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Devs need to be aware of this Reddit Thread

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Or we could consider a novel approach like not telling other people how to spend their own time and money to begin with.

Or we could consider the even more novel approach (for you, anyway) of not telling people what advice they should give other people.


I find your advocacy of censorship far more offensive than someone simply offering people advice.

What are you so afraid of? That someone might take that advice because they think it has merit?

Do you want people to not even consider quitting or taking a break from a game they do not enjoy?

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Or we could consider the even more novel approach (for you, anyway) of not telling people what advice they should give other people.


I find your advocacy of censorship far more offensive than someone simply offering people advice.

What are you so afraid of? That someone might take that advice because they think it has merit?

Do you want people to not even consider quitting or taking a break from a game they do not enjoy?








Suggesting that people treat each other like adults is not censorship.


(And once again, I'd like to point out that I'm not solely restricting this to folks that suggest folks take a break, but also to anyone who wants to hassle someone for enjoying the game and continuing their sub. Or someone hardcore who wants to hassle someone who is casual for being casual.)


No one is suggesting that you not have the "right" to say something here. (What you can and can't say on the forums is up to BW anyway, not me.) I am also, in turn, free to say that I do not think that it's anyone else's business how people spend their time or money.

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I do agree that a lot of folks underestimate the importance of the "hardcore" community, though. I mean, we're talking about folks that like the game so much that they put way above average amounts of time and/or effort into playing it, and I think losing that kind of person hurts the game more than a lot of folks would seem to give credit for.


Well, you see, that all depends on what part of the "hardcore" community you are talking about. There are differing types of "casual" and "hardcore." One can be a hardcore fan of a game, and yet still play in a casual manner. Those are the ones who are most important to a game - the hardcore fans. The Raiders and dedicated PvPers are the "hardcore gamers." They are the ones whose importance is generally overrated in any game - mostly by themselves. In fact, they can often be more of a detriment to a game than a boon as they tend to be the ones who are never satisfied and always hopping from game to game, looking for the next best thing. They will be the first ones to cry about lack of content when cadence is too slow (in their opinion), yet they will always be the first to complain about the quality of content when the cadence is fairly rapid. These players are the "hardcore gamers" and while they do maintain some importance in the overall gaming industry/community (mostly from a "pushing the boundaries" aspect of technology), when considered from a game to game standpoint, any game can survive quite well without them.


The hardcore fan is the most important player a game can have. The hardcore fan can play casually, or they can play for hours every day. They can be very vocal in the forums, or they can never had visited a forum or fansite in their lives. They can be PvPers, Raiders, or Levelers. They can be Altoholics or they can play one single character the entire game. There is no "standard" for being included in the hardcore fan category, but more often than not, these are the players who are more tolerant of issues in the game, and more patient when it comes to waiting for the content they consider their favorite, because they realize that being a hardcore fan means being in a very diversified group.

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Suggesting people to quit and never come back is worse.


Also worse is suggesting that people who are not enjoying SWTOR should continue paying for it anyway, just to fund future BW developments that they also may not enjoy. Do you really think BW has no funds in the bank for development, after turning a huge profit on SWTOR last year?


BW is not a charity, and not a cause, it's a business. People should feel free to not pay for SWTOR if they aren't enjoying it, and take a break from SWTOR if the current content isn't doing it for them. That's fair to the players, fair to BW, fair to everyone. And it may even improve long-term retention by lowering the amount of burn-out.

As much as I absolutely hate the tone of this post (and most of your commentary), you're sadly right on the highlighted part.


Bioware doesn't deserve your $ if you don't feel you're getting the amount of entertainment you should be getting from this game. Nothing will teach them that lesson more than stopping your payments to them. They don't respond to (many) pleas on the forums, they don't treat their customers with any amount of respect, they act as though they have some better served interest by keeping you in the dark than by getting you hyped on their product...it's flipping crazy to me...but Buriedindogship is right...stopping payment to them is the best way to express that you've had enough. They're a business that doesn't care about you or your $. If they did, they'd treat you like you mattered...they don't.

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How many new operations do you guys want?


EV, KP, EC, TFB, SaV, DF, DP = 7 operations. I might believe this is too few. The operations themselves are fun and well done by BioWare to be honest, but I think they can do more. I would like to see 3 operations each year. Make them come in two and two packs every 4-5 months. The third operation can be an old one (like EV, but made even harder and for Level 55) like they did with TFB.

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I've been planning my guildship since beta and saving since day 1 of retail, so the guild and I are very excited for it. I'm excited for Galactic Strongholds also but I'm only getting them based on RP and not sure what I'm doing with them yet. Depends on how many they release.


I'm hoping Kuat ties into the Guild Ship some how and I hope they post the requirements soon.


I hope they finish up the Tython / Korriban invasion story soon, that was neat.


Our server is still enjoying all of the various Ops, Hm's, tacticals, and regulars whenever possible.


The casino odds on the Rancor were shocking and nobody I know will be participating in another casino-style event.


It's obvious a level cap increase is coming since the pvp season is suspiciously ending a patch before 3.0. This is of course after promising the pvpers they would get extra time with their current final pvp tier suit...


Most of the sniper rifles continue to be exactly the same as blaster rifles with slightly longer barrels...


You want some quick, easy, fast solutions to keep people amused?


Let people keep and get rid of whatever companions they want. Park them on Nar Shadaa and never have to look at them again unless they want to. Let them swap out whatever companion they want with whatever other character in their legacy. Full companion customization.


New companions. Beast companions. Simple, basically no dialog needed. Wampas, Rancors, Nekarr, etc. easy.


Take GSF and let people buy whatever stock fighter they want, strip it of everything but the base stats, and put whatever they want on it. Let the community balance it out.


Take blaster pistols, rifles, and sniper rifles and just let us design them ourselves based on all of the existing components. Let us choose the sight, trip, stock, barrel, everything. The rate you guys design new pistols/rifles is shockingly slow and it seems like it would be easier for you to just design pieces and let us put them together.


Focus on jedi / sith stances/forms, hilts, and grips and just let people choose whichever one they want. Get rid of the two class system on each side and just have "jedi" and "sith." From there they can branch into whatever they want. If you get too much light side, a sith turns to jedi, too much dark and a jedi turns to sith but they remain on whichever side they were originally parked on. Create a 3rd story line for them getting found out, booted, and have to start over on the other side.


Give imperials troopers. Give repubs SIS agents. Give troopers a sniper advanced class. Give Imps smugglers give pubs bounty hunters.


New races. Whatever happened to Togruta and there were several more people were going berserk over and nothing happened. Cathar still don't look right so model updates would be super with an option to toggle between.


New hair colors, models, etc. for everyone. Let them look like how they want.


Give smugglers things to smuggle. Let anyone become a smuggler (the job) with a small quest. Similar to bounty hunger association. Do the same thing with mercs, body guards, etc..


Give us a 3rd and 4th faction option if we're sick and tired of Imp/Pub. Hutt / Mando for example.


Let subs get a free companion skin of their choosing per month out of ALL SKINS AVAILABLE.


Either double the cartel coins to subs or half the cost to everything for subs or give them a free current pack per month.


All pvp xp and gsf xp needs to be quadrupled. Who cares if people can level up faster. There's no excuse for how slow it is. In pvp you can max out your ranked AND unranked coms from lvl 40 to 45 and the rest is a pointless grind. You max out a fighter in gsf so you get bonus points on that fighter which you still have to pay to transfer out. Stupid.


Get rid of the pvp gear grind and just tie pvp to a new pvp legacy xp and bolster expertise so we never have to grind another stupid suit only to have it obsolete in 3 months.


Furthermore in GSF there's no reason the engine can't be modified to have PVE content. It feels like Bio is overlooking this now purely out of spite. One small map every month where you fight some kind of big ship or station as a 4-man team or an 8-man team is a no brainer.


On top of that there's no excuse why gsf can't just have proper ship rotations like every other pvp / moba game has. No brainer.


The netcode needs to be completely redone for pvp, it's way too slow even with a decked out machine.


Lag hacks for pvp and gsf are completely out of control.


Pvp needs real new maps. Takes cues from mobas and other successful pvp engines across what's currently available. The obvious elephant in the room is WoW's Alterac Valley as well as 3rd person lane fighting such as Orcs Must Die Unchained. There's no reason things like this can't be put in the game with very little effort.


I could literally write a book on this. Bio is playing it too safe. Everything you guys have posted is nice. A new planet if/when we get it, galactic strongholds / guildship if it can meet expectations even with the delays, the tython/korriban invasion conclusion if we get it, story line advancement if we ever get it, the rakghoul invasion opened back up if we ever get it. It's all nice but you're talking a few weeks of content max. This game needs the content OPENED UP. We need to be able to do things OURSELVES.


Make our own blasters.

Choose our own stances.

Choose the side of the battle we want to be on.


Give us the ability to choose and GET OUT OF THE WAY.


Why do you think people like dressing themselves, why do you think people like coloring their suits and customizing their pvp gear and gsf? GET A CLUE! Stop trying to figure out what we want and just let us do what we want. It'll be easier to maintain for monetization. You can spend more time on Ops, FP's, and Planets. Everyone's happy. Clone Wars already got shut down. SWG shut down. Let SWTOR keep going by allowing people to do what they want and make the game what they want. That would be something a lot of people could get behind, then you would have the capital you need to keep the lights on.

Edited by siegeshot
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LOL. How delusional. In the great flux of players coming and going, you think BW will care?


Veteran players need to understand: newbies are far easier and cheaper for BW to please than you are.

Newbies have tons of new content available that BW doesn't need to spend a dime on.

Therefore, BW would rather have fresh newbies than old burn-outs.

So go ahead, inflict your $12/mo punishment because you burned out, are too dang picky, or feel Entitled.

Fair ye well.


Birth, growth, death. The cycle repeats in every gamers life, and every game.


The fallacy of this never ending supply of new players is comical. Sure, there are some, but far from enough to offset those leaving. The marketing is over, the boxes are gone, people can't even find game cards in stores and the reviews have been written. The trickle of new players is nothing compared to the loss of those who have been here for 2-1/2 years.

The name is Mongolian, BTW. Be ashamed of your provincial ignorance! lol

Mongolian isn't spoken much in may area, so...whatever. I'm not ashamed of myself in the least, especially over your fantasy name. I tried to reply to you by name and phonetically, that's how it reads.

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How many new operations do you guys want?


EV, KP, EC, TFB, SaV, DF, DP = 7 operations.

How many of those are designed for 55? Only 4 of them. 3 are 50 Ops. Only 4 challenging Ops for nearly a year...that's it.

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The fallacy of this never ending supply of new players is comical. Sure, there are some, but far from enough to offset those leaving. The marketing is over, the boxes are gone, people can't even find game cards in stores and the reviews have been written. The trickle of new players is nothing compared to the loss of those who have been here for 2-1/2 years.


Dude, u can PM me and i can give u a link for cheap gamecard from a Malaysian gamestore. It sell at about 13 USD for 60 days, nobody is playing this game here, so the gamestore has to give a huge discount to the gamecard since nobody want em. Other MMO gamecard are selling at normal price though.

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Dude, u can PM me and i can give u a link for cheap gamecard from a Malaysian gamestore. It sell at about 13 USD for 60 days, nobody is playing this game here, so the gamestore has to give a huge discount to the gamecard since nobody want em. Other MMO gamecard are selling at normal price though.


They even make gamecards anymore? I haven't seen one in two years.

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They even make gamecards anymore? I haven't seen one in two years.


I wasn't aware of the fact that it wasn't produced since last 2 years, since I've only started playing since May 2014. They sell the digital code though, might be from 2 years ago that they failed to sell.

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BW needs to spend more of the CM Cash on Operations!


One Operation a YEAR (Okay a "Set" of them) and the NIM versions of them 6 months later is well.. CRAP!


BW/EA is just doing the typical cash grab - what's new.


YES..... Housing, Guild Ships, etc. are all in the works, but most will agree that SHOULD have been day one. Now it's just being monetized further to not only pay for development, but make some cash as well. Where is all the REAL CONTENT additions? Tired of seeing plenty of CM crap.

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Dude, u can PM me and i can give u a link for cheap gamecard from a Malaysian gamestore. It sell at about 13 USD for 60 days, nobody is playing this game here, so the gamestore has to give a huge discount to the gamecard since nobody want em. Other MMO gamecard are selling at normal price though.


Yeah.. people claiming they do not make, or stores do not sell, game cards anymore is complete nonsense, at least in North America. I buy them locally, usually at my nearest Target, or from Amazon (when they have sales, or my local Target is out of stock). It's pure hyperbole.


Besides... they sell the digital equivalent (a nonrecurring 60 day game time purchase) right here on the SWTOR website for anyone that wants one.

Edited by Andryah
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Yeah.. people claiming they do not make, or stores do not sell, game cards anymore is complete nonsense, at least in North America. I buy them locally, usually at my nearest Target, or from Amazon (when they have sales, or my local Target is out of stock). It's pure hyperbole.


Besides... they sell the digital equivalent (a nonrecurring 60 day game time purchase) right here on the SWTOR website for anyone that wants one.


I think it is an EU thing. In US, I saw them being sold everywhere. Back home in Europe though, not so much. Sometimes I really feel like EA is taking a huge crap on Europe. First, we get botched up translations of games that will not support official DLCs, then no special editions of Dragon Age Inquisition, no SWTOR promo, and I could go on and on

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