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Everything posted by xKnuckLe

  1. i dont understand how people who play pvp cant grasp the idea of the objections. cant tell you how many times on ald. WZ where east would call for help and everyone at mid would run over, leaving me by myself. they need to put in a team deathmatch WZ because people only care about medals and killing people.
  2. did you just seriously compare the development of video games of that of cars? you realize they are completely different things right? more people and money invested into the development of that technology. The game has bugs, look at skyrim, i have encountered many bugs in that game. everyone take a deep breath and relax.
  3. having the same problems. hopefully it will be fixed soon or i wont continue to play.
  4. your guide helped me go from mostly choppy gameplay to virtually perfectly. thank you good sir.
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