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Darth Angral (Spoilers)


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I am a Jedi Knight Sentinel, gear is best available (commendation stuff).

After countless tries on lvl 31 and 32 (cost me a fortune for stims) I made it to level 33 by doing some minor quests on Alderaan.


Finally lvl 33 I went back and lost again in no time. I admit, I suck greatly in so called real time and relflex based combat, but to get my butt handed like this could not be normal. He casted quicker than my interrupts needed to be up again, so I was literally defenseless.


Now I respecced from "damage" to "watchman". When I was back, the fights through the hordes of mobs were dramatically easy compared to my former runs.


Finally I reached the idiot again. I had no centering and nothing, so I could not start with "Zen" up. Kira jumped in, I followed, interrupted his spells, used a medpack, hit him a bit and all the sudden he was dead. Even Kira almost survived, I was down to about 70%.


Now, is that it? The "proper" skilltree for certain bosses?

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What?! Interrupting enemy abilities is always a good idea. The moment you get force kick, you start facing silvers and golds that have high damage casts and channeled abilities. And then, in case you still haven't gotten the message, the gme throws tons of Sith elites at you on Alderaan with long cast times in their high damage abilities. Interrupting casts is the difference between resting after every pull and resting after every third pull.


Not to mention the fact that by the time you face Angrel, you've Defeated at least 2 other Sith with interruptible spells. The game spends the last third of Act I training you for this fight. What more do you want the developers to do?


In any case, I beat him my first try on my level 34 Watchman specced Sentinel. Used force kick, force leap, and force stasis to interrupt all but one of his casts. I popped a health pack partway through. Ended the fight at half health.


interupting is a good idea SO FAR in THIS GAME im speaking in general and from experiences in other mmos that i wont name because i dont feel like starting the you know what flame war

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Took exactly one time level 32 sentinel with points up the second line. He didn't kill me. You have to keep interrupting his specials and time it right. He never got me down to past half health. Got to keep your mods and stats up I date too though.. Good gear is a must
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Jedi Guardian/Defense spec'd.


Took me about four tries to beat him. For some reason when I would try interrupt him I would get a lag between when I pushed the button on my naga mouse and from when the move happened on screen. Logged out of the game and rebooted my computer and after that I was able to beat him.

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I finally killed Darth Angral the other day after what had to be over 20 attempts.


My experience falls between the two extremes- those who felt nothing but frustration at this fight and those who claim it was very easy (almost trivial). I liked the fight, overall, but think there is a right way to do it and then a wrong way. I find some of the claims that they won this fight on the first try to be highly suspect, but that's not the point of this post. I just wanted to post a decent strat on how to kill this guy.


Here is what (finally) worked for me:



But First, Here is What Didn't Work:


My biggest mistake, by far, was trying to (for lack of a better term) "race" Darth Angral (DA). DA will always win the "race." I would jump out at him, try to throw up Warding Call and then Saber Ward hopping to get some distance between my life total and his. I would throw every attack I could at him, only to discover that DA has several "I Win" attacks that just killed me (and Kira). After several attempts I would try to boost my HP totals with the Med packs, Enure and then the Stim in a very vein attempt to make my "death Finish Line" farther away than his. This is not tenable. DA has several attacks that do upwards of 6K damage. You cannot win that race.


I then tried using Kira as the Tank - I throw her into the fight and then rip agro from her (basically using KIra's life total as almost a reserve life total for myself). This actually showed promise. The only problem is ... Kira ain't a tank; she cannot absorb spike damage and there were times when Kira would be dead before I could get agro back. So, inside of 8 seconds, this strat would fail.


You really have to work at killing DA, not racing him. It comes down to the interrupts and playing smart.




If your experience was anything like mine you eventually died so many times that you could no longer revive at the bridge, but took the "Med Center" option and discovered it was not that far a run to the Bridge. The med droid there will sell you Trauma Med-packs and some Endurance stims, but use them sparingly. The health you get from these is proportionally irrelevant to what DA has and how much damage he can do with his lightning attacks etc.


Put it this way: the key is interrupting his attacks- if you successfully interrupt his attacks but miss the stims and med pack, you can still win; that's not the case if you remember the stims and packs but cannot interrupt.


You should set up your hot keys in a manner that makes you feel comfortable. For me this was putting Force Kick right in the Top Center of the first row flanked on either side by Force Push on one side; Force Stasis on the other. These are your most potent stuns/interrupts and should be VERY clear and easy to find and reacquire once the fight starts.


Right before the fight starts, hit your Endurance Stim, and make sure the following buffs are ready to use:


-Saber Ward;

-Warding Call;


-Call on the Force (*btw- this has a 30 min retimer; you should try the fight several times EVEN IF this buff is down. The reason? PRACTICE!)


For Kira, I put her in Exsanguination stance and this worked better than Perforation. That may be just a coincidence, but there it is.



Start the Fight:


I start the fight by jumping in and attacking via Force Leap; Kira will follow. At this point, throw up Call on the Force- CotF lasts for 1 min; the fight should last less than one minute so it can be up from start to finish. Yes, it has a (remarkably counter-intuitive cool-down time of 30 minutes, so really ONLY use this when you really have the hang of the fight; don't waste it).


I am unsure how others do this next part but Kira, usually, will rip agro from me here because I keep my eye on DA's special attacks and not attacking myself. This is fine- as the tank its EASY for you to reacquire agro once lost; its impossible for Kira to do that (without you switching stances which is usually more trouble than its worth). Kira can take some damage, and your interrupts SHOULD keep her from taking the major attacks and the huge spikes in damage.


Now, this may not seem like much, but for me, I DO NOT start the fight with Warding Call up nor Sabre Ward. Because Kira will get agro, DA is attacking her, not you. Hence, those temp-buffs are wasted while Kira has agro. Hence, I wait until the fight is about half-done before I use these buffs to give myself the "advantage" of playing the long game, not the race.


Pardon the Interruptions


By far the most important aspect of this fight will be interrupting DA's major attacks which come in the form of Lightning Attacks (Force Lightning, etc). You have to keep a VERY careful eye on DA's status field; right above his health there will appear a decreasing energy bar that goes down- when the bar disappears, DA will do a major attack. If it lands (and it usually does) it means the loss of thousands of HPs. It is eminently possible that on ONE hit, Kira could lose close to 80% of her HPs.


Use Force Kick whenever its up- it has a very fast Cooldown time (8 secs). When its not available, use Force Push and if not the Push, use Force Stasis. Stasis and Push both have 1 min ruse timers so once you use them its unlikely you will get to use again. Stasis is BESt used when Kira is alive, because she will throttle him while you hold DA in place. This is a BIG way to get DA's HP total very low.


These interrupts and stuns should keep DA's major attacks from going off. If you are feeling especially adventurous, TRY timing your interrupts to when DA 's bar is 75% of the way to going off; this way you can land attacks during DA's "gear up" to attack, then land the stun, and then attack again. This leaves close to 7 seconds of pure attack time from you and Kira.


By this point you should have agro firmly in hand. For me, I notice that I gain agro almost as soon as I have been attacking for 10 seconds OR after I finally use Force Push- once you Push, chances are DA will be on you from that point onward. Hit Warding Call and/or Saber Ward during this point of the fight. Really keep an eye on the interrupts and start hitting your heavier attacks- Master Strike, Blade Storm, Sundering Strike. Also, if you see Kira's health total go down below 50% you should absolutely use Taunt and just glue DA to you. You really need Kira's DPS, auto attacks and major attacks while you are playing "Sniper" on the Interrupts and stuns.


One thing I noticed: you DO NOT have to be "perfect" on interrupting him. DA can actually get an attack or two off on you or Kira and you can still win this fight.


However, if Kira dies and you are below 50% and/or DA is above 75%; don't waste any more resources or time. Play dead.


But this should not be the case. If you have interrupted him a good deal, Kira should be alive and your life should be at around 75%; DA's should be around 30%.


"All In"


At this point you should see a widening gap between your HP total and DA's. You should also note that you ONLY have Force Kick left as an interrupt so you will simply NOT be able to interrupt as many of DA's attacks as before. Kira's life total has probably gone down a bit. And Call of the Force should be running out. Its basically now like Poker- you need to go aggressive, push your hand and put the pressure on DA's remaining short-stack HP total. Push your Big Stack around and go All In (this message brought to you by Full Tilt Poker: we're sorry we are criminals).


If you have not done so already, hit Warding Call /Saber Ward; hit Enure only if you are under 50% and hold it in reserves for when/if you DO drop below 50%; we don't want you to die to stupid spike damage.


Use Force Kick one last time during DA's "gear up" to attack and then just start raining down the pain- blast open Combat Focus to have full reign of your powers and just start crushing DA. If he spikes you, hit your Med/Trauma pack but do not let up. If you see a major attack about to land AND you see that Force Kick is ready to go, USE IT, but otherwise, lay down the attacks until DA is dead.


Congratulations- you just killed an old, creepy guy.


Final Thoughts


When you use Force Push, make sure you do not push DA back to the center-back of the bridge; it is possible you can push him back and then during your attacks he can push even further and ... out of the ship, in which case he simply reappears at his spawn point, fully healed and really pissed. Your life total, predictably, will not be healed so you will die (and probably be pissed as well).


There is a SPOILER on what happens after the battle. All I will say is this- once DA goes down for the count... make sure you use Introspection to heal yourself.... ah... n-no reason.


Something happens after DA is done, but that ... event PALES in comparison to what you just did with DA. You should be fine.


I really hope this helps. I made EVERY mistake against this guy as possible; this was an attempt to make sure none of you repeat my failures.

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3 tries, level 31 guardian.


Fight consisted of jump-stunning, interrupt -> Stun -> interrupt -> Force stasis -> Interrupt -> Force push -> Jump-stun ->Interrupt.


Popped some defensive cooldowns in between interrupts, along with 1 medpack. Didn't use call of the force, as by the 3rd try it wasn't off CD. Did use every other skill on my arsenal.


Very fun fight, the trick is in interrupting every thing, and putting enough DPS out in between interrupts.

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3 tries, level 31 guardian.


Fight consisted of jump-stunning, interrupt -> Stun -> interrupt -> Force stasis -> Interrupt -> Force push -> Jump-stun ->Interrupt.


Popped some defensive cooldowns in between interrupts, along with 1 medpack. Didn't use call of the force, as by the 3rd try it wasn't off CD. Did use every other skill on my arsenal.


Very fun fight, the trick is in interrupting every thing, and putting enough DPS out in between interrupts.


I dunno, as a tank I found most of his attacks to be extremely crappy.


Whirlwind usually targets kira and you can just break out if it targets you. He only has one high damage nuke, but if it lands against you unmitigated you may very well lose, I put a higher preference on guaranteeing that it was stopped than trying to stop every cast.

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Once but i was level 33. Having force stasis on hand plus kick really helped. You really have to run the ragged edge and use everything you have. And the fights after him to start act 2 are bugged to all hell. Level 34 with PVP weapons and very good gear and i STILL couldn't take them solo even with T7 tanking. They had a chain of immunity that i just couldn't break without a healer. Guardians might but i know Sentinels really got screwed up.
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Once but i was level 33. Having force stasis on hand plus kick really helped. You really have to run the ragged edge and use everything you have. And the fights after him to start act 2 are bugged to all hell. Level 34 with PVP weapons and very good gear and i STILL couldn't take them solo even with T7 tanking. They had a chain of immunity that i just couldn't break without a healer. Guardians might but i know Sentinels really got screwed up.


T7 tanking? I don't know but from the long pre attack speech from T7 in your ship, you are suppose to bring Kira, not T7. You will fight Kira after Darth Angral, then when all is over, you get to kiss her too.


This game doesn't work on many fronts, no matter how geared T7 is, he dies before any strong mob does while Kira rips them apart mostly, with barely a scratch.


As for the fight, yes, use interrupts, the kicks and stasis, talented kick to 6 sec helps. The two most important and least used skills against caster mobs & lighting/ healing players.


The next least used skill is on a 1 min cooldown, Rebuke. The reflect damage doesn't work, but the 20% damage reduction does. Another bug. Saber Ward is better but it's on a 3 min cooldown.

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Third time I got him, lvl 30 guardian def specced. First time I wasn't really paying attention, as I normally enjoy the fighting style and abilities of bosses in a semi-cinematic way. Yet I'd have refrained from that had I known that he hits like a sledgehammer. Kira was down in seconds, and I think with 8k HP I'd have lasted longer then the short time after her falling, but alas.


I actually got a little scared, because that security officer Sasuke or something downed me like a shot of tequila at a frat party too: before that the droids and even a Power Guard kicked me. All in all I haven't been wiped that much in a single class ever before, but I was 30 and it's 6:00 in the morning now so I'm not at my sharpest.


Anyway, interrupting seemed to do the trick. I just rearranged some keybindings and so ****ed up a lot the 2nd time, the 3rd I did all neat. Force kick, stasis, hilt strike, and when nothing else could be done, force push and leap.


Did use a stimpack and enure, saber ward and the other 3 min cd one. Kira died, I had 20%-ish health left. Very engaging and challenging at lvl 30, loved it.

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I actually managed to die as a level 36 Sentinel, thanks to the "ability not working but GCD firing off bug". Second time he was very easy but then again the differences between starting with Force Leap and without is huge with this class.
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One death, 34


I used my interrupts at the right times and used that 10% health boost. You CANNOT let him do his charge up moves on you. He really does not have very much health, too.


Kick, Stasis, force push, saber ward, whatever it takes.

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Killed him 2nd time of asking, the death was more me learning his rotation, knowing what hurt the most and saving all my CC and my interupt for when they came up.


Every other boss since, no trouble at all.

Edited by Zarthorn
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no lies how many attempts did it take you to beat darth angral and what was your lvl.



for me it was 9 times lvl 32..


Killed him the first time. At lvl 32 as a fully tank spec'd guardian. Used 2/3 of my def CDs, anf if I remember right (its been over a week) a health stim.

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One try, level 32, sentinel watchman.


And I'm not sure you should assume everybody got to that point :/ . Just because YOU did it doesn't mean everybody checking out the forum did. So great for the spoilers dude.


One try, level 31, Sentinel Combat. Gotta use those 1min CD abilities (stasis/pacify)

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Took me 1 try, can't remember what level I was.


The fight might've been bugged for me, what I do remember is he would fade away every 25% or so and appear at the top level, kira would go running up the ramp to hit him, there was an AE target thing that would appear on the ramp halfway up (no where near where I was, which was at the bottom). I just totally ignored it, waited like 3 seconds and he would appear back at the bottom at which point I re-engaged.


This cycle repeated 3 times or so and then he was dead.


I interuptted any channeled crap he tried to do when I was in melee range of him.


This fight was not even slightly difficult.




The Sith Harrowers on Tatooine are beast mode, I won't spoil it but they have been the most challenging mobs thus far in my story quest (45 sentinel). I actually died once to them, couldn't believe it.

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Level 31 Guardian: I did it my first try, with no difficulty at all. I still had the majority of my health even.


I was sad it was so easy, actually, but it sounds like I was an exception.


Did you guys really get to level 31+ without learning how to use your interrupts?

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