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  1. Being kicked from a raid because you lacked a knock back sounds like a piss poor excuse to me. So I honestly think there's another reason why you were kicked, how well did you do in the previous raids?
  2. There is an internal CD on OS, so it's impossible to apply OS on 3 different targets in 1 GCD.
  3. but but a level 19 Combat can't use Ataru form, and a level 11 Watchman can't use juyo form...
  4. You can have the full Malice talent and the extra rage from force leap talent. It certainly is, well at least in terms of rage building. 1FC gives 4 rage, 2x assault gives 4 rage therefore 1FC = 2x assault is a correct statement. False. Using my own, self buffed numbers Assault = 863-1117 VS = 1314 - 1571 Charge = 655 - 747 Assault x2 = 1726-2234 avg 1980 VS + Charge = 1969-2318 avg 2143,5 So the correct statement should be 1FC+1VS>2xassault in terms of damage. So not only does 1FC+1VS more damage, it also gives more Fury and it has a chance to remove the CD of Rupture. While 2xAssault has more Rage. Furthermore I still don't get these mini rotations that you and the other fellow keep insisting on (I don't think I've ever used Charge followed by VS) while at the same time you keep on ignoring the "real" mini rotations such as Charge+DS (which I and another fellow pointed out before) not only do they share the same CD if I'm fast enough I can apply the first dot of DS while my charge lands. The only real good argument, yes it's rather expensive talent wise to get to this point but saying it's worthless in PvE (or PvP for that matter) is simply false. It's certainly not hard to get Fury in Anni, but using 2x Assault means you get NO fury at all (3s of no Fury build up!), slower Fury means slower Berserk which means less DPS.
  5. Yet you continue to ignore the GCD issue 1 FC = 2x Assault in terms of rage building but 1.5s <> 3s, you continue to ignore Fury generation AND the fact that in all your examples rupture has a higher chance to go off on CD in your mini examples.
  6. Except 2x assault takes 2 GCD (3s) while Force Charge only takes 1.5s. And while 2x Assault = 1x Vicious Slash + 1x Force Charge maybe true damage wise but not rage wise not I find the comparison very limiting and you're also that ignoring Slash builds Fury and it has a chance to reset the CD of Rupture. Furthermore during a Charge I can immediately use Deadly Saber while with Assault it takes me twice as long to get to that point. Or if I have 1 rage I can use Charge followed by Annihilate and again with 2xAssault it takes me twice as long to get to that point... Until we get damage meter I truly wonder if using Charge is a DPS loss or basically not as efficient.
  7. err not really? It's your second best rage generator ability? It's not reliable though you can't use it every boss fight as you have the safe the ability for the right moment (knockbacks)
  8. Basically, when I had alacrity on my gear (due to a random blue drop I assure you) I noticed the channelled heal lasted 14.91s instead of 15s. ;P
  9. Why would a good sentinal read your entire post if it starts with a false statement about a class ability. A "baddie sentinal" would continue reading it though.
  10. False, Zen lasts both 6 stacks and has a duration.
  11. Ataru speed buff works fine but it doesn't stack with sprint.
  12. I'm positive, I never heard the "Hey!" sound effect until I specced Watchman, even my friends noticed it. Having said that the sound effects are likely different for a male toon so I can't help you with that.
  13. That's impossible to have both Zen and Inspiration active at the same time.
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