'm only around when the devs post things we can actually discuss. Any idiot knows they are working on stuff. Just wait, unsub if you have nothing to do, and when the new stuff is talked about resub. Why is it so hard to grasp? We aren't a family and owe no loyalty to each other. Some of you may be friends, but that is as far as said loyalty lies. There is no obligation to stay subbed if you don't enjoy the game.


As for me I'll continue subbing and playing. My guild is skyrocketing in size and activity and we are almost ready to do 16 man HM content. I am getting kind of bored from the lack of content and am looking forward to GSH heavily. Nonetheless building up new guildies and playing other games like TF2 and more recently The Secret World(which is surprisingly decent) along with playing SWTOR keeps me plenty occupied. :D

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If only there were a roadmap describing the plans for this game.


If only there were an MMO that could produce content more quickly than players could consume it.


If only there were a way to travel faster than light and produce nutritious food and clean water from thin air.


One of those if only's exists.


Indeed. :)

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Just vacate the forums until new stuff is announced. No idea why so many of you straight up live in here. I'm only around when the devs post things we can actually discuss. Any idiot knows they are working on stuff. Just wait, unsub if you have nothing to do, and when the new stuff is talked about resub. Why is it so hard to grasp? We aren't a family and owe no loyalty to each other. Some of you may be friends, but that is as far as said loyalty lies. There is no obligation to stay subbed if you don't enjoy the game.


As for me I'll continue subbing and playing. My guild is skyrocketing in size and activity and we are almost ready to do 16 man HM content. I am getting kind of bored from the lack of content and am looking forward to GSH heavily. Nonetheless building up new guildies and playing other games like TF2 and more recently The Secret World(which is surprisingly decent) along with playing SWTOR keeps me plenty occupied. :D


100% agree......... except for one part....

Any idiot knows they are working on stuff.


Apparently not. :p

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Why all this babling about new content? Lack of contents are never the issue here. The ONLY issue that's legitamate to discuss in this forum is the new pricing of collection unlocks. Everything else you are a whiners and trolls and deserved to get flamed.
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Why all this babling about new content? Lack of contents are never the issue here. The ONLY issue that's legitamate to discuss in this forum is the new pricing of collection unlocks. Everything else you are a whiners and trolls and deserved to get flamed.


they've given information on content, but like "actual" content people burn through it at a rate that is unsustainable.


Best example of how this works

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Out of the total number of people playing SWTOR, how many are "begging for new content?"

A dozen? Two score? How many? The same person begging in every thread they can find counts as one BTW.

No clue, I want new content, will not say I am begging because this is my first post about it, but for the first time since beta I have been playing other games and not missing TOR at all. Without new content sooner rather than later I am going to wonder what I am paying the $15 a month for. Only thing now keeping me here are my friends and they are just as fustrated as me. That isn't meant to be whinny or trolling, it is merely the truth. Without new operations, the game gets stale for me and while I enjoy the challenge of NIM. 6 month of running the same content just bores me. Edited by mikebevo
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How dare they having a concern with lack of content? They deserved to be flamed and drove away from the game. They are not entitled to new contents and what not.


The only stuff we are entitled to are information about the raising of cartel collections unlock price.

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How dare they having a concern with lack of content? They deserved to be flamed and drove away from the game. They are not entitled to new contents and what not.


The only stuff we are entitled to are information about the raising of cartel collections unlock price.


New content is coming. Whining about it doesn't make it come faster. No MMO will ever keep up with the top consumers of content. Information about upcoming content has been given. Repeatedly. It's easy to find information that people seem to want to ignore so they can whine on the forums about something.

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New content is coming. Whining about it doesn't make it come faster. No MMO will ever keep up with the top consumers of content. Information about upcoming content has been given. Repeatedly. It's easy to find information that people seem to want to ignore so they can whine on the forums about something.


Of course, i agree with you. No whining and complaining allowed.


We can only whine about cartel collection unlock price. Everything else is just trolling.

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