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Bug ... After Bug ... After Bug. It's annoying.


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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/

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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/


Yeah i hate to do the release comparison however when WoW released bugs were not fixed within a week of me posting them. Lets not forget the horrible ticket system WoW launched with that had me sitting in game for 6hours waiting for a GM. The game is newly released, and lets not forget that these people at bioware/EA have lives especialy around Christmas.


So... grow up and learn the world does not revolve around you, report the bugs and move on. Let EA/Bioware expand and improve its not like this games been released for 7 years... and im not even going to touch on the whole being 50 for a week now... talk about being a joke.

Edited by Teilo
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You know why you are encountering so many end level bugs?

Because you are the first to try it.


Thats what happens. How does BW know what to fix if no ones played it yet?



And LMFAO. Dont make me laugh. Blizzard releases a patch between 12-24 hours?


There are still things that are horribly bugged in BC. That was released YEARS ago.

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Yeah i hate to do the release comparison however when WoW released bugs were not fixed within a week of me posting them. Lets not forget the horrible ticket system WoW launched with that had me sitting in game for 6hours waiting for a GM. The game is newly released, and lets not forget that these people at bioware/EA have lives especialy around Christmas.


So... grow up and learn the world does not revolve around you, report the bugs and move on. Let EA/Bioware expand and improve its not like this games been released for 7 years... and im not even going to touch on the whole being 50 for a week now... talk about being a joke.


Blizzard's tickets get answered by real people, you aren't given some random silly 'WE HAVE READ YOUR TICKET BLAH BLAH' message. Besides, I'd kill for my ticket to be answered (closed) by Bioware in 6 hours... The one regarding my BH class quest at level 50 took over 40 hours for them to answer, just to get a meaningless message.


SWTOR has been in development for 6 years (and still is, tbh), and has had a lot of money thrown at it. Bug fixes shouldn't be tolerated because "it's a newly launched game." The fact it's "a newly launched game" should mean there are NO bug fixes because beta is used, primarily, for testing out bugs and reporting them.

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Blizzard's tickets get answered by real people, you aren't given some random silly 'WE HAVE READ YOUR TICKET BLAH BLAH' message. Besides, I'd kill for my ticket to be answered (closed) by Bioware in 6 hours... The one regarding my BH class quest at level 50 took over 40 hours for them to answer, just to get a meaningless message.


SWTOR has been in development for 6 years (and still is, tbh), and has had a lot of money thrown at it. Bug fixes shouldn't be tolerated because "it's a newly launched game." The fact it's "a newly launched game" should mean there are NO bug fixes because beta is used, primarily, for testing out bugs and reporting them.


When WoW first released you did not get a message from a "real person" it was just as you said a generic message, and then waiting. The instance i was speaking of was reference to a glitch that happened when my character died resulting in me being stuck. A GM has no control over re coding and programming quests to completely fix bugs, the problem needs to be turned over to the bug team, so im not surprised that an in game ticket did not result in a immediate fix.


I am no fan boy trying to excuse every bug, but come on, it a COMPUTER PROGRAM. no matter how many checks, codes, and what not you do there will be bugs. Like i said before look outside your understanding of the world and realize not everything is black and white. There is not grand standard that MMO's have bugs fixed like someone all ready stated i have seen bug in WoW (big ones that is) persist for years. Give Bio/EA time to get rolling id say a month or so, after a couple big patches. If major problems still persists then its time to decide if you value this game enough to keep playing. However being the 3rd day of release rushing 50 in 2-3 days and then whining is not productive what so ever.

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When WoW first released you did not get a message from a "real person" it was just as you said a generic message, and then waiting. The instance i was speaking of was reference to a glitch that happened when my character died resulting in me being stuck. A GM has no control over re coding and programming quests to completely fix bugs, the problem needs to be turned over to the bug team, so im not surprised that an in game ticket did not result in a immediate fix.


I am no fan boy trying to excuse every bug, but come on, it a COMPUTER PROGRAM. no matter how many checks, codes, and what not you do there will be bugs. Like i said before look outside your understand of the world and realize not everything is black and white.

In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).

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You burn through the content in days that will take most weeks if not months.... and then complain?


Sorry, you are the 1% (it is the exact opposite in games then real life) and I bluntly I think you are doing more of a self high five.


Self high five= hey look at me! WOOT!!! Im level 50

Self high five= Im not a looser, look I found bugs!

Self high five= Im from WOW and therefore am an expert on all things gaming!


Darn whipper snappers probably have no clue what UO is....



*FIRST POST*!!! Self high five!

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I've been level 50 for a week now and I am going to list every bug I've come across that has made me alt+f4 in anger because, quite simply, if these bugs were in WoW the game would be utterly crucified.


Every single HM Level 50 Flashpoint is bugged in some way, whether this is boss abilities not working, the ability to bug certain bosses to remove their abilities permenantly, bosses who seem to have sporadic enrages (a certain boss can enrage anywhere between 120 seconds and 480 seconds...), where loot chests don't work...


Being unable to access Ilum because my class quest decided to bug out and not progress me. (Issue for other BH Mercs too, mind you.)


Multiple bugs with the world - operations ...


There are just so many bugs. I'm sorry, this is a launch build. Bugs which are gamebreaking should be fixed by launch. If you take a look at Blizzard, they patch their bugs within 12-24 hours of it being notified - especially if it concerns a dungeon/raid, simply because they understand that dungeon/raids are where bugs can hit their wallets.


This game is an utter joke. :/


As a mature and constructive member of the community, you reported those bugs in the appropriate way and in the appropriate place before making this thread, right? Happy Holidays.

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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


The argument referencing the two release dates of games and stating there is an advancement in technology so games should release perfect is just silly. And what the heck does the advancement of the automotive/technology industry have to do with problems with customer service and computer programing? Technology will exponentially be improving, you are right, however that just means more problems will surface. No game no matter the current technology will release perfectly with no bugs.


And guess what in the automotive industry even with the vast amount of advancement you stated we still have mechanics, safety recalls, other recalls, and numerous other problems that surface. New technology does not solve problems if anything it just creates a new batch of problems, just like in medicine.

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You expect too much, you were the one who rushed and space barred the entire game to 50. Here is a bit of news to you, swtor is not a elitist progression game. Your feats mean nothing to us.



But yeah hope you enjoyed speed leveling, now you're part of the live testing crowd. Enjoy it, it'll happen again. Do I care about it? Nope, they don't have to change that at all, because I'll never be apart of the live testing crowd cause I take my time.

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First many ppl did not reach lvl 50 yet, the game has only been out by 3/4 days now.

Second did you had to buy a new keyboard ???


In other words, "Your a minority, please come back and complain about these legitimate issues when you are the majority. Thank you."


This community is so nice.

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In 2004 yea, maybe Blizzard did have ****** customer service... In 2004.


We're approaching 2012. Look at the development of cars over the last 8 years and tell me how much of a leap forward there is. If you need a pointer, there's a certain car (UK made) which has 900 bhp per tonne. NINE HUNDRED. That's insane, and it's all due to the fact technology has advanced from a ****** state in 2004 to the monster it is in 2011 (soon to be 2012).


Better watch out on those car comparisons. I'm told that some people cannot understand them very well, and will flame you.

I debated this to another guy was was told cars are not MMOs.


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You expect too much, you were the one who rushed and space barred the entire game to 50. Here is a bit of news to you, swtor is not a elitist progression game. Your feats mean nothing to us.



But yeah hope you enjoyed speed leveling, now you're part of the live testing crowd. Enjoy it, it'll happen again. Do I care about it? Nope, they don't have to change that at all, because I'll never be apart of the live testing crowd cause I take my time.

I didn't space bar, I just chose to reorganise my schedule.


I could've hit 50 within 48-52 hours /played if I truly wanted to, instead I took 83 hours (80 if I exclude afk time).


Levelling in this game is fast, it's not slow. It's just slow if you're horrid.


The car analogy was to show that you can't make games and base their performance off of past games. You can't compare a 2011 game to a 2004 game because there is a 7 year *********** gap. Both companies, Blizzard and Bioware, have that 7 year gap to look at. Bioware could've look at WoW's progression over 7 years - saw what they added, what had praise, what did not.


Instead they did nothing, brought out a hurrendous amount of buggy features. Brought out retardedly stupid Flashpoints with the most inane balancing ever, and call it "a launch build". When you get to 50, and encounter these bugs (they aren't going to get fixed for a long time), I hope you choke on your own hypocrisy.

Edited by Cranberries
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this is getting pretty funny tbh, how can u fk up so badly? endless bugs everywhere, i get this nice bug daily which randomly disables my mouse clicking totally, cannot click anything at all just have to close the game rofl, think thats the best one. another is when i cant actually sell my items in trade because the links dont show all stats -.- this game is complete failure



hit ctrl+U twice this resets the UI and fixes any UI bugs

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You know why you are encountering so many end level bugs?

Because you are the first to try it.


Thats what happens. How does BW know what to fix if no ones played it yet?



And LMFAO. Dont make me laugh. Blizzard releases a patch between 12-24 hours?


There are still things that are horribly bugged in BC. That was released YEARS ago.


LOl wat???

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I didn't space bar, I just chose to reorganise my schedule.


I could've hit 50 within 48-52 hours /played if I truly wanted to, instead I took 83 hours (80 if I exclude afk time).


Levelling in this game is fast, it's not slow. It's just slow if you're horrid.


The car analogy was to show that you can't make games and base their performance off of past games. You can't compare a 2011 game to a 2004 game because there is a 7 year *********** gap. Both companies, Blizzard and Bioware, have that 7 year gap to look at. Bioware could've look at WoW's progression over 7 years - saw what they added, what had praise, what did not.


Instead they did nothing, brought out a hurrendous amount of buggy features. Brought out retardedly stupid Flashpoints with the most inane balancing ever, and call it "a launch build". When you get to 50, and encounter these bugs (they aren't going to get fixed for a long time), I hope you choke on your own hypocrisy.


The automotive industry is a well established industry that has been around much longer then the MMO industry, not to mention the video game industry. Your analogy fails to take into account the gap in industries life times, and you are jumping to an assumption that the two correlate. This game has improved on many features, what your argument comes down to is they did not include everything YOU THINK is standard to an MMO. I get that you think that gaming companies should sit down at the table and say "look here guy WoW had the hieghest subs", "we need to copy paste every feature they did".


you are no professional of the industry and what you think is a standard is most likely a luxury... and the same applies to a majority of what i think should be included in the game too, I am not just singling you out in that thought.

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Blizzard's tickets get answered by real people, you aren't given some random silly 'WE HAVE READ YOUR TICKET BLAH BLAH' message. Besides, I'd kill for my ticket to be answered (closed) by Bioware in 6 hours... The one regarding my BH class quest at level 50 took over 40 hours for them to answer, just to get a meaningless message.


Is this a joke? No, Blizzard tickets almost ALWAYS give you automated responses that never resolve the issue.

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I could've hit 50 within 48-52 hours /played if I truly wanted to, instead I took 83 hours (80 if I exclude afk time).


Levelling in this game is fast, it's not slow. It's just slow if you're horrid.


I guess your done then. Obviously the bugs didn't slow you down, but then again I am just a silly fanboy who is completely clueless to the intricacies of MMO grinding.

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if you really wanted to you could just make a video of a character that you level and put it on youtube to prove that you really can do it in that amount of time. Put your money where your mouth is, otherwise I think your full of crap to level that fast.
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I'm going to say it every time, if you're in a min-maxing progression going for firsts guild just go back to wow. Seriously just leave now. Nobody here cares at all. The operations here aren't that advanced, there isn't that many and honestly nobody really cared about it but you guys.



Wow is almost exclusively designed for you elitists. It's all about epeen matches. This is about enjoying a game.

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