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GSF is dying and you don't care, do you Bioware?


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Yea, I came back to the game after not playing for a year, tried 1 match of starfighter, will never do again. I kept dying and didn't understand from where, who, or what was going on, plus it seemed like I was useless in trying to shoot at stuff. My team got completely shut out too. Would've been nice to have gotten matched against other beginners.
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Yea, I came back to the game after not playing for a year, tried 1 match of starfighter, will never do again. I kept dying and didn't understand from where, who, or what was going on, plus it seemed like I was useless in trying to shoot at stuff. My team got completely shut out too. Would've been nice to have gotten matched against other beginners.


You should definitely write it off after one game. Your opinion is educated, after all. Don't bother reading guides or talking to people- just give up immediately because the game isn't filled with people who can die to a literal firsttimer. After all, this universe is YOUR fantasy sir, and everyone exists to die before your blasters just to please you.

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Yea, I came back to the game after not playing for a year, tried 1 match of starfighter, will never do again. I kept dying and didn't understand from where, who, or what was going on, plus it seemed like I was useless in trying to shoot at stuff. My team got completely shut out too. Would've been nice to have gotten matched against other beginners.


To put it more nicely than Verain, you're new to GSF, so you shouldn't expect to do awesomely in your first time out. I agree that matchmaking could be better, but I can assure you, you will have matches where your team will be evenly matched or completely dominate the other side. You had some bad luck your first time out, but quitting after one try is like quitting after one ground match or one flashpoint went sour and assuming that's the way they all go.


If you like the idea of Star Wars and piloting, GSF does have something to offer you. Don't give up after one try.

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Most problems ppl have with bombers are the mine variant bomber the razorwire/rampart, and the shield variant actually relies on overcharge shield and engine to shield for all its shields. So you're advice of killing the repair drone is useless. I perfer the charged plating version myself, which also has a ton of shields and pretty much just ignores type 1 scouts lasers on hull dmg, which is another reason type 1 scouts have such a hard time killing them, basically for 19 seconds out of 30 you're only doing dmg with your rocket pods. So yes I do know what bomber and build they are talking about.


To be fair unless a scout has no other option they're better leaving the bomber to strikers, GS, or friendly bombers. I can't tell you how many times as a striker pilot I was trying to bring down a bomber and got blown away because allied scouts were hell bent on attacking the bomber (and getting ripped to shreds) instead of keeping the bomber's escort fighters occupied.


Similarly when everyone does their job bombers can go down very fast (scouts engaging escort fighters, strikers/GS/friendly bombers attacking the bomber). That's not to say that bombers don't need a little tweaking but I think the addition has overall been good since it gives some value to the striker's multirole capabilities.

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Blah blah blah didn't read the original


i have to call shenanigans on this one... i fly a Blackbolt almost exclusively, i've unloaded all my Rocket Pods into a bomber, drained my Blaster Energy Pool and never scratched the]hull of enemy Bombers because their Shields never went down [/b... no a Blackbolt can not take down a bomber by any means alone, it will require the assistance of a wingman flying in perfect tandem with you, and that changes the balance of the game by taking one of yours off of one of theirs to help you take down a Bomber... this game has become so Scout unfriendly it's not even funny anymore, it's especially hateful toward the Type 1 Scouts, everything we had that was useful has been nerfed into feathers to tickle you enemies with...


There's nothing in there about mines there is nothing about your personal issues with minelayers, and you can easily power through an overcharged shield even one backed by a power converter.


So next time read the post. Either the bomber had a repair drone, or another ship with repair capability backing it up.

Edited by General_Brass
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There's nothing in there about mines there is nothing about your personal issues with minelayers, and you can easily power through an overcharged shield even one backed by a power converter.


So next time read the post. Either the bomber had a repair drone, or another ship with repair capability backing it up.


There is actually no mention of what bomber it is, and i don't have a problem with either bomber I was just trying to let you know that most of the complaints about bombers on the forums lately are of the minelayer. Also a drone layer or legion/warcarrier with repair drone actually has very low shields so tearing threw them with using all your blaster pool power and pods would be much easier then an overcharge one. Now if the person that was complaining about them did infact mean a legion/warcarrier then yes killing the repair drone would definitely help.

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i have to call shenanigans on this one... i fly a Blackbolt almost exclusively, i've unloaded all my Rocket Pods into a bomber, drained my Blaster Energy Pool and never scratched the hull of enemy Bombers because their Shields never went down... no a Blackbolt can not take down a bomber by any means alone, it will require the assistance of a wingman flying in perfect tandem with you, and that changes the balance of the game by taking one of yours off of one of theirs to help you take down a Bomber... this game has become so Scout unfriendly it's not even funny anymore, it's especially hateful toward the Type 1 Scouts, everything we had that was useful has been nerfed into feathers to tickle you enemies with...


I absolutely jacked up a bomber repeatedly using a stock Blackbolt. (Well, not ENTIRELY stock - had the Power Dive up to level 2, but that's it.) Weapons were laser cannon and rocket pods. Pretty sure that guy hates me now.

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There is actually no mention of what bomber it is, and i don't have a problem with either bomber I was just trying to let you know that most of the complaints about bombers on the forums lately are of the minelayer. Also a drone layer or legion/warcarrier with repair drone actually has very low shields so tearing threw them with using all your blaster pool power and pods would be much easier then an overcharge one. Now if the person that was complaining about them did infact mean a legion/warcarrier then yes killing the repair drone would definitely help.


The forums complain about endless things rarely those that matter.

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I learned to deal with bombers. Sure sucks that they are so strong at holding nodes, but it is like the only thing they are good at. My Nova destroys bombers with even more grace than she destroys gunships. Even my Spearpoint loves bombers. Of course it is trickier to push them from the node, but it is about the same tricky to beat the FotM scout anywhere and no one complains about these suckers. I myself am more mad about them than some puny meatshield bombers.
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I have easy to implement solution for bomber problem in Dominion (I don´t care about bombers in TDM, since there can´t ruine game for everyone). Stop counting assists and kills made by mines in to the bombers final score :D

It will not stop bomber stacking strategy itself, but they will be not awarded for circling around satelite at least. Seriously, every other ship in game requires some effort during game except bomber.

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I have easy to implement solution for bomber problem in Dominion (I don´t care about bombers in TDM, since there can´t ruine game for everyone). Stop counting assists and kills made by mines in to the bombers final score :D

It will not stop bomber stacking strategy itself, but they will be not awarded for circling around satelite at least. Seriously, every other ship in game requires some effort during game except bomber.


Woah woah woah there Mr! I had to develop a lot of skill pressing 1 and right clicking within 1500 meters, TYVM!! :)

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i have to call shenanigans on this one... i fly a Blackbolt almost exclusively, i've unloaded all my Rocket Pods into a bomber, drained my Blaster Energy Pool and never scratched the hull of enemy Bombers because their Shields never went down... no a Blackbolt can not take down a bomber by any means alone, it will require the assistance of a wingman flying in perfect tandem with you, and that changes the balance of the game by taking one of yours off of one of theirs to help you take down a Bomber... this game has become so Scout unfriendly it's not even funny anymore, it's especially hateful toward the Type 1 Scouts, everything we had that was useful has been nerfed into feathers to tickle you enemies with...




Yeah this was almost a good troll post, nice try.


But in the slight case you're actually serious: Rocket Pods + whatever laser, Laser Cannon probably being the most effective vs bombers and can wreck them in a few seconds combined with TT and/or Concentrated Fire.


Rocket pods go through the bomber's Charged Plating and you can pop your cooldowns after the initial blaster immunity effect ends, or even before and finish it after a second pass or just keep unloading pods into them. Just get a good position, or if the bomber is dumb enough to try to head-on 1v1 you it's already over for him.


Sometimes you do get into a bad spot and get killed by mines or other players/turrets on the node, but you should have a fair chance of killing a bomber on a node with a good build.

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To put it more nicely than Verain, you're new to GSF, so you shouldn't expect to do awesomely in your first time out. I agree that matchmaking could be better, but I can assure you, you will have matches where your team will be evenly matched or completely dominate the other side. You had some bad luck your first time out, but quitting after one try is like quitting after one ground match or one flashpoint went sour and assuming that's the way they all go.


If you like the idea of Star Wars and piloting, GSF does have something to offer you. Don't give up after one try.


Instead of stopping after a single match I made to 15-20 range before quitting if that makes you guys happier. Out of those matches, there has been 2 that were competitive with a good balance of players on both sides, the rest have been 1 side stomping the other, I'd say my side winning by ridiculous proportions more often than not- but I might as well have been flying my ship straight into asteroids for all that I mattered. I don't mind losing to more skilled players, or that the builds and ships are complicated and you need to look stuff up to know what do to, but this game has serious problems-


1) the population is way, way to small- small enough that I was familiar with most of the gsf pilots of both factions on my server after 5-10 matches. Depending on the time I'm on, I may get a single match or even none at all.


2) equipment/gear- the scale of progression between a fresh starter ship and top tier is ridiculously high for a pvp only system. The fact that aces can "win" gsf in a newbie ship configured the right way doesn't mean anything to an actual newb- if some of the systems are that badly out of balance they need to be removed or fixed, and the ship you start people out in should definitely be able to compete- customization is great and all but if you have to make a bunch of changes right off the bat just to stand a chance, most people aren't going to stick around and figure it out and you get problem 1.


3) matchmaker- maybe this is all because of #1, I don't know since I've never played with a decent population, but there is zero balance between the sides. It doesn't matter if its getting me wins I didn't help earn or getting me stomped with no chance of fighting back.


After looking around this forum for a few minutes I've seen posts from vets telling new players to read up and ask questions, or telling each other to help make a change by going easy on newbs or getting more players involved. All great ideas, but you have to realize the design issues you are facing come from the developers- players aren't going to fix this one. As a new player, I could go look up guides and ask questions and do well I'm sure, but facing these kinds of issues why would I heavily invest myself in gsf at all? I wonder how many of you vets would actually still get into gsf if you didn't already have the time and resources sunk into it.

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After looking around this forum for a few minutes I've seen posts from vets telling new players to read up and ask questions, or telling each other to help make a change by going easy on newbs or getting more players involved. All great ideas, but you have to realize the design issues you are facing come from the developers- players aren't going to fix this one. As a new player, I could go look up guides and ask questions and do well I'm sure, but facing these kinds of issues why would I heavily invest myself in gsf at all? I wonder how many of you vets would actually still get into gsf if you didn't already have the time and resources sunk into it.


This. It's not the first time it's been said, it won't be the last but it is one hundred percent accurate. It is a developer error of the first order, and it's one that a little research should have prevented.

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Bombers are fine the way they are and so are all the other ships. GSF's actual problem lies in its discrepancy between newcomers and those who have mastered and/or near completed ships. Take the instance in pvp. Not only its divided into two brackets but everyone's stats is bolstered to 55 to provide a semblance of equal footage. GSF doesn't do. You start off with two ships and then you're pitted against much more powerful ships. Not only that's a turnoff but given also the slow growth of your ships (that and coupled with it also takes time to get other ships like bomber/gunship) and you have people who will just participate for their dailies and put zero effort.


My proposed solutions are:


-A level system. By having a level system, people would accrue a certain amount of experience (not exp that goes to your character) similar to valor. At every tier, a rank would be bestowed ( for example, you start off as Test Pilot. At lvl 5 gsf, you gain Flying Ace). Like pvp, there would be two brackets: anyone from lvl 1-30 would be put in gsf instances where only fighters and scouts are allowed while bombers/gunships are not available(mastered ships would be disabled). Once you're past lvl 30, you go into the other bracket where you face against all kinds of ships.




-Have ships available legacy wide, limited by factions. SWTOR is a game where one way or the other, you'll be playing another class. The downside to this in regards to GSF is that the moment you do, you have no access to your suped up ships that you painstakingly took so long to uber. To me this makes no sense. The ships that all imp/pub side players are the same, regardless of what character you pick. Heck, even the copilots can be bought with fleet requisition points and used just the same. By that bias, shouldn't players simply used the ships they started off with from another character?




-Have the player clear a minimum of 5 introductory gsf missions. One of the more suprising aspects of GSF is the lack of understanding how it works and/or the deep learning curve it presents. More often than not, players are not even aware there's a tutorial. Having simulated gsf instances with AI allies/enemies and putting them as a must need to do before they can play the actual gsf would make this pvp less daunting for new players.

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@ Scrabs:

nope not a troll post, i'm dead serious... anyone that has flown with me can attest as i am quite vocal about how it agitates me to no end that i can't touch a bomber, and it's even more agitating when people say it's possible in a Type 1 Scout and i get no results... their shields are only half-way down by the time i'm out of Rockets and the Blaster Pool is recharging... if i don't have a wingman with me to focus-fire them that Bomber is not going down...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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@ Scrabs:

nope not a troll post, i'm dead serious... anyone that has flown with me can attest as i am quite vocal about how it agitates me to no end that i can't touch a bomber, and it's even more agitating when people say it's possible in a Type 1 Scout and i get no results... their shields are only half-way down by the time i'm out of Rockets and the Blaster Pool is recharging... if i don't have a wingman with me to focus-fire them that Bomber is not going down...


I really hate to be the person to have to say this.... because of who I am (check the sig I am T2 fanguy #1) but T2 scouts should not be able to kill everything in the game. I am comfortable with bombers having a roll which includes "Scout-Repellent".


Mines are literally anti scout, they are anti everything but scouts with their tinfoil armor get the pointy hat on this one. And this is fine, the recent PTS nerf to interdiction mine (which when paired with seismic was the GOTO for mine bombers due to shield piercing) fixes a large part of what was "overpowered" about this.


With Interdiction mine in a effect / damage hybrid role as it should be, bombers will be dangerous but not exactly the deathtrap that they are now. Taking 1 mine post 2.8 will be an "oh ****" moment, and you will likely have time to get away (unless your stubborn) sticking around though.... just don't do it, bombers brew scout flavored lemonade and its time we stop feeding them lemons..... find a strike or GS buddy then tag team them to death, otherwise stay away.


(and this is as it should be)

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@ Scrabs:

nope not a troll post, i'm dead serious... anyone that has flown with me can attest as i am quite vocal about how it agitates me to no end that i can't touch a bomber, and it's even more agitating when people say it's possible in a Type 1 Scout and i get no results... their shields are only half-way down by the time i'm out of Rockets and the Blaster Pool is recharging... if i don't have a wingman with me to focus-fire them that Bomber is not going down...


Are you shooting feathers at them...?


40 rocket pods does approximately 12000dmg, in the time it takes to shoot 40 rocket pods you'll have shot around 37000dmg into them considering average dmg of LLC, which is really the only viable option in the type 1 scout blaster loadout. (Which for the record has the top theoretical dps at close range.)


All that being said, I've definitely killed bombers in single passes without using rocket pods. I'm sensing a load-out mistake here.

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I really hate to be the person to have to say this.... because of who I am (check the sig I am T2 fanguy #1) but T2 scouts should not be able to kill everything in the game. I am comfortable with bombers having a roll which includes "Scout-Repellent".




:eek: If you can't kill a bomber in a T2 scout as things are now, you are doing something wrong.

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2) equipment/gear- the scale of progression between a fresh starter ship and top tier is ridiculously high for a pvp only system. The fact that aces can "win" gsf in a newbie ship configured the right way doesn't mean anything to an actual newb- if some of the systems are that badly out of balance they need to be removed or fixed, and the ship you start people out in should definitely be able to compete- customization is great and all but if you have to make a bunch of changes right off the bat just to stand a chance, most people aren't going to stick around and figure it out and you get problem 1.


You still misunderstand. Aces have been able to win in newbie ships with no changes nor upgrades what so ever. Skill & experience determines way more success than gear/upgrades in this game Edited by Lendul
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