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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Darth Angral (Spoilers)


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2 attempts. Didn't survive the damage the first time despite interrupting Thunderous Blast. So I heroic moment the second attempt. Easy.


I was a little worried about there being no break before the next fight. Fortunately that was easy. No death there.

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Just tried this for the first time last night before the server was going down for maintenance. Honestly I felt like I was having sex for the first time, here I was imagining how long I'd last and how easy it was only to be shocked at how quickly it ended. I'll be going for round 2 in an hour or so so wish me luck.


Update: I got it on my fourth go, was able to finally interrupt everything that he tried. I finished with about 60% health and I'm a 31 vigilance guardian.


Yeah that's because you're a trooper. The game is set like that. Because the makers found out that everyone likes the trooper. But that's not always the case.

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Just tried this for the first time last night before the server was going down for maintenance. Honestly I felt like I was having sex for the first time, here I was imagining how long I'd last and how easy it was only to be shocked at how quickly it ended. I'll be going for round 2 in an hour or so so wish me luck.


Update: I got it on my fourth go, was able to finally interrupt everything that he tried. I finished with about 60% health and I'm a 31 vigilance guardian.


In my happy place, your update is about the Darth Angral fight.


If I'm mistaken, please don't tell me.

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1 time, i was actually i think 2 levels lower than what the quest level was. Wanted to get it done so i can get doc a lot quicker. He was easy as hell. Just force stasis when he's going to lightning that you just cant interrupt due to cd's not being up, then later force push on yet another cd thats not up yet. Used kira, kept 5 stacks of sunder armor on him at all times, master strike at all times.


Was vigilance spec.

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7 or 8 tries as a defence Guardian.


I was late lvl 29 and had some WZ's pop inbetween tries. Once I hit 30 and got hilt strike I took him on the 2nd try. Main reason for dying as lvl 29 was having my kicks and other interrupts resisted somehow. First try on lvl 30 I had a kick and stasis resisted but nothing failed on the 2nd try so he went down.

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Can't beat it because everytime i hit force kick, or stasis, or force push, it sits and waits for the channeled ability to finish before it decides to work, and my cooldown goes off and it still damages me for 1000000 points. guess i'll have to be higher than level 30 D:
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  • 2 weeks later...
This was the worst boss i have EVER fought. It took me at least 15 trys to beat him, if not more. I was 1 or 2 levels above the final boss and could even kill the second in command guy pretty quickly. This boss is soooo unbalanced it's aggravating. I tried numerous strategies that people gave on this forum but nothing helped. I eventually just cleaned house and killed everything in the ship and went back to angral and started clicking random things. I remember i force stasised him, then saber ward, then rebuke, then pacify, then reposte, then overload saber, then cauterize. Then keep attacking and blocking with main attacks till you can use riposte, overload saber, and cauterize again. Then use potion. Then call on the force before kira dies. Saber ward again and then click anything and everything till he dies. I also used the might stim pack. Hope that helps. Dying sooo many times from this guy ruined the story of the first act for me. I hope they fix it.
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no lies how many attempts did it take you to beat darth angral and what was your lvl.



for me it was 9 times lvl 32..


I haven't fought angral yet so thanks for spoiling it. Oh Fyi I'll likely kill him my first try by the time i reach him i'll have the best gear i can get :p

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  • 1 month later...

This pretty much the anti-subscription boss.


I don't know how many times I've tried, using almost every method on here. LVL 34 and I just can't beat him.


My sub runs out at the end of the month.. if this is how it is for every character type, I might as well cancel now...

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This pretty much the anti-subscription boss.


I don't know how many times I've tried, using almost every method on here. LVL 34 and I just can't beat him.


My sub runs out at the end of the month.. if this is how it is for every character type, I might as well cancel now...


I really hate to think this fight could be the cause of someone quitting the game.


I did it last week so it is fresh in my mind, firstly make sure Kira is well equipped and take in med packs for you and your companion, especially the ones which give you and your companion healing plus extra over time (buy on GTN or ask someone to make them for you). They are really useful as extra healling on top of your 20 min heroic boost which you need to hit as soon as the fight starts.


I am sure you have already upped your gear and mods as high as you can and know about interrupts.


I will include this incase it might give you some ideas, I recorded it last week. There is more without spoiling it, lets say you need to heal up again after beating Angral asap.




Edited by Zylaro
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I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I literally got done with this fight and thought "Geez, what a freakin' wuss". This was hands down the easiest class story boss fight I've had so far on any character. I was overleveled for it because after reading this thread I got paranoid and didn't go after him until level 34 but I really didn't need to worry. I'm hybrid defense/vigilance spec/


USE YOUR INTERRUPTS. Don't let him cast. You should have force stasis (which is *instant* if you talent it, btw), force kick and force push. Between those three I never let him get a single cast off. I am biochem so went in with my reusable absorb adrenal, a fortitude stim and my reusable med pack. I didn't even pop a single defensive cooldown, no heroic moment or anything. The key to almost every tough boss fight in this game is to use your interrupts, know what to interrupt and how to stagger your cooldowns. Use them properly and it's just a straight forward spanking session.


You should try the last boss fight in the sith inquisitor class story if you want a TOUGH freakin' fight, this one either I got really lucky or something because it was a snooze fest. I tanked a few H4s on alderaan that were tougher than this guy.

Edited by srazor
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I beat Angral on the first try at level 32 as Watchmen spec. As long as you interrupt his abilities, keep your burn abilities burning, and use your big cool downs, he isn't that much of a problem. In fact, I thought the trash mobs leading up to Angral were a lot more challenging because those Power Guard V's dished out a lot of damage without any real warning. Just boom, suddenly at half health. I had to heal back up after every single pull, which is starting to wear on my patience.
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I know that MMOs currently have a rep for having breaze-easy single player content and that SWTOR is bucking that trend in some fights. But quitting over a slight bump in the road just doesn't make sense.


I know that Shadow, Assassin and Troopers have easier class quest bosses if JK's got you down. You'll still need to learn to interrupt, though. Or just BRING A FRIEND (it's an MMO, after all) - class bosses are easy with reinforcements.


I died 3 or 4 times vs Angral using my guardian (first character), didn't die once using my better geared but lower level sentinel. The biggest difference was that I had learned to watch my target's castbar.

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