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My first post - Is about Starfighter PvP


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And how utterly ******** this is.


I've played just about nearly every single MMO on release or slightly thereafter since UO released back in 1997.


I love PvP. That's what I spend the majority of my time doing.


I have bucketloads of screenshots of me being top dmg, top killer with 0-2 deaths in PvP arena.


This is a good thing. It shows that skill > gear/level. Which is how PvP should be.


Yet when I get into Starfighter battles I literally feel 100% utterly helpless and useless. I've hit people a good 20-30 times and not even got their shields down. I've completely exhausted my weapon and missles and everything I have, and don't even get a kill out of it.


Yet they turn around, and BAM BAM 2 shots and I explode.


Holy crap. This has gotta be the worst PvP design, in the HISTORY of PvP. If the Starfighter was a game on it's own, I would have uninstalled that crap after the first couple of games.


The side with the better ships, wins.


I have YET to see a close and/or exciting game in Starfighter battles.


I've bit my tonge for a few weeks on this to see if it gets any better. and 1on1 against someone in an equal ship, I can win 90% of the time. But LOW AND BEHOLD! Some guy shows up and BAM! ONE SHOT!




Whoever design this crap should literally be fired and toss out a window, or given a huge promotion (assuming you were going for complete imbalance in an attempt to make people want to spend $ to buy a better ship).


Starfighter from a newcomers standpoint = 100% total garbage.

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1st... You didn't hit them... it's called RNG.. Or they were behind something... Or you weren't aiming the lead reticule.... Or they were out of your range....

2nd... If you actually hit them, no shield but an overcharged bomber can resist at 20 hits even from RFL, which ARE the worst cannons in-game...

3rd... 2-shot is normal if you were on a Novadive.... Faster than most, better turning than most (strike can get one or the other not both), **** defense.... And if you didn't kill people on a Novadive when you were hitting them with your blasters, You weren't firing your pods (right click). If you were on a StarGuard, it's called Damage Overcharge... And to do damage on a strike switch to HLC by pressing 1 aand fire your missiles by pressing right mouse button until it locks.


For total wipe... yep this a problem with matchmaking as a whole, both in ground PvP and GSF... Myself I have my fair share of close and exciting match...


Beside, there is no P2W... Just a P2lvl faster.... exactly the same as what can be found in ground game with bonus xp and legacy bonus....

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First off, welcome to GSF =)


Second there are a couple things to note (you may be a MMO vet and PvP vet.... but this is a twitch based arcade shooter, big difference between clicking icons on timers):


ship loadouts vary a lot, veterans have components they have unlocked that make them more deadly


The stock ship your using starts off with some bad components, if your shooting people / hitting them / but not killing them its likely because your using something like rapid fire lasers (the stock option) which do little damage per shot.


There are a large number of things that you need to learn in order to be successful, the game is highly dependent on not only component unlocks and choices, but also in flying (which some people are very good at) each ship is different, and has strengths and weaknesses.


All this being said, the learning curve can be large, but once you start to read and learn how the game works you can start to build a ship that actually gets kills. It sounds cheesy but do the daily's and weeklies as much as possible and start to mod that ship out. With a few minor changes you will see BIG benefits. I wont go into detail here because there are already so many good guides for new players.


Goodluck to you, and check out both guides in the sig


(A great many people - well somewhat declining of late - love and support this game. I personally find it fun and challenging, realize that while a learning curve exists the game is a lot of fun once you get your bearings. Much of what seems stupid and inane to you now is just misunderstanding of how things work, trust me its not as bad as it seems + I dunno why the stock components are so bad FFS bw take rapids outa there.)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Thanks for the replies guys.


Honestly I haven't given up yet on it. At this point though all I do is my daily/weekly and then stop.


It feels utterly pointless trying to gain any ground and enough points to buy stuff just playing games with no bonus rewards.


Some time down the road when I can afford an actual ship, and actual weapons, things will probably change.


Till then it's just dailies and weeklies.


I mean when you join a game and you see your whole team is picking between the 2 starting ships and the other team each have 5 ships to pick from, it's game over. 100% guaranteed, i would bet my house, on the OTHER team to win.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


Honestly I haven't given up yet on it. At this point though all I do is my daily/weekly and then stop.


It feels utterly pointless trying to gain any ground and enough points to buy stuff just playing games with no bonus rewards.


Some time down the road when I can afford an actual ship, and actual weapons, things will probably change.


Till then it's just dailies and weeklies.


I mean when you join a game and you see your whole team is picking between the 2 starting ships and the other team each have 5 ships to pick from, it's game over. 100% guaranteed, i would bet my house, on the OTHER team to win.

Your biggest problem is you think you have already developed the skill so your ego will only allow you to come to the conclusion that it must be gear. There are multiple screenshots out there of skilled pilots taking stock ships with no upgrades and doing 40k+ damage and double digit kills. Yes upgrades do help, but they are not the be all end all of things. There is a high skill floor to be consistently competitive in GSF. Edited by Lendul
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Your biggest problem is you think you have already developed the skill so your ego will only allow you to come to the conclusion that it must be gear. There are multiple screenshots out there of skilled pilots taking stock ships with no upgrades and doing 40k+ damage and double digit kills. Yes upgrades do help, but they are not the be all end all of things. There is a high skill floor to be consistently competitive in GSF.


Very well said.

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it's not exactly true.... 6 5shippers vs 2 5shippers, myself with my almost unupgraded Enforcer and my half upgraded close range starguard.... guess what we lost horribly. Normally less gear means less skills. (I'm not normal)
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Watch out guys, GSF is utterly ********. Best look out, the guy who can't pick a forum avatar is probably right on this one.




I only hope it was me with a damage overcharge. Unlikely, but I can dream!

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I love PvP. That's what I spend the majority of my time doing.

I have bucketloads of screenshots of me being top dmg, top killer with 0-2 deaths in PvP arena.


This is a good thing. It shows that skill > gear/level. Which is how PvP should be.

Yet when I get into Starfighter battles I literally feel 100% utterly helpless and useless.


Swap around ground PvP and GSF and you'll know how I feel about this game. *shrug*


In ground PvP, I melt away the moment someone looks at me, while doing seemingly little damage to them.

In GSF I can kill pretty much anyone I want if I have a teammate to distract them. And if several average pilots focus on me, I may be going down, but I'm going to make them earn that kill, because they're going to have to chase me around the map for a while. Might even get a kill or two along the ride...


And yet I've played enough PvP to earn a full set of (warzone) gear on 2 characters. And played GSF on stock ships during the double XP weekends. The gear matters quite a bit in both cases, and probably more in GSF than it should, I'll concede that much.

But the trend was unchanged.

I didn't feel powerless at all in my stock ships, doing above average damage with a clearly positive kdr. I still felt like a free kill in my conqueror or bolstered 45s in ground PvP.

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OK I'm going to make some quick observations based on the OP.


First off it sounds like you flying scout a lot, probably the Type 1 Blackbolt/Novadive. Unless he has indeed unlocked or CC purchased type 2. You claim to have fired all your missiles before dying, either this is mere hyperbole or your using rocket pods. I am a missile duelist and almost never-ever run out of missiles even with double volley clusters.


Second you need to understand that the most significant component upgrades are the inexpensive ones. The uber expensive ones are indeed often nice but overall don't add much that the cheap ones haven't already given you.


"One shots" are something a scout must live with, I think perhaps scout is not for you. Are you perhaps forcing the Scout on yourself? Perhaps like many people you played SW BF2 and got addicted to the recon fighter.


My closing words are. I played GSF from the get go so I had a mostly level field as far as relative skill goes. However I still routinely got my butt kicked along with the rest of my teams as we always faced far more coordinated premades. In fact as a solo quer I got so many losses in the beginning days that my wins have still not over taken those early day losses, and I mostly win matches today. I am 300+ matches right now it takes a lot of time to get this, but really no more time then it takes to get the ground game.


You should be happy it takes time to succeed not just 10 or 20 matches, The best games do take time to exceed at.

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That you guys spend your time trying to talk to someone so obviously hyperbolic and hostile is a credit to your tempers. You can guess all you want as to what led to him being "one shot" or whatever, but you're being way too rational methinks. If OP wanted helpful advice, he'd have posted with that tone.
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That you guys spend your time trying to talk to someone so obviously hyperbolic and hostile is a credit to your tempers. You can guess all you want as to what led to him being "one shot" or whatever, but you're being way too rational methinks. If OP wanted helpful advice, he'd have posted with that tone.


We're far to rational, it's a problem.


Interesting perspective Verain, not something one usually hears.

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That you guys spend your time trying to talk to someone so obviously hyperbolic and hostile is a credit to your tempers. You can guess all you want as to what led to him being "one shot" or whatever, but you're being way too rational methinks. If OP wanted helpful advice, he'd have posted with that tone.


LOL this from the man who calls observations about the game "Hate Mongering"


Anyway @ the OP.


The game is a hell for solo people that solo Queue and it doesn't get better as you get better, if anything it gets worse. Teamwork is incredibly important in this game and the matchmaker seems very fond of matching premades vs pugs and veteran pilots vs new pilots.


In regards to the design, you can see these exact same mistakes made with most MMO's that have PvP mini games. Bad matchmaking, allowing groups to prey upon solo players, and lack of any kind of balancing. What's really amazing is that so many people signed off on something that works so poorly elsewhere.

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The game is a hell for solo people that solo Queue and it doesn't get better as you get better, if anything it gets worse. Teamwork is incredibly important in this game and the matchmaker seems very fond of matching premades vs pugs and veteran pilots vs new pilots.


In regards to the design, you can see these exact same mistakes made with most MMO's that have PvP mini games. Bad matchmaking, allowing groups to prey upon solo players, and lack of any kind of balancing. What's really amazing is that so many people signed off on something that works so poorly elsewhere.


While I agree it's nice to queue with 1-3 other people, that's the same as it is with ground PVP: hopefully the OP knows that. I play both types of PVP and I have a lot more success solo queueing in space... by a long shot. It is based on your teammates as well, but both sides have decent pilots. And you can find those people and try to team with them.


Matchmaking... yeah, I don't get how it does what it does sometimes. But I've had plenty of balanced matches in terms of ships with req in them, etc.


As for your balancing comment... say what? GSF is far, far more balanced than the ground game is, and even with how strong bombers are in node defense, they're nothing like a good Op healer still is in the ground game. Not saying GSF is perfect, but even with things I complain about, GSF is still pretty fair and balanced, particularly compared to other PVP games out there.


To the OP, it sounds like you know how to do things in the ground PVP. Ask yourself... how did you get to that point? You've likely had a long time to practice and knowledge from PVE, as well as other games. You likely have done time thinking about build possibilities and seeing postings about it.


You need to do the same for GSF, because it is an entirely different game from ground PVP, particularly if you haven't played many FPS or arcade style shooters/flight games. If you like the idea of zooming around and blowing up the opposition a la Wedge or Luke Skywalker, GSF can do that for you--you're just in the learning phase.

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As for your balancing comment... say what? GSF is far, far more balanced than the ground game is, and even with how strong bombers are in node defense, they're nothing like a good Op healer still is in the ground game. Not saying GSF is perfect, but even with things I complain about, GSF is still pretty fair and balanced, particularly compared to other PVP games out there.


Well here is what I consistently see, teams that consist primarily of new players with poor gear thrown up against teams of veteran players with good gear. This is a circumstance that even frustrates veteran players if they are on the mostly new player teams. They feel forced to do things to carry the team and get even more frustrated than the new players. I know the only way I keep sane playing this game is when that sort of thing happens, I'll just work on odd personal goals. Going for destroying 12 turrets, seeing how many people I can drag around the map, or just going for personal kill count in domination, or lowest number of personal deaths in death match are all things I resort to try and keep the game fun.

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Thanks for all the replies guys but you're talking as if this my first pvp game ever.


I will admit the controls of the Starfighter game felt a little off at first. It took me a few games to really get a feel for the controls, direction and general feel for the battlefield.


But lets talk about how my two games went yesterday.


Game 1:


I logged in to a game that apparently was already in progress, I came out of warp, SPLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE SHOT ON SPAWN!!!


Yah.............. getting spawncamped! Weee fun............


So I spawned again, hid behind my ship and waited the match out.


Game 2:


We started the game fresh, my ENTIRE team only had 2 ships to pick from (of which i always pick the fighter ship not the scout) and the ENTIRE other team had 3-5 ships to pick from. I mean it's already game over at that point.


But how bad?


I tried to fly around and get at least a couple kills before I ended the match but I couldn't even move 5 feet without being locked on by missiles or getting popped by rail guns. I literally end up spending my time flying around debris trying to waste peoples time before they kill me.


How much fun is this?


0 fun.


The other team won like 100-1 or something. Our team combined had 1 kill (that guy probably flew into a rock).


And i will admit, I do have a bit of an ego. I posted some screenshots on a PvP thread which apparently they removed. I'm unsure as to why. But I can top dmg in PvP arena's at level 12 with no gear, and no class picked yet.


I have tons of screenshots like these:





I top dmg like 90-95% of my games in the arena. Going 60-0 50-1 is a NORMAL game for me. I've been PvP'ing for a very long time and I also happen to be very good at it. Am I the best? Probably not. But I know for sure I'd at least give the best a run for their money if I didn't win.


That's why this Starfighter thing literally makes me sick. It's not a question of skill at all. It's a complete question of gear (ships). That beginning fighter (haven't even tried the scout) is so squishy compared to upgraded/bought ships that I think you may have better luck trying to PvP a level 55 with a level 1.


So how can I go from top dmg almost every game, top kills, least deaths in PvP arena to almost BOTTOM damage every game, highest deaths, nothing I've even seen worth taking a screenshot for? (OK maybe I exaggerate not every game as I have had a couple games with 3rd or 4th dmg. But still it's very infrequent).


Sorry. There's something wrong with the system. It's not like I just forget how to PvP cause I'm in space. And it isn't even my first space fighter. My first space fighter was Tie Fighter back in the 90's.


I have to give Starfighter PvP an F. F for completely failed to grab my attention and making me want to log in to do Starfighter. it's more of a drag than anything else trying to get some points to buy a new ship or upgrades.


Edit: If the matches I joined where only the 2 starting ships were allowed I bet I would have a ton more fun. Separate Starfighter into 2 ques:


Que 1:


Only choices are to be in one of the beginning ships. Use whichever upgrades you can afford.


Que 2:


Use any ship, any upgrade you want.



If you did this I bet a lot of people like myself would enjoy Starfighter infinitely more.

Edited by Vergothe
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Have you tried the following yet:


1) talking to team in game about tactics (lets take A and B for dom or lets hang back a bit on deathmatch) - sounds cheesy but your not a one man team there, you need to communicate with everyone else especially if you want to take defended nodes, or to remove an enemy from a post in deathmatch.


I also don't mean negative stuff said in chat, I mean actual commands / communication.


2.) Finding good pilots and grouping with them. (even if they are not good yet, your better off in groups since then you can work toward the same goals together)


If you haven't done either of those things yet then don't expect big results. If you have then GW keep it up (seriously)


also, please post the ship and build your using (even the unlocks and stuff you have + crew) as well as any screenshots. Things like accuracy can tell me if you need work aiming, death counts can tell me if your too rambo, participation points tell me if you are doing what your supposed to etc etc.


Also it would help if you describe your tactics as well, I can tell you if there are big things you can do better (this is the type of discussion I like)


(as to the splitting queue thing on some server there is only 1 game going on at a time so if split there would be a lot of people with a perma spinning wheel. If we had cross server or on a healthy server the matchmaking can be better. Even our team though recently found that matchmaking was wonky. so there is the chance for some sort of tweak, loose hope at least)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Thanks for all the replies guys but you're talking as if this my first pvp game ever.


I will admit the controls of the Starfighter game felt a little off at first. It took me a few games to really get a feel for the controls, direction and general feel for the battlefield.


Two things. Any new game will take awhile to learn. So no worries... just because SWTOR has been out for awhile doesn't mean that an entirely new type of game within it isn't going to take awhile to learn.


But the first part of this section is highlighting the main part of your issue. You're talking like you know everything about a system that you're completely new to, and you're making comparisons that matching up apples and oranges.


And i will admit, I do have a bit of an ego. I posted some screenshots on a PvP thread which apparently they removed. I'm unsure as to why. But I can top dmg in PvP arena's at level 12 with no gear, and no class picked yet.


I do quite well in the 10-30 ground bracket as well, because I know what I'm doing. And yet, with my 55s that are still gearing up, I can fight plenty of teams that own me. The elite groups aren't really in the 10-30 bracket, and if they are leveling an alt, they're not usually queueing up together (though it does happen, I've seen it).


Not trying to argue that you're saying you're all that because of doing well at level 12 (I understand you do a lot of ground PVP), but you do a lot of comparisons like this that just don't compute. GSF unfortunately doesn't have a separation between those elite 55s and the 10-30 bracket... they're often thrown into the same match because of matchmaking issues and/or population issues.


That's why this Starfighter thing literally makes me sick. It's not a question of skill at all. It's a complete question of gear (ships). That beginning fighter (haven't even tried the scout) is so squishy compared to upgraded/bought ships that I think you may have better luck trying to PvP a level 55 with a level 1.


So how can I go from top dmg almost every game, top kills, least deaths in PvP arena to almost BOTTOM damage every game, highest deaths, nothing I've even seen worth taking a screenshot for? (OK maybe I exaggerate not every game as I have had a couple games with 3rd or 4th dmg. But still it's very infrequent).


The reason you go from top to not always doing well is because they're two different systems. You're used to one type and you're learning the other. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but it is to you.


And to go back to the first part again, it really is a matter of skill. I've been in the top of the leaderboards with my alts that have brand new ships or just a few components. And don't consider myself an elite, just a pretty good GSF pilot. Many other players have done the same thing.


Does gear matter? Sure it does. But it's not night and day... and it's certainly not anything close to the difference expertise makes in ground gear. The biggest difference is teammates, to be honest. As you noted in your bad match experience, your team didn't have a lot of experience and theirs did. I run into the same issue, actually... I've been on teams where I was the sole five shipper with a bunch of two or three shippers, versus tons of experienced pilots. There was only so much I and the few knowledgeable people could do, alas.


It's the same when you're solo queuing ground and have a bunch of randoms versus premades. Ever notice all the premade whining on the ground PVP forums? This is part of why.


Sorry. There's something wrong with the system. It's not like I just forget how to PvP cause I'm in space. And it isn't even my first space fighter. My first space fighter was Tie Fighter back in the 90's.


And last but not least... it's a new game for you. It actually sounds like you're getting some experience and you'll do better. I recommend finding other good pilots on your server and teaming up... that'll make a big difference in your experience.

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Que 1:


Only choices are to be in one of the beginning ships. Use whichever upgrades you can afford.


Que 2:


Use any ship, any upgrade you want.



If you did this I bet a lot of people like myself would enjoy Starfighter infinitely more.


This wouldn't actually solve anything (unless the Que 1 would impose a limit on how upgraded the ship could be to prevent fully mastered ships from being used; in which case it would force you into the 2nd Que so you'd still have 2 ship newbies going against 3-5 ship vets).


the starter ships can be very lethal in good hands (until the Type 3 strike released the starter Type 1 striker was my primary and favorite) so unless you imposed limitations on how upgraded a ship was there'd be nothing to stop vets from queing with just the starter ships so they could steamroll newbies (steamrolling due to a combination of upgrades and, more importantly, experience).


(I fully support fixing matchmaking so it doesn't match a team of vets against a team of newbies but I think different ques would just end up making ques longer for everyone by dividing the playerbase into different groups, especially on servers with low GSF populations to begin with).

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Thanks for all the replies guys but you're talking as if this my first pvp game ever.



I tried to fly around and get at least a couple kills before I ended the match but I couldn't even move 5 feet without being locked on by missiles or getting popped by rail guns. I literally end up spending my time flying around debris trying to waste peoples time before they kill me.




The other team won like 100-1<<(Lack of knowledge: there are no games in GSF that would have this score. The exaggeration is strong with this one) or something. Our team combined had 1 kill (that guy probably flew into a rock).


And i will admit, I do have a bit of an ego. I posted some screenshots on a PvP thread which apparently they removed. I'm unsure as to why. But I can top dmg in PvP arena's at level 12 with no gear, and no class picked yet.




That's why this Starfighter thing literally makes me sick. It's not a question of skill at all. It's a complete question of gear (ships). That beginning fighter (haven't even tried the scout) is so squishy compared to upgraded/bought ships that I think you may have better luck trying to PvP a level 55 with a level 1.


So how can I go from top dmg almost every game, top kills, least deaths in PvP arena to almost BOTTOM damage every game, highest deaths, nothing I've even seen worth taking a screenshot for? (OK maybe I exaggerate not every game as I have had a couple games with 3rd or 4th dmg. But still it's very infrequent).


Sorry. There's something wrong with the system. It's not like I just forget how to PvP cause I'm in space. And it isn't even my first space fighter. My first space fighter was Tie Fighter back in the 90's.


I have to give Starfighter PvP an F. F for completely failed to grab my attention and making me want to log in to do Starfighter. it's more of a drag than anything else trying to get some points to buy a new ship or upgrades.


Edit: If the matches I joined where only the 2 starting ships were allowed I bet I would have a ton more fun. Separate Starfighter into 2 ques:


You will not get good at this game until you first admit to yourself that you are not currently good at. Being good at Ground PvP does not mean you will be good at Space PvP. The first and biggest thing is that in ground PvP does not have a Z-axis(3 directions to maneuver) where GSF does this makes a huge difference and requires that you have pretty good spacial awareness. Instead of just knowing what is in front or behind you. You have to know what is in front, behind, above and below you. The difference in the ability to aim is huge between GSF and Ground PvP. In Ground PvP you pretty much have to be facing your target and then use the ability and it hits them. The only thing even comparable is landing ground targeting abilities on a moving target while you are moving as well. Now imagine having to land all your skills that way and in 3D instead of 2D. Then you would have what you have to do in GSF on a moment by moment basis. If I had to guess you you have not even played GSF enough to develop muscle memory yet. Did you even know that you can switch power between weapons, shields and engines? Also two things seem to indicate you suffer from a lack of knowledge. 1. Your experience with spawn camping. Did you know you can change to a different spawn location? If so, why didn't you? 2. You complaining about Cartel Market ships. Do you know the difference in the Cartel market strike fighter and the one you start with? Answer: nothing absolutely nothing. they come with the exact same load out. Cartel market ships come with no upgrades what so ever. The only difference in those two ships is the skins. And last but not least you either ignored or missed me pointing out that players that are in fact proven to be good at GSF have taken starting ships with no upgrades and wrecked with them against pilots with upgraded ships



TLDR: If you have the skill then why have people taken ships the same as yours and done better? If you can't get out of spawn without dying that is not the ship that is you. Especially on a strike fighter. If you were using the scout maybe I would understand a little.

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