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If you want to keep the baddies out of ranked, take the OP out of unranked.


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I am so tired of hearing the complaining about crappy geared players in ranked. As a more casual player, I'm tired of getting rofl-stomped by the same groups wz after wz because they are too chicken sh*t to run more ranked matches.


What incentive does anyone just hitting 55 have to pvp? 50 hours of losing matches? Screw that. I get it, noob 55's are terribad. Well then, don't match them against ranked premades. Force the people that consider themselves to be hot dodo to prove it. Queue lines too long? Well that is the downside of you being so good now isn't it?


So on nights like tonight where PUGs stand no chance on Pot5, I am just gonna queue ranked and waste people's time, because with only 3 pvp pieces so far, we won't win.


At some point, the system needs balance: (suggestions, leave yours)


A) Penalize ranked players who don't queue ranked enough. Ranked IS the area for the 1337 to play. Fight each other, or are you scared to lose.


B) Get rid of ranked/unranked, make it all ranked. And baddies fight baddies, and uber hard core warriors fight each other.


C) Remove any premades from unranked and mix players across teams by ranking.


D) Stop acting all arrogant, if you were in top 20% last season and you're proud of owning huttball against pug noobs, then you're a tool.


Imbalance and the inability for people to actually have fun in pvp will just give more people more reasons to quit... The game is good to a point, and then the gear curves become stupid painful. And whomever thinks bolster is OP in unranked hasn't really tried running undergeared lately...


So flame away or add something useful, cause it's not QQ if you know you're bad.

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You're wasting your breath. The devs are not going to do anything that will increase queue times. There are tons of things you could do to separate the more experienced players from the newbies. You could get rid of bolster and break it apart by gear, you could break it apart by valor, by pvp rating ... there are a million ways to do it. But all of them would create longer queue times and not doing that is the #1 priority.
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This is one of the most entitled whine rants I've read on these forums in a while.


Good job, that's quite the accomplishment.


So everyone who is even remotely capable of playing pvp well should be spamming ONE gametype over and over. Nothing else. For the sake of YOUR ego?



Edited by CaptainApop
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Can't say I blame you for being ticked. My 55 is in Conq. gear (unadorned), as I left her unplayed for a time to level a couple of alts, and now the premades are thoroughly rampaging through unranked on their way to roflstomp wins.


I've played exactly one ranked match, and I judged myself unfit at the time to participate in them. I still don't believe that I'm ready for ranked, but if all the premade gods are in regs, anyways, I may as well take a crack at ranked again - if I'm going to lose, may as well lose big and get some higher rewards out of it.


Not a bad suggestion.

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This is one of the most entitled whine rants I've read on these forums in a while.


Good job, that's quite the accomplishment.


So everyone who is even remotely capable of playing pvp well should be spamming ONE gametype over and over. Nothing else. For the sake of YOUR ego?




/thread winner.

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Imbalance and the inability for people to actually have fun in pvp will just give more people more reasons to quit... The game is good to a point, and then the gear curves become stupid painful. And whomever thinks bolster is OP in unranked hasn't really tried running undergeared lately....


Lack of knowledge about bolster. That's all. Hitting 9k+ hits in 55 PvP (on PvP geared sorcs, for example) in leveling gear doesn't seem too bad to me. Of course I don't bother really optimizing too much for bolster, I quickly grind PvP gear / send from legacy, so no point in wasting too much time on optimizing bolstering. But yes, bolster is good. Proper bolster usage puts you at ~Obroan gear level.

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People that complain about gear gap in current game...

never played the game when there was actually a big gear gap.


were you not around the first few (5?) months? at first, there was a huge gear gap because so many ppl only had pve gear -- RNG access to gear was comically...RNG. at some point, rakata pve became bis pvp. then there was a massive disparity between purple and blue pvp gear.


don't get me wrong. I stopped reading the OP after

What incentive does anyone just hitting 55 have to pvp? 50 hours of losing matches


it takes one week of completing dailies to gear out a toon with reg comms (diehards will do this in one day) but let's not sweep the past under the rug. the gear grind and tier differences were an issue, but it's been well over a year (at least since before partisan, probably the 2nd generation of recruit at latest).

Edited by foxmob
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Thats what i mean, the people nowdays that complain about gear gap, there is BARELY a gear gap now. Remember a fresh 50 against centurion/champion/battlemaster/rakata/columi players... remember before recruit gear.. and hell the gap from recruit gear to battlemaster/war hero was really massive... Its more about knowing your class now than anything else... Edited by AngusFTW
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Thats what i mean, the people nowdays that complain about gear gap, there is BARELY a gear gap now. Remember a fresh 50 against centurion/champion/battlemaster/rakata/columi players... remember before recruit gear.. and hell the gap from recruit gear to battlemaster/war hero was really massive... Its more about knowing your class now than anything else...


A fresh 50? Heck, how about a level 10 with no sprint playing against a 50 with any type of gear.

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It's not that the ranked players are "too chicken ***** to run more ranked"...it's really a problem that there isnt' much point in doing ranked. There is no match making, long queues, broken ELO gains/losses, no ability to reconnect to a DC match, Incorrect Hybrid-Cheese class matching...and that is just a few problems of the many in ranked.
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And whomever thinks bolster is OP in unranked hasn't really tried running undergeared lately...


My assassin is still not even in PvP gear-mostly due to my laziness, I find it easier to just buy ranked comms than search for the right tier 1 gear. The entire left side (except for relics) is still PvE gear as well as my belt and one of my armor pieces. The rest is tier 1 pvp gear, some of it still conqueror ... Got around 500k dps and 150k+ protection last night on my tank hybrid against a premade. What is your excuse?

Edited by sithBracer
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Thats what i mean, the people nowdays that complain about gear gap, there is BARELY a gear gap now. Remember a fresh 50 against centurion/champion/battlemaster/rakata/columi players... remember before recruit gear.. and hell the gap from recruit gear to battlemaster/war hero was really massive... Its more about knowing your class now than anything else...


yeah. sorry. I totally misread what you said. :o

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Crybabies. Yeah, modern crybaby carebears don't even remember the times when first timers were getting globalled by lvl 50s... and the pride in catching the damned lvl 50 on low HP and killing him at least once! :D
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were you not around the first few (5?) months? at first, there was a huge gear gap because so many ppl only had pve gear -- RNG access to gear was comically...RNG. at some point, rakata pve became bis pvp. then there was a massive disparity between purple and blue pvp gear.


don't get me wrong. I stopped reading the OP after


it takes one week of completing dailies to gear out a toon with reg comms (diehards will do this in one day) but let's not sweep the past under the rug. the gear grind and tier differences were an issue, but it's been well over a year (at least since before partisan, probably the 2nd generation of recruit at latest).

Blue PVP gear in the first few months?


I remember the gap on Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster. It was still nothing compared to the recruit, battlemaster and war hero. Those gaps were absurd. Not the gear gap is so minimal that if your characters have Conqueror gear that is min-maxed. You can actually compete with those in Brutalizer. Before Centurion would not compete with Battlemaster at all. Recruit was just a *********** laugh.

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I am so tired of hearing the complaining about crappy geared players in ranked. As a more casual player, I'm tired of getting rofl-stomped by the same groups wz after wz because they are too chicken sh*t to run more ranked matches.


What incentive does anyone just hitting 55 have to pvp? 50 hours of losing matches? Screw that. I get it, noob 55's are terribad. Well then, don't match them against ranked premades. Force the people that consider themselves to be hot dodo to prove it. Queue lines too long? Well that is the downside of you being so good now isn't it?


So on nights like tonight where PUGs stand no chance on Pot5, I am just gonna queue ranked and waste people's time, because with only 3 pvp pieces so far, we won't win.


At some point, the system needs balance: (suggestions, leave yours)


A) Penalize ranked players who don't queue ranked enough. Ranked IS the area for the 1337 to play. Fight each other, or are you scared to lose.


B) Get rid of ranked/unranked, make it all ranked. And baddies fight baddies, and uber hard core warriors fight each other.


C) Remove any premades from unranked and mix players across teams by ranking.


D) Stop acting all arrogant, if you were in top 20% last season and you're proud of owning huttball against pug noobs, then you're a tool.


Imbalance and the inability for people to actually have fun in pvp will just give more people more reasons to quit... The game is good to a point, and then the gear curves become stupid painful. And whomever thinks bolster is OP in unranked hasn't really tried running undergeared lately...


So flame away or add something useful, cause it's not QQ if you know you're bad.


Thinking about this from the perspective of my main server, the Harbinger.

A) To be a ranked player, you first have to be ranked. The ranked queues don't pop often enough and the choices of wzs is, well, somewhat limited. Plus, death matches only really work for smashmonkey types -- for those who like strategy (i.e., winning using your brain not your buttons) or defensive (tanks/heals), they just lack appeal.


B) The idea of all ranked is interesting -- in theory, it would push all those who use their macros and hacks into a category of play, the decent honest players into another category, and the undergeared and trollish yet another grouping. I like it -- but...

If it was implemented in the early stages of this game, it would have been a beautiful solution. Unfortunately, the number of players who take PvP seriously have been in decline. They have got tired of the lack of care which has been shown. The rewards have been few. The actions against hakz and exploits has not been carried out very well (i.e., to use an old legal maxim: "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done". Further, people who do both PvE and PvP have been forced to choose either one or the other -- and have usually defaulted to the PvE side of things. (And those that have tried to do both, are usually the badly geared people, so many complain about.)

So, sadly, though I like it, I can't see it working -- there's just not enough members left in the PvP populace to make it work.


C) The removal of premades is a nice idea -- but works against part of the social philosophy that EAware has embraced. There was an interesting discussion that came up when WoW started to look at this -- it's worth looking at.


D) I won't disagree with this. Nothing was more irritating after Season 2 started - where we had the Rancors sitting on top of terminals and vendors so it was difficult to do basic interactions or trading. It was even more annoying when you saw that they were being driven by poor players who barely had any valour -- and you know that they got them because they or their friends threw or sabotaged matches so they could get their new 'ride'. (And, yes, I saw this abuse about 6 times before I gave up on ranked play last Season.) Who me? Bitter? ;)

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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I am so tired of hearing the complaining about crappy geared players in ranked. As a more casual player, I'm tired of getting rofl-stomped by the same groups wz after wz because they are too chicken sh*t to run more ranked matches.


What incentive does anyone just hitting 55 have to pvp? 50 hours of losing matches? Screw that. I get it, noob 55's are terribad. Well then, don't match them against ranked premades. Force the people that consider themselves to be hot dodo to prove it. Queue lines too long? Well that is the downside of you being so good now isn't it?


So on nights like tonight where PUGs stand no chance on Pot5, I am just gonna queue ranked and waste people's time, because with only 3 pvp pieces so far, we won't win.


At some point, the system needs balance: (suggestions, leave yours)


A) Penalize ranked players who don't queue ranked enough. Ranked IS the area for the 1337 to play. Fight each other, or are you scared to lose.


B) Get rid of ranked/unranked, make it all ranked. And baddies fight baddies, and uber hard core warriors fight each other.


C) Remove any premades from unranked and mix players across teams by ranking.


D) Stop acting all arrogant, if you were in top 20% last season and you're proud of owning huttball against pug noobs, then you're a tool.


Imbalance and the inability for people to actually have fun in pvp will just give more people more reasons to quit... The game is good to a point, and then the gear curves become stupid painful. And whomever thinks bolster is OP in unranked hasn't really tried running undergeared lately...


So flame away or add something useful, cause it's not QQ if you know you're bad.


I feel the same way, until ranked gets options to choose more than just arenas, my guildmates and I will also waste everyone's time in ranked while we craft....even if it takes a year

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And to think that most everything could be fixed with cross-server queues.


It actually doesn't matter if your team has zero healers and 8 tanks, as long as the other team is identical. This is of course not anywhere optimal composition, but speaking strictly from a balancing point-of-view, that would be a fair match.


1) Implement cross-server queues - never gonna happen I know.


2) Everything is ranked / weighed / statistics. Your entire PVP-life is simply recorded and you can read your statistics always.


3) No more brackets. There is only the 10-55. This would still be perfectly fair as long as both teams have an equal number of lowbies and mirror classes. Bolster would still be in effect to even the odds a bit. Yes you would absolutely be killed going up against that level 55 in full brutalizer, but then you must simply hope that your high level team mates also kills some enemy lowbies.


4) Allow premades of 8 player, but with the caveat that if you queue in any group, you will have to go up against a mirror group. No more PUG vs. Premade. This could still be You + Your Buddy + 6 Pugs Vs. Someone + Someone's Buddy + Their 6 PUGS.


5) Only want high level play? Group with 8 level 55 and you will be pitched against a mirror group. And it would pop almost instantly due to cross-server queues.


6) Want to play without Bolster? Just check that little box and you would only be pitched against similar minded players.


Etc. etc..


But no, never gonna happen.

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It's not that the ranked players are "too chicken ***** to run more ranked"...it's really a problem that there isnt' much point in doing ranked. There is no match making, long queues, broken ELO gains/losses, no ability to reconnect to a DC match, Incorrect Hybrid-Cheese class matching...and that is just a few problems of the many in ranked.


perhaps, though when a premade of 4 FOTM dps juggies que's regs all night in their voice chat just to roam in a pack preying on new 55's and pugs in regulars laughing and taunting and talking trash in /s all match... ? having the hero keyboard courage to brag how it takes 4 pugs to kill him in his full brutalizer gear on his OP spec with 3 other similar geared guildies roaming with him?

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just make all PVP ranked to increase the player pool, and then for arena only match based on rating. For 8 v8 goal oriented, just mix it up and there will be good and bad on both sides generally..


And better yet, just merge servers into 1. In 2014 with VM scaling it is very possible.

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All I know my solo ranked went to **** cause of Pveryolo. I still queue because at this point I gave up at trying to get a good rank. I still try to win but trying to at least get 1 medal becomes the mission lol.


Its going to get worse when the rewards are announced. As long as they take your highest rating again then some of us should be ok.

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