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Ok we clearly need a better naming policy here on SWTOR


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I'm of the opinion that uncreative/unimaginative people are always the ones complaining about it being impossible to find a name.

You wouldn't feel you have to blame the naming system if you had an imagination and you weren't so stubborn and closed minded.


It is not uncreative to use "common" names. It is not unimaginative to use "common" names. In fact, characters are more than just their names, characters are also their design, their style, their story, probably many things else much deeper. A name is still important, though, as it is part of their identity. It's not close-minded to be adamant, however I think it is close-minded to refute this suggestion just because you don't want to benefit from it.


I created a new character just today and only had to try twice to get a name I liked. :o


I repeat myself: Not all characters are made in a spur-of-the-moment design. You made up a character on the spot, fine. You landed on a name you like, fine. But some of us have old designs we like to re-implement in games we play. And guess what, their name is a part of the design. I have many many many character designs that predate the development of this game. Some of them have "common" names, but others have quite uncommon names; but I can't even use either. I think it's ridiculous and unnecessary.

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I repeat myself: Not all characters are made in a spur-of-the-moment design. You made up a character on the spot, fine. You landed on a name you like, fine. But some of us have old designs we like to re-implement in games we play. And guess what, their name is a part of the design. I have many many many character designs that predate the development of this game. Some of them have "common" names, but others have quite uncommon names; but I can't even use either. I think it's ridiculous and unnecessary.

S/he didn't say if the character was brand new to him/her. Just new on the server/game.


Quick question: Have you ever not had a predestined character? Have you ever just hit the random button until you found a combination of features you liked?

I ask because you read like the idea of creating non-predesigned characters is some great sin to you.

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Quick question: Have you ever not had a predestined character? Have you ever just hit the random button until you found a combination of features you liked?


Yes I have. And naming even them is a pain because all the names worth having are taken. If it were up to you, and the rate we're already on, there will be a point where every single name and alternate spelling available in every tongue, real and fictional, will be taken.


What then? Should SWTOR just not accept any more characters? Should we accept names like Flarglefulnittlenuzat as reasonable names? Or perhaps SWTOR can fix their naming system before it gets that out of control.

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Yes I have. And naming even them is a pain because all the names worth having are taken. If it were up to you, and the rate we're already on, there will be a point where every single name and alternate spelling available in every tongue, real and fictional, will be taken.


What then? Should SWTOR just not accept any more characters? Should we accept names like Flarglefulnittlenuzat as reasonable names? Or perhaps SWTOR can fix their naming system before it gets that out of control.


Honestly? If it were up to me, once a year, maybe around February or March, we'd have a name purge for all Prefs and F2P who have stopped logging into their accounts. Won't free up all the names you want, but it would free up some.


If it were up to me, I would allow Roman Numerals, Spaces, and numbers into names. Marockluxson would appreciate that considering his name is actually Marock Luxson Alei (Alei being the Legacy).


If it were up to me, the random name generator would pull from a letter-combiner that would auto-filter the taken names out.


If it were up to me, when I RClick a name in chat, friends, or anywhere else, one of the options will be "copy name" so I don't have to do Alt+numbers of crazy and pray my computer read them right.


Edit: I have a character who's name I really had to modify just to fit the name bar, only to find it wasn't allowed because of the numbers. His name? Really? Imperial Clone Trooper Prototype Batch 1 Unit 4. ICTPT-1-4. Nope, naming rules say no. So now he's Petey-onefour. It doesn't help that I had to roll him as either a BH or an Agent, so I chose Agent since then I could play him as the crazy-loyalist. ICTPT-1-4 is a beloved character of mine that I've been working with, fleshing and making into a breathing person. Except he doesn't have the Imp accent. He has a Scottish in RL-type accent. Can't have things the way I want them, but I adapt.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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A purge.


Why settle for half-baked when you can have so much better?


The Purge system would not require a complete take down of the game for more than a couple hours to implement, and then patch through. And the Purge was not my only preference in regards to names.

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It is not uncreative to use "common" names. It is not unimaginative to use "common" names. In fact, characters are more than just their names, characters are also their design, their style, their story, probably many things else much deeper. A name is still important, though, as it is part of their identity. It's not close-minded to be adamant, however I think it is close-minded to refute this suggestion just because you don't want to benefit from it.


IMO, it absolutely IS close-minded to refuse to be more flexible with a character's name. Life is full of situations which call for flexibility and adaptation.


IMO, it absolutely IS close-minded to expect, or even ask, a company to change their entire naming system simply because one of their players is so inflexible that he HAS to have the EXACT name with the EXACT spelling, even if that player thinks that his character is completely ruined if cannot have his precious name with the EXACT spelling he wants.


I repeat myself: Not all characters are made in a spur-of-the-moment design. You made up a character on the spot, fine. You landed on a name you like, fine. But some of us have old designs we like to re-implement in games we play. And guess what, their name is a part of the design. I have many many many character designs that predate the development of this game. Some of them have "common" names, but others have quite uncommon names; but I can't even use either. I think it's ridiculous and unnecessary.

BW's naming system is NOT broken and does not need to be fixed, iMO.


It appears to me that you seem to think that your "suggestion(s)" are the ONLY correct way for BW to go. It is not just on this subject, either. All one has to do is to go read any one of threads that you have started to see that, IMO.


It apparently does not matter if the end result that you claim to want can already be reached with the systems and rules in place. If it's not EXACTLY what you want and in the EXACT manner you envision it to be, it's "impossible" to reach your desired end result.

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The Purge system would not require a complete take down of the game for more than a couple hours to implement, and then patch through. And the Purge was not my only preference in regards to names.


Player housing wasn't programmed overnight, either. But it happened, such as it is.


Some expanding naming options would be nice, yes, but a purge is the only thing that frees up names for us. However, you can purge until kingdom come, but NPC names still won't be freed up. Thus, they just need to rethink the naming system, entirely.


IMO, it absolutely IS close-minded to refuse to be more flexible with a character's name. Life is full of situations which call for flexibility and adaptation.


You only say so because you're not missing out on the names you want. You only say so because you haven't designed any original characters. I'll bet you only play games and don't write stories, draw webcomics, or any other original content creations.


IMO, it absolutely IS close-minded to expect, or even ask, a company to change their entire naming system simply because one of their players is so inflexible that he HAS to have the EXACT name with the EXACT spelling, even if that player thinks that his character is completely ruined if cannot have his precious name with the EXACT spelling he wants.


If it's sub par, then it's sub par. Don't shoot the messenger.


BW's naming system is NOT broken and does not need to be fixed, iMO.


Again, that's only because you're not missing out on the names you want. Just because you don't want to benefit from this doesn't mean you have to be a wet blanket and ruin it for all of us who do.


It appears to me that you seem to think that your "suggestion(s)" are the ONLY correct way for BW to go. It is not just on this subject, either. All one has to do is to go read any one of threads that you have started to see that, IMO.


Adamancy and passion are not the crimes you make them out to be.


It apparently does not matter if the end result that you claim to want can already be reached with the systems and rules in place. If it's not EXACTLY what you want and in the EXACT manner you envision it to be, it's "impossible" to reach your desired end result.


Well, it can't. Plus, it's not.

Edited by Fevee
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Player housing wasn't programmed overnight, either. But it happened, such as it is.


Some expanding naming options would be nice, yes, but a purge is the only thing that frees up names for us. However, you can purge until kingdom come, but NPC names still won't be freed up. Thus, they just need to rethink the naming system, entirely.


Say I want a character whose first name is Baras. Can't because an NPC has that name, right? If I had my way, and I had to have my Baras character, I would in my ideal name system have him/her become Baras Orich or whatever the last name would be. Then the name would be accepted! Look! I have the same first name as an NPC!


Say I have a character whose name is Satele Orinas. Can't use it right now because Satele is an NPC's name. Under my suggested name system, I could have Satele Orinas of Legacy Alei.


Spaces and numbers being allowed in names would actually free up many names. If you are creative in the fact that not all members of your legacy need to have the same last name.


You only say so because you're not missing out on the names you want. You only say so because you haven't designed any original characters. I'll bet you only play games and don't write stories, draw webcomics, or any other original content creations.


That's nerf****, and you should know better than to make baseless assumptions about people on the internet. Maybe Ratajack writes fan fiction or something under a different name. Maybe Ratajack doesn't. Unless you are Ratajack, you don't know for certain.


Let me make some assumptions about you based on this thread:


If I have friends that I don't want to play with on all my alts, you want me to maintain multiple account just to keep playing on the server because my legacy name would be unique or using my account name with the @name thing.


You can not bear the thought of changing even the smallest parts of your characters' names because names are sacred and must not be harmed. Jorje, a perfectly fine name, disapproves. As does Fread. And Sarauh.


You spend too much time RPing instead of playing the game because CHARACTER MUST BE THIS WAY!!!ONE!


Look through my assumptions of you. How many are right?

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Player housing wasn't programmed overnight, either. But it happened, such as it is.


Some expanding naming options would be nice, yes, but a purge is the only thing that frees up names for us. However, you can purge until kingdom come, but NPC names still won't be freed up. Thus, they just need to rethink the naming system, entirely.


Things take time to develop. Some things do not need to be developed, IMO.


When you design your own MMO, you can design it any way you wish, When you play an MMO someone esle designed, you have to accept that it might not be EXACTLY what you want. That does not mean it is broken. That means that you have to adapt. The devs do not need to cater to you and your inflexibility.




You only say so because you're not missing out on the names you want. You only say so because you haven't designed any original characters. I'll bet you only play games and don't write stories, draw webcomics, or any other original content creations.


IMO, it absolutely IS close-minded to expect, or even ask, a company to change their entire naming system simply because one of their players is so inflexible that he HAS to have the EXACT name with the EXACT spelling, even if that player thinks that his character is completely ruined if cannot have his precious name with the EXACT spelling he wants.[/quote


If it's sub par, then it's sub par. Don't shoot the messenger.


Earlier in the thread you accused me of not caring about my character's names because I had to accept that the name I wanted was not available. Now you say that I'm not missing out on names I wanted. Which is it?


You can't make up your mind about the reasons I find the naming system to be acceptable, but you are so inflexible about your precious names that you want BW to completely redesign the naming system to cater to you?


I have no real talent for drawing, so I do not create webcomics. I do, however, write stories, create back stories for my characters and express myself creatively in other ways. That does not mean that I cannot adapt when necessary. Adaptation IS a form of creativity.


Again, that's only because you're not missing out on the names you want. Just because you don't want to benefit from this doesn't mean you have to be a wet blanket and ruin it for all of us who do.


I simply see no reason to spend the development dollars to change something that does not need to be changed.


Adamancy and passion are not the crimes you make them out to be.


They are not crimes, but refusal to adapt or compromise can show a lack of creativity or maturity.

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Name me one other gaming company that has ever guaranteed you the name you want?


As a matter of fact - Blizzard.


If a name has been inactive for a certain period of time, you can request it be freed up by a GameMaster, and they will release it for you

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As a matter of fact - Blizzard.


If a name has been inactive for a certain period of time, you can request it be freed up by a GameMaster, and they will release it for you


This isn't entirely true. While they will reset names upon request in this manner, there is a list of criteria that must be met first. There is no guarantee that the name will be made available, even if they haven't logged in for over a year. They typically only make the name available when the character using the name has never leveled beyond a certain point. When they first started doing this, the cutoff was level 10, but they have made some allowances for up to level 20 now to allow them to release names that are held by level 20 character that were created on free trial accounts.


Very rarely do they release a name if the character has been leveled beyond the level cap for a free trial account. If they paid a sub for even 1 month and leveled beyond the cap for a trial account, then you likely won't be able to get the name released.

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Right, it could be better, but why bother. Nothing will ever be 100, but let's hover at 24 instead of 66. Crypic figured out how to let characters have the name they want, thus it's not impossible.


Personally I don't care for name@name crap. It's just stupid and allows people to track your account even if you don't want them to or confuses people if they don't show the @name portion. Anonymity is a great thing in MMOs so people don't stalk you around or so if you play with friends a lot but sometimes just want to sit back and do your own thing a while you can. And as for purging, no we don't need it. Get creative with your names and when you find one you can't have just try to think up something else that's part of how it goes. Name purges don't just remove names from people who don't play, they remove names from faithful and more devoted players who may be unable to play for a time putting them in the purge category. For example someone in the armed forces who may or may not be putting their life on the line regardless of if their personal ideas match up with those who send them on their orders. My names got purged when I had to stop playing for medical expense reasons and couldn't get on to play, luckily I kept them because.... I was creative with the names. I only lost two names due to server merging in which they were more commonplace and I had been lucky enough to get them because I was playing from day 1 pre-order. Yes I moved on and got creative to find a different name that was similar without using special characters, yes it bums me out time to time. The fact of the matter is I had already built that character up with that name where as you can build your characters up with different names and form an identity with those names rather than being selfish and trying to take names from others. I'll remind you that I hate cryptic's method of naming.

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Say I want a character whose first name is Baras. Can't because an NPC has that name, right? If I had my way, and I had to have my Baras character, I would in my ideal name system have him/her become Baras Orich or whatever the last name would be. Then the name would be accepted! Look! I have the same first name as an NPC!


Baras. With the inclusion of à, á, â, ã, ä, and å, we just found 6 more ways to pretty-much get away with a character named Baras. Include those foreign accents twice, and we just found 36 more ways to pretty-much spell Baras. ß looks like a B, even though it's pronounced like two S's and is never supposed to initiate a word. Still, we have a 37th way to pretty-much spell Baras. ŕ, ŗ, ř, ś, ŝ, ş, and š provide even more ways to spell the name, and I'm not even going to calculate the combinations at this point. Oh, and apostrophes increase the possibilities by at least 4 more.


Now that we have countless ways to get away with a similar-enough name, your point is fairly moot; might as well be able to spell it right, as this point.


Say I have a character whose name is Satele Orinas. Can't use it right now because Satele is an NPC's name. Under my suggested name system, I could have Satele Orinas of Legacy Alei.


Spaces and numbers being allowed in names would actually free up many names. If you are creative in the fact that not all members of your legacy need to have the same last name.


Being allowed to put a space in the name will open up possibilities, yes. Unlike a hyphen, a space will make it seem like character name and surname are separate names, like they should be. However, that full name will always be visible, despite any preferences you want to set. If John wanted to display his legacy name of Doe, he has that option to do so. But of John Smith of the Doe legacy wanted to hide his surname, he can't, because it's technically his character's name. My suggestion, gives you the opportunity to have the character and surnames you actually want; and without an entire naming system revamp, while we're at it.


That's nerf****, and you should know better than to make baseless assumptions about people on the internet. Maybe Ratajack writes fan fiction or something under a different name. Maybe Ratajack doesn't. Unless you are Ratajack, you don't know for certain.


Maybe so, but he hasn't stepped up to claim otherwise. Plus his indifference to character names attributes to my accusation.


If I have friends that I don't want to play with on all my alts, you want me to maintain multiple account just to keep playing on the server because my legacy name would be unique or using my account name with the @name thing.


If you have friends you don't want to play with on certain alts, just reject them when they ask to join you. Or, perhaps BW can have some sort of privacy settings available. That way, Main Character shows up on searches and his friends' list, so does Alt 2. But Alts 3 and 4 are invisible/untrackable in the Who search, and in fact won't show up as you being online to your friends. Thus, you have company when you want, and not when you don't.


Instead of trying to raze the entire idea, suggest amendments. Don't be such a wet blanket.


You can not bear the thought of changing even the smallest parts of your characters' names because names are sacred and must not be harmed. Jorje, a perfectly fine name, disapproves. As does Fread. And Sarauh.


You spend too much time RPing instead of playing the game because CHARACTER MUST BE THIS WAY!!!ONE!


I'm sorry if I'm passionate about my character designs. I'm sorry if I care about how they appear. I'm sorry that I tried to pattern a few SWTOR characters after premeditated character designs. I'm sorry that I was satisfied with class, clothes, face, battle style, but wanted the name to match as close as possible, as well.


You spend too much time RPing instead of playing the game because CHARACTER MUST BE THIS WAY!!!ONE!
I know you're trying to feign over-passionate people who accidentally unpress the shift key while putting in the explanation marks, but actually typing out the word One ... you're coming across as an antagonistic troll now.


Things take time to develop. Some things do not need to be developed, IMO.


And some things do need to be developed, in my opinion.


Earlier in the thread you accused me of not caring about my character's names because I had to accept that the name I wanted was not available. Now you say that I'm not missing out on names I wanted. Which is it?


They both sound valid, to me. You don't care about your character names because you don't have any premeditated designs. Because of that, you take whatever spur-of-the-moment names happen to be available. Thus, they're both true.


you want BW to completely redesign the naming system to cater to you?


No, I want BW to completely redesign this archaic naming system to cater to everyone.


Everyone gets to have the name they want? Oh noes! This is so cruel! How will we survive? Change it back, Bioware! Change it back now!


I have no real talent for drawing, so I do not create webcomics. I do, however, write stories, create back stories for my characters and express myself creatively in other ways.


So you create the story after you design the face and name, from within the gaming system. That's what I'm talking about. Yes, I designed a few new characters within SWTOR, created backstory, browsed for names until I found what was available, and am even planning to start a webcomic starring them and their guild. However, this is not always the case. I have characters from back when my age was a single-digit number, I have characters designed back in high-school; I have a plethora of characters who were named, faced, clothed, and backstoried, years before EA and BW even got together and said "Let's make a KOTOR III! And let's make it an MMO!"


I care about my characters, and I just want them to have the names they've had since their naming.


They are not crimes, but refusal to adapt or compromise can show a lack of creativity or maturity.


Have children. Name them. You get to name them whatever you want, since they are your children, after all. Wait 20 years. Now rename them.


I didn't say 20 minutes, I said 20 years. After all, the names they have are probably already used somewhere else in reality and fiction. You have to rename them, and you, them, and everyone in their lives have to accept the renaming without a hitch. After all, who cares how accepted or set-in-stone theirs names -their identities- seem to be. You have no creativity, no maturity, no sense of adaptation or compromise if you can't just change those childrens' names on a whim.


No, we adapt and move on. You don't, and clearly prefer to whine until you get your way.


You too. Take Ratajack's child-naming challenge. We'll see how easy is is for you to adapt and move on.


Plus, see how you try to downplay my position by writing it off as whining? I guess that just means you can't actually dispute the claim, anymore. So you're just going to character-assassinate your way to victory.


You should get into politics.


Personally I don't care for name@name crap. It's just stupid and allows people to track your account even if you don't want them to or confuses people if they don't show the @name portion.


And you, read my responses to LyraineAlei.


Name purges don't just remove names from people who don't play, they remove names from faithful and more devoted players who may be unable to play for a time putting them in the purge category. For example someone in the armed forces who may or may not be putting their life on the line regardless of if their personal ideas match up with those who send them on their orders. My names got purged when I had to stop playing for medical expense reasons and couldn't get on to play, luckily I kept them because.... I was creative with the names. I only lost two names due to server merging in which they were more commonplace and I had been lucky enough to get them because I was playing from day 1 pre-order.


With my suggestion, you wouldn't have to worry about that. Plus, the other guy wouldn't have to fret about not having the name he was intent on.


The fact of the matter is I had already built that character up with that name where as you can build your characters up with different names and form an identity with those names rather than being selfish and trying to take names from others. I'll remind you that I hate cryptic's method of naming.


Some names are more common than others, some names are more rare. But it's stupid to think there's only one given name in the entire galaxy. If two parents, on the other side of the galaxy, named their child Susan, they didn't steal it from the other Susan. Susan may be a common name, but it's not stolen from someone else's identity. Plus, we have surnames -or legacy names- to differentiate the two. If two other parents, still on the other side of the galaxy, both name their child Haxelinn, they didn't steal it from eachother, either. They may be the only two Haxelinns in the galaxy, but they can still be their own people.


I'll remind you that I am dissatisfied with SWTOR's naming system, and would really appreciate a fix; as I have a ton of names I can't use because of this archaic system.

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Baras. With the inclusion of à, á, â, ã, ä, and å, we just found 6 more ways to pretty-much get away with a character named Baras. Include those foreign accents twice, and we just found 36 more ways to pretty-much spell Baras. ß looks like a B, even though it's pronounced like two S's and is never supposed to initiate a word. Still, we have a 37th way to pretty-much spell Baras. ŕ, ŗ, ř, ś, ŝ, ş, and š provide even more ways to spell the name, and I'm not even going to calculate the combinations at this point. Oh, and apostrophes increase the possibilities by at least 4 more.


Now that we have countless ways to get away with a similar-enough name, your point is fairly moot; might as well be able to spell it right, as this point.


Apparently you missed the part where I said I wanted spaces to avoid using those dreadful alt-whatever codes.


Being allowed to put a space in the name will open up possibilities, yes. Unlike a hyphen, a space will make it seem like character name and surname are separate names, like they should be. However, that full name will always be visible, despite any preferences you want to set. If John wanted to display his legacy name of Doe, he has that option to do so. But of John Smith of the Doe legacy wanted to hide his surname, he can't, because it's technically his character's name. My suggestion, gives you the opportunity to have the character and surnames you actually want; and without an entire naming system revamp, while we're at it.


John Smith of Doe Legacy would have been named John Smith, in genchat or other chats, his/her posts would read "John Smith: blah blah words". He doesn't have to have the Doe Legacy surname if he doesn't want to.


Maybe so, but he hasn't stepped up to claim otherwise. Plus his indifference to character names attributes to my accusation.


Does it? Maybe he just accepts that he can't play as that character, and so uses a different one. Or not. It was ill mannered of you to accuse him the way you did.

If you have friends you don't want to play with on certain alts, just reject them when they ask to join you. Or, perhaps BW can have some sort of privacy settings available. That way, Main Character shows up on searches and his friends' list, so does Alt 2. But Alts 3 and 4 are invisible/untrackable in the Who search, and in fact won't show up as you being online to your friends. Thus, you have company when you want, and not when you don't.


They would still know I was online. If BW put in such a privacy setting at the same time, then I wouldn't mind it so much. But such settings don't get put in until later.

Instead of trying to raze the entire idea, suggest amendments. Don't be such a wet blanket.

Are you really resorting to name calling now?


I'm sorry if I'm passionate about my character designs. I'm sorry if I care about how they appear. I'm sorry that I tried to pattern a few SWTOR characters after premeditated character designs. I'm sorry that I was satisfied with class, clothes, face, battle style, but wanted the name to match as close as possible, as well.


I know you're trying to feign over-passionate people who accidentally unpress the shift key while putting in the explanation marks, but actually typing out the word One ... you're coming across as an antagonistic troll now.


I accept your false apologies. I'm sorry that you seemingly have such a wide pool of characters, all with names that apparently are taken without those alt+number sequence, and I am sorry you can't choose other characters to play as instead if you must have those names exactly as you want.


Does calling me a troll make you feel better?


Have children. Name them. You get to name them whatever you want, since they are your children, after all. Wait 20 years. Now rename them.


I didn't say 20 minutes, I said 20 years. After all, the names they have are probably already used somewhere else in reality and fiction. You have to rename them, and you, them, and everyone in their lives have to accept the renaming without a hitch. After all, who cares how accepted or set-in-stone theirs names -their identities- seem to be. You have no creativity, no maturity, no sense of adaptation or compromise if you can't just change those childrens' names on a whim.


In real life, many children hate their birth names, and go to rename themselves. Then they, you, and everyone around them has to live with new changed name. My mother had my name picked out seven months before I was due to come out at eight months along. But, last minute, she had to change the spelling of MY name because some other little girl with the exact same last name and first name, and middle initial was born just before me in the hospital. Did my mother throw a fit, eight months pregnant AMD after spending six and a half months in the hospital? No. She changed my name's spelling and moved along.


No one is saying "Pick a brand new name", they are saying "Adapt and find other spellings, or reroll a different character if you must have THAT name." My personal example: ICTPT-1-4, no numbers allowed, so I have him saving the Empire as Petee-wonfor.



You say you write fiction or something along those lines, yes?


In literature, if we have three Susans in a story, it gets confusing unless that is a major plot to the story.


Take three Susans, have them go down a dark alley together.


"I'm scared." says Susan.


"Hush!" hissed Susan.


"Isn't this exciting?" Susan asked.


"If we get killed by Jack, it's on you, Susan."


A lamp glow moved across the street in front of them.


"Who's there?" asked Susan.


Yes, in a story, we would have a full character background or enough of one to tell who is who, but after a while, we lose track of which Susan is which. Which Susan, based on my short script, asked "Who's there?"


Literature doesn't have a bunch of people with the same name, or often similar names, on adventures together to help the read keep track of everyone.


That is what this "archaic" naming system is based on. But instead of not allowing people to have even similar names to already used names, they allow those similar names to be used.

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Apparently you missed the part where I said I wanted spaces to avoid using those dreadful alt-whatever codes.


And you missed the part where I agreed with your spaces.


They would still know I was online. If BW put in such a privacy setting at the same time, then I wouldn't mind it so much. But such settings don't get put in until later.


Then don't try to destroy the entire idea, support the amendments that make it worth your while.


Are you really resorting to name calling now?

Does calling me a troll make you feel better?


I'm describing it as I see it. If you want to take that as name-calling, so be it.


You aren't, however, denying the observations. Thus, they must be accurate.


In real life, many children hate their birth names, and go to rename themselves. Then they, you, and everyone around them has to live with new changed name. My mother had my name picked out seven months before I was due to come out at eight months along. But, last minute, she had to change the spelling of MY name because some other little girl with the exact same last name and first name, and middle initial was born just before me in the hospital. Did my mother throw a fit, eight months pregnant AMD after spending six and a half months in the hospital? No. She changed my name's spelling and moved along.


According to circumstances, fine. But, the circumstances of making an MMO character are different. In analogy, this is like saying I can't have have this name because some guy with the same name was born 40 years ago ... on the other side of the planet. Plus, we'd have never even come within 1,000 miles of eachother for the entire duration of our lives.


Also, in analogy, I'm not talking about a premeditated name for an unborn child, it's more like I have 50 children. These children range in age from a year to twenty. I suddenly decide to move to a new country, and take a select number of them with me. But no, I'm not allowed to because some other people already were born/moved in with those names.


No one is saying "Pick a brand new name", they are saying "Adapt and find other spellings, or reroll a different character if you must have THAT name."


That's what I'm already doing; and it's annoying when even every alternate spelling I think up is taken, as well. Plus, I'm tired of resorting to these spellings or even apostrophes. I'm starting to feel like my characters are a cast of Caitians. I'd like to see them fix the naming system, and grant existing characters a bind-on-pickup rename token to make up for this irksome aggravation.


You say you write fiction or something along those lines, yes?


In literature, if we have three Susans in a story, it gets confusing unless that is a major plot to the story.


Take three Susans, have them go down a dark alley together.




Yes, in a story, we would have a full character background or enough of one to tell who is who, but after a while, we lose track of which Susan is which. Which Susan, based on my short script, asked "Who's there?"


Literature doesn't have a bunch of people with the same name, or often similar names, on adventures together to help the read keep track of everyone.


And neither do I. My characters are named differently from eachother. And even if they did share a common first name, the surname would be included to differentiate them. Or, at least, nicknames would be assigned. (I never watched Ed, Edd, and Eddy, but it's an example.)


Some other character, created who-knows-when, maybe on the opposite faction, plus he hasn't logged in in five years. Examples like those are why I can't have a character name I want. You say it'll cause too much confusion if there are multiple names in close proximity. You just don't seem to realize that this close proximity pretty-much never happens, anyways. I might spot a Nihilus wannabe, but it's always only one at a time. I once spotted three Jesus the Risens (differentiated with foreign accents over the vowels) in a warzone, but that was intentionally planned out. Otherwise, it's random chance, and you might as well watch the vacuum of space for random cosmic collisions, as well.





I want my Eitan DuSaar, his sister Asenath DuSaar, his father Saar, his nemesis Gonen*, his friend Mili Riskalla, his friend's father Hans Riskalla, and an unrelated-to-his-story-but-still-in-the-same-concept Raya. But no, this stupid system forbids it because players who probably never will log on again hold those names.


These are just a few examples out of many. No, I'm not resorting to hyphens because hyphenated names are supposed to be the first name. (Examples Jean-Juc, Mary-Jane, Mary-Lou). I don't want to have to explain to people that the hyphen is separating character and surname. I just want it to be an easily identifiable character with a full name.


I want my Fevee Rhawl, his nemeses Lorcain and Dezza Lizeon and Clya, his friends Maro Selo and Neerja Noire and Gabbriella Brady. Neerja Noire's mentor Naresh. Clya's son Ammon. Sure, the legacy system may be too simple to process all this in one tree, but I would like it if the naming system was free enough that I could at least give them the names they deserve. (I don't care if you guys think these names are common or stupid or whatever, they're significant to me. Plus all their faces/outfits/fighting style;characters are already ingame. I'd like to see them properly named.)


I'd really like it if they could implement a better naming system, and even implement a fix so that characters in the same legacy can hold individual surnames. But I would at least settle for spaces in the name, like LyraineAlei suggests, so that they can feel like they're properly and fully named.



* Eitan's girlfriend Fina, who is Gonen's assignment and sworn duty to keep people like Eitan away. Story concept aside, Fina's not a fighter, and thus wouldn't be appropriate for any ingame class. However, it's still plausible for her to be around. We already have passive pets that follow you around and don't fight, so this gives me the idea for passive companion-pets; humanoid pets who are customized and dressed like any other character, but walk around and passively observe you on your adventures. Of course, this is an idea for a thread of it's own.

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I'm describing it as I see it. If you want to take that as name-calling, so be it.


You aren't, however, denying the observations. Thus, they must be accurate.


LOL. Spoken like a true troll. And yes, that was name-calling :rolleyes:


Why don't you just make some new characters instead of clinging on to old ones? Or are your staple ones just so effin' well made that you can't possibly top them even with all your creativity?

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And you missed the part where I agreed with your spaces.


Didn't read like you agreed with my spaces.


Then don't try to destroy the entire idea, support the amendments that make it worth your while.


My alterations to your idea would render most of it moot, as we could have three different Susans with three different @account are online at Fleetchat, holding a conversation in Gen Chat about something (say names), but if all three chose privacy to fully hide the @account part of the their assigned name, someone might think they were all the same person.



I'm describing it as I see it. If you want to take that as name-calling, so be it.


You aren't, however, denying the observations. Thus, they must be accurate.


I'm not denying that you called people names (troll, childish). Not the same thing as saying they were accurate. I don't think they were. IMO.


According to circumstances, fine. But, the circumstances of making an MMO character are different. In analogy, this is like saying I can't have have this name because some guy with the same name was born 40 years ago ... on the other side of the planet. Plus, we'd have never even come within 1,000 miles of eachother for the entire duration of our lives.


Also, in analogy, I'm not talking about a premeditated name for an unborn child, it's more like I have 50 children. These children range in age from a year to twenty. I suddenly decide to move to a new country, and take a select number of them with me. But no, I'm not allowed to because some other people already were born/moved in with those names.


I'm sorry you can't take all of your children with you. I can't take all of mine with me either. Sure, I'm not as old as you, but why should the age of your characters' concept pre-empt my less aged concept? Or anyone else's


That's what I'm already doing; and it's annoying when even every alternate spelling I think up is taken, as well. Plus, I'm tired of resorting to these spellings or even apostrophes. I'm starting to feel like my characters are a cast of Caitians. I'd like to see them fix the naming system, and grant existing characters a bind-on-pickup rename token to make up for this irksome aggravation.




And neither do I. My characters are named differently from eachother. And even if they did share a common first name, the surname would be included to differentiate them. Or, at least, nicknames would be assigned. (I never watched Ed, Edd, and Eddy, but it's an example.)


Some other character, created who-knows-when, maybe on the opposite faction, plus he hasn't logged in in five years. Examples like those are why I can't have a character name I want. You say it'll cause too much confusion if there are multiple names in close proximity. You just don't seem to realize that this close proximity pretty-much never happens, anyways. I might spot a Nihilus wannabe, but it's always only one at a time. I once spotted three Jesus the Risens (differentiated with foreign accents over the vowels) in a warzone, but that was intentionally planned out. Otherwise, it's random chance, and you might as well watch the vacuum of space for random cosmic collisions, as well.


Last purge was a year ago. Anyone who hasn't logged in as of something like 18+ months ago, has already been name purged. If you have nake-stalked and the player is still holding onto the name, likely that player is either playing another server, or still playing that character at time you're not online. Or a subscriber who just isn't playing the game right now.



I want my Eitan DuSaar, his sister Asenath DuSaar, his father Saar, his nemesis Gonen*, his friend Mili Riskalla, his friend's father Hans Riskalla, and an unrelated-to-his-story-but-still-in-the-same-concept Raya. But no, this stupid system forbids it because players who probably never will log on again hold those names.


These are just a few examples out of many. No, I'm not resorting to hyphens because hyphenated names are supposed to be the first name. (Examples Jean-Juc, Mary-Jane, Mary-Lou). I don't want to have to explain to people that the hyphen is separating character and surname. I just want it to be an easily identifiable character with a full name.


No one would think it was otherwise. Joe-smith is still going to be called Joe in genchat. I have a smuggler, Morri-Orinas, in gen chat, people shorten it up to Morri because Orinas is clearly the family name. No one is going to go "Oh, is this guy Feevee with the last name Rhawl, or is the guy's character's first name Feevee-Rhawl?" The hyphen being used as a space is so commonplace that they will just be all "Hey Feevee! What's up? How's the rivalry?"


-snip because I already commented on it-


I'd really like it if they could implement a better naming system, and even implement a fix so that characters in the same legacy can hold individual surnames. But I would at least settle for spaces in the name, like LyraineAlei suggests, so that they can feel like they're properly and fully named.


Thank you for fully stating the support for spaces. IMO including spaces would be the easiest to implement without the populace yelling about how they hate the new system because some other MMO had it and they hated it there too, and a long silence from BW about it, because it wouldn't require a full over haul of everything the name system is tied to (GTN, /ignore, Whispers, /friend, guilds, anything else I missed)


Sorry, I know you hate my posting answers in quotes because it is inconvenient on you, but I'm not on the computer right now so my thumbs would commit suicide if I did all the [ QUOTE]

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Sheepskin: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.


Yeesh, I thought it'd be a nice nickname for a strange Sith who doesn't actually introduce herself. So is thus referred to by the Hailsorm Brotherhood outfit she always wears. I guess someone beat me to it, but come on, no one dare tell me it's a common name.


Tine: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.


I have never heard this name used before; I thought I made it up, even. But no, it's not available. I refuse to resort to apostrophes and foreign accents to get away with spelling it, and I can't think up any other way to respell it and end up with the same pronunciation. I also refuse to accept that Tine is a common name.




Can we please just fix the naming system so that us paying players can have the character names we actually want? I even bought a 2,400 Cartel Coins card today, so don't tell me I'm a freeloading complainer.


Why don't you just make some new characters instead of clinging on to old ones? Or are your staple ones just so effin' well made that you can't possibly top them even with all your creativity?


Again, a sample of a player who does not have/does not care about his pre-meditated designs. These pre-meditated designs are over half the fun when it comes to exploring new games. But, I don't expect people like him to understand.

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Again, a sample of a player who does not have/does not care about his pre-meditated designs. These pre-meditated designs are over half the fun when it comes to exploring new games. But, I don't expect people like him to understand.



Anyone who is able to adapt when they can't get the EXACT name with the EXACT spelling they want and is actually able to adapt can't possibly care about their desired names?


Not everyone is so childish that they will pitch a fit and throw themselves on the floor, banging their fists every time they can't have EXACTLY what they want.

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Sheepskin: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.


Yeesh, I thought it'd be a nice nickname for a strange Sith who doesn't actually introduce herself. So is thus referred to by the Hailsorm Brotherhood outfit she always wears. I guess someone beat me to it, but come on, no one dare tell me it's a common name.


Tine: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.


I have never heard this name used before; I thought I made it up, even. But no, it's not available. I refuse to resort to apostrophes and foreign accents to get away with spelling it, and I can't think up any other way to respell it and end up with the same pronunciation. I also refuse to accept that Tine is a common name.


Are you for real?

Although, to be fair, they were probably trying to get Tyne http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyne but still, Tine, aside from being an English word in the dictionary, is also a place name and the name of an alien species in a series of sci-fi books by Vernor Vinge. He's a Hugo Award winner. You might have missed the books, but I assure you, other people have read them. You might want to look into them, they're pretty awesome.


Also, my first thought on seeing that you wanted to name a character Sheepskin was more "Ewww, a pervert name" considering that it's a common nickname for condoms.

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Anyone who is able to adapt when they can't get the EXACT name with the EXACT spelling they want and is actually able to adapt can't possibly care about their desired names?


Right, instead of Mili, I'll adapt and call her Habadabafixelstnn. It's close enough, right?


Not everyone is so childish that they will pitch a fit and throw themselves on the floor, banging their fists every time they can't have EXACTLY what they want.


No one is doing that, here. However, you are certainly trying to downplay the argument by writing it off as such. Can't dispute the point, so you resort to character assassination. Lovely.


Are you for real?

Although, to be fair, they were probably trying to get Tyne http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyne but still, Tine, aside from being an English word in the dictionary, is also a place name and the name of an alien species in a series of sci-fi books by Vernor Vinge. He's a Hugo Award winner. You might have missed the books, but I assure you, other people have read them. You might want to look into them, they're pretty awesome.


Yea, I'll admit, it is a fairly simple word. And I'm clearly not knowledgeable about your references, but the word still works as a proper noun, wouldn't you say?


Also, my first thought on seeing that you wanted to name a character Sheepskin was more "Ewww, a pervert name" considering that it's a common nickname for condoms.


I tell you, I wouldn't have guessed that if my life depended on it. Since sheep don't exist in the Star Wars universe, anyways, I guess I'll name her furs after Nerfs or Wampas or whatever. A little bit of dye changes the entire set.

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Tine: Taken/Unavailable, please choose another.


I have never heard this name used before; I thought I made it up, even. But no, it's not available

"Tine" is one possible short form for "Christine", at least in german speaking countries. So, at least in those areas it's not an uncommon name.


Want a prominent example?


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