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Bug ... After Bug ... After Bug. It's annoying.


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You burn through the content in days that will take most weeks if not months.... and then complain?


Sorry, you are the 1% (it is the exact opposite in games then real life) and I bluntly I think you are doing more of a self high five.


Self high five= hey look at me! WOOT!!! Im level 50

Self high five= Im not a looser, look I found bugs!

Self high five= Im from WOW and therefore am an expert on all things gaming!


Darn whipper snappers probably have no clue what UO is....



*FIRST POST*!!! Self high five!


In lieu of posting my own reply, I've quoted this one. OP, please read it again, but understand that it comes from me this time.

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"i'm really mad that one week after launch of a new MMO, there are bugs in end game content that allow me to exploit bosses. I wish this game had pandas and Pokemon like the best MMO I've ever played."


You forgot: "Also, I am one of those idiots who thinks MMOs don't start until max level and this I ignored all content leading to that point because it's just filler garbage. Also, I had expected cake for maxing my character so quickly. Where the hell is my cake?"

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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


This is BW. Blizzard spoiled us with their excellent customer service. That has always been something blizzard has which makes them shine above the rest of the companies in this business. Yes, I think BW should follow suite since good customer service is essential to retain people but you forget EA owns them and EA is the evil juggernaut of the gaming world.

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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


What? Sir, I believe you're comparing apples to oranges with your analogies about European sports cars' development being proportional to customer service development. I was following you until you said that.

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Just the fact that you claimed Blizzard patches bugs in 12-24 hours makes me hope you quit and go back to WoW. Seriously. Leave.


Can't wait for the people who are threatening to quit to actually do it and leave us alone for once. I sort of wish that 'threatening to quit' was a bannable forum offense, just for the sheer delicious thought of these keyboard ragers impotently raging in silence.

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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


did you just seriously compare the development of video games of that of cars? you realize they are completely different things right? more people and money invested into the development of that technology. The game has bugs, look at skyrim, i have encountered many bugs in that game. everyone take a deep breath and relax.

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did you just seriously compare the development of video games of that of cars? you realize they are completely different things right? more people and money invested into the development of that technology. The game has bugs, look at skyrim, i have encountered many bugs in that game. everyone take a deep breath and relax.


What is this inability of people to grasp comparisons? I think your just trying to find a reason to retort back. Technology advances forward not backward, and BW/EA had plenty of time to incorporate all those technological advantages into the game, instead of creating one that acts like it is stuck in 2004.

Edited by McAvinue
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The only thing I could wish on you, was that you ended up having to code for a living. No greater punishment could be dished out or more justified.


This game is the most bug free and smooth release by a large margin in MMO history. WoW.....lol...wow's launch was a nightmare, and plagued by game stopping bugs that go well beyond what is happening here.


Play Anarchy Online at release...now there were some bugs.


Attempting to make someone else look inferior, is not going to make up for the shortcomings in your own life.

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To be honest as a beta tester at least in the phases I was in we didn't get to test much level 50 content as we were never given premade level 50s so I really do not know how much high level content testing took place so OP may have a very valid gripe.
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What is this inability of people to grasp comparisons? I think your just trying to find a reason to retort back. Technology advances forward not backward, and BW/EA had plenty of time to incorporate all those technological advantages into the game, instead of creating one that acts like it is stuck in 2004.


And you seem to fail in understanding the more technology advances the more apt for bugs, and errors to occur; If you want a proper analogy to technology look no further then medicine, we cure one disease just to find that it causes another. also the more technology and medicine advance the more difficult and complex the errors and bugs become.


As far as SWTOR in concerned in all of this, no matter the development time of MMO's they will and have always released with not just bugs but game "stopping" bugs. If you feel you have some genius idea or invention to stop all bugs in video games then please enlighten us.

Edited by Teilo
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As a programmer, if I was a developer working on this project and I saw this thread, I would say "screw you guys, do it yourselves if you wanna ***** about it"


So oh great programming god, what games have you worked on that put you on such a pedestal? You sound like a pretty awful developer or programmer if you want your consumer to make your product good FOR you.

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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/


So your thesis is, that since you rammed through (80 hours if I read correctly) and rushed to get to 50, you are now encountering issues at the end-game? When the majority of the population is somewhere between 13-28, depending on your schedule. Now its just common sense that thier going to focus on having the first part of the game top notch..on the assumption it will take people a bit to achieve top level. Granted thats an assumption..but a reasonable one, considering most ppl would be interested in the story.


As for the bugs, yea well our toons were constantly wiped around level 30 in beta (except 3 short occasions) and thier high level servers didnt work to well. Thus, the bugs you describe is a consequence of thier beta testing format (which we said would occur, and look it did), because we didn't get a chance to test high level content hardly at all. I wouldn't anticipate seeing major bug patches for high level stuff for sometime. Also there's already a status update about new content coming in one month...we'll see how that works out.

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WoW still has bugs and they have been fixing bugs in this game EVERY day.


But no one cares about that, they just want to complain.


Human nature, focuses more on the negative than the positive. You can't say there weren't high expectations for this game..because there were, and thus some of the reason for the strong negativity. Everyone exepected it to be this next-gen, high tech MMO that was unique, original and groundbreaking. Instead they got something that is a decent game..but not what they expected, thus the letdown. Its easier to point out the negatives because of this.


The trick ppl haven't learned yet is to expect nothing, then you'll never be surprised or letdown.

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You burn through the content in days that will take most weeks if not months.... and then complain?


Sorry, you are the 1% (it is the exact opposite in games then real life) and I bluntly I think you are doing more of a self high five.


Self high five= hey look at me! WOOT!!! Im level 50

Self high five= Im not a looser, look I found bugs!

Self high five= Im from WOW and therefore am an expert on all things gaming!


Darn whipper snappers probably have no clue what UO is....



*FIRST POST*!!! Self high five!


so, complaining about bugs and wanting them fixed is the 1%, ok.

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Hi, I'm level 50 in one week and while obviously I didnt encounter any game breaking bugs cause I made it to lev 50 soooo quick. However after all the smoked cleared and a few showers later I NOW realize this game is buggy to no end.....please Bioware fix.
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Today I had a bug where I couldn't click anything. I couldn't click my buffs, npc's I couldn't even quit. I thought it was my mouse but upon experimenting this wasn't the case. I had to force the game to quit by restarting my comp.


I haven't logged in yet to see if it's fixed.

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