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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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Funny how the pro pvp threads are still here but the pro pve threads were removed. no preferential treatment at all no sir.


Only one PvE parody of this thread was removed IIRC...


And that was because it went completely out of hand in the comments...


Mainly by PvP'ers who got upset that their demands could be flipped around and used by PvE'ers too...

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Except most of that is lel PvE. Sorry but PvP'ers SHOULD have the same money making options PvE'ers/crafters do. This is one of the many reasons why EAware lost their PvP playerbase.


Still at it? You do have the same opportunity to make credits. You just don't want to do what is necessary.


Since PvP is still alive and well, I'd say no one really misses a "PvP playerbase". The game is much more fun when people play the whole thing instead of playing only a little part of it and whining about missing out on the rest of it.


Seriously, you need help. It's sad that you haven't a clue. Seriously, stop playing MMO's and go to consoles.

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You are making more than enough to cover your expenses. Despite what you may believe, that's all you're entitled to.

I know it is a lot to ask, but you could you please check the SWTOR terms of service, the laws of your state, the United States Code, and the U.S. Constitution (if you live in the U.S.), and tell me where this entitlement you speak of springs from?


Frankly, I would bet you are wrong: I bet no one is entitled to make back their expenses on anything in SWTOR - not leveling, not raiding, not crew skills, not PvP. It might be good design for the game to be that way, but still ... entitled? No.


Yeah, it's a nit pick. I think i understand what you are trying to say. I am just tired of entitlement culture.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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If there were PvP dailies that gave the same amount of money as the PvE dailies, they should also be as mind-numingly boring and mundane as the ones we have now.


Contrary to popular belief amongst the PvP community, PvE'ers do not enjoy the Daily content at all.

It isn't fun, it isn't something we like doing and it certainly isn't what we chose to play the game for.

So honestly, if they implement PvP dailies that are like the PvE dailies, they should have nothing to do with PvP basically.

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No they wouldn't because PvP is dynamic while PvE is static. :rolleyes:


They would have to make them boring then since ours are boring... fair's fair. Isn't that what the entire thread is about?


Except it's still PvE. You can't deny that and you guys are PvE'ers otherwise you wouldn't be doing them.


Everything that isn't PvP is PvE in your opinion. But PvE is a huge area.

I mean, GSF is PvP as well... so technically you guys have 3 dailies and 3 weeklies, but nobody seems to be bringing that up.

Just because someone likes PvP doesn't mean they like GSF or vice versa. And dailies might be PvE but it sure isn't the same thing as a flashpoint an operation or leveling a toon.


Except you still do it because it's PvE. :o


No, I do it because it's money. If all the dailies were PvP activities I would do them anyway. Because it's money. It's a job. It's a means to an end.


And what? It would make sense for them to have something to do with PvE? Well I'm glad you aren't a game designer for an MMO.


Nope, but maby it would have to do with how many hours of PvP you do and not your actual activity in PvP matches. Sure as heck nothing that you'd consider fun since PvE'ers don't consider dailies fun.

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Except most of that is lel PvE. Sorry but PvP'ers SHOULD have the same money making options PvE'ers/crafters do. This is one of the many reasons why EAware lost their PvP playerbase.


PvP players do have the same money-making opportunities as all other players. If you choose not to participate in those facets of the game, that is on you and not the game developers.


Try taking responsibility for your own actions and choices. You might find that your experiences in the game (or even in life) improve dramatically when you do that.

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PvP players do have the same money-making opportunities as all other players. If you choose not to participate in those facets of the game, that is on you and not the game developers.


Try taking responsibility for your own actions and choices. You might find that your experiences in the game (or even in life) improve dramatically when you do that.


Why would I take responsibility and deal with my problems when I can complain about them and throw a fit until they go away? That's what mommy and daddy taught me.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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PvP players do have the same money-making opportunities as all other players. If you choose not to participate in those facets of the game, that is on you and not the game developers.


Try taking responsibility for your own actions and choices. You might find that your experiences in the game (or even in life) improve dramatically when you do that.


Why run PVE dailies when I don't enjoy them and would rather spend my time RP/PVPing and have them just pay more? Why should I be forced to do something I don't enjoy just to make money?


why get a job when society can give me money so I can go make music and do what I enjoy?

Why do I have to work, am I not entitled to do what I enjoy and make money at the same time?

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Why run PVE dailies when I don't enjoy them and would rather spend my time RP/PVPing and have them just pay more? Why should I be forced to do something I don't enjoy just to make money?


why get a job when society can give me money so I can go make music and do what I enjoy?

Why do I have to work, am I not entitled to do what I enjoy and make money at the same time?


To the first paragraph only, because I see what you did there... :D


You can make a lot of money without ever running a PvE daily. If you think that is the way that the players who never have to worry about credits got to that point, may I suggest spending some quality time on the crew skills forum?

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Why run PVE dailies when I don't enjoy them and would rather spend my time RP/PVPing and have them just pay more? Why should I be forced to do something I don't enjoy just to make money?


why get a job when society can give me money so I can go make music and do what I enjoy?

Why do I have to work, am I not entitled to do what I enjoy and make money at the same time?


Why run PVE dailies when I don't enjoy them and would rather spend my time RP/PVEing and have them just pay more? Why should I be forced to do something I don't enjoy just to make money?

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there is still crafting though, mk-9 augment kits for instance are always in high demand due to everyone trying to optomize their gear with higher and higher stats and sell pretty well, and you can do this all while waiting for your que to pop, because time standing around fleet afking while in queue is time wasted. Also there is this very cool guide that shows different ways a pvper can make money, I recommend the read. Edited by Sangrar
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Why run PVE dailies when I don't enjoy them and would rather spend my time RP/PVEing and have them just pay more? Why should I be forced to do something I don't enjoy just to make money?


I'm 100% in favor of a big *** increase in the rewards for PvP dailies (triple the credits minimum imo)...but...I also see that they use the lucrative PvE daily missions as a way to incentivize you to do more than just PvP though. You aren't forced to do anything.

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If there were PvP dailies that gave the same amount of money as the PvE dailies, they should also be as mind-numingly boring and mundane as the ones we have now.


Contrary to popular belief amongst the PvP community, PvE'ers do not enjoy the Daily content at all.

It isn't fun, it isn't something we like doing and it certainly isn't what we chose to play the game for.

So honestly, if they implement PvP dailies that are like the PvE dailies, they should have nothing to do with PvP basically.


There is no popular belief or "your" vs. "our". PVP-dedicated types that want creds run the same boring dailies.

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I've never PvP'ed, never queued for a WZ, and hold my breath and cross my fingers every time I have to speeder through Outlaw's Den to fill out my Tattooine map for fear of getting jumped. So, I ask this in all sincerity and admitted ignorance: Is PvP ever done in groups? And, if so, are any of those groups ever PUGS?


I ask because it seems to me that someone who only PvPs would probably be pretty good at it. Why not earn extra credits renting themselves out as "hired guns" to a PvP group? Or maybe sell their expertise to players who are just learning how to PvP (i.e., tuition)? If their only marketable skill (in-game) is PvPing, why not exploit it?


Of course, I don't run dailies either but seem to have oodles of credits anyway. Not really sure how that happened.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I'm 100% in favor of a big *** increase in the rewards for PvP dailies (triple the credits minimum imo)...but...I also see that they use the lucrative PvE daily missions as a way to incentivize you to do more than just PvP though. You aren't forced to do anything.


I think it comes down to the belief at what people do for a majority of their game. while not opposed to an increase in PVP rewards, I think trying to make those equivalent to PVE is unbalanced.


I feel the main intent of this game was PVE which is where alot of the emphasis was put in and the devs felt would be a majority of game play from most people. Adding in PVP they simply is an incremental addition to give those that enjoy it something else to enjoy but felt it should not be the primary purpose of playing this game.


So in essence PVE was meant to be the main source of income for the game, PVP was meant to be "in addition too" much like GSF.


People who only do PVE earn X, those who do PVP + PVE X+Y, those who only PVP earn only Y

If you increase PVP to approximate X those who do both will earn way too much, the only way to balance that would be to add PVP credit sinks and extra costs similar to those of PVE.

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I'm 100% in favor of a big *** increase in the rewards for PvP dailies (triple the credits minimum imo)...but...I also see that they use the lucrative PvE daily missions as a way to incentivize you to do more than just PvP though. You aren't forced to do anything.



I don't really say this as a raider, (I actually PVP more towards end game than participate in raids,) but I very much doubt PVE people actually consider dailies as 'fun'. I sure as hell don't.


I would say the content equivalent to Warzones for "bread and butter" content would be flashpoints and operations. Those don't flat out net alot of credits between paying so much in repair bills and time spent doing other things that you could have actually been making money, and rage quits from unsuccessful bouts. Unless you get lucky and grab some of the Mass generator mats or some isotope 5 or a crafter.


By comparison, you could probably complete a couple of warzones that could have been spent playing one flashpoint, or several warzones that give rewards regardless of failure and with no repair fees with time that could have been spent on one operation.


I'm not sure about a such a huge flat out pay increase, but maybe something in the nature of a new crafting tier and new dropped mats for PVP content that would be equivalents to Isotope five and the mass generator mats.


Additionally, maybe they could start offering some open world pvp dailies within these traditionally "PVE" zones.

Edited by Nickious
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I'm 100% in favor of a big *** increase in the rewards for PvP dailies (triple the credits minimum imo)...but...I also see that they use the lucrative PvE daily missions as a way to incentivize you to do more than just PvP though. You aren't forced to do anything.


I don't know if I would support triple, but I do agree the rewards are far lower than they should be.


I would promote an increase in the credit rewards for ALL PVP activity to promote participation, and also would boost heroic credit payouts by about 10 percent across the board.

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I don't know if I would support triple, but I do agree the rewards are far lower than they should be.


I would promote an increase in the credit rewards for ALL PVP activity to promote participation, and also would boost heroic credit payouts by about 10 percent across the board.


Heroics? Like the 2 to 4 person missions on planets you mean? I haven't run any of those since hitting 55...And right now, my PvP daily gives me 10k credits. Running the entire CZ-198 daily area I can make around 100K credits (selling loot included) and that only takes 10min on average. A single Voidstar takes twice that long.


Since they increased loot credit drops in Ops ever since TFB, what if they simply bumped the reward PER WZ run? Leave the daily where it is, just boost the actual $ for playing in one by 50%?


An increase is indeed due to PvPers. As the gear tiers continue to increase, the cost of mod removal ALSO increases as do repair costs and YES, right now a PvP ONLY player is paying to repair their offhand - probable bug and they still have to pay if they expand beyond PvP to PvE (like to run daily missions). The gear take no less time to grind, just more to adjust. An increase is warranted.

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Heroics? Like the 2 to 4 person missions on planets you mean? I haven't run any of those since hitting 55...And right now, my PvP daily gives me 10k credits. Running the entire CZ-198 daily area I can make around 100K credits (selling loot included) and that only takes 10min on average. A single Voidstar takes twice that long.


Since they increased loot credit drops in Ops ever since TFB, what if they simply bumped the reward PER WZ run? Leave the daily where it is, just boost the actual $ for playing in one by 50%?


An increase is indeed due to PvPers. As the gear tiers continue to increase, the cost of mod removal ALSO increases as do repair costs and YES, right now a PvP ONLY player is paying to repair their offhand - probable bug and they still have to pay if they expand beyond PvP to PvE (like to run daily missions). The gear take no less time to grind, just more to adjust. An increase is warranted.


Yes, the planetary heroics, and I think they are underutilized. They should promote replay by slightly boosting payout...and for that same reason they should substantially boost PVP payouts as well.


Players leveling up could benefit from experiencing content they often skip if higher level players are running planetary heroics like they are dailies of sorts for cash.

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Perhaps WZ's should have increased payouts, but I think that's a different debate than "I'm a PvPer, I can't make money". I mean the options are there, and no, people shouldn't get paid to do just what they want. I really don't think it's adequate to compare WZ's to various PVE experiences, I think if you want increased WZ rewards, you need to argue for that on its own merits.


IE, I put in X amount of time, and get back X amount of credits. This, including benefits from daily and weekly, is not a high enough reward to incentivise WZ play, even with the extra comms once the player is geared (selling medpacks and adrenals). This credit rate should be increased, but not to the point AFKing is encouraged.


I'm not saying I agree with the above or anything, I just think that's the way to go about this, rather than comparing to PVE.

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there was a comment early on, somewhere in the bowels of this thread, that put out this general idea:

*Warzone PvP makes generally less money because there is less expenses.


here is why:


no repairs


there is no repairing expense for warzones, and no risk of getting your arse seriously whipped by a gold-silver NPC and having to spend thousands on repairs.



medpacs and adrenals are optional


in PvP, you do not need that extra boost unless you are doing ranked, or an unranked arena as a lowbie and you might not get any medals if you get focused down to quickly. while in PvE like class stories, group content, and just in plain open world travel, you at least need a few medpacs to get past a really tough part. they are also handed out liberally: 5 each a day, or 10 each a day if you're level +50 and pump out the second daily. 5 each for a weekly, or 10 each if you include the second, level +50 weekly. 10 medpacs and 10 adrenals seems like more than enough if only used on occasions.



warzones are quick


a standard warzone takes about 10-15 minutes a pop, and arenas, although less *fruitful, are insanely quick; taking 5 minutes each. the rewards are quick, and are proportionately more rewarding when time is factored in. now you can pump out those dailies and weeklies and get the rewards from those as well! group content takes a long time, up to an hour on a tough FP.


* open world is dead, i have not seen a single open world PvP for a few months. GSF is not really PvP, it is spaceships and your character's stats and gear have nothing to do with it. your toon isn't even in GSF!


* in an arena, there is no defender/attacker points, and most people die too quickly to get a lot of medals. in lowbies, getting any medals was 1/3 for me, but the speed of the WZ was worth the potential waste of time. usually it is very rewarding for the winner because bonus medals are given to quick winners, and arenas are very quick, so they get 2-3 and maybe even 4 extra medals if they are winners.

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Heroics? Like the 2 to 4 person missions on planets you mean? I haven't run any of those since hitting 55...And right now, my PvP daily gives me 10k credits. Running the entire CZ-198 daily area I can make around 100K credits (selling loot included) and that only takes 10min on average. A single Voidstar takes twice that long.


Since they increased loot credit drops in Ops ever since TFB, what if they simply bumped the reward PER WZ run? Leave the daily where it is, just boost the actual $ for playing in one by 50%?


An increase is indeed due to PvPers. As the gear tiers continue to increase, the cost of mod removal ALSO increases as do repair costs and YES, right now a PvP ONLY player is paying to repair their offhand - probable bug and they still have to pay if they expand beyond PvP to PvE (like to run daily missions). The gear take no less time to grind, just more to adjust. An increase is warranted.


they should make the daily(not individual wz ) to about 50k. you should have to win 3 wz's in order to complete it.

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