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10 mil + spent ... ON CASINO, STILL NO RANCOR


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At least you can play for this mount to your heart's content during the event. Red Sphere during Relics of the Gree; now that's some hard luck if you don't get the mount to drop. It's not guaranteed to show, and odds are if it does you're rolling against 15 other people for it.

That's true; however, Zohkar (and I'm in the same boat) just wants the Achievements. There is, fortunately, no Achievement tied to the Red Sphere.


If you want "any" Sphere, you have alternatives which are much easier to obtain than the Red one. Same with Rancor and Vectron. But there is no alternate way how to get the Achievement other than ... being lucky. Which, one could argue, goes against the sense of the word.

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I spent a truly shameful amount of credits, in fact I completely bankrupted my main. Still no Rancor.


I've obviously annoyed RNGeesus at some point, I suspect he finds my lack of faith disturbing. Whatever, I have given up, I've reasoned that, as I can now no longer even afford to buy the Dathomir one off the GTN, I will wait for one to inevitably become available on the Cartel Market which is purchasable for CCs. Presumably it will be armoured.

Edited by theonetruebleed
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I spent a truly shameful amount of credits, in fact I completely bankrupted my main. Still no Rancor.


I've obviously annoyed RNGeesus at some point, I suspect he finds my lack of faith disturbing. Whatever, I have given up, I've reasoned that, as I can now no longer even afford to buy the Dathomir one off the GTN, I will wait for one to inevitably become available on the Cartel Market which is purchasable for CCs. Presumably it will be armoured.


Why people are desperate for these things baffles me, have you seen how bollocks they look?

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I think the bottom line is there should be 2 ways to land the jackpot prize. There always is in a game of chance like this. (I am excluding traditional gambling slot machines that payout money of course).


Not just "traditional gambling slot machines", but MOST gambling game have only ONE way to win. That is the point of gambling. That is why it is called GAMBLING. It's not called "spend enough and lose enough and you'll get what you want".


If you go to carnival there is always a 2 ways to get the big stuffed animal. 1) you get lucky and hit the jackpot or 2) you collect enough tickets and can buy it. 2 being the most expensive of the lot.


I've never been to a carnival where there are two ways to win that big stuffed animal. Every carnival I have visited has had only ONE way to win that big stuffed animal and that is to win the "jackpot".


There is NOTHING wrong with this.



I myself have had over 200 KP coins (earned from using smuggler coins) and all I have to show for it is 44 Gold Certs and 3 Vector Magnus which I will not use. I also have blown up both machines on the Smuggler and Kingpin machines.


There should be some way to trade the 44 Certs and the 3 unwanted mounts for what I really want and that is the Rancor. Example: 200 certs for the Rancor and trade value of 25 certs for each Vector you trade in. At least I know I can reach it.


It just common sense to provide the player base an alternative method. Oh and I do have the other Rancor.



No, they should not cater to sore losers, IMO.


Everyone CAN obtain the rancor mount. Everyone has the same CHANCE AND OPPORTUNITY to win that rancor. The RNG gods may allow some to get the rancor sooner than others, but EVERYONE CAN obtain the rancor. Even if a player does not have tens of millions of credits, the event lasts for TWO MONTHS. That is plenty of time to earn credits, even if all they do is dailies. Will they have the rancor tomorrow? Maybe not. They CAN earn the credits to eventually hit that jackpot.

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That's true; however, Zohkar (and I'm in the same boat) just wants the Achievements. There is, fortunately, no Achievement tied to the Red Sphere.


If you want "any" Sphere, you have alternatives which are much easier to obtain than the Red one. Same with Rancor and Vectron. But there is no alternate way how to get the Achievement other than ... being lucky. Which, one could argue, goes against the sense of the word.


"Achievement" does NOT preclude luck being involved. "Achievement" connotes final accomplishment of something noteworthy, often in spite of obstacles and discouragements. In this case, those obstacles would be the RNG gods.

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Your chance of not getting it in the first 2.3 million is roughly 1/e = 36.8%


(Similarly, your chance of getting it is roughly 1-1/e = 63.2%)


Not getting it in your first 10 million: Roughly (1/e)^(10/2.3) = 1.3%, and roughly 1 in 77 people will have this happen.


over 14 mil now and still no rancor lol :mad:


Not getting it in your first 14 million: Roughly (1/e)^(14/2.3) = 0.23%, and roughly 1 in 440 people will have this happen.


Of course, if you haven't gotten it in your first 10 million, that doesn't make you any more or any less likely to get it in your next 4 million.


(All this is assuming you use smuggler tokens to get kingpins and the buff.)

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Your chance of not getting it in the first 2.3 million is roughly 1/e = 36.8%


(Similarly, your chance of getting it is roughly 1-1/e = 63.2%)


Not getting it in your first 10 million: Roughly (1/e)^(10/2.3) = 1.3%, and roughly 1 in 77 people will have this happen.




Not getting it in your first 14 million: Roughly (1/e)^(14/2.3) = 0.23%, and roughly 1 in 440 people will have this happen.


Of course, if you haven't gotten it in your first 10 million, that doesn't make you any more or any less likely to get it in your next 4 million.


(All this is assuming you use smuggler tokens to get kingpins and the buff.)


Speaking of which... he must have been at those machines for hours and hours on end! :eek:


Took me a little over 2 hours to get through my 400k worth of smuggler chips... to get through 10 million? That must take aaaaaaaages!


Even using 4 machines... (I only used 2 when doing the 400k run)

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I just won a rancor!!

I've been without internet service since the event started so yesterday was my first day playing.

I've only bought Smuggler chips in 10-30k increments.

So all told, I probably spent about 200k to win the rancor. :)

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Just from a pure probabilistic perspective:

0.09% probability of getting a rancor drop on a Kingpin machine

to get 1 rancor, you should expect to click on a Kingpin slot machine at least 1,111 times.

If you are spending 50K credits on Kingpin tokens directly (which you shouldn't, but if you're lazy and rich, why not), then you should expect to spend 1,111*50,000 credits = 55.55 million credits. Please complain when you've spent over 55.55 million and still no rancor.

Edited by Floredon
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I've obviously annoyed RNGeesus at some point, I suspect he finds my lack of faith disturbing.


First off, I am chuckling at your comment and not at you. Because we are in the same castaway lifeboat from the SS RNGeesus. It's a little like that Life of Pi movie/book I guess. I just want you to know I am stealing this line. Credit where credit is due and all. Because RNGeesus has found my lack of faith disturbing since I started raiding in WoW and before my guild switched to DKP.


However, my salvation, if you will, came unexpectedly. I had said early on in the event that my threshold for buying one off the GTN was 6 mil. All my guildies laughed and laughed! 'Have you seen the prices on the GTN?!' And they were right of course. 8 mil was the lowest price for a long time. Well, after (what turned out to be) my last night at the casino, and say about 500k total lost (chump change, I know), on a lark I checked the GTN in my ship and saw one for 5,999,999 credits. All the others were north of 8 mil. It was like a neon sign from RNGeesus! Just that my random luck was instead checking the GTN at the right moment after that 1 guy on my server who had NO IDEA of the value of those rancors posted it for sale.


To all still hunting, I wish you good luck!

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Well tow things come to mind, A fool and his credits. And working as intended.


They wanted to create a credit drain with little reward and they did.


That's why, personally, I only planned to spend a limited amount. Yes, I know I spent 6 mil as stated above, but, I got what I wanted for a definite amount as opposed to spending who knows what amount for quite possibly nothing.


It's sad that they introduced both a credit sink and a CC sink (unannounced) at the same time, but, not surprising. Good thing I don't really like the walker, as I'll be passing on the upcoming CC sink pack.

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I`ll give it a try for one last time. I wont start playing at Kingpin Slot Machines until I have at least 300-500 kingpin chips. I`ll use my chips at once and if I dont get a rancor .... there is something wrong with this event :p
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I`ll give it a try for one last time. I wont start playing at Kingpin Slot Machines until I have at least 300-500 kingpin chips. I`ll use my chips at once and if I dont get a rancor .... there is something wrong with this event :p


Not really... statistically you'll have to use 1.111 kingpin chips to get the rancor... so you using 500 proves nothing.

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I don't even want a rancor or the car, damn it, I want the achievement! But I can only get it if I win the rancor. It's a "pay to win" situation, pure and simple. :( I wish the last three achievements weren't available. I want to spend my 14 certificates on the pretty suit, not 15 certs on an ugly car! Sigh.

Bought the ugly car. Sold it back. Bought the suit.

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10 million spent.

60 gold certs

55 certs to buy one of each thing.


that's 86.956,5 credits spent per gold cert.


that's 57.998,5 credits more per cert than statistics would show.


You should have gotten around 345 gold certificates for those 10 million.


you should also have gotten around 14 vectron magnus' and around 4 rancor mounts.



Assuming that you used smuggler chips of course and the feeling lucky buff.

If you didn't, then you get no sympathy from me because buying the kingpin chips directly is just moronic.



Now, granted, it is possible he did spend 10 millions and didn't get a single rancor.

But then he is missing the point with this entire event.

It's random.



Oh and you could have bought a rancor off the GTN for 7 million instead (and unlocked it on all your characters to boot).


The fact that you didn't get a rancor for 10 million is just your own fault.



Oh and I don't believe you spent 10 million. Just due to the fact that you only have 60 certs left. You would have had to buy everything for sale several times over to just have 60 certs left.


Sure, it's possible you won very few certs.

But the laws of improbability also state that it is entirely possible that you'll one day open your washing machine and find all your launcry neatly folded up and ordered by colour and size.

Doesn't mean I'll believe you if you say it happened.

I doubt your story mate.


you dont understand random. but then it isnt really random. and we dont know the implementation of the prng.. and the devs have been a little free with telling the truth...so he might be on the up and up.

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1) i've NEVER spent real money on packs.. I've purchased cartel coins with real money, and with cartel coins have purchased packs. you can also purchase packs free of charge via GTN.


2) there is nothing MORE fair, than random! I can not stress that enough. Everyone having an equal opportunity with mathematical precision and saying your chances are no different than the person next to you is the only fair thing you can have. Anything else becomes a "who has more to spend"


however people who use "fair" tend to be "well he has one, to be fair i should have one" that is not fair, that is EQUAL. there is a big difference. IF you want all thing to be equal, you have to take from one to give to the other and/or make it skewed in some form.


so in your case you are confusing equal and fair... for something to be "unfair" there would have to be an unequal advantage .09% is same for everyone regardless of how much you spend, regardless if you spin around 3 times tap your head and sing a long ballad, its the same for everyone.




So pardon me if I think having a .09% chance the same as everyone else is perfectly fair. I personally havn't gotten one and figured i'm probably average, which just that average.


so if I go to vegas, buy sime chips and use them at the roulette table I am not gambling..good to know

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LOL!! I spent no credits, bought 50 Blue Chips with Cartel Certs and got a Rancor on my 15th spin. spent the rest of my Certs on blue chips and got everything from the vendor with Gold Certs.

It pays to support the game!

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you dont understand random. but then it isnt really random. and we dont know the implementation of the prng.. and the devs have been a little free with telling the truth...so he might be on the up and up.


And you don't understand the Law of large numbers.


If he had rolled that many times, he should have gotten more gold certificates than he has.

Is it possible that he is telling the truth 100%?


Is it probable?

Not really. He should have had a larger percentage of gold certificates.

That's why I doubt his honesty in this.


It's not about him winning the rancor or not after spending that much money. That I can believe.

But I am very doubtful that he got that low a number of gold certificates after spending that large an amount of credits on smuggler chips.


As for the devs messing around? There's datamined information that shows the odds of getting each item.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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OP you do realize why EAware is doing this correct? They want you to waste as many of your credits as you can so they can milk you more by enticing you to buy CC and spend more on top of your subscription so you can afford the newest Cartel packs and for the upcoming housing stuff.
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OP you do realize why EAware is doing this correct? They want you to waste as many of your credits as you can so they can milk you more by enticing you to buy CC and spend more on top of your subscription so you can afford the newest Cartel packs and for the upcoming housing stuff.


This is your first post.



- It's all the Cartel Market's fault


Yeah, pretty clear who you are.

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This is your first post.


What is wrong with saying "EAWare?" Have you been living under a rock because EA DID buy out Bioware several years ago.



It's pretty clear they are. Otherwise they wouldn't be so focused on pushing out cash shop sales. Haven't they had like 2 flash sales already? Sure they offer HEAVILY discounted items but if you're OUT of CC they pressure you to buy more with these sales if you have no more or are running out.


- It's all the Cartel Market's fault

I never said this or even implied it :rolleyes:


Yeah, pretty clear who you are.


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