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People who quit losing games in PvP


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Here are my suggestions to fix this issue:


1) If 2 people are guarding an objective that is currently uncontested and a 3rd person comes to "help", they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer.


This punishes players who are helping their team.


In the last few days I've seen:

1) Imperial hypergate groups with three stealth characters. Both of the defenders got mezzed about fifteen seconds before the pylon went off.


2) Novaire coast where we have east, just capture south, and only two enemy players come from their bunker to mid. I book it to east with a scoundal healer in tow and what do you know? There's a group now coming from west. Instead of 5 vs 2, it's 5 vs 4.


That said, I do hate it when we only have one node and I see four people 'defending' the one we have.

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i don't leave matches but im fine with people leaving if i get replacements..levelling is retarded easy being first in numbers..top dpsing in tank build, not to mention protection once i get taunt and guard..i'd leave 10-29 and 30-54 alone since there is a lot of ppl just trying wz..i think leaving those matches is completely useless..you won't have any better most of the times..and having good players with the newbies can definetly help them to figure how pvp works..55 wz is another thing..you have premades, people in pve, people still not aware how wz work and i can understand how a pvper can leave a sad, condamned pug.


what i don't like and don't understand is people leaving the second mid gets capped, or bomb planted or losing 1% of bunker shield, or take a goal. at that point the wz is not decided yet, and if the team is good a comeback is perfectly possible.. there are a lot of matches which are really tough and tight..that's where most of the fun and satisfacion lies..but i guess the majority of player just want a roflstomping..also because it's what they are used to since 10-29 bracket

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Suggestions to fix this:


1) If someone purposely quits a PvP game, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer. (The kick timer should be extended on the map with the exploding pylons because of this rule)


2) If someone gets 'disconnected' from 2 matches in a day, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! You cannot que any more during that day! (some may say, well what if my connections just bad? To which I say you shouldn't be joining PvP in the first place. I've played for a month and had 0 connection inerruptions).


3) If someone quits or disconnects from more than 4 games during a week, they are DONE FOR THE WEEK! No more queing for PvP for the rest of the week!


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun for either the winning team to watch everyone just leave, or for the people who come in after they leave.


Ok. Sure. My doorbell rings, and I quit so my team is not stuck with an AFKer while I deal with the doorbell. Now I can't play for the rest of the day.


My phone rings for an important call, I quit again so my team doesn't have to have me as a half-distracted burden, fine I'm banned for the rest of the day.


My internet craps out on me (and it does that a lot) and I'm banned for a week. Wow.


Your "fix" is not a fix. It's the ignorant ramblings of someone who thinks that everyone who quits quit for some stupid reason.


The only solution to punish the real quitters, is a tribunal system like League of Legends has, and the ability to report any players for quitting/afking at the end of match leaderboard.


And please stop with the premades vs PuGs nonsense. A bad PuG (that is probably you) will lose to better players regardless of whether they are in Teamspeak or not. Case in point, Solo Ranked. No premades there. But horribads complain about queue-syncing, imbalanced classes and a gazillion other "issues that need to be solved nao!!!" So no, leave the queue system as it is now, but give a matchmaker and cross-server,

Edited by EzioMessi
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Ok. Sure. My doorbell rings, and I quit so my team is not stuck with an AFKer while I deal with the doorbell. Now I can't play for the rest of the day.


My phone rings for an important call, I quit again so my team doesn't have to have me as a half-distracted burden, fine I'm banned for the rest of the day.


My internet craps out on me (and it does that a lot) and I'm banned for a week. Wow.


Your "fix" is not a fix. It's the ignorant ramblings of someone who thinks that everyone who quits quit for some stupid reason.


The only solution to punish the real quitters, is a tribunal system like League of Legends has, and the ability to report any players for quitting/afking at the end of match leaderboard.


And please stop with the premades vs PuGs nonsense. A bad PuG (that is probably you) will lose to better players regardless of whether they are in Teamspeak or not. Case in point, Solo Ranked. No premades there. But horribads complain about queue-syncing, imbalanced classes and a gazillion other "issues that need to be solved nao!!!" So no, leave the queue system as it is now, but give a matchmaker and cross-server,


Yeah, those fixes are ridiculous. In the end, it's just a game, there are a lot of RL reasons that force you to leave a match, and I'd rather someone leave then be afk the entire round. Now for ranked, the player really should try and que for that when they are pretty sure they aren't going to have many distractions, because there is really no way for your team to compensate for a missing player there.

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I noticed some people mention that they quit at the first sign of stupidity. This I think is what's wrong with PvP. I have seen our team get planted in voidstar in 20 second, 3 capped in civil war at the beginning and have still managed to come back with a win with hard work. Just because someone messes up at one point doesn't mean all hope is lost.


Just the other day I was in a civil war where we were just getting owned in the first half and was originally 3-capped because we just could not kill the other team due to 2-3 healers. After a while we adapted and marked their healers. We went down to 120-470 where we were expected to lose. Then with a miracle we managed to get a 3-cap at that point and didn't lose the third one until it went down to 120-240. We managed to hold the last 2 for the rest of the game and managed to win with 10-0.

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Not only is this really bad etiquette and bad sportsmanship, it's also very bad for the players who come in after the people have left the match.


Quitting a PvP match early cause your team is trash should not be allowed. It completely ruins PvP experience.


First, I agree 100% wholeheartedly that premades should NOT be allowed to fight against pugs. PvP (assuming both sides are equally skilled) will always favor the side that is more coordinated. But that isn't what the topic is really about, it's about leaving a losing match! Just know that you are probably going to run into a LOT of games where your team is absolutely terrible. It's going to happen from time to time.


If you join PvP solo you should EXPECT your team to be trash. You should EXPECT to get a bunch of horrible moronic retard idiots that don't have any clue how to PvP at all, and they are probably just there to get the dailies done for extra xp for the day. (Which is also why I'm 100% against any dailies for PvP).


So knowing this, that you now EXPECT your team to be total trash, when you find out they are actually total trash you shouldn't be surprised. You stick it out and finish the map, just like myself and many others do. If you quit early then people like myself join in and are pissed of we're already half way through a game that is 100% guaranteed loss.


Suggestions to fix this:


1) If someone purposely quits a PvP game, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer. (The kick timer should be extended on the map with the exploding pylons because of this rule)


2) If someone gets 'disconnected' from 2 matches in a day, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! You cannot que any more during that day! (some may say, well what if my connections just bad? To which I say you shouldn't be joining PvP in the first place. I've played for a month and had 0 connection inerruptions).


3) If someone quits or disconnects from more than 4 games during a week, they are DONE FOR THE WEEK! No more queing for PvP for the rest of the week!


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun for either the winning team to watch everyone just leave, or for the people who come in after they leave.


Part of the reason people leave pvp is the fact that the teams especially pug teams will not work together. Now in 55 pvp the problem is gear. Yes I know you need to pvp to get gear, but when you cannot buy 55 pvp gear until you hit 55 this becomes a huge problem. Now I just recently started doing pvp again on my 55 sorc. For about a week i had to be a healer, a role for which I have no experience or love. This was because my gear which was pve gear was getting me slaughtered when I tried to DPS. Now that I have my gear I can hold my own in DPS. So how do we fix that issue. I think we bring back recruit gear. Sure it wouldnt be as good as the 55 gear now but it is either that or allow people to buy 55 pvp gear prior to lvl 55.

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Part of the reason people leave pvp is the fact that the teams especially pug teams will not work together. Now in 55 pvp the problem is gear. Yes I know you need to pvp to get gear, but when you cannot buy 55 pvp gear until you hit 55 this becomes a huge problem. Now I just recently started doing pvp again on my 55 sorc. For about a week i had to be a healer, a role for which I have no experience or love. This was because my gear which was pve gear was getting me slaughtered when I tried to DPS. Now that I have my gear I can hold my own in DPS. So how do we fix that issue. I think we bring back recruit gear. Sure it wouldnt be as good as the 55 gear now but it is either that or allow people to buy 55 pvp gear prior to lvl 55.


You want to know how to fix the gear gap? Read the sticky thread L-RANDLE made for players in your situation. PvE gear superior to purple 66 bolsters down. Use something like level 40something blues or greens, or use the gear from the Makeb Comms vendor until you can get a fully augmented set of Obroan.


Like I said, this guy made the thread specifically for players such as yourself

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You want to know how to fix the gear gap? Read the sticky thread L-RANDLE made for players in your situation. PvE gear superior to purple 66 bolsters down. Use something like level 40something blues or greens, or use the gear from the Makeb Comms vendor until you can get a fully augmented set of Obroan.


Like I said, this guy made the thread specifically for players such as yourself


That's a little out of date. Now, with bolster adjusted for Brutalizer, you can get away with up to purple 69s as long as you're only using them for set bonuses. Which means if you play a class with useless PVP set bonuses (like sorc healer), you can farm SM pug ops for the Arkanian set bonus for only a token penalty to Expertise.


After getting my sorc the 2 piece PVE bonus in Arkanian gear (2 PVP/2 PVE because 4 PVP bonus is useless for sorc heals), I found he still bolsters to 2012 expertise. That's only 1 point expertise loss for each armoring/mod/enhancement replaced with 69 (excuse me, 162s, thank you for mucking that up EAware) PVE. If your class has a large disparity between PVP and PVE set bonuses, it's worth it to "use" bolster in this manner.


Sad day when PVE gear>PVP gear for PVP, but that is what bolster has given us so I suppose certain broken specs simply get to make the best of it.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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How bout this op. You pay for my sub for the next year and you can decide if I am allowed to leave a warzone because you are bad at your class. You can always tell the awesome players. Same thing over and over. Well people leave the warzone when they see me cause I'm bad and it's not fair. I hate pre mades because on one will group with me. Hate to tell you this but it's a mmo you have to deal with people. And trying to force people to do what you want is not the answer.
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It's up to me whether or not I'll stay and play with ******es or idiots; a penalty wouldn't influence my choosing at all.


But it would make me question whether or not I wanted to hang around in this game, which probably wouldn't bother penalty supporters since they usually post like TOR PVP is RL sport or combat and would prefer fellow braindeads on their team anyway.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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In a game of voidstar, the muppet team I was on simply just didn't have the brain capacity to plant the bomb quickly enough. I kept telling them to push the enemy away from the door, or draw them out - but no. Because fighting ON the door is just so much better - right?


So I go right, with an agent. I tell this muppet that I will zap, he caps....so....HE zaps whilst I am by the pillar - because he thinks I can get from the pillar to the door inside 8 seconds AND plant? This is why I leave a warzone.

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Actually I have found I win more when a load of players quit, most quitters are terribads that want an easy ride..


However, I have quit WZ's before and I am sure everyone has at some point. It can be for a number of reasons, **** happens.

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Actually I have found I win more when a load of players quit, most quitters are terribads that want an easy ride..


However, I have quit WZ's before and I am sure everyone has at some point. It can be for a number of reasons, **** happens.


I think it comes to a point where you just leave after a run of carrying bads.

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I've read through this thread & honestly other than being dc'd (which has happened to me on occasion) why would you want to rage quit a War Zone? Because your not on a "good" team? REALLY?! :rak_02: I guess since I do warzones ONLY for the dailies; so I can get my Commendations & Credits, it makes no sense to extend my suffering by quitting & being forced to do more warzones in order to get my daily requirement of matches. I do to a small degree, agree with the points made by some about back filling into a losing match or starting a match short & I guess if all you are doing for the entire day is warzones then it doesn't matter to you if you rage quit a few matches. However, (and i understand that based on the posts in this thread that this next part will be falling on def ears) by rage quitting you are not only showing what a lousy teammate you are, but you are making the warzone experience more difficult & less enjoyable for those of us how stick it out & finish the match. Hence the reason I only do the matches I have to for the day & no more. Edited by Dak_fireraker
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Actually I have found I win more when a load of players quit, most quitters are terribads that want an easy ride.



You can tell the terribads because they leave when the enemy caps 2 nodes to 1 or God forbid scores first in Huttball.

Both are very easy to come back from but the bads think it's a no-win situation and bug out.


Rage quitting is simply running from a tough fight, if you can only win by picking and choosing matches you're a bad. End of story. You can make as many excuses as you want for it but it doesn't change the fact that you can't fight when it's not in easy mode.

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You can tell the terribads because they leave when the enemy caps 2 nodes to 1 or God forbid scores first in Huttball.

Both are very easy to come back from but the bads think it's a no-win situation and bug out.


Rage quitting is simply running from a tough fight, if you can only win by picking and choosing matches you're a bad. End of story. You can make as many excuses as you want for it but it doesn't change the fact that you can't fight when it's not in easy mode.


To further add, that in bad matches, you still get creds, you still get comms. Rage quitting makes virtually no sense, and I'm happy when someone rage quits early, it gives people that want to play a chance to fill in. And honestly, it's something like you have 8 dps people and no heals, so the guy rages when we lose south pretty quickly. He leaves, we get a healer, we win.


And if the match is a lost cause, which you can tell within the first few mins, camp a node to end the match faster. Get your creds/comms and match played for your daily/weekly and it's all good.


edit: to further add, punishing someone for leaving is a bad idea, for the reason that it can actually be helpful to the team. Further, it hurts the people that have real life happen, a internet connection that goes bad, or even because of some of BW's shoddy programming gets them booted. Let's be real, it exists.


If you force people to stay due to punishment, then you'll have 4 people who when the match starts and after the 1st node is lost, they'll camp a node and it'll realistically be over within in 30secs, but then forcing everyone to stick around. My point, let people leave that want to leave, and don't punish people because of getting dc'ed.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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I've read through this thread & honestly other than being dc'd (which has happened to me on occasion) why would you want to rage quit a War Zone? Because your not on a "good" team? REALLY?! :rak_02: I guess since I do warzones ONLY for the dailies; so I can get my Commendations & Credits, it makes no sense to extend my suffering by quitting & being forced to do more warzones in order to get my daily requirement of matches. I do to a small degree, agree with the points made by some about back filling into a losing match or starting a match short & I guess if all you are doing for the entire day is warzones then it doesn't matter to you if you rage quit a few matches. However, (and i understand that based on the posts in this thread that this next part will be falling on def ears) by rage quitting you are not only showing what a lousy teammate you are, but you are making the warzone experience more difficult & less enjoyable for those of us how stick it out & finish the match. Hence the reason I only do the matches I have to for the day & no more.


Usually I'm laughing when I quit, but other than humor it's not an emotional thing. I just might not want to play with ******es or idiots. My threshold for that is pretty high. 3 guildies AFKing at a node all match, guys who premade to grief chat and don't even play, and so forth... nah.


Your lousy teammate line is bull btw. Staying in the match doesn't indicate **** other than a willingness to stay in the match. The guys DMing all match in the HB pit had a great time, but they're lousier teammates than the BC who scored solo then bailed after getting bored playing alone.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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  • 4 weeks later...

So I assume that you also agree that:


1. If the person guarding the node sees a swarm of enemies rushing to the node, and thinks "No need to call incs, I can rambo against the entire enemy team myself," dies and the enemies cap the node, then they are DONE FOR THE DAY!!! They can not que that day any longer.


2. Conversely, if someone calls for help at a node and the entire rest of the team just sits where they are, thinking that "It's my teammates' job to respond to incs, not mine," they they are all DONE FOR THE DAY!!!! They can not que any more that day!


3. If anyone who is guarding a node at any time thinks "No matter, this node can defend itself" and leaves, then they are DONE FOR THE DAY!!!! Sorry, no more queing for them that day!


4. If I'm on my Commando guarding the node with someone else, and that someone thinks that I can solo guard the node against 4+ smashmonkeys/stealth gankers/sap campers/etc. and runs off, they they are DONE FOR THE DAY!!!! No more queing for them that day!


5. If there are 3+ commandos/sages/scoundrels (and likewise mercs/ops/sorcs) on my team and not ONE of them throws out a SINGLE heal the ENTIRE match (on teammates of course, Force Mend and Adrenaline Rush don't count), then ALL of them are DONE FOR THE DAY!!! They can not que any more that day!


6. If someone is under attack in Huttball and has <10% health left, and the ball carrier throws it to them, allowing the other team to steal the ball since the receiver is killed a second later, then the ball carrier is DONE FOR THE DAY!!!! They can not que that day any longer!


7. If during Huttball someone doesn't come within 100m of the ball carrier at ANY time that they have possession, then that player is DONE FOR THE DAY!!! They can not que any more that day!


8. Anyone who has not yet picked their advanced class is BANNED FROM QUEING ENTIRELY until they pick one! If they can't be bothered to spend the 30 secs to pick one or ask around if they legit don't know how, then other players can't be bothered to waste their time playing with them!


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun for people who are actually making an effort to get their match thrown by teammates making stupid, rookie mistakes, or insulting to the winning team that their competition is just this pathetic.

Edited by HandOfKane
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Although sometimes even that does not help.


Me: 2 incoming snow.

5 seconds later.

Me: 3 inc

10 seconds later.

Me: 3 at snow, just me here.

30 seconds later after blowing CDs stims, medpacs and doing everything I can to keep 3 people from killing me and from capping and no one coming to help.

Me: Lost snow

Random bad: *** dude why didn't you call for help!


Lol, I once had this on AH (we had only one pylon, BTW):


Me: inc

Nobody comes.

Me: inc

Nobody comes. I put up a good fight but was outnumbered and eventually died. Pylon gets capped.

Me: Umm....no one heard me?

Random bad: You didn't say it was at the pylon!!!!

Edited by HandOfKane
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