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Devs need to be aware of this Reddit Thread

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concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted standards in order to achieve them.

"a cynical manipulation of public opinion"


Which is exactly what Bioware did with their latest pack. Taking into account their recent track record is not being cynic but rather accurate.

Regardless of the fact that the only news from Bioware about the expansion has been that it is coming this year... you continue to believe that since they haven't said anything else that it is not coming this year.... That is Cynical


Again, accurate.


* Read here *


But I am done. Keep believing what you want to believe based on absolutely nothing.


Nothing? Again, how about this?


I'm the one who's basing his findings in nothing? If you look above, it doesn't really seem that way.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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"Cynical" is messing up the drop ratio for the latest pack INTENTIONALLY, under the guise of "experimenting" and increasing the Account wide CC unlocks.


That which I said is ACCURATE.


Also, you're apparently ignoring the fact that Bioware choose to overextend the release of Galactic Strongholds from August to October, if only to try and mask the fact they have no other content to offer... Which is what they did already with GSF(!).


Again, I'm the cynic here? Overstretching content for months on end and then expecting them to release two digital expansions back-to-back, all of the sudden?


Yeahhh, right. Thanks for a good laugh though.


fact is we just don't know.


Packs and bugs we can chalk up to good old incompetence.


The reason strongholds got a push-back I would argue is the realization they'd get an arseripping because the vanilla strongholds without tatooine/guild ships would be a laughable "expansion", even a digital one.


GSF shelving of ships I could see as a result of GSF just not being that popular so lets move devs on other things for now/ever.


Those assumptions are just as valid as the assumptions all dev teams and their projects stalled and/or BW will be unwilling to release content because "FU have a couple months more of content drought we're not monetizing 2 things in 2 months".

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TUXs, fleet is thataway ----> if you're gonna beg for credits :p

Wait...no...that's not what I mea...err...wait...would you send me some if I begged? I'm not above begging...I've done it for far less useful things than credits ;)

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Wait...no...that's not what I mea...err...wait...would you send me some if I begged? I'm not above begging...I've done it for far less useful things than credits ;)


let me guess, got to settle gambling debts from the event? If so I know a guy who could solve any problems you have with any Hutts you owe money to ;) ;)

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Also, I know people are adamant in refusing to acknowledging reality around these parts but here:



Official release for Strongholds is October 14.


If 3.0 is meant to hit this year still, it will be around December 16... Right before Christmas.

A mid-December release would be a disaster since it seems that the Austin facility becomes a ghost-town around then. Unless there's a belief they can deliver it without bugs. *snickers*

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FWIW, as somebody who is a part of that reddit thread, it is far from just hardcore raiders expressing their concerns. That thread is full of people from all over the spectrum, from many different plays styles. Raiding content means very little to me. That hasn't mattered as my play time has dropped to where I just log in once or twice a week to play with the GTN for a few minutes. I did play around for a few hours with the new Assassin / Shadow changes. Those were much appreciated.
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they need to be aware, but they dont care...


with 3.0 there will be new op, mb a second recycled one in story and hardmode. 2-4 month later there will be a "cool" "amazin" "awesome" NiM mode for those both ops.

ofc 2-4 month for the first nim op, again 2-4 month for the 2nd op to strech that little pve content that they made.



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FWIW, as somebody who is a part of that reddit thread, it is far from just hardcore raiders expressing their concerns. That thread is full of people from all over the spectrum, from many different plays styles. Raiding content means very little to me. That hasn't mattered as my play time has dropped to where I just log in once or twice a week to play with the GTN for a few minutes. I did play around for a few hours with the new Assassin / Shadow changes. Those were much appreciated.


if raiding content means so little just curious what keeps you subbed? and if it was the rewards given to subs to keep players until GSH launched?


I feel bioware was very honest and upfront about what the content cycle was going to be for the "summer of swtor" and nowhere in the road map did they say anything about new ops or daily areas, it was obvious then that the rewards for staying subscribed were to keep players while resources were focused on GSH and the 2nd expansion. bioware was even kind enough to up those rewards since GSH was delayed


seems odd people are upset there is no raiding content at the same time claiming NIM ops are not raiding content, and people who claim to not be focused on raiding are unhappy about the invasion story arch, Kuat, GSF and GSH not being actual content. from the road map that was given to us fairly early on we knew exactly what to expect not sure why people are just now getting it or why the unhappy didn't unsub back when the content was announced with nothing that they wanted coming in the future

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seems odd people are upset there is no raiding content at the same time claiming NIM ops are not raiding content,


we're not saying that NM modes are not raid content, we're saying that releasing a NM mode of an op that I have been clearing weekly in 2 modes for the last 7 months is not NEW raid content. At this point I have seen DP & DF as much as I want to see them. If NM was available when the raid launched or shortly thereafter maybe I would be interested, but at this point the same bosses with 1 or 2 new mechanics is not appealing & should NOT be considered new raiding content.


and people who claim to not be focused on raiding are unhappy about the invasion story arch, Kuat, GSF and GSH not being actual content. from the road map that was given to us fairly early on we knew exactly what to expect not sure why people are just now getting it or why the unhappy didn't unsub back when the content was announced with nothing that they wanted coming in the future


what invasion story? those 2 crap tactical FP's that they launched? The ones that everyone did twice & never went back to? Yeah, those were great.


KDY is ok I guess. tacticals are nice for leveling & collecting basic coms for isotope vials. Why in the world the 2 new "story" FP's were not either released with a tactical & HM version or made available to pre 55 characters is beyond me. When they release a HM version, that does NOT count as NEW content.


GSF is kinda fun, but needs joystick support.


As for GSH, I got a ship. don't need an apartment. You can't take the sky from me.


I stay subbed because of the folks in my guild. If it wasn't for them I'd probably be trying FF or something else right now.


The release schedule for Op & FP content in this game is abysmal.

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If 3.0 is meant to hit this year still, it will be around December 16... Right before Christmas.



Thats still a whole year without a new op, new fp's (not tactical ones that people blow through in 10mins) and no daily areas. 1 ground PVP map this year too, like cmon that's not right. In no world is this lack of content a good thing for anyone in the game. Housing and GSF both have as small audiences as the 1% hardcore PVE crowd, good on BW for putting them in the game but don't stop putting content out for the other areas of the game. Endgame in general lacks whether you're a 1% hardcore raider (PTS itself is a whole issue on its own) or a casual sm and 55HM fp's kinda guy, we all are sick of the lack of new content.


I'm not a doom-bringer or white knight I just believe in my opinion that the game is bleeding subs and to change that BW needs to put content out at a faster rate.

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Thats still a whole year without a new op, new fp's (not tactical ones that people blow through in 10mins) and no daily areas. 1 ground PVP map this year too, like cmon that's not right. In no world is this lack of content a good thing for anyone in the game. Housing and GSF both have as small audiences as the 1% hardcore PVE crowd, good on BW for putting them in the game but don't stop putting content out for the other areas of the game. Endgame in general lacks whether you're a 1% hardcore raider (PTS itself is a whole issue on its own) or a casual sm and 55HM fp's kinda guy, we all are sick of the lack of new content.


I'm not a doom-bringer or white knight I just believe in my opinion that the game is bleeding subs and to change that BW needs to put content out at a faster rate.


You can't say Housing will be a 1% crowd since it's not even out.

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Just look at gen chat when you ask about housing, 1 person is excited about it. RP servers may be excited about it but yeah nah for most players ive talked to


I don't play on rp servers and I'm excited for it. I know several users on these forums who are excited for it.

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Just look at gen chat when you ask about housing, 1 person is excited about it. RP servers may be excited about it but yeah nah for most players ive talked to


Yes well Raids, Competative PvP, GSF, and later housing are all 1% crowds. Thing is the vast majority of any MMOs population never makes it to endgame and never completes all of the content that the game launches with.

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if raiding content means so little just curious what keeps you subbed? and if it was the rewards given to subs to keep players until GSH launched?


Not that it's your business, but I was enjoying the game, and then I stopped enjoying it. No, trivial sub bonuses for something in August didn't keep me subbed.

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The thread in question.


I know we as gamers may often sound whiny when we say there should be new content, but endgame content in this game has basically come to a standstill. Flashpoints are nice for advancing a story, but they are not a substitute for operations for PvE players. If I had a choice between the five flashpoint released in the last year or a new operation, I would take the new operation each time, and I think most endgame PvEers would agree.


This is all true. The problem becomes what percent of the population will play those 5 flashpoints compared to the population that will play that one extra operation?

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Re: Housing

I don't play on rp servers and I'm excited for it. I know several users on these forums who are excited for it.

I am looking forward to the travel capabilities and Legacy vault that come with player housing. Not sure if I will care much about the rest of it, but then again, when I first started playing SWTOR I thought I'd never roll an Imperial toon, or spend 400K creds on a dye pack.


How wrong I was ...

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Just look at gen chat when you ask about housing, 1 person is excited about it. RP servers may be excited about it but yeah nah for most players ive talked to


I'd say there was more general excitement about housing before, when they first announced it and now it seems to have fizzled out. And nothing has been done to re-ignite the interest.


There is that article named "the future of swtor" or something, on reddit. Whether it's cleverly compiled trolling or truth, it pretty much is the recipe for what might turn this stagnation swamp around. As much as I wish it was true, it's just too good to be true, so as I said before, really, let those who haven't seen level 1-50 class stories see them, cause the stories are great, and either announce a miracle in work or a new MMO already, start with a clean slate, remember mistakes and the faux pas made in swtor and give us a fresh new mmo. BW has at least 2 brands with amazing mmo potential.

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I'm sure almost any update that is being released, CM fluff aside, is in some way tied to what was initially planned and produced. Even something "new" like the Oricon daily area was in large part assets from the Voss Nightmare Lands.


I guess my point was BW is really running out of what the original team had started, thus the lack of real updates to the basic game in 2014, compared to last year and since 1.4.


Right. Makeb was originally Varl and had class quests, for instance.


There were leaks from back when the game was just released that showed large snippets of all the content we have seen thus far, minus Strongholds. Everything has just about shown up in some capacity, and in the case of when they transitioned to the new team, the content was dumbed down.


As far as old team holdovers, yes, I know for sure there are some, but the point of differentioaion I am trying to make is that it is well known much of the old team that stumped for story to be continued, including class story, was either fired or quit, and replaced with yes men. Its what forced the 2 founders of Bioware to retire and get out of dodge, because it got ugly behind the scenes. And that's not coming from me guessing. That's coming straight from the blogs of several of the outgoing old staff who were staunchly in the camp of continuing the story, including the class story.


EA made it a point to get rid of those guys, and the producer who backed them. They then put in their own yes man producer who answered to the board of directors, and the mission given to him was to milk SWTOR for as long as possible while spending as little as possible. They stopped investing in this game.


So when I say Old Team and New Team, its to differentiate the people at the top and the differing philosophies.

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My 2 cents:

I used to be in one of the largest APAC raiding/social guilds on Harbinger. SM, HM, NM, you name it, we ran it. We had alt guilds, sister guilds, PVP guilds etc. Ran weekly night OPs with fresh players like me given a chance to join in for progression. Now, our "progression team" is the same 8 people running DP/DF only on Pub side. Our GM took a 5 month hiatus from lack of content and our guild is only half full with maybe 5 people on a good night.


Our PVP guild died with the lone leader running solo ranked by himself. Our richest players donated their M$$ into the guild bank then quit. Even our FP groups quit after tacticals were all that they released. I myself swapped my tanks and heals to DPS due to no use outside competitive raiding/PVP which we can't do anymore.


The content this year has been poor to say the least. They give us all this crappy money sinks like the NS event which few people have enough money to afford to complete and housing, which ultimately while nice (I was looming foeward to it originally) is supposed to substitute actual content like PVP maps, Ops or even bloody challenging FPs. I used to hope that class stories would come back but if they can't even keep standard MMO-group content coming on a regular basis, well good luck. Finally, where's my monthly sub money going to if all this content is supposed to come in the Makeb-like PAID expansion?

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