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what elements of female character appearance would get you to whisper them


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I was referred to as 'he' in all 3 FPs I grouped up with random people,
Yeah I like this, it's like being undercover. I never, ever correct it, ever. When derps start their "GUY IN REAL LIFE" crap in GenChat or something I just smirk and consider it cover-reinforcement.


I used to get all annoyed by it and correct people when I was new to MMOs (like in WoW), but then I started to realize all that does is exponentially increase the amount of creepers and weird treatment you deal with... and that it has no effect on my actual gameplay if Random Party Member #72,567 assumes I have a beard and muscle shirt on.


Like, I don't go out of my way to pretend one way or the other (usually I'm too busy like... playing), but I'm perfectly happy with my guy-ouflage.


That's part of why it stands out as so weird when someone does assume I'm female, since I do nothing to encourage that while quietly playing my characters.

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Yeah I like this, it's like being undercover.


It's also really not important. *blinks* I usually write 'he' in discussions on the internet, be it in a flashpoint or on a forum, simply because it's absolutely impossible to know the persons real gender, so I just assume it's a guy until proven otherwise.


I also really don't care if the person is male, female or an asexual amoebae, all that matters is if he/she/it does his/her/its role in the flashpoint and is decently pleasant to converse with in chat or on forums. ;X

Edited by Wylf
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It's also really not important.
You'd think so in Empowered 2014 but then you see what happens when eg, a cutie voice hits Mumble and you can practically hear the collective denim straining over the mic.


It's just human nature I guess, I mean I've been guilty of getting stupid along other guildies in WoW when we had this smoking hot deep-voiced Australian guy in our Flex PUG


But yeah. It "shouldn't" matter but...

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I vividly remember that one time where our chaotic WoW raid (back in WotLK... Naxxramas. We weren't very professional) finally got an experienced raidleader for one run. A soft spoken lady, that in a matter of seconds managed to get EVERYONE to be quiet and do their job. after only exchanging a few sharp words <3 It was hilarious.


But eh, I guess I'm more used to a high ratio of female players, because I'm a roleplayer? *shrugs* In my experience you find a lot of females on RP Servers. Certainly more than on normal Servers. So yeah, a female voice on voice chat isn't all that unusual, so people aren't really surprised by it.


I forgot where I was going with this. I'll stop my rambling.

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Yeah I like this, it's like being undercover. I never, ever correct it, ever. When derps start their "GUY IN REAL LIFE" crap in GenChat or something I just smirk and consider it cover-reinforcement.


I used to get all annoyed by it and correct people when I was new to MMOs (like in WoW), but then I started to realize all that does is exponentially increase the amount of creepers and weird treatment you deal with... and that it has no effect on my actual gameplay if Random Party Member #72,567 assumes I have a beard and muscle shirt on.


Like, I don't go out of my way to pretend one way or the other (usually I'm too busy like... playing), but I'm perfectly happy with my guy-ouflage.


That's part of why it stands out as so weird when someone does assume I'm female, since I do nothing to encourage that while quietly playing my characters.


this basically, especially underlined part.


and also... still creepy that assumption of female behind the avator somehow means - creepy sex come ons are acceptable? :/


edited to add. I'm on RP server and now I wonder if its a contributing factor? I do know a lot of female players, more so than in other games I've played (and whether its a coincidence, correlation or something else - SWTOR is my first MMo where I actively created characters on roleplaying servers)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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this basically, especially underlined part.


and also... still creepy that assumption of female behind the avator somehow means - creepy sex come ons are acceptable? :/

Welcome to anonymity. It tends to bring out the worst in people. Just look at 4chan.


/edit: Not that I would like it any less anonymous. I like my anonymity.

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this basically, especially underlined part.


and also... still creepy that assumption of female behind the avator somehow means - creepy sex come ons are acceptable? :/


I find that, generally, the only individuals who practice such ridiculousness are the incredibly young, or incredibly stupid. -bp

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I would expect to be referred to as per gender of my character, but I am new to MMO :) But nope, I am too busy to care either! If they think I am a guy playing a female toon... still don't care.


And I assume nobody whispers when you play a guy :) I am about to start running my male toons....

Edited by DomiSotto
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I would expect to be referred to as per gender of my character, but I am new to MMO :) But nope, I am too busy to care either! If they think I am a guy playing a female toon... still don't care.


And I assume nobody whispers when you play a guy :) I am about to start running my male toons....


I was once playing with my male friend. He was on his Sent who had Eradicator's armor combined to Regal Miniskirt ^^

(miniskirt was inside joke, normally he wears full Valiant Jedi) but, one full slavegirl type Guardian tank then said to himin groupchat something like: Omg how sexy you are, I have fetish to miniskirts O_o my friend changed back to Valiant JedI right away:cool:

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Ookay... I was thinking of shopping for some male-bikini wear for my boys, but I admit, I haven't thought of a mini-skirt. I take it, there is not much in the proud-of-my digital abs gear department out there? Edited by DomiSotto
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Ookay... I was thinking of shopping for some male-bikini wear for my boys, but I admit, I haven't thought of a mini-skirt. I take it, there is not much in the proud-of-my digital abs gear out there?

Covert Energy torso armor. Shows everything waste to neck on male toons, has a tube top on female toons. Lacks a dye slot though.

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And I assume nobody whispers when you play a guy :) I am about to start running my male toons....
I have one ultra-sexy Male Pureblood who's kind of my fetish character. I deliberately make him ludicrously masculine (Kira in Slavegirl as companion, exposed muscles everywhere, ultra-strong face, etc) but always remain completely silent in groups.


"He" actually gets more flirty whispers than any of my female characters combined, even the sexy elegant Sorceress.


Usually I just say nothing, because when I used to reply with "Not really a guy sorry" the response was consistently indifference or increased interest. :(


I mean... honestly, it's mostly cute/harmless, I don't want to seem like I'm freaking at the keyboard because someone hits on my character. But it is slightly weird. I try to be polite... although it goes Ignore mode if they're too persistent / "reassuring" that it's "okay".

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Covert Energy torso armor. Shows everything waste to neck on male toons, has a tube top on female toons. Lacks a dye slot though.


Yeah, hard to dye... I think I would want to try that on my Cathar IA, it will fit the race. Lol, accompanied by Kalyio in a slave-girl dress?


SW, that's funny! Sith are very cool-looking though.

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Ookay... I was thinking of shopping for some male-bikini wear for my boys, but I admit, I haven't thought of a mini-skirt. I take it, there is not much in the proud-of-my digital abs gear department out there?


relaxed vestments, all of the new extrovert, unburdened etc armors, some of the fighter armors. there are a lot more exposed armors for males though, though only one panty :p


@ Reno... /side eyes you.

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Nice, TY. I think I am fine with the default tight pants on the boys (though I dunno how they don't show the boxers) :)
Someday hopefully enough girls will infiltrate the gaming industry to stop Ken Doll Syndrome in guy characters.


Like I'm not asking for detailed outlines that scare small children, but seeing some lower mass would be pleasant.

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Someday hopefully enough girls will infiltrate the gaming industry to stop Ken Doll Syndrome in guy characters.

Like I'm not asking for detailed outlines that scare small children, but seeing some lower mass would be pleasant.

You're talking about rolled-up socks, right? Nothing wrong with that.

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I have been wanting to put Quinn in a Relaxed Jumpsuit Jacket with Jori Daragon Greaves, Thana Vesh Boots and the Prisoner's Hat, but I have his uniform all augmented. I might do it just for hanging around fleet though :rolleyes: When I see a lot of bikini girls around I like to pull out a scantily clad male companion. My Skadge is the hottest Houk! Leaving his gladiator gear brown might be too dignified for him though... I'll have to think on that some more.


I have a bad habit of using lots of emoticons in chat, and even when I'm playing on a girly character, I'm still always referred to as 'he' and never get whispers. Not that I mind!


I don't know about this game, but when I did pvp in LotRO a number of the prominent creeps were women. (Creeps refers to the pvp monster classes, not personalities!)

Edited by Damask_Rose
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If your outfit is girly and you go teehee and ^_^ after every sentence you might just be asking for whispers..


Yeah...I can pretty much guarantee you that anyone saying "teehee" is a guy saying what he thinks girls say.

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You haven't played wow much..


Soooo, you know everyone who ever said that in person? ;)


@SW_display_name in regards to the male PC being flirted at, I'm not really sure why you said it in the first place. I mean, does it matter in any way? I get that it's a bit creepy but why not just say "Sorry, not interested" if things go too far without any reason stated? You obviously do that now, but... yeah :)

I try to maintain a strict disassociation between me and my characters, but answer honestly if they ask (though I don't know why they'd want to know)

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