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10 Good
  1. Oddly, I remember Attis station being no more difficult than any other quests on my sage when I did it. Well, it was *slightly* harder as I died once because I was expecting it to be a breeze, but then I paid attention and it was cake. I'm a balance sage, btw. I think it's balance - it's the skill tree on the right. The strategy was simple - lift the caster, attack the same mob Qyzen was on. Once Qyzen gets down to 1/2 health, shield him again, pop the skill that makes you crit twice, throw 2 critical heals on him and finish off the mob. After that it's easy, kill the other unmezzed mob, heal up again and kill the guy you lifted to begin with. I'm surprised to hear people are having so much trouble here. Is your pet geared in all orange/blue armor? Once you get him to the point where he can melee down an elite with only some heals from you, you should be good to go.
  2. Does anyone else hate how lightsabers are represented in this game? From just about all I've seen or read about Star Wars, they're supposed to be energy swords that cut through just about anything, with few exceptions - other lightsabers, energy shields, cortosis alloy, that sort of thing. Yet in the game, it takes multiple whacks to kill something with a lightsaber. I may as well be pummeling enemies with two wooden sticks that happen to glow various colors. So underwhelming - in fact, I can't stand playing melee jedi for this very reason. I understand why this is, of course. In the Star Wars universe Jedi and their lightsabers are supposed to be very rare and therefore can afford to be powerful. In the game, everyone and their mother gets to wave a lightsaber around and so making them behave as they should, killing anything with one blow, would make the game so unbalanced as to be unplayable (thus making this post more of a rant than an actual, valid complaint). But man o man, does it stick in my craw
  3. Agree with the poster above. When reading forums, keep in mind that people who are happy with the game will usually just play it and ignore the forums. People who are having problems will take the time to come here and complain. And given that any problem that affects a person is HUGE to that person precisely because it affects them, the posts will usually be along the "sky is falling, game is dying" lines.
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