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People who quit losing games in PvP


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And if your team sucks you just quit? Making it so some other guy ques in to a losing game? Making it so the winning team has less people to play against? Make it even that much harder for your current teamates to get any kills at all?


Explain to me how that is in any way beneficial to the PvP community. I'd love to hear it.


You'll see in the screenshot I posted on page 4 of the thread, I did almost as much damage as the next FOUR GUYS ON MY TEAM COMBINED!


I didn't cry. I didn't whine. I didn't quit. I played it out and finished the game. This is what you should be doing as well. Quitting helps nobody.


How about you answering my question - What are you doing to improve your game and prevent people quitting?


To answer yours -

It benefits no one. When I see a player do something stupid like not call and lose the node, I quit. If I see a bunch of idiots in Huttball not bothering with the objectives, I quit.


Why? I can't be bothered to put in a shift in a warzone when I am the one doing all the work. Do you think its fun to grab the Huttball (in this example) only to be killed repeatedly because your so called team are too busy chasing kills and are no where to be seen for a pass?


Sometimes I've had to wait another 15 minutes for a warzone to pop again, but at least I can put the kettle on during this time instead of wasting it with a lost cause.


I really do wish players would take a long hard look at themselves when they lose a node or not help in Huttball. If they did that, the drop rate would erm, drop!


I've said it elsewhere - I can handle losing a match if both teams battled hard but the other side were just better. But losing through out right stupid mistakes is something I will NEVER waste my time with.

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How about you answering my question - What are you doing to improve your game and prevent people quitting?


To answer yours -

It benefits no one. When I see a player do something stupid like not call and lose the node, I quit. If I see a bunch of idiots in Huttball not bothering with the objectives, I quit.


Why? I can't be bothered to put in a shift in a warzone when I am the one doing all the work. Do you think its fun to grab the Huttball (in this example) only to be killed repeatedly because your so called team are too busy chasing kills and are no where to be seen for a pass?


Sometimes I've had to wait another 15 minutes for a warzone to pop again, but at least I can put the kettle on during this time instead of wasting it with a lost cause.


I really do wish players would take a long hard look at themselves when they lose a node or not help in Huttball. If they did that, the drop rate would erm, drop!


I've said it elsewhere - I can handle losing a match if both teams battled hard but the other side were just better. But losing through out right stupid mistakes is something I will NEVER waste my time with.


I was actually in a huttball match like that. It was earlier today and me and 1 other person on our team were going after the ball. The rest of our team was nowhere to be found unless the ball happened to cross their path. The other team had 3-5 people on the ball at all times. Most of the time on our team it was me and.... um well just me. There was 1 other person that actively got open for passes and that was it. We managed to squeak out a win at the last second. If not for that 1 other person that played the objectives the game would not have been worth playing.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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simple basic logical problem - if people have no incentive to stay (ie dailies and weeklies), why stay? Thus, those are there to keep people in the match and not rage quit.


I also reserve the right to quit a WZ like Novarro Coast that is 100% to 100% 10 minutes in.


Also, going into a match and expecting to play with scrubs and losers is not fun. That's really not fun for anyone, thus less and less people queue. Making basic veiled and not so veiled slams at pre-mades is simply petty. People deserve the right to play with their friends. They deserve the right to queue with people that know how to play. Last I checked, PvP is still a competition. Last i checked, there will always be a winner and a loser, and losing sucks.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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I was actually in a huttball match like that. It was earlier today and me and 1 other person on our team were going after the ball. The rest of our team was nowhere to be found unless the ball happened to cross their path. The other team had 3-5 people on the ball at all times. Most of the time on our team it was me and.... um well just me. There was 1 other person that actively got open for passes and that was it. We managed to squeak out a win at the last second. If not for that 1 other person that played the objectives the game would not have been worth playing.


Honestly, I love Huttball. My favorite pvp type of match. Sadly, this is the typical when it comes to Huttball because a lot of people don't think it qualifies as pvp. However, in it's defense, it's sport. it's about scoring the ball. And when it's lopsided, it's over fast, really really fast, thus, as long as you are in the match as a daily or a weekly, or just need a few comms, its worth it to stick around.


I can honestly say too that the most fun I've had in WZ's is 2 full teams of pre-mades playing Huttball. it's an amazing thing when both teams are coordinated, know what they are doing. The ball gets passed, people score, people get blown up. The goal line gets defended, etc... It's so much more fun this way it's crazy. I can't honestly understand why people are against pre-mades. If you can't beat them, find ways to join them.

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Honestly, I love Huttball. My favorite pvp type of match. Sadly, this is the typical when it comes to Huttball because a lot of people don't think it qualifies as pvp. However, in it's defense, it's sport. it's about scoring the ball. And when it's lopsided, it's over fast, really really fast, thus, as long as you are in the match as a daily or a weekly, or just need a few comms, its worth it to stick around.


I can honestly say too that the most fun I've had in WZ's is 2 full teams of pre-mades playing Huttball. it's an amazing thing when both teams are coordinated, know what they are doing. The ball gets passed, people score, people get blown up. The goal line gets defended, etc... It's so much more fun this way it's crazy. I can't honestly understand why people are against pre-mades. If you can't beat them, find ways to join them.


Not to derail this thread, but ...




Back to your regularly scheduled thread now.

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Okay OP,


You're right it isn't fun to lose. Now..think of it from this end. If I don't like a certain map -coughQueshballcough- then that is my right to leave. If the team is bad, that is my right to leave. If there are five people just guarding a node while me and two other people are the only ones out there even attempting to try and cap like say in Novarre Coast, then I have every right to leave. Why? Because it is ruining my fun, and my day. World doesn't revolve around you OP.


Let's go into a few more reasons someone may up and leave a match. I'm sure some people have kids, and those come first. Their kid needs them, then they'll leave the match because the kids priority comes first. It's what my ex-girlfriend did when her daughter needed her, and I can guarantee you it's what a few other people with kids will do if their kids need them. Also, what if I don't feel like dealing with that elitist moron who thinks he's god of everyone on his server just because he plays ranked talking down to the entire team? I pay my money too for my sub, if I see my ops chat being spammed with LOLOLOLOL I PLAY RANKED SO YOU ALL AUTOMATICALLY SUCK HURRRRRRRRRRR" I'll leave.


I pay my money to have fun too, if I'm not having it because of going against a premade of the two top pvp guilds on the server or just peoples attitudes in general, or the sheer idiocy of some people, I'll leave the match, and that is my right to do so because it is -my- fun getting ruined. Deal with it. It's going to happen and there's honestly not a damn thing you can do about it.

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1) If someone purposely quits a PvP game, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer. (The kick timer should be extended on the map with the exploding pylons because of this rule)


So instead of quitting people will just sit afk on defense. Or quite queueing all together. How does this improve the experience? Quit being a moron and instead of penalizing people for quitting think of ways to encourage them to stay instead.


Lock me out for a day and I'll sit around moping thinking about my bad decisions..oh wait I'll go log into the competition instead.

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If I start a warzone, I finish it. Easy. It stands to reason I'll get stuck with complete knuckleheads from time to time - nothing to be done for it. If a trend starts to develop (the same knuckleheads repeatedly), I just stop queuing for the day - I do my dailies if they aren't done, then do something else.


That said, I always drop arenas, the instant I zone in. Words do not exist to describe how much I despise these electronic phallus-waving contests. So I drop. Immediately. People get to deal with that. I don't care if they can't. Not my problem.


And I don't do backfills. I drop the instant I zone in. If someone else has abandoned their teammates, it isn't my place to fill in on a team that quite possibly doesn't know what the heck its doing. I notice that I'm almost never placed in a backfill for a winning team...and there's no rocket science involved to figure out why.


To the OP: Your ideas aren't feasible. While I, like you, get exasperated at those who abandon their teammates after the starting gate has dropped, it's completely outside of EAWare's control. And in any event, even if they could do something about it, they won't. For one reason, and that reason is money. This thread has several examples of that - the subscriptions they'd lose by implementing your suggestions would cost them far more than the ones they'd gain, or even retain. Your intentions are good, but they'll never work. Money talks.

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While catching up on class quests I tend to wait until the last moment to hit the accept button for the PvP warzone pops. I come into Novare Coast as the 8th man and it is just starting. Im still loading in and all 7 head for the south bunker and not a single person goes to cap our side. Great 7 idiots. So I cap our side, announce that Im leaving east to take west. By this time our team has lost south, I kill the 2 people guarding west, take it over and 5 people from the other team finally show up. I CC one, CC another, hit my defensive CDs pop stims and stay alive as long as I can to be a distraction. In this time not a single person on our team went to guard east and they still had not managed to take south with 7 vs 3. And this was 30-54 so the majority of people should have known what they were doing by this point.


Left that one in a hurry after that.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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I'm a very casual pvp player but I too reserve the right to quit a match when my team just does not give a ****. More than once I've been on a team where they either do not care, or just put no initiative towards actually winning the match. Failing to call incoming, doing things that are completely stupid(I've seen people throw the huttball to empty space) and just other things that do not benefit our team.
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1) If someone purposely quits a PvP game, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer. (The kick timer should be extended on the map with the exploding pylons because of this rule)


2) If someone gets 'disconnected' from 2 matches in a day, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! You cannot que any more during that day! (some may say, well what if my connections just bad? To which I say you shouldn't be joining PvP in the first place. I've played for a month and had 0 connection inerruptions).


3) If someone quits or disconnects from more than 4 games during a week, they are DONE FOR THE WEEK! No more queing for PvP for the rest of the week!


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun for either the winning team to watch everyone just leave, or for the people who come in after they leave.


1) leave a wz and you're done? No, banning for a day is not the answer. Why? People will just afk and that will make things worse. They'll just go to a node and sit on ti for a match. This is probably actually worse than them quitting because they aren't bringing anything to the match and are still in it. If someone needs to leave due to kids, phone call, etc... (real life happens in real life) then let them leave.


2) I've had internet issues, **** happens. And when you're ISP is having issues, it's usually continuous. Bad days happen. Granted when that happens, the best thing to do is just log for the day, but people shouldn't be punished for having internet issues.


3) same issues, see above.


I think OP is being too harsh. Again, it's much more harsh to a team if someone is just going to go afk instead of leave.

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Quitting is the natural response to lack of match making and interesting game mechanics in warzones. Why stick around through another mismatch.


If this were the case, you'd see people leave WZs when they were winning. After all, it's the same matchmaking and mechanics.

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If this were the case, you'd see people leave WZs when they were winning. After all, it's the same matchmaking and mechanics.


No you wouldn't. A close match that you do well in is the best win or lose. However, lopsided match that you are doing well in can still be fun on the winning side. On the losing side however who desires to basically be farmed for 10m give or take. I for one don't care to. I also don't reject the notion that I should stay and suck it up when often times a loss is caused by either stupid tactics such as running to snow over and over while letting mid be taken.


You have very little chance at taking snow once it is lost if grass is the closer node yet lemmings run to it repeatedly to be farmed. Or the guy who thinks it is no big deal to enter a WZ with 1100 expertise making the match 7v8. If you want someone else to take the match seriously then take it seriously yourself is what I think. If you doing stupid things over and over or wearing shoddy gear that doesn't at the very least take advantage of bolster until you gear up in PVP gear then I don't feel even the tiniest bit of remorse leaving your travesty of a wz match to find a better matchup sooner.


I play for fun and if you do something through stupidity or laziness that interferes with that then I will be leaving for greener pastures. My time is just that, mine.

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No you wouldn't. A close match that you do well in is the best win or lose. However, lopsided match that you are doing well in can still be fun on the winning side. On the losing side however who desires to basically be farmed for 10m give or take.


That just proves my point.


Poor matchmaking and mechanics suck... when you're losing. If you're winning, that poor matchmaking and mechanics is fine.

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................You'll see in the screenshot I posted on page 4 of the thread, I did almost as much damage as the next FOUR GUYS ON MY TEAM COMBINED! .................


And here lies the main problem with regs today.


People are only interested in damage, Derping their way to loss after loss after loss, but being happy as they topped the damage charts.


No PVPer gives a rats *** about how much damage you do, they care about winning, and if you aid the team and get zero damage, brilliant, you are an integral part of that win.


I inspect everyone on my team before the match starts, if I have any with less than 1900 in an arena I quit, if I have more than 2 with less than 2018 in a normal warzone, I quit. You can afford to carry a couple of under geared people in regs, as long as they listen, but you can't carry more and them not be a liability. If they don't listen as the game progresses, adios amigos.


Another useful check is the pvp legacy achievements. You often get people with no expertise and less than 100 games played at L55, why ?


What use are these people whatsoever to the match? People should be learning PVP as they level, and therefore once they hit 55, in theory, they will have a far better chance of being useful. Otherwise, please stick with your scripted encounters.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Not only is this really bad etiquette and bad sportsmanship, it's also very bad for the players who come in after the people have left the match.


Quitting a PvP match early cause your team is trash should not be allowed. It completely ruins PvP experience.


First, I agree 100% wholeheartedly that premades should NOT be allowed to fight against pugs. PvP (assuming both sides are equally skilled) will always favor the side that is more coordinated. But that isn't what the topic is really about, it's about leaving a losing match! Just know that you are probably going to run into a LOT of games where your team is absolutely terrible. It's going to happen from time to time.


If you join PvP solo you should EXPECT your team to be trash. You should EXPECT to get a bunch of horrible moronic retard idiots that don't have any clue how to PvP at all, and they are probably just there to get the dailies done for extra xp for the day. (Which is also why I'm 100% against any dailies for PvP).


So knowing this, that you now EXPECT your team to be total trash, when you find out they are actually total trash you shouldn't be surprised. You stick it out and finish the map, just like myself and many others do. If you quit early then people like myself join in and are pissed of we're already half way through a game that is 100% guaranteed loss.


Suggestions to fix this:


1) If someone purposely quits a PvP game, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer. (The kick timer should be extended on the map with the exploding pylons because of this rule)


2) If someone gets 'disconnected' from 2 matches in a day, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! You cannot que any more during that day! (some may say, well what if my connections just bad? To which I say you shouldn't be joining PvP in the first place. I've played for a month and had 0 connection inerruptions).


3) If someone quits or disconnects from more than 4 games during a week, they are DONE FOR THE WEEK! No more queing for PvP for the rest of the week!


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun for either the winning team to watch everyone just leave, or for the people who come in after they leave.


So i should get punished if:

* Im not ready to ignore my children if they wake up in the night for example

* The server fails and kicks me out of match/game

* Im not ready to ignore any RL event that unexpectedly turns up

* Im not ready to stand idle if my entire team has given up and is afking at our only node

* Hardware suddenly malfunctions and crashes

* I hate one map with a passion and leave it immedeatly as i enter

* I get bugged and can't leave the spawn Area

* Etc.


Oh, you played for a month without connection issues huh? -Well then it can't happen! :rolleyes:

-Guess what, i have a very good uplink and hardly ever any issues - but any connection can fail sometimes for various reasons, and the 1 or 2 times i <<have>> been DC'd at my end, i would have gotten more then annoyed if i got punished for it.


And yes, you should expect your team to be utterly bad when entering a PUG warzone - but you should also expect them to be thinking and sentinent human beings. THAT is a much more legit requirement imo. Players can be as bad as they come, but there is NO excuse for queuing up and then not typing "East" when you're guarding a node for example. That's not being bad, that's working against your team on purpose.


Your suggestions is laughable at best, unless you first adress the many factors that can make a player leave a match, specially those that have nothing to do with the "sportsmanship" you speak about. If anything, they need to adress the <<Reasons>> why people leave.


I have a counter suggestion. When this is implemented i will gladly give your suggested system a go.


* Vote to kick option that actually works. As long as the majority (4 in a full group) of a team votes for it, the player gets kicked instantly and with it, the same punishment as if he would have quit the match according to your suggested system. So get kicked 4 times in 1 week, and you're out for the week. Etc.


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun when someone doesn't work with the team and simply refuse contribute even with the most basic tasks.


OR maybe we should blame the ones who really are responsible for this, BW. If they would just keep their promise and give us Cross Server Queues, more options and restrictions could be set as well as matchmaking of some form, and quitting might not be such a problem. But you can't punish people for leaving something they dont find entertaining, and that option <<should>> be there until they can provide a service that meets peoples idea of fun PvP.

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And if your team sucks you just quit? Making it so some other guy ques in to a losing game? Making it so the winning team has less people to play against? Make it even that much harder for your current teamates to get any kills at all?


Explain to me how that is in any way beneficial to the PvP community. I'd love to hear it.


You'll see in the screenshot I posted on page 4 of the thread, I did almost as much damage as the next FOUR GUYS ON MY TEAM COMBINED!


I didn't cry. I didn't whine. I didn't quit. I played it out and finished the game. This is what you should be doing as well. Quitting helps nobody.


Since you obviously are real big into numbers and such lets make a short review of your screenshot shall we?


1st note:

Its a lowbe PvP match. You CAN NOT expect people below lv30 to have a good knowledge of their class. There are bound to be many new people.

2nd note:

Its a lowbe match. The fact that you lost is just because lowbe voidstar is often a rolfstomp on both sides. Like in my 1st note this is because many people are new

3rd note:

Your team lacked healers. Which is an advantage for the enemy team since they could defend more easy..

4th note:

Your team DID NOT fight close to the doors. Neither were you. having only 300 objective points is a major fail on your part too. The enemy team did fight close to the doors since I can see much more objective points

5th note:

You died only once. Since you are a sorc people will try to hit you first most often. I expect that your 120k healing was mostly aimed at yourself. Other option would be that people ignored you the whole fight.

addendum on 5th note: Feel free to heal others if you haven't done it

6ed note:

Enemy team had decent tank who at least used his taunts more than once. 13k or 11k prection means only 1 or 2 taunts by a dps.

7th note:

Really mate ...... save yourself some pain and respec heals on your sorc. Lowbees and midbees have a great lack in healers as you saw in this match. Having at least 1 or 2 healers is almost a must in any game.

8th note:

Yeeee you did big numbers .... yes ..... thats because you were alive the whole match. Your teammates died often and dealing damage from behind a forcefield aint that easy mate ;)

final note:

Your screenshot doesn't help your cause since like people said before me: Numbers aren't important, paying attention to those caps is. You only showed that your team didn't fight close to doors and got murdered fast.


Anyways .... just my 2 cents about it.

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That just proves my point.


Poor matchmaking and mechanics suck... when you're losing. If you're winning, that poor matchmaking and mechanics is fine.


No it isn't. While the motivation to quit during a match isn't nearly as strong when you are on the winning side of a mismatch, they aren't all that much fun and players end up eventually quitting pvp and SWTOR altogether due to lack of competitive, interesting pvp and start looking elsewhere.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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1) If someone purposely quits a PvP game, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! They cannot que that day any longer. (The kick timer should be extended on the map with the exploding pylons because of this rule)


2) If someone gets 'disconnected' from 2 matches in a day, they are DONE FOR THE DAY! You cannot que any more during that day! (some may say, well what if my connections just bad? To which I say you shouldn't be joining PvP in the first place. I've played for a month and had 0 connection inerruptions).


3) If someone quits or disconnects from more than 4 games during a week, they are DONE FOR THE WEEK! No more queing for PvP for the rest of the week!


Sounds harsh? Well good. It should be. It's terrible sportsmanship and not fun for either the winning team to watch everyone just leave, or for the people who come in after they leave.


So... now if my team is trash and they would do it like this, I'll stay and stay in stealth while watching 25k players with 900 expertise fighting against full geared teams ;-)

So why shouldn't it be possible to decide if I want to play with them or not?

I don't want to be killed 15 times or more, because I have 4 or 5 people in my team, who don't inform about bolster, gear etc. before starting with PVP. Thats no fun for me and I'm playing because of fun.

For an operation you also could decide, so I want to decide if I don't want to play with this people.

And for operation noone would take someone with bad gear with them, in PVE people also have to inform before start with operations.

And don't say anything about 'play ranked if you want to choose your team'

Maybe I want to play the warzones and not arena?!

Bioware removed the ranked warzones and like that I only can play normal warzones...


I only would wish that this would come for ranked arena because in ranked it is about rating and in normal PVP it doesn't matter.

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And here lies the main problem with regs today.


People are only interested in damage, Derping their way to loss after loss after loss, but being happy as they topped the damage charts.


No PVPer gives a rats *** about how much damage you do, they care about winning, and if you aid the team and get zero damage, brilliant, you are an integral part of that win.


Such a true statement. And it even counts extra in certain WZ's. if you led damage in a Huttball, for example, you're probably doing something wrong. I would point out too that typically the guy that scores the most goals is the one with the least amount of damage done. They're typically a stealth class that hangs out at the endzone waiting for someone to pass them the ball. I've scored 4 goals in one match and did zero damage, for example.

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Such a true statement. And it even counts extra in certain WZ's. if you led damage in a Huttball, for example, you're probably doing something wrong. I would point out too that typically the guy that scores the most goals is the one with the least amount of damage done. They're typically a stealth class that hangs out at the endzone waiting for someone to pass them the ball. I've scored 4 goals in one match and did zero damage, for example.


Exactly, while the people topping the dps charts think there is some faerie godmother scoring all the goals.


I have no issue with controlling the middle and killing, it is a must have for a successful HB game, but that's all it is, controlling, not kill chasing etc etc.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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