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Producer Letter – Galactic Strongholds


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To conquer a planet, Guilds must complete weekly Conquest events earning points to place at the top of the Guild Leaderboards. Conquering a planet gives the Guild special perks and rewards.


I assume this feature also includes ways for guilds to conquer planets by PvP methods?

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I assume this feature also includes ways for guilds to conquer planets by PvP methods?


No, they've stated that the Conquering process will be accomplished via PVE Weekly quests that give points.


There will be a Leader Board and the Guilds with the highest points will Conquer the planet.


They haven't said what planets or how long the 'conquest' will last, though I assume it'll be a week-long thing, resetting with each Tuesday.


For what it's worth, the earliest discussions hinted at the idea of Guild vs Guild PVP between Guild Ships.

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If I may play devils advocate, the "conquest" sounds similar to taking and holding buildings in TESO or any other strategic game since Risk(board game) really. I'm glad they're taking the time to do it right instead of piecemeal. Piecemeal never works very well.
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No, they've stated that the Conquering process will be accomplished via PVE Weekly quests that give points.


There will be a Leader Board and the Guilds with the highest points will Conquer the planet.


They haven't said what planets or how long the 'conquest' will last, though I assume it'll be a week-long thing, resetting with each Tuesday.


For what it's worth, the earliest discussions hinted at the idea of Guild vs Guild PVP between Guild Ships.


Yeah i missed that when i read through the tracker...and well then sadly these additional features are completly irrelevant to me. Including guild vs guild space battles...i can only hope they implement guild wars on ground at the same time...

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I actually have 3 questions about the "Transport entire groups to your personal coordinates instantaneously" line.


First, will this transport only the other members in your party, as in the 4 man group, or will it affect everyone in the group up to the 24 man limit?


Second, will there be any safeguards in place to stop someone who is, lets say, pvping someone 1 on 1 in the world from just having the rest of his group tp to him to save him?


Third, will this process be just transport people, or will we get a pop-up? This last one is mainly just to stop people trolling.


Thank you.

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Sad part is. Nothing they do with Strongholds can hold a candle to Wildstar housing.


Thankfully, nothing they do can mirror the awful, cartoonish art style of Wildstar. (To each their own, but that kind of goofy look is what drove me away from 'The-Game-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named' :p )


Seriously excited about some of these changes, and more than willing to wait an extra couple of months for them.

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:d_evil: Admission: I must confess to some, uncertainty regarding something that was mentioned. As a subscriber who's subscription that will persist through most of these dates given, I need clarification.


:d_evil: Placation: I confess to being somewhat needy that way.


:d_evil: Query: Because the Nar Shaddaa Sky palace is mentioned twice, does that mean that it will be unavailable after a time between May and July, then go away again until Early Access? Or do we just have the 5 extra rooms first in May, then it goes down to three rooms in July, and then none when Early Access starts?


:d_evil: Query: Do Subscribers automatically get the Sky Palace with one room when Early Access starts? Or do subscribers have all the Sky Palace with several rooms already unlocked because they're subscribers?


:d_evil: Statement: I appreciate the information provided. It was done well, for a meatbag.

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So cartoony. Plus, I keep hearing "YOU CAN'T GIVE AN OPINION UNTIL YOU'VE REACHED LVL 30!" I wonder why that is...


Already level 50. And you can't give an opinion because they decided to limit players. After all it is still a beta. We all know how beta is with this game don't we ;)

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:d_evil: Admission: I must confess to some, uncertainty regarding something that was mentioned. As a subscriber who's subscription that will persist through most of these dates given, I need clarification.


:d_evil: Placation: I confess to being somewhat needy that way.


:d_evil: Query: Because the Nar Shaddaa Sky palace is mentioned twice, does that mean that it will be unavailable after a time between May and July, then go away again until Early Access? Or do we just have the 5 extra rooms first in May, then it goes down to three rooms in July, and then none when Early Access starts?


:d_evil: Query: Do Subscribers automatically get the Sky Palace with one room when Early Access starts? Or do subscribers have all the Sky Palace with several rooms already unlocked because they're subscribers?


:d_evil: Statement: I appreciate the information provided. It was done well, for a meatbag.


Logged in just to say how awesome this post is :D

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I would like to know if the Guild Flagships are instanced. If I am on my ship and I look outside, will I be able to see other guild flagships? If I am on the Fleet, can I look outside and see the flagships? I think it would add to the immersion of the game and give that "Star Wars feeling" if I were able to come into orbit around a planet and see other ships out there.


I'm part of a fairly large guild community and we have three guilds in each faction. Would be awesome if we could see the other guilds flagships.


Oh!! Customization of the Flagships! Can we set paint jobs or add guild crests/decals to the outside of the ship?

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Wait... So... why give BioWare your 15 bucks if you feel that way?


Why else? Come here and watch people get excited over something that isn't going to be big at all lol. This game will go on because it has lightsabers. People would play it if they sold raid gear in the cartel market.


And to see just how bad things have been done compared to Wildstar which is in beta.

Edited by Brisselio
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