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Solo rank synced queues, whats going to be done


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Bioware what are you going to do about the synced queues in solo rank? Please dont respond with not possible people are actively doing it on stream beating pugs. There should be no rewards for solo rank if you can just do that. No one wants to queue 4's because they are just syncing solo rank. Why is there solo rank in the 1st place ranked is meant to be organized, might as well just make 1 v ranked queue.
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Dude seriously...I actually TRIED to sync queues with my buddy, so the two of us could play together. Not a whole group or anything, jsut us two...by counting down 3,2,1 and hitting the queue button.


We couldn't do it, no matter how many times we tried. We would get simultaneous pops and be in different arenas.


The stuff you're complaining about must be either on a dead server or at off times, both of which don't matter very much, so there won't be much done about it.

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As fast as queues have been popping on my server I wonder it part of it is having the same rank as your guildies or not.


Imagine one buddy has a rank of 1100 the other has 1300. In the 2 minutes it takes for the system to allow the two friends to be on the same team at least 3 other players in the respective brackets queued so the buddies never play together.


Conversely, if 4 people are all ranked 1300 and queue together they're more likely to be on the same team even if 100 other people ranked 1100 queue because the matching system tries to group the same ranks.


That's why one person is never queue synching and others seem to be doing it constantly. Which means the OP may have a legit issue. If 4 people play at the exact same time all the time their scores would be identical with the same W/L ratio against the same teams. But the devs said they monitor and Crack down on this behavior. I wonder if this is the exact pattern they look for.

Edited by Kerensk
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so your saying if 4 people with 1500 rating q at the same time as 4 people with 1000 rating, then there will be a 4x1500 vs a 4x1000 pop? if so then that is dumb. should be 2 1500s and 2 1000s vs 2 1500s and 2 1000s. That is what we would call fair... the total rating on the team should match the total rating on the other team, if this is not how solo ranked matches work then BW is dumber than i thought. Rich get richer and poor get poorer situation. This will lead to anyone with a low rank, not queing up and eventually quitting the game because all they do is get roflstomped by teams of high ranked players.
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Solo ranked pvp is the biggest waste of time, its a total joke!

the dps on my teams havent even killed 1 player since season 2 in solo ranked?

have been having 100-200k mitigation so im doing my job mitigating,

the opposing team have a player in tank stance with 1k mitigation, its all a joke and dps idiot bonanza.

not 1 player of the opposing team has been killed by the dps on my team.

another fail in swtor pvp, very sketchy stuff.

The worst is that this game glorifies stupid crap like that...

Edited by ODTONE
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so your saying if 4 people with 1500 rating q at the same time as 4 people with 1000 rating, then there will be a 4x1500 vs a 4x1000 pop? if so then that is dumb. should be 2 1500s and 2 1000s vs 2 1500s and 2 1000s. That is what we would call fair... the total rating on the team should match the total rating on the other team, if this is not how solo ranked matches work then BW is dumber than i thought. Rich get richer and poor get poorer situation. This will lead to anyone with a low rank, not queing up and eventually quitting the game because all they do is get roflstomped by teams of high ranked players.


It's been this way the entire time. This is how people sync que, they can predict who will end up on which team by rating and spec. It will also always match two healers opposite regardless of rating. The highest rated dps will always end up with the highest rated healer 100% of the time. So if your a high rated dps all you have to do is sync que with the high rated heals and yes you will be on the same team. Have vent set up ahead of time, you may pick up a 3rd high rated player most likely.

Once you figure out how the system matches your teams, its not brain surgery to figure out how to exploit it. Very easy to do in the current system. They need to make the groupings random and use the elo gained loss to adjust ratings.

Edited by HaLeX
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http://www.twitch.tv/mosh47 synced queues going very well on bastion and many ppl are queuing.


no one on my stream has mentioned queing together at the same time on my stream


Watch if you want. Is it wrong I have a lot of friends on both factions that can possibly get on my team?


Sorry I'm not carrying you on imps atm and you crying :(

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unenforceable. only fixed by cross server queues. deal with it or get a 4s team or go play huttball.


(i dont like it either but it is the way it is and crying about it will not change something that cannot logically be fixed. it seems as though now, like 4s, SOLO ranked requires a team. if dont have one then can brave the elements and hope for the best but...top 3 is probably out of reach for all solo players....though tier 1 is very achievable for everyone)

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It's been this way the entire time. This is how people sync que, they can predict who will end up on which team by rating and spec. It will also always match two healers opposite regardless of rating. The highest rated dps will always end up with the highest rated healer 100% of the time. So if your a high rated dps all you have to do is sync que with the high rated heals and yes you will be on the same team. Have vent set up ahead of time, you may pick up a 3rd high rated player most likely.

Once you figure out how the system matches your teams, its not brain surgery to figure out how to exploit it. Very easy to do in the current system. They need to make the groupings random and use the elo gained loss to adjust ratings.


let me assure you that spec has absolutely nothing to do with the matchmaking system. role is supposed to (hybrids that heal/tank screw it up) and rating is also supposed to. however -- and this is another infuriating thing about the system -- it will often pit two teams against each other with balanced roles (1 tank, 3 dps), but one team will have two sorcs and a sniper while the other has 2 PTs and an op. is that all based on rating? I doubt it, as my rating at the time was quite good as was that of the ranged team. I don't much remember the rest of my teammates. I've see a lot of 3 stealth vs. mando/sage teams. rating's important, but I wish they'd at least consider melee/ranged more than they do.

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It's been this way the entire time. This is how people sync que, they can predict who will end up on which team by rating and spec. It will also always match two healers opposite regardless of rating. The highest rated dps will always end up with the highest rated healer 100% of the time. So if your a high rated dps all you have to do is sync que with the high rated heals and yes you will be on the same team. Have vent set up ahead of time, you may pick up a 3rd high rated player most likely.

Once you figure out how the system matches your teams, its not brain surgery to figure out how to exploit it. Very easy to do in the current system. They need to make the groupings random and use the elo gained loss to adjust ratings.


that's not exactly exploiting, imo. the system WANTS to grp teams of the same rating together. it wants the 1500 to stomp the 1000, and it requires a large pool of players so that there are enough teams of other 1500s and 1000s so that they don't have to face teams of drastically different ratings very often. as for the voice thing...well...there's usually an open voice server where everyone's welcome and encouraged during rated anyway.


in my experience, the system really breaks down at the healer and tank roles. there are so few heals that, while they get pops (hybrid apologists aside), there aren't nearly enough of them to match rating. so your match is virtually determined beforehand based on whic of the three healers in queue landed on your team. and at least on my server, the difference between quality of tanks is even more drastic.

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This will lead to anyone with a low rank, not queing up and eventually quitting the game because all they do is get roflstomped by teams of high ranked players.
Like I said the system tries to match a team of 1500 against a team of 1500 too. But if the queues are empty, after a predetermined amount of time it will allow them to play a 1400-1600 team. If still no match, after another time period the range is opened to 1300-1700 ( or somewhat along those lines).


If you look at the leaderboards there is a massive amount of players in the 1000-1200 range, you won't get matched by roflstompers unless things die back a lot. And if you do the system works so you gain a lot if you win, and lose little if you lose. But the high ranked team wins little if they win and loses a lot of they lose.


Also like people said the system tries to make sure opposing teams have the same tank-healer-dps combo. I'm not sure how far out of the rankings that allows for the match up.

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no one on my stream has mentioned queing together at the same time on my stream


Watch if you want. Is it wrong I have a lot of friends on both factions that can possibly get on my team?


Sorry I'm not carrying you on imps atm and you crying :(


liar. I watched the stream for about 15 minutes last night and there was que syncing going on.


"loading, loading, loading, que up."

"my que popped, yours pop? yes. lets go".

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queue syncing is not a problem. Player population is a problem. lack of in game voice is a (minor) problem.


Just like the complaints against premades in regs, the solution here is do get 3 buddies and try to queue sync yourself (if it really bothers you) or better yet, queue 4-man ranked.


tangent, you re are getting farmed in 4-man ranked then find 4 more friends of similar skill to you and have them queue at the same time. Per ranked matchmaking description, 2 bad teams (e.g. 1200 and lower) should get paired before a bad vs good team is paired.


TANGENT: has BW said whether faction plays into the ranked match scheduler? E.g. is there any preference given to trying to make the match imperial vs republic? I hope not ...


Trying to some how prevent a nebulous "queue syncing" would be a waste of BW development resources.

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so your saying if 4 people with 1500 rating q at the same time as 4 people with 1000 rating, then there will be a 4x1500 vs a 4x1000 pop? if so then that is dumb. should be 2 1500s and 2 1000s vs 2 1500s and 2 1000s. That is what we would call fair... the total rating on the team should match the total rating on the other team, if this is not how solo ranked matches work then BW is dumber than i thought. Rich get richer and poor get poorer situation. This will lead to anyone with a low rank, not queing up and eventually quitting the game because all they do is get roflstomped by teams of high ranked players.


It will try to make even ratings between the two teams, but only if they are from the same faction. With underdog factions and relatively few people queuing (as it is on my server with the republic side) It's possible for a player to be queued with the same 3 undergeared team mates indefinitely. And there will likely not be anyone in the queue from the imperial side that has anywhere near as low a rating as the pubs, so the ROFL stomp happens anyways.

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I And there will likely not be anyone in the queue from the imperial side that has anywhere near as low a rating as the pubs, so the ROFL stomp happens anyways.


I'll fix that, let me logon to my imperial alts ...

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So if groups of pub vs pub has been happening all night, then four pubs get on their imp alts/mains to make a premade in solo queue...


cheating or smart? both?


Just going to ask how is that cheating? They might have been playing 4v4 against pubs only, but what if the imps had 2 players in q already? Wouldn't there plan backfire on them. BTW I do not q sync with anyone. I am a returning player and do not know anybody yet.

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Dude seriously...I actually TRIED to sync queues with my buddy, so the two of us could play together. Not a whole group or anything, jsut us two...by counting down 3,2,1 and hitting the queue button.


We couldn't do it, no matter how many times we tried. We would get simultaneous pops and be in different arenas.


The stuff you're complaining about must be either on a dead server or at off times, both of which don't matter very much, so there won't be much done about it.


you should be mac id banned.


that is what should be done.

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Due to the rather low population and how the matchups are done it is rather easy to Q sync. There are also a lot of people who care about their rank enough to do hundreds of matches. So of course many people will q sync.


This is obvious and BW will do nothing because many of these people are paying customers and if you haven't noticed.. there aren't too many of those anymore :) .


Just don't care about ranking so much. As long as you are slightly above average and you do enough matches you can get a high rank. Then if you add in something like q syncing or planning when to q to avoid certain players (or when the other faction is weaker) it becomes even easier. It is really just who puts the most time in it. If you want a mount and you are a decent player you can still get one without too much trouble and without doing any of those things I mentioned.


Most people realize that solo rank doesn't mean much. If you enjoy arenas then do them. If not don't. Why care about your ranking when there are people who are going to do hundreds of matches this season. Newsflash, their irl sucks. Just let them have their little moment and just do the mode you enjoy most. BW might ban a few people just to say they did but that is all they will do. Most will go untouched.

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