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what elements of female character appearance would get you to whisper them


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assuming you are the sort of person that would. you know - compliments, come ons, etc.


I'm very confused right now, becasue I have several female characters (body type 2) that deliberately wear various degrees of skimpy gear (not that it matters, but it has to do with their personalities, all my appearance decisions do), but they pretty much never get any disturbing attention.


but my assassin, who is well... insane and completely immoral, whom I put into pink outfit for contrast to what she does - every damn time I log in on a fleet. like literally, I'd log in on her for 5 minutes to pick up mission results and start new missions - and get a whisper. (I love villains that are or sugary and pastel - it makes their villany all the more horrible, becasue they don't look or sound villainous at first and may have very cutesy likes otherwise, Lord Zash, Debbie Jelinsky, Dolores Umbridge just to name a few )


she's fully covered (though wearing Mira's pants rather than skirtlike bottom). she's body type 4. I picked an interesting rather than "hollywood pretty" face for her. and yet, she's the one that gets all the whispers.


so what is it? what prompts people to approach one character but not the other? I'd love to know, becasue right now I'm completely and utterly confused.

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My guess would be that people assume that characters in skimpy outfits are old, fat, bearded dudes. "But a character wearing cute pink stuff must be a girl!"


My first char still uses rakata gear, and I occasionally get whispers telling me that "I look cool". That is often followed by some kind of "could you lend some money?".


Maybe you should screencap what people tell you, so we can have a laugh. :D

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1) Female body type 4 is the sexiest, it's the "earth mother in excellent health," ideally suited to bearing and raising children (without being, for some people, intimidatingly large like BT3). Lots of people like that, and don't like skinny.


2) Skimpy is easy and common. However, creative, interesting, and aesthetic are difficult and uncommon. Uncommon attracts more attention than common, difficult attracts more praise than easy.


3) whether a portion of a toon is covered in cloth or is bare skin, in the end it is all just colored pixels. It looks how it looks; for example, I altered one toon's skin color to make large areas of her clothing look like see-thru lace instead of the solid cloth the designer's intended it to be. I like how it looks. :)

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Interestingly, only one of my female toons got any whispers - the trooper in full armour with helmet got called beautiful lady. But most of mine don't have revealing clothes. In fact I've only started dressing them up recently, so a lot are still geared in random loot drops. Edited by horrorfaneightys
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No matter what I do to my characters, no one ever attempts to eSex me. I have my share of very exposed bodies, too (because it fits the character's story). And every single one looks totally different because I keep a massive variety in character RP / story design.


While odd, I'm definitely not complaining.


In fact on reflection, SWTOR is probably the least sexual harassment I've ever gotten in an MMO. Maybe Star Wars fans have lower testosterone levels or something?


Although that doesn't explain the people who are always emoting lesbian sex in the Fleet cantina...

Edited by SW_display_name
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assuming you are the sort of person that would. you know - compliments, come ons, etc.


Does anyone honestly want that? I personally would be creeped out if that happens. Quite a bit, actually. o_O


Coming on on someone because (s)he has a pretty looking character seems a very strange thing to me, especially considering that you know nothing about the person sitting behind the keyboard. I mean, I have no trouble about being flirted with in an RP setting, but a whisper (to me) suggests that the intend is more OOC than IC... and that's just creepy.

Edited by Wylf
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While on my pureblood, I seen another pureblood, wearing the chestless look, I tossed him a whistle. He just bowed back to me, and ran off :( That is about as far as I go on that end. I see something i like I am more prone to inspect the person to find out what they are wearing, so I can copy it at a later date, add my own alterations to it, or use as a companion set.
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My guess would be that people assume that characters in skimpy outfits are old, fat, bearded dudes. "But a character wearing cute pink stuff must be a girl!"




That's what immediately came to my mind too.

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I was on my female smuggler, who is body type 4 and wears a jacket and pants that cover everything, when someone whispered me and complimented me on my posterior, using slightly crude language.


I often whisper people who have amazing looking or very creative toons to tell them what a great job they've done. If I see one of those male body type 4 toons who is wearing brightly coloured underpants and little else, he is getting all kinds of emotes (flirt, love, seduce etc) from me in general chat.

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thank you all for responses, hope you don't mind me not replying to every single response.


@BuriDogshin hmmm, that makes sense, definitely food for thought.


@Wylf I did find it kinda creepy. first time, I tried to respond in character - at first I quoted actual inquisitor story phrase, but it just kept escalating into very uncomfortable territory, so I just went serious, said comments weren't appreciated and ignored the person.


now I just don't respond anymore, but its still weirding me out, especially since she was the last character I would expect to get this sort of attention. well maybe after my "srs business" bounty huntress


@SW_display_name that was my experience as well, until I changed that character's outfit. which is why it came as such a shock, not used to that sort of attention at all, especially in TOR.

the thing is - it wasn't even that big of a change, literally, all I did was change her top and dyed it pink/purple, everything else I kept the same as before.


I'm starting to think that pink dye might be the culprit. (she's not the only female character I have with body type 4, but she's the only one with bright dye job)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Where are you when this happens? I don't wear skimpy outfits on any of my characters, my main is usually in an imperial uniform. I do play on Roleplay servers, and I have gotten the occasional whisper on nearly every one of my characters, it's usually when I'm at the fleet GTN. If it's when I'm out questing it's usually a lead up to asking if we could group together for a quest.


Someone compliments her outfit, I say thank you and that's about it. It doesn't really get creepy, I thought people were just being friendly. If the whispers bother you, unlock the ship perks. I stay on my smuggler's ship doing auctions now and she hasn't gotten any whispers, perhaps that is a better solution for you if you find it's a problem. Also the VIP area of the fleet has a cargo hold, GTN, Mailbox and Guild cargo hold all in one spot. It's a good place to hang out for auctions if you don't have the ship unlocks.

Edited by Jessabeans
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It's because we are lonely.


Love us. T.T


would slow roasting you, using lightsaber for a spit and loving the screams of pain count? (in character response, btw :D)


Where are you when this happens? I don't wear skimpy outfits on any of my characters, my main is usually in an imperial uniform. I do play on Roleplay servers, and I have gotten the occasional whisper on nearly every one of my characters, it's usually when I'm at the fleet GTN.


Someone compliments her outfit, I say thank you and that's about it. It doesn't really get creepy, I thought people were just being friendly. If the whispers bother you, unlock the ship perks. I stay on my smuggler's ship doing auctions now and she hasn't gotten any whispers, perhaps that is a better solution for you if you find it's a problem. Also the VIP area of the fleet has a cargo hold, GTN, Mailbox and Guild cargo hold all in one spot. It's a good place to hang out for auctions if you don't have the ship unlocks.


I am usually on a fleet when commentary happens (and on RP servers), I do have perks unlocked, but one perk that keeps me on the fleet is daily flashpoint quests and well... those free travel terminals between daily planets and the like


and I've gotten general compliments before, but she's the one that's been getting equivalent of wolf whistles. /shrug I'll just keep ignoring, I just got kinda flabbergasted and curious when it stopped being an isolated incident


if curious, that's what she looks like https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KSECIf70eUE/U3ksNR9cV2I/AAAAAAAABcw/us7QrQA89c4/w540-h611-no/Screenshot_2014-05-18_17_49_34_309431.jpg

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Oh she's a Twi'lek, that's a whole different story. I was ALWAYS getting whispers on my Twi'lek in SWG. I made so much more in tips on my Twi'lek entertainer than I did on my human (different servers, so the economy could have had something to do with it but my friends suggested it was her species.) I made one at first in SWTOR but stopped playing her because the hood removed her lekku crest. So I don't know if the same is true again, but I think it may have something to do with it. I can't explain the male fascination with Twi'leks but I'm sure someone will.

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would slow roasting you, using lightsaber for a spit and loving the screams of pain count? (in character response, btw :D)




I am usually on a fleet when commentary happens (and on RP servers), I do have perks unlocked, but one perk that keeps me on the fleet is daily flashpoint quests and well... those free travel terminals between daily planets and the like


and I've gotten general compliments before, but she's the one that's been getting equivalent of wolf whistles. /shrug I'll just keep ignoring, I just got kinda flabbergasted and curious when it stopped being an isolated incident


if curious, that's what she looks like https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-KSECIf70eUE/U3ksNR9cV2I/AAAAAAAABcw/us7QrQA89c4/w540-h611-no/Screenshot_2014-05-18_17_49_34_309431.jpg


Love is love.

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I have always been fascinated about why some people and some characters get that type of attention and others dont!


I've never gotten whispers of any kind in this game. In City of Villains I had a girl that I'd made to be Bonnie Parker. I suspect she looked rather school girlish. :rolleyes:


If pink dye weren't expensive I'd be tempted to experiment! I think body type 4 Twi'leks have the prettiest faces, but I'd guess that isn't what they are looking at :p I have one Twi'lek in a very feminine outfit, but it is purple, not pink and she is body type 2. Perhaps she is showing to much skin? https://i.imgur.com/0hXOO1y.jpg

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I have my main Sentinel dressed up like this...




And during a daily run on Section X last week, I was told by some dude while doing the heroic that he wanted to "bit my Sentinel's backside", whatever that meant.


To this day, I have no idea from where that came from. It's not like she's wearing anything suggestive or anything.

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To this day, I have no idea from where that came from. It's not like she's wearing anything suggestive or anything.


Amusingly enough I'm often believed to be a lady, because my female characters tend to dress rather modestly (and act the part when it comes to RP).


The fact that I'm a huge fashion snob when it comes to dressing up characters may contribute to that as well. Dahling, all that clipping just looks terrible. That won't do, won't do at all.

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I have learned to ignore clipping. Like weapons that poke through lekku...


I can ignore some of the clipping, but not all of it. I did switch out my sin's original top (Revan's set) for dreadseed, because that hood clipping through her Lekku was driving me crazy.


oh and your outfit? my marauder is wearing almost exactly the same outfit, but with the handmaiden's skirt, the one that comes with leggings :p. she doesn't really get commentary either. though maybe its her facial tattoos and impressive Mohawk :p


and you know, neither do my other twi'leks including a shadow, that's wearing dancer top.


I give up trying to figure out what motivates the comments :/


P.S. outfits are extremely important to me. we're talking not just matching outfits together into something harmonic, but lightsaber and speeder have to match as well :p

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Now that I think about it, the only character I've been hit on as (as far as I can remember at least) was a female Twi'lek body type 4 too, but mine was wearing a slave girl outfit at the time lol.
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None of my female toons in skimpy gear have ever been hit on.

Several of my fully clothed femtoons have been hit on.


Seems that if you want to avoid harassment, make them as naked as possible. And avoid girlie sounding names. Go for something neutral like Noscope-Pro-X etc.

Edited by Projawa
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Aaaaaaaactually... come to think of it, I do have one character that used to get weird flirts. Just doesn't stand out to me because I barely play her since Sorc is one of my least-favorite classes (sorry Sorcs!). Haven't logged her in for... gosh, months and months.


But I recall she got stuff like:

  • Someone randomly blurted out in a Group Finder FP (HM Mando) "[sWDN], I want to have sex with your character" (awkward)
  • A different FP (Czerka Labs) while we waited forever for someone to arrive and start a cutscene I was told (again in party chat) "[sWDN] I would have sex with you if you were real IRL" (awkward)
  • Whispers on Fleet every once in a while like "You're sexy"


This is a Human Sorcerer, dark latté skin, black hair, green eyes, an elegant/completely dignified Genteel Dress outfit dyed Red/Black, on a Red Spirit, with a giant green monster following me around.


Meanwhile my Type 1 Twi'lek Jugg in Slavegirl with lovely red buttocks flashing everywhere when I Force Charge, has never had anyone say anything, ever, at all. (Maybe it's the Respirator, Eradicator Gauntlets, and Triumvirate Boots? :p)


Actually I recall one FP (HM Foundry) where someone complained during Revan's speech that my Twi'lek needs to "cover up more".


Same with my Jedi Guardian in Dramatic Extrovert, and my Chiss Merc in Relaxed Jumpsuit + Regal Miniskirt ... no one has ever said anything to me except to complain I'm not wearing enough, or that my outfit is "ugly".


So, uh... hm.



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