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Commando simply not viable in PvP


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What I mean is, Sorc can Force Barrier. Stealthers can cleanse and Vanish, Warriors with Undieing Rage, etc. No matter how much better the other team is, these certain classes can extend their lives and escape. Merc has no choice but to take it like a man!


Notice that you never hear about the above classes complaining about being globaled. They may lose the match, but those particular toons can always escape and delay. A Merc cannot do it as well as them and therefor is much more prone to early deaths, even in a win.


Also it seems like at the end of your post, you are saying Juggs are even worse and die faster then Mercs?


I still haven't seen this magical tracer/grav who's more effective than pyro, but I also haven't gone into rated since 2.7. however, I have seen pyro/assault do much better in rated. the good ones that I've seen kite, maybe even kill one of their pursuers, but the thing they do is occupy a couple dps while their teammates die 3v2. meanwhile, grav hits harder, but it just got blown up first and couldn't kite. i guess my question, since I've had my head in the sand for a while playing with alts, what's changed that makes grav better? isn't it still far more dependent on team support and, therefore, not good in yolo?

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I still haven't seen this magical tracer/grav who's more effective than pyro, but I also haven't gone into rated since 2.7. however, I have seen pyro/assault do much better in rated. the good ones that I've seen kite, maybe even kill one of their pursuers, but the thing they do is occupy a couple dps while their teammates die 3v2. meanwhile, grav hits harder, but it just got blown up first and couldn't kite. i guess my question, since I've had my head in the sand for a while playing with alts, what's changed that makes grav better? isn't it still far more dependent on team support and, therefore, not good in yolo?


Pyro is still the better, because you can still DPS while you're dying (just tabdot/nade spam). Grav is also lower sustained but more burst, so grav is technically better in group, while pyro is better in solo (as you can kite better).

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Just gotta remember barrage procs 100% now so predictably every 2 tracers it will proc. also if you didn't know every 2 power surge use electro net comes off cd and 15s later you free ability cd will as well. If your good at heat you can also use vent heat as a offensive cd for the 10% alacrity buff. You would want to use this when your barrage has been up for awhile then use a tracer an unload again because the buff lasts 6s. To do this I use this rotation EN>power surge>tracer>fusion missile>heatseeker>railshot>vent heat+unload>tracer>unload at that point heatseeker is off cd an railshot will be in 3s. Normally people are dead at that point. If people are focusing an your heals aren't reliable just get where you know you will be able to LoS right after and use that with energy shield right with vent heat so you get interrupt immunity. I only use this all the time if they have a sorc though other classes like juggs and shadows I will use a dummy rotation to make them spend a few CDs before burst. Dummy rotation is tracer and unload FYI. Only thing that hasn't been mentioned is 5stacks of tracer lock also gives you a free heal and kolto missile heals pretty good an is AOE so if you use that while running you will get a little more survivabilty.
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More interrupt immunity coming in 2.8, wonder how many people will still be crying that the class is bad




Ask rather:


How many people will start crying that the class is O/P and NEEDZ NUFF NAO!!11oneone!



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Pyro is still the better, because you can still DPS while you're dying (just tabdot/nade spam). Grav is also lower sustained but more burst, so grav is technically better in group, while pyro is better in solo (as you can kite better).


Fluffing by spamming IM is the lowest level of DPS.


It has no secondary effects like slowing (see Sage and Smuggler DoT spamming) and is single target.


In a correct rotation DoT makes up 20% of total damage. The 80% remainder is hard casting, the stuff you can't do when dying.

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Twas not sarcasm, in fact, I am dumb.


And the video you posted, I watched until I saw the guy backpedal. Super pro.




You dont put a semicolon before "you"... You do that to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.


**In Yoda voice**

Strong in this one, stupidity is... mmmm

Edited by Jamalzero
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You dont put a semicolon before "you"... You do that to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.


**In Yoda voice**

Strong in this one, stupidity is... mmmm


Forget it, youre a bad troll and should feel bad. Move along :csw_trooper:

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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You dont put a semicolon before "you"... You do that to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.


**In Yoda voice**

Strong in this one, stupidity is... mmmm


'Twas not sarcasm' is an independent clause.


I'm not surprised you got that wrong. Your forum signature suggests you don't even know the difference between 'you're' and 'your.'

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I'm not surprised you got that wrong. Your forum signature suggests you don't even know the difference between 'you're' and 'your.



You may be correct about my signature which I changed before and forgot to save (believe it or not and troll on me if you like w/e); however, in regards to


Twas not sarcasm' is an independent clause.


" 'Twas not sarcasm " is not an independent clause... first off the word "'twas" is used incorrectly, second "twas not sarcasm" doesn't express a complete thought, so, there for it can't be an independent clause.


Twas may be a conjuntion used to combine "it was" but gramatically incorrect using the word "not" immediately after.... he/you shouldve posted Twasn't (conjuntion for "it was not" from which Twas is derrived from).


If he wanted it to be an independent clause 2-3 words does not suffice as a complete thought becuase anyone jumping into the conversation to see either of us troll eachother would have to first go back to where it started to get a clear understanding to what was accused of sarcasm...


Your statement should've read, "My post was not sarcasm, in fact, you sir are <insert insult here>".

Edited by Jamalzero
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I still haven't seen this magical tracer/grav who's more effective than pyro, but I also haven't gone into rated since 2.7. however, I have seen pyro/assault do much better in rated. the good ones that I've seen kite, maybe even kill one of their pursuers, but the thing they do is occupy a couple dps while their teammates die 3v2. meanwhile, grav hits harder, but it just got blown up first and couldn't kite. i guess my question, since I've had my head in the sand for a while playing with alts, what's changed that makes grav better? isn't it still far more dependent on team support and, therefore, not good in yolo?

I wasn't comparing Merc to be better than another class or spec. I was simply giving my opinion to help people who feel its not viable at all. Its not easy being focused every single match, and occasionally having teammates blame you for any potential loss where you happened to die first (because you had 4 DPS on you, and no one healing).


Its just a game and not real life, so its really not a big deal to play a non-OP toon. As long as you can contribute and have fun, thats all that should be expected. Its either: (1) Learn your escapes, or (2) Reroll.


Now I'm just starting to ramble on....but when I play my Operative DPS, I'm usually the last one targeted as opposed to first as a Merc. Its completely the opposite. You are targeted last, and so you survive longer. Your scoreboard damage seems better because no one bothered you. And thus the image of the Merc suffers even more. There will never be a day where the community suddenly decides to kill PT or Juggs first in an arena, so Mercs seem to be forever stuck as initial focus targets of all arenas, regardless of any class improvements or player skill. It just comes with the territory.

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the one good thing I can say about this thread is it gave me some new names for my ignore list.


BTW, checking The Bastion leaderboards right now I see Man-iac is currently #3 and has 33 wins. He probably knows what he is talking about with regards to playing this class.

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the one good thing I can say about this thread is it gave me some new names for my ignore list.


BTW, checking The Bastion leaderboards right now I see Man-iac is currently #3 and has 33 wins. He probably knows what he is talking about with regards to playing this class.


one of the few steams I've enjoyed (bothered) watching. :)

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the one good thing I can say about this thread is it gave me some new names for my ignore list.


BTW, checking The Bastion leaderboards right now I see Man-iac is currently #3 and has 33 wins. He probably knows what he is talking about with regards to playing this class.


Ye, Maniac is one of the best commandos in the game imo

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Ye, Maniac is one of the best commandos in the game imo


Can confirm, he's done well in 4s too. We used to make fun of him for running in melee range all the time back in ranked 8v8s though- I think he had the 15% stock strike crit set bonus lol.

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I would say, without the support of a good healer and a tank, a commando is in fact useless in arena. I just had again two games, where I was dying in seconds, because I was focused, stunned and killed.

This is not a l2p issue, because I had no time to play at all.

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I would say, without the support of a good healer and a tank, a commando is in fact useless in arena. I just had again two games, where I was dying in seconds, because I was focused, stunned and killed.

This is not a l2p issue, because I had no time to play at all.


It is and it isnt. If you know what youre doing, you can maybe live long enough to get out at least 1 burst rotation, which hopefully helps kill someone quickly.


But if you get no support from your team, youre S.O.L. I have a few screenshots around of myself putting up 0s b/c my teammates did nothing to support me, and I couldnt escape from being global'd.

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Yes, that's what I did the second round as well. I had warzone adrenal, adrenalin rush and shild up even befor the battle started and I survived the first stun lock phase. But as long as the healer can't heal you up, more than one rotation isn't possible.


I just wonder, if changing Adrenalin rush to 45% or even 55% would help us to survive the first wave a little longer?


BTW, in regular warzones, I think the post 2.7 commando does very well.

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