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My sub is ded, and I shall not be around here any longer.


This was originally going to be a list of issues I think the devs should address in some way or another, but apparently GSF is in a healthy state and I'm just wrong.


It's been fun foruming with you all, and it's been loads of fun flying with and against some of you. But, after 1500ish matches, I'm just no longer as interested in the game as I used to be. Part of that is just burning out -- for a long time now, I've been playing for personal bests, which are understandable rare and sometimes backfire spectacularly -- and part of it is simply that because of my preference for extremely short-range, high-mobility combat, I often have to choose between flying what I enjoy and flying what's effective. That's a personal problem, though; remember, GSF as a whole is in a healthy state.


I've been accused of having nothing but complaints, and maybe I'm letting that show a bit. Truth is, though, that dogfighting in space is tons of fun. I love shooting things with my lasers. I love sending giant blue explosions at guys I've been hunting for a while. I love weaving through structures and asteroids and archways at mach whatever hoping the guy behind me crashes before I do. I love using a ton of tricks and in-game abilities to hold myself together just long enough to tear a third combatant apart.


More than anything else, I love the thrill of the hunt -- that's why I go for short-range, high-mobility craft. In my mind, it's not real combat if it's not intimate. It's not a real kill if I don't bleed a little. And, for the most part, GSF has done an amazing job of giving me that thrill.


All good things come to an end, though. After earning something above a million requisition and shooting down some thousands of enemies (or maybe tens of thousands?) across five characters, I feel like I've had a good run. Given recent events, though, it's not a run I want to spend $15/mo to keep going. Nothing personal.


If you consider yourself an ace, down a few guys for me. If you don't, kill an ace for me -- it's definitely doable, and we need humbling.



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I never got to play with you, wish I'd had the chance. Thanks for the intelligent posts (and arguments with Verain, those were even better), the forums will definitely be a quieter place without you around. Kuciwalker will enforce the will of the Dustmaker in your absence and shout down any battle scout pretenders. Be well and have fun wherever you go. MTFBWY (that's Flashfire, not Force). :cool:
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See you Armond... I enjoyed reading your posts here and more often than not I thought you were right... But.. Hey... GSF is in an healthy place right now :rolleyes::rak_03::eek::cool: Sadly I never flyed with you though you were on TEH, at least I think you were...:(



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I've been accused of having nothing but complaints, and maybe I'm letting that show a bit.


Dude, I was just screwing around with you.


Incidentally, were you Mank-something-or-other?

Edited by Kuciwalker
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Armond I told you twice already, you're not allowed to leave. Ever. I mean whos going to further goals of the battle scout conspiracy ..errrr...non-bais balancing with me???


Dude, I was just screwing around with you.


Incidentally, were you Mank-something-or-other?


If you are reffering to his toon name, I'm pretty sure its Mae'thon

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It's a reference to the anime Sword Art Online, in which context it refers to a beta tester who is then considered to be a "cheater" by the new players who join after the beta period. Edited by Kuciwalker
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Dude, I was just screwing around with you.


Incidentally, were you Mank-something-or-other?


Armond (who is in game on The Bastion) wanted me to tell you (Kuci) that he wasn't referring to you regarding the above. He can't post.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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That's too bad, when you mentioned it the other day I was hoping it was just blustering... apparently not. I have got my own struggles with trying to stay motivated, but so far I still have that urge pulling me back into the game every day. If we could get more games like we had today then I might play a lot more heh.


Anyways I always enjoyed arguing with and against you on the forums. You always posted with thoughtfulness even if I didn't always agree. Always sad to see a vocal, well spoken person leave. Assuming they don't take GSF out to pasture im sure we will see you back at some point.


I think you can GSF on a free account, if you need a wingmate on Bastion look up anyone from Obsidian Squadron or Flying Circus and im sure we would be happy to fly with you.


May luck travel in your footsteps... (or some such fortune cookie nonsense) Stay safe and goodluck.

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Laters. You've been a fun presence on these forums and a good member of your GSF community, so I'm sorry to see you go (or go somewhat, since you can hang around as a preferred). Hopefully you'll be back more full time at some point in the future.
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