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Anyone else about to cancel?


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Does the game have bugs? Yep. Some of them from beta are still there. Are they gamebreaking? Nope. Can't speak for the BH class quest as I've never seen it, but for me the game runs smoothly with a few minor issues.

Sorry you didn't have the same experience.. but if the little bugs like that are gamebreakers for you, then maybe you need to just come back later when they've had time to polish it more. This game will be in a constant state of growth and development, and I'm quite happy with the foundation they've laid down.

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What's 'Server Sharding'?


Having different instances of a server. really planets in this case. For me though I'd probably leave if they didn't have them. People don't want them for PvP reasons, because you want to see everyone you can kill. People want them for PvE reasons, because waiting in line to kill a mob or get a quest item isn't fun. You can't please everyone but this is primarily a PvE game and PvE players are in the majority so if sharding is going to cause some PvP players to quit then cya.

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Numerous ppl have complained. On the Nvidia forums on the ATI forums and on SWTOR forums... soo your wrong?


Numerous is not hundreds of thousands, or millions. Everything set at max works very very smoothly for me and my friends. Sooo your wrong. ;)

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Nope, not about to cancel.


This is my third(?) MMO that I've played at launch. They all have bugs at launch. Some that weren't present during beta. Of the three I think LotRO had the smoothest launch but this one has been rather smooth as well. The other game was simply rushed to release and unfinished.


I usually wait a few months before joining any new MMO. Mainly I do this to give them time to sort out the launch bugs and server issues. This game I decided to go ahead and play for the first month and then decide if I want to wait a bit or jump in. It's been smooth enough for me to go ahead and jump in. I have yet to experience any major bugs.


I didn't run into the female BH bug with Juda. If that's a relatively new bug I may experience it with my BH alt. I'm not sure if I got past that quest yet with the alt.


I've seen some desh nodes here and there that are marked on the map and I can see them but I can't interact with them. I've seen many more that I can interact with. The best thing you can do is send in a bug report on each of those nodes that you encounter so that they'll know which ones need to be fixed.


Usually my companion will reappear or find a way to get to me if I jump from a ledge. If I jump from some rocks then sometimes the companion will simply dismiss itself. In those cases I do have to resummon the companion but this is extremely rare in my experience.


I dunno, in my experience this game is as ready for launch as any that have previously launched. More ready compared to a few games. Though relatively smooth, perhaps not quite as smooth as a few.


Bottom line is I'm having too good of a time to stop atm.

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I allready canceled because of the fps issues. I will join again as a happy customer for at least a few months if they fix the fps issues.


I've got the fix for you, get off of your ***, get a real job, and by a computer that can handle the game. The game runs like silk on an appropriate computer.

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After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


Here are just a few...


1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



Okay, first of all let me explain a couple of things. For a first week launch this game is extremely stable and bug free. There is NO SUCH THING as a bug free mmo. It is impossible. You are not beta testing but at the same time give them some credit. I've yet to see any mmo launch this bug free including and especially wow. And about your wait times for support being 24 hours and unacceptable are you insane? Ever play original Everquest? Used to be in a mmo if you got a response whithin 48 hours to a week you were doing good. You are not the only player. There are a gazillion other people playing who need support too. Even if they had a staff of 5k they still couldn't get to everybody right away. Grow up, quit expecting everyone to take care of you the exact second you have a problem. Give them some time. Now onto your complaints:


1. A few archaeology bugs. For real? In beta half of them didn't work and I've seen them fix 90% of that. I've only run into maybe 4 to 5 nodes that I couldn't click and they were probably respawning. Not a big issue. Oooh, i have to kill 4 mobs and when I get to it I can't have it. Cry a bit more. The game hasn't even been out a week. How about reporting the suspected node and give them a chance to fix it if indeed it truly is broken.


2. A list wont sort things for you so you don't have to spend a whole 5 seconds looking through it? Are people truly that spoiled nowadays? Does McDonalds sort their meals on a list for you when you go in? No! Yes it's a broken feature, report it, give it a bit of time. Hardly game breaking in my opinion.


3. Another issue of your impatience and wanting what you want when you want it. It's called the King Baby syndrome with addicts. Your companion will appear if you wait a couple of seconds and if not it took what two whole clicks. Sorry you wasted two whole seconds once again. Give some props on the things that do work and quit crying over spilled milk.


The Bounty hunter quest is an issue. I haven't had it happen yet but what level is that quest? If its' under 10 then start over. It takes less than an hour to lv to ten if and that's if you're super slow at it Lol. Again, not a good solution but hardly game breaking or enough to make me want to quit playing. Grow up some and learn to accept things in life. Life isn't about making sure that you and you alone are taken care of. There are other people with bigger concerns out there than this.

Edited by DarthBubba
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After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


Here are just a few...


1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head. If I actually cataloged every problem encountered in the game, I could write a book.


Here is the BIG one.


My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.




This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


Please get it right.


Dramatic much? These issues are pretty minor (with the exception of the BH class quest). The game was absolutely ready for launch. One of the best MMOs (and launches) in gaming history.

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After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


Here are just a few...


1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head. If I actually cataloged every problem encountered in the game, I could write a book.


Here is the BIG one.


My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.




This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


Please get it right.



All I can say is, its your loss. You're missing out on one awesome ride.

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Oh wow. I love the people complaining about all the tech issues, when in fact its literally ALL user-error.


Low FPS? Your rig isnt up to the task. Drop the settings, overclock, etc. I couldnt run Crysis on release either - I had to run at medium @ half the resolution I normally play at - I didnt complain though, because it was my fault, not the devs.


Jumping around a lot (i.e. lag)? Get better internet, or go on a server thats closer. Its perfectly played will ~110 ping, and great with sub-100 ping. Go to pingtest.net and test out how reliable your ISP is.


Comp shuts of randomly (lockup, etc.)? Definitely your fault. Drivers might be bad, might have a bad install (stuff has gotten corrupt - rare i know), might have overheating parts, your overclock might be unstable (mine was - dropped my GPU by 20mhz, all fixed). Might even be bad hardware (i've had one of my HDDs die on me).


I cant click on X mineral! So, what your saying is that because the devs forgot to re-flag a few out literally THOUSANDS of items in the game, which are non-game breaking, your willing to cancel? Games have bugs. Software has bugs. You should see some of the crap beta testers in other games have to deal with (having to MANUALLY dump shader caches).


My BH ran into a game-breaking bug! Ok, this IS a valid complaint. Being a key story element, players are relying on it to work. This type of stuff should have been caught in the beta, and might have been, but was missed by the devs. My only statement would be to wait, but I know some of you might not be willing to do that. There's not a lot a user can do here.



Basically, unless the error is "Quest X CANT be finished due to game-breaking bug", you have no reason to complain. Broken side-quests are to be excepted in a game this big. I've seen a few cut scenes which have no audio. Crahes are user error. FPS issues are 99% of the time user error (in some cases the devs simply overloaded an area with draw calls, or didnt flag for culling, memory leaks, etc.).

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The game was launched 4 days ago and you all are talking about cancelling on some prettty pathetic reasons.. Please!! Go else where!! We wouldn't want you all to condemn a new operation because a light is out of place or anything..


People need to give Bioware time to fix some of these things.. And keep in mind that it is christmas.. They have families too..


I love the game.. I am going to be here a long time as I know stuff will get fixed.. You should have seen this game in July or August.. Talk about bugs?? This is nothing.. If you must leave then fine.. But you have only to yourselves to blame for being unreasonable..


This game will only get better.. Merry Christmas to you all!! I wish you luck on your search for the perfect and bug free MMO.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I've got the fix for you, get off of your ***, get a real job, and by a computer that can handle the game. The game runs like silk on an appropriate computer.



No you don't understand, they put minimum hardware requirements on the game packaging merely as a suggestion so that they can read complaints by people who don't have systems with the minimum requirements on the forums.

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I'm gonna cancel and wait until they implement those damn macros. I'm used to a very limited keyboard setup that is uncomfortable to play with many keys requiring fast usage.


And no, I'm too old to start getting used to the fotm setup like all these video game kids.

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Generally it is the developers fault if they didn't optimize the game correctly. If any similar specced or even higher specced game can run on that laptop yet this can't, then it is biowares fault 100%.


Welcome to PC gaming, where predicting every possible configuration is impossible, for any developer, not to mention every possible hardware/software conflict that you didn't care to solve, your energy management configuration that can easily gimp your processor, how much your video card has been gimped in order to avoid heat issues and so forth.


No, it's not Bioware's fault. If this is an issue for you Xbox->that way.


Oh, if you game on a laptop, you're doing it wrong to begin with. Get a proper machine, then complain. The fact that it runs WoW (that has an engine that was obsolete 6 years ago) is no indication of a laptop's viability as a gaming machine.


Ultimately, joining a MMORPG at launch and then going to it's forum spamming about ragequitting not even a week after launch is a prime example of folly.

Edited by Abriael
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Nope, in fact I bought a six month subscription. It runs great on my i7 2600: Everyone knows (or at least should know) that computer hardware is a big factor on performance for any software, especially with games, and probably moreso with ones that are online too.



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Actually, no. I am not going to cancel.


I am going to be a happy cat and level my three cute alts.


Sorry that you didn't like the game. Many features had been advertised far in front, and to be honest, none of the bugs are game breaking, just slight annoyances. Have fun elsewhere though.

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Yeah I might too I'm having the same issues. Sorry Bioware but this game is a fail.


Hummm 'frame per second' issue? Wait a second. I forced the game to have 16XAA with all the graphics settings set to high and my FPS is at around 40/50.


My computer is a Intel I5 Core with a single Nvidia 560Ti and it works flawlessly.


This game is a fail? Humm. Never had so much fun with MMO since UO.


This game, to me, is close to perfection.

Edited by Payvay
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