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*** Attis Station


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I cannot beat Attis Station.


I am a healer and I died at least ten times. One of the reasons I cancelled my subscription. I just don't have the energy to keep looking at it.


I had to get some help from my guild, couldn't do it either.

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Out of the 5 Groups You need to save, I Dies On two of them.... probably do to the fact that I didn't remember to use the station and get the buff for one... and on one of them i had a strange little glitch... I Killed the "strong" sith and went for the "elite" and somehow the "strong" came back from the dead... like literally a new one spawned directly on-top of the corpse... so that kinda screwed me.


at lvl 38 with a sage healer, Using Qyzen Generally He would Die just after taking out the second of 3 sith, then I would have to finish off the 3rd one on my own. It was Hard, Kinda Felt like a "Heroic 2+" lvl of difficulty, but sometimes those are solo-able if you know how to go at them... and once i figured out how important the buff from the aid station was it felt a little easier.


Anyway Point is It took me something like 45 mins to solo my way through as a healer, the fights just seemed to drag on for a bit.... But I got it done. lvl 39 Now on my way to Hoth,,, Just make sure to have all Your buffs up, make sure you are geared to lvl, and make sure that You have the best companion for the job and You should be good.

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I am well geared and it does not matter. I am on the last guys on top of the ramp and every time I wipe the guys I killed respawn. I tried to get help but they just sent me a generic messege that did not address my issue. So I decided to pretend that this is the end of the game and my Jedi's death was the final chapter. Cancelled subscription and now I am just tooling about.
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I am well geared and it does not matter. I am on the last guys on top of the ramp and every time I wipe the guys I killed respawn. I tried to get help but they just sent me a generic messege that did not address my issue. So I decided to pretend that this is the end of the game and my Jedi's death was the final chapter. Cancelled subscription and now I am just tooling about.


I don't know if this helps but

I got killed by these last three guys. When I got revived I sneaked past them and into the room and managed to complete the quest without killing them. When I completed the quest they were gone when I came out.


Edited by coille
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I am well geared and it does not matter. I am on the last guys on top of the ramp and every time I wipe the guys I killed respawn. I tried to get help but they just sent me a generic messege that did not address my issue. So I decided to pretend that this is the end of the game and my Jedi's death was the final chapter. Cancelled subscription and now I am just tooling about.


You Know there are 7 Other Classes to play right??....


I mean If you hate the Entire Game, well then by all means cancel Your sub...


But If you liked the game until this one specific class quest... play another class and see if you still enjoy the game, maybe come back to the consular later on....

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I took all three mobs at once with my Shadow easily, but I wiped about 4 times with my Sage.


This quest is kinda mixed between difficulty... It's trial and error for Sages and should probably be considered a Heroic quest.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I have just completed this as level 37 Shadow - balance. It.was.ridiculous!

I used Zenith and my Combat Technique. I could do the mobs but I had to kill the Reavers first. After that the other strongs aren't too bad. The group with the elite was HARD though for me. And it's proper harsh how fast the mobs respawn if you die!


There are a few quests in all the storylines that need to be nerfed I think.

If a quest is on a planet then you shouldn't have to overlevel yourself to do that quest.

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I must say... that was pretty tough. I had to double check and make sure I was in the right area/quest because walking in there only to find wall to wall mobs of gold and silver was shocking to say the least. I thought I had wandered into a Heroic area. lol


Nevertheless I managed it with my shadow and only died once. But... I took my time and was very careful in my approach. First... I mezzed the strongest of the strong, thats the elite or the Reaver. Next, in the cases where there were 3 sliver, I CC'ed one and had Tharan (yes, this is where it gets crazy) attack the other. Once the CC was in place, I joined Tharan and put down his mob as fast as I could. Next, I cloaked. Yes, it resets the surviving mobs but it allows me to regroup and heal if necessary (Tharan needed it). And finally, mezzed the Reaver again, burned down the remaining strong and then back to the Reaver. Whew.... man it was fun! :) Actually had to think those encounters through and I did feel pretty good walking out of there. Although... the experience made me a bit paranoid. I kept looking over my shoulder for one final surprise. Wouldn't have been shocked to find a Champ waiting at the door. lol!


Anyway... yea there may be a balance issue there but now that i"m through it, I have this weird craving to try it again. Pretty sure I can manage it with out a wipe, but I do want to try different tactics.

Edited by Rafaman
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I've run into these quests before where I'd read all about people having problems with them only to steamroll through it myself. I kept thinking to myself "what was so hard about that?"...


It occurred to me that the reason could very well be that I'm an MMO player first, a Star Wars fan second. For Star Wars fans not familiar with MMO mechanics (or having come from SWG where, quite frankly, there WEREN'T any mechanics) coming into a game like this could indeed be difficult if they aren't used to thinking in a certain way.


As an MMO player since "way back" I think in terms of positioning, crowd control, cool downs and buffs. In the back of my mind at all times I am thinking about what problems could occur and what I can do to mitigate them.


People new to the game might not have any real problems through most of the content and then BAM, they get hit with a class quest that seems overwhelming as they approach it like they've approached the rest of the game.


If you run into a situation like this I can only recommend two things: Research and Experiment. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, so don't keep trying to just kill, kill, kill!


And know your abilities. Even if for 99% of the content you don't use some of them, there is always a chance that you run across just the right scenario to make those seldom used abilities the key to success.

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Btw, for the Sith at the top of the stairs, use stealth and then blackout to get to the other side of the landing. This will allow you to see all of them and they will have their backs turned to you. Mezz and CC two and burn down the third as I mentioned before. It's what worked for me. If you try and take them head on without crossing to the other side, you will lose LOS of the third (he is hard to see against a pillar) and your companion is dead meat. Again, this is what worked for me as a Shadow Infiltrator.


The previous post has it right I think. I don't think all the boss encounters are facerolls however as I usually face them at close to level. This one wasn't easy for me. Especially since I had no knowledge of it going in. But that is what makes it enjoyable too. Getting creative and figuring it out. And... if you still have issues get a friend to go in there with you. Nothing wrong with that either.


But you have CC abilities, use them. If you have Cloak, use that too. Interrupt what you can and take it one step at a time. You can get through it. And if you are looking for a reason to quit, don't let this be it.

Edited by Rafaman
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I've run into these quests before where I'd read all about people having problems with them only to steamroll through it myself. I kept thinking to myself "what was so hard about that?"...


It occurred to me that the reason could very well be that I'm an MMO player first, a Star Wars fan second. For Star Wars fans not familiar with MMO mechanics (or having come from SWG where, quite frankly, there WEREN'T any mechanics) coming into a game like this could indeed be difficult if they aren't used to thinking in a certain way.


As an MMO player since "way back" I think in terms of positioning, crowd control, cool downs and buffs. In the back of my mind at all times I am thinking about what problems could occur and what I can do to mitigate them.


People new to the game might not have any real problems through most of the content and then BAM, they get hit with a class quest that seems overwhelming as they approach it like they've approached the rest of the game.


If you run into a situation like this I can only recommend two things: Research and Experiment. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, so don't keep trying to just kill, kill, kill!


And know your abilities. Even if for 99% of the content you don't use some of them, there is always a chance that you run across just the right scenario to make those seldom used abilities the key to success.


This a great post. One of the things I like about this game is how you will be grinding through quests and then one comes along where the difficulty of it is just completely out of whack compared to the ones you were doing. It makes you stop and think critically about what you are doing and what you could be doing differently to complete the quest. Making good use of your stuns, interrupts, and cool downs make you a stronger player in the long run.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did this one today on my healing sage and man, people were not kidding about this quest being a bit rough. I was reading this thread a few days ago and had an inkling of what was in store so the difficulity wasn't a TOTAL shock.


As a healing sage I died about 3 times; until I remembered to turn off Qyzen's AOE abilities and click on the stations around the room before each fight. :rolleyes: After that it was clear sailiing, only hiccup I had was the group of three strongs on the floor level, CC'ed one, burned one down, tried to LOS the one Qyzen wasn't attacking but as a result Qyzen didn't get enough heals and died. I managed to kill one of them though, after that the remaining two were no trouble at all.


The three strong's on the balacony I was not ready for, though. However, the game threw me an interesting curve ball that I managed to hit...


After I cc'ed one and Qyzen was attacking the other, the third one came around the corner and started attacking me. So I just blew him off the balacony twice while I healed Qyzen. Once the 1st mob was dead I focused on the 2nd non-cc'd mob, killed it, then was able to focus on the third mob just as the CC's wore off.


Despite the deaths it was a fun quest, one of those that really test you and force you to use all your abilities. Up to that point I had almost never died while questing. Nothing like a good wakeup call to knock you out of your complaincency. :p

Edited by Slugamaniac
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I started this one day before yesterday and it is DEFINITELY one of the harder ones I've done. Worse than the beginning of Act 2.


I've used the healing stations and they are worth JACK. I don't know if they are supposed to do something more, but as a Sage, they are worth JACK. I kill one of the sith, and somehow they respawn in middle of the battle with the next. It seems Shadows have an easier time at this than Sages do. If you use Qyzen, TURN OFF HIS AoE ATTACK. It just screws up your CC everytime.


I noticed the mobs also ALL act as if they are ranged. None of them will charge at me when I attack - its attack from a distance - even the Sith Juggernauts don't run towards me - they stay at range. Definitely a difficult one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This a great post. One of the things I like about this game is how you will be grinding through quests and then one comes along where the difficulty of it is just completely out of whack compared to the ones you were doing. It makes you stop and think critically about what you are doing and what you could be doing differently to complete the quest. Making good use of your stuns, interrupts, and cool downs make you a stronger player in the long run.

I had this recently on my Scoundrel and have had on other classes I've played as well (end of Chapter 1 on my Inquisitor was the first I ever ran into). Up to the mission I had extreme difficulty with, I'd been playing in haphazard way using whatever attacks I felt like using and had even just thrown points into skills without really thinking about it too much. After I reset all my skill points and put them into places that I had planned to do so originally, and worked out a workable attack cycle I breezed through the mission after having died 4-5 times prior to my deciding to take the game a little more seriously.


I got nice and upset when I hit that brick wall but it will be a sad day indeed if they ever decide to pull those walls down. I saw that happen to LOTRO and it wasn't pretty...

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Just did this tonight as a level 39 Seer specced Sage using Qyzen, who I've been using almost exclusively, and I didn't wipe once. For the groups with the strongs, I always CC'd the Sith Reavers because they use Force Storm and Death Field, which then either left one Strong and a regular mob, or two strongs who are Warriors. I found that the warriors were much easier to handle then the Reavers, as the only channeled attack they use is Force Choke, which can be interrupted, or if they cast it on you, it didn't seem to do a whole lot of damage.


For the group with the Elite, again, I force lifted her, and Qyzen and myself killed the rest of the mobs using a mix of his attacks, and me using Project, TK throw, and Disturbance. Always cast Force Armor on Qyzen (or other companions I guess) and I always cast Rejuvenate on him as well, which is a HoT as well as allows Benevolence, Deliverence and I think Healing Trance to crit, which makes your heals that much more effective. The only time I messed up, was when I was attempting to interrupt an attack using Force Wave, which knocked on the Reavers out of Force Lift, which almost resulted in a wipe :p


As a healer, you can't (well I supposed you could) do a lot of DPS without draining your force, but I did always try to cast Weaken Mind, Mind Crush, and the other abilities without going OOF. As many have pointed out, if using Qyzen, turn off his AoE abilities (EMP blast and Hunter's Surge) but keep his other taunts on (Flare gun I think), I have Qyzen using a moddable techblade (picked up on Coruscant) and recently gave him a moddable chest armor, you also need to make sure your gear and mods are up to date and current, (which if you did a ton of the quests on Balmorra, they should be)

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Oddly, I remember Attis station being no more difficult than any other quests on my sage when I did it. Well, it was *slightly* harder as I died once because I was expecting it to be a breeze, but then I paid attention and it was cake.


I'm a balance sage, btw. I think it's balance - it's the skill tree on the right.


The strategy was simple - lift the caster, attack the same mob Qyzen was on. Once Qyzen gets down to 1/2 health, shield him again, pop the skill that makes you crit twice, throw 2 critical heals on him and finish off the mob. After that it's easy, kill the other unmezzed mob, heal up again and kill the guy you lifted to begin with.


I'm surprised to hear people are having so much trouble here. Is your pet geared in all orange/blue armor? Once you get him to the point where he can melee down an elite with only some heals from you, you should be good to go.

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  • 1 month later...

This is one of the reasons I don't like playing the Republic side. I've tried Jedi Knight and now Consular and in both cases, class quests from level 32 on are like taking down raid bosses; they're stupid hard and complex. By contrast, I've taken a Sith Sorc and Assassin both to level 50 without any difficulty, and certainly no hard or complex class bosses like the jedi have.


Does anyone at bioware even play Republic classes to see the imballance or do they just not want many people playing Jedi?


Class quests don't need to be that *********** complicated. Save that **** for raids and group quests.

Edited by Glowrod
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Attis station is an issue for under geared crew members. It is one of my main frustrations between the consular and inquisitor. As an inquisitor (sorcerer especially) if you take stnthweaving as a crew skill you can keep both your tanks and your melee dps geared. Crewmember leveling gear sucks for tanks. If you play consular then your tanks require you to have armormech..and only your melee dps uses synthweaving gear. So you either have to pay a lot of credits to gear them or take armormech and be under geared yourself. This could have been fixed if Nadia was gotten at Attis station and was a ranged tank (like Xalek) and Irresso was a melee dps. But they did what they did so when it comes to a consular...you should play another class (with synthweaving or armormech) first so you can gear yourself and your tanks.
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As of right now I just finished Attis Station with my Jedi Shadow


I have no idea what you people were talking about, it went easily and withouth a single death.

Pretty sure I didn't lose more than 50% of my Hp


Underleveled too, was 35 at the time.

Is it still an issue ?

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As of right now I just finished Attis Station with my Jedi Shadow


I have no idea what you people were talking about, it went easily and withouth a single death.

Pretty sure I didn't lose more than 50% of my Hp


Underleveled too, was 35 at the time.

Is it still an issue ?


It is if people don't use tharan.

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I did this at 39 with Zenith as a DPS sage, not one wipe, used CC, turned off Zeniths AoE's so as not to break CC early and kited mobs around while doting them up, amazing what happens when you don't stand there taking it to the face with a pack of strongs. Edited by Twickers
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I did this at 39 with Zenith as a DPS sage, not one wipe, used CC, turned off Zeniths AoE's so as not to break CC early and kited mobs around while doting them up, amazing what happens when you don't stand there taking it to the face with a pack of strongs.


I think you summed it up perfectly! The solutions is to pull every *********** trick in the book! CC, Kiting, Editing companion attacks to custom settings... This is a CLASS quest, not a *********** raid. Like I said earlier, I took two Empire toons to 50 and no raid bosses in the class quests, but on the Republic side, they are all over the place. It's no wonder everyone prefers the Empire side.

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