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Bug ... After Bug ... After Bug. It's annoying.


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We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


900hp per tonne wasnt new back in 2004 and those cars costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. If the standard edition of the game cost 300 bucks, then this might have been a decent analogy.


Really though, I hope the problems you're encountering get fixed quickly.

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You know why you are encountering so many end level bugs?

Because you are the first to try it.


Thats what happens. How does BW know what to fix if no ones played it yet?



And LMFAO. Dont make me laugh. Blizzard releases a patch between 12-24 hours?


There are still things that are horribly bugged in BC. That was released YEARS ago.


Its called testing the stuff you make your self?


As far as I remember, Blizzard hasnt made a bug that was completely gamebreaking for the players being subject to it (the desease bug was fun as hell and gave pandemic researchers a field day :p)


Also, you cannot compare WoW's launch to that of SWTOR's launch. It is different times, and customers expect different results. Blizzard also made their own engine for WoW, Bioware did not.

Edited by Snuller
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For those of you who think I'm lying (lol lying on a pc game~~) here's my old main in WoW:




Note the amazing feat of strengths... Here's the screenshotes I took of my bugged level 50 BH: http://imageshack.us/f/856/questlogz.png/ , http://imageshack.us/f/233/loadingscreeng.png/


The game is broken beyond belief. Everything at the max level has been broken for the entireity of beta and despite sending in countless bug reports (I bug reported the BH issue in beta) nothing has been done.


Flame me all you want for "hitting 50 fast" but the truth is levelling in this game, with or withou space bar, is a *********** easy task and it's incredibly fast unless you're a mindless fool. As for people saying WoW's CS is exactly the same, I have to disagree. WoW's CS (ingame and over the telephone because there are EU lines!) has always been incredibly helpful to me. Hell, the people who answer tickets actually wish you a Merry Christmas!


As for Bioware being "allowed" to "slack" because it's "Christmas" ... How about not releasing a buggy game during the period to begin with? Just because they're profiteering bastards doesn't mean they should be allowed to release half a game.

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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/


First, lets not take a look at Blizzard shall we.


Second, when you say, and I quote, (again), "I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger", you should follow that up with a bit more than "Multiple bugs with the world - operations". That's not exactly hard evidence, neither are any of the other examples that you have listed.


If you want to be taken seriously, submit hard facts. Data. Don't generalize from multiple instances. It makes for a poor argument.

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First, lets not take a look at Blizzard shall we.


Second, when you say, and I quote, (again), "I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger", you should follow that up with a bit more than "Multiple bugs with the world - operations". That's not exactly hard evidence, neither are any of the other examples that you have listed.


If you want to be taken seriously, submit hard facts. Data. Don't generalize from multiple instances. It makes for a poor argument.


There are too many bugs to list in all fairness honey.

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so you have been 50 since the 18th already and you have then played for max 5 days to reach max lvl.


And you are here complaining about bugs any sane person knew would be in the game a week after release like in every single game on the planet.


It takes time to iron out bugs no matter how much u betatest.


what im wondering is why do you play the game? beeing 50 after 5 days of gaming you must have hit spacebar alot...and not explored alot wich by all means is fine but..why do you play? i cannot see the enjoyment or even a point in massive powerlevelling that quick :cool:

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Blizzard's tickets get answered by real people, you aren't given some random silly 'WE HAVE READ YOUR TICKET BLAH BLAH' message. Besides, I'd kill for my ticket to be answered (closed) by Bioware in 6 hours... The one regarding my BH class quest at level 50 took over 40 hours for them to answer, just to get a meaningless message.


SWTOR has been in development for 6 years (and still is, tbh), and has had a lot of money thrown at it. Bug fixes shouldn't be tolerated because "it's a newly launched game." The fact it's "a newly launched game" should mean there are NO bug fixes because beta is used, primarily, for testing out bugs and reporting them.


Yeah the customer service in this game is appalling. We were clearly very spoilt on WoW because we dealt with human beings.

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For those of you who think I'm lying (lol lying on a pc game~~) here's my old main in WoW:




Note the amazing feat of strengths... Here's the screenshotes I took of my bugged level 50 BH: http://imageshack.us/f/856/questlogz.png/ , http://imageshack.us/f/233/loadingscreeng.png/


The game is broken beyond belief. Everything at the max level has been broken for the entireity of beta and despite sending in countless bug reports (I bug reported the BH issue in beta) nothing has been done.


Flame me all you want for "hitting 50 fast" but the truth is levelling in this game, with or withou space bar, is a *********** easy task and it's incredibly fast unless you're a mindless fool. As for people saying WoW's CS is exactly the same, I have to disagree. WoW's CS (ingame and over the telephone because there are EU lines!) has always been incredibly helpful to me. Hell, the people who answer tickets actually wish you a Merry Christmas!


As for Bioware being "allowed" to "slack" because it's "Christmas" ... How about not releasing a buggy game during the period to begin with? Just because they're profiteering bastards doesn't mean they should be allowed to release half a game.


I'm not sure what linking your armory is supposed to prove. If they don't think that you played during Vanilla that certainly won't help.


I'm going to have to agree with the other people on the Blizzard Customer Service. It's sometimes taken me 24 hours to even get a response from them let alone get them to do anything about it.


As other people have pointed out, you're not getting this kind of reaction because you pointed out bugs. It's because of the WAY that you pointed out the bugs. The game has been out a week, it's going to have bugs. The game could have been in beta for another 6 months and there would still have been bugs. It's just the way that development goes. That's what hot fixes and patches are for though.


Calm down, report your bugs and wait. Try an alt if you can't progress any further on your main. I'm sure they'll get to the level 50 content as soon as they can but since the majority of gamers aren't going to have rushed as quickly as you they need to make sure that the way to 50 is nice and smooth as well.

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To the Op...level 50 in a week or so? I suggest you get out more..go for a nice walk...see the sunshine..talk with real people. The game for a new launch has very....very few bugs in my experence. Do what I suggested and maybe you will be more patient and think more clearly. :cool:
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Linking the armory is another epeen thing... how did someone put it? A personal "high five".


A friend of mine constantly complains about her boyfriend. I walked by her office oen day and heard her arguing... yelling at this guy... he was definitely yelling back. She hung up and walked out her office. I asked her "is everything ok?" She said "I'll be fine, Larry just gets on my nerves... i cant stand him!" She started to walk to the elevator. I asked where she was going.... she said "I'm meeting Larry for lunch". I realized no matter how much they argued, no matter how much she complains or says she's gonna leave, she never will. Some people just like drama in there lives. It doesnt matter if the complaints are huge and valid, non-existant or anywhere in-between, theyll complain. They NEED to. If she was sooo unhappy, she would just leave the guy. I know when I break up with a girl, I'll talk to her about it, then I leave. I wouldnt talk to her about it then continue to see her. If I'm unhappy, i wouldnt stick around.

Edited by Orici
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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


Sorry Berries, but you rushing through Content like I through life and complain that nobody gives you a full attention within 20 minutes of you posting a request.


Should you have checked the subscription level, they talking about over a million accounts, so its not just you, who could maybe have a bigger probem then your shinny quest drop not working. Reset the quest, start from the beginning and move on !


People like you make my "Real-Life" Job just a joke. I work in support for a fortune 500 company and we have to deal with people like you on a daily basis... people who do not real the Manual, people who think because there is a cable going into the wall that means you have internet, people who think because they bought a computer from HP or DELL.. Dell has to send a tech over to setup their $200 Laptop. Give it a thought, a GM is a Game Monitor or Support Tech, which means he will write an internal ticket to the Coding team after being able to replicate the BUG and the Coders fix it in a Hotfix.


Once enough HotFixes have been bundled a Mayor Patch will get implemented. IF you would focus a little more on other things then yourself you would see when you log into the game that there is a small patch or update behind the scenes almost every day... OH HANG ON... in order to obtain the patch you would to reset your client.. aka shut down your game client and restart it.. as it seem you didn't do that as you were power leveling in 1 week your character to boost your little ego. Please get a life and move on.


If you love WOW so much, go back there please. I have been in WOW and that game was a mayor Bug fest when it released... it made me move on, and I did. Either you like what you do or you don't. If you don't, you are a free person, then move on.


Nuff Said


Happy Holidays from a Happy Customer that enjoys the game and its community

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1) The game is barely a week old. Sheesh.


2) Personally, I've yet to encounter any major bugs. A couple tiny graphics glitches but otherwise this is game is amazingly stable - which is even more amazing for being a game so new.


3) You want to see bugs? Go play Batteground Europe for a while. That game's been around for over 10 years and it's still so full of bugs that their one server can't go six hours without completely crashing.


I swear, people don't realize just how good they've got it. Yes, I'm reverse-trolling. :rolleyes:

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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


Sorry but WoW still has horrible customer service and generic messages. In all the dealings I've had with GMs I've had 1 satisfactory response. The rest were all responses that had nothing to do with my ticket at all, and resulting in me having to open a ticket again to the point I just gave up.


WoW launched with more bugs than SW:TOR. Plenty more in fact. Raid bosses in WoW have a history of being bugged, or either horribly over or undertuned.


Please take off the rose-tinted glasses. WoW had massive issues at release, and still has.

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lol, since when did blizzard fix bug within 24 hours?, i had my char stuck and it took them 3 days to replay, the last bug i submittet took 2-3 month for them to fix, and wow was no better when it was just released, think you forgot, how World of Warcraft was when it was released.
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This guy/girl is full of it. First he posted EU photos so that means he/she is from EU somewhere. His pictures dont work for me from imageshack or whereever he has them posted at.


I call BS on tis guy. Unless he is playing on a US server from EU which is foolish for many reasons itself. His being 50 for about a week is an extreme exaggeration unless he had people playing in teams to level his character.


Carry on OP.

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First many ppl did not reach lvl 50 yet, the game has only been out by 3/4 days now.

Second did you had to buy a new keyboard ???


Love how people keep saying this, i lvled this week to 50 with a group of 3 people didnt skip one quest cut scene so i would stop being jealous my friend. Aint his fault you're still lvl 5

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