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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anyone else about to cancel?


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I still disagree. I've experienced that but it's not an issue to wait half a second before moving when mounting. It's not game breaking, it's not "Failed mechanics". If you don't like it, I'm sorry, hopefully you'll find a game you do like soon but that doesn't mean the game is a failure.


I didnt say the game was fail ... I said the mechanics are fail.

I am more than sure the Starwars name alone will keep people playing, and it is a wonderful story. Many MMO players expect games mechanic to not fail them. How can you NOT want this game to be profitable? There are mechanical problems, huge amount of bugs, players making request for other items. WE are mentioning these things IN HOPES they can make improvements. Whatever Bioware does with these problems and request is up to them, hopefuly they are hearing us. Please allow the community to help them keep a huge player base.


Edited by Tinkersw
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For you guys with fps issues, it's your computer, not the game. If you have an issue with FPS, get a new graphics card. This is a VERY high-tech game. If your computer isn't high-tech as well, you'll have issues.


In my case, my computer has horrible FPS, so the only times I get to play are if my brother or my dad let me borrow their computers, which can run the game fine.

Edited by rashencyberspeed
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For you guys with fps issues, it's your computer, not the game.



Wrong. It's been stated multiple times that the engine they used doesn't support multi-threading. If you're on a Laptop with comparatively bad single-CPU power you're screwed because of it.

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I'll never understand why people who are having minimal to no issues with the game even come into topics like this let alone come to this section of the forum. If you're having no problems why on earth are you even responding to the OP or even care about what he has to say??




Because they are flaming fanbois and they will defend this game blindly to the death.

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First world problems.


Same to you Roadrunner, form bottom of my heart.


I'm still hoping that Bioware will deal with problems as highest priority. Been downloading updates and seen that we are not forgotten.

IMHO, potentially TOR is the best MMO, I have seen so far. And I'm really hoping that Bioware will fix bugs and annoyances before new expansion. If not then TOR will be WoW take 2, nothing else.

Edited by Chaffery
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Lol. talking about canceling three days after launch?


The only "fail" i see here is this thread. This is probably the smoothest launch of a MMORPG since the dawn of the genre. If the (small and very few) issues SWTOR has are too much for your refined tastes, you may want to never, ever join a MMORPG at launch.


That's really all there's to it.

Edited by Abriael
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Maybe santa will bring you a new pc , dont blame the game, alot of people have had 0 problems, smoothest launch ever from my experience

Let me guess, you playing only 1 char? Try make couple of alts and get therm at least to lv10, AKA get to the fleet, learn crew skills. Especially I would recommend imperial agent/smuggler for full enjoyment. Let's see what you say then.

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I allready canceled because of the fps issues. I will join again as a happy customer for at least a few months if they fix the fps issues.



It is your crappy pc and internet/ISP. The game runs fine on everyone else's Pc that has up to date video drivers, proper Ram and a stable OP.

I have zero FRAPS issues and the game runs on everything in the graphics setting at high and full.

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Let me guess, you playing only 1 char? Try make couple of alts and get therm at least to lv10, AKA get to the fleet. Let's see what you say then.


I'm way past the fleet with multiple characters. Zero issues here, and my PC is more than one year old. Oops.

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Let me guess, you playing only 1 char? Try make couple of alts and get therm at least to lv10, AKA get to the fleet, learn crew skills. Especially I would recommend imperial agent/smuggler for full enjoyment. Let's see what you say then.



Ok ill go do that, but do the rest of us a favor and go play xbox

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OP is fail and I have had no issues with this so called BH bug and the game is running as intended for release. yo can't get all bugs out in beta and some just manifest in launch...so......we have already been informed that most major complaints ( like the UI) are being updated in future patches/fixes and other issues.


The OP is utter fail and I see no reason to unsub with 30 days free and fixes on the way.



Obviously this isn't a vanilla wow player and they are misinformed about the fact that all launches have bugs etc..


WoW nearly died at it's launch.........look at it now ...... ( now as in subscribers...not it present course into kung-fu panda failure)

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It is your crappy pc and internet/ISP. The game runs fine on everyone else's Pc that has up to date video drivers, proper Ram and a stable OP.

I have zero FRAPS issues and the game runs on everything in the graphics setting at high and full.


It really isn't which is a shame. If you take a look in the customer service sub-forum, one of the largest threads on the entire forums is Horrid FPS issue. where-in people with both high-end specs and low specs share the same issue. Also bioware posted in the thread that there was an issue. Ignorance is no longer an answer

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im rinning at hd 5770. quad core cpu, 3 year opld pc, with 8 gig of ram, and i experience no fps issue. smooth performance.



comming to the forums to ask if any one else is about to quit is idiotic. sure people wow think that every company knows everything that has happened to other companies and will dupliccate every game perk are always going to be disapointed.


do you rage quit when in wow or other games you have a broken quest? you will be not playing games for long, nothing is perfect. you willprobably not get any refund from them and i wouldnt expect it!



you strike me as the person that will stand in line to get something, and tell a manager you were in line 30 min when it was really 5 min. you strike me as the type of person that will eat a steak over half way then tell the waiter it was not cooked well enough.


all i have to say is your leaving will lessen my queue times so thank you for leaving.


Darth Freki

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I'm way past the fleet with multiple characters. Zero issues here, and my PC is more than one year old. Oops.

Interesting, no zoom reset when you switching? I have seen plenty weird things buy switching.

Weirdest, switched to other char and after opening crew skills, I saw 4'th crew skill. Some how 4'th skill got transferred from other char. And this has nothing to do with PC, it is a caching problem.

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It really isn't which is a shame. If you take a look in the customer service sub-forum, one of the largest threads on the entire forums is Horrid FPS issue. where-in people with both high-end specs and low specs share the same issue. Also bioware posted in the thread that there was an issue. Ignorance is no longer an answer


so if there is an issue why is it not universal? why am i not lagging, or even havig isssues with all settings high?

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so if there is an issue why is it not universal? why am i not lagging, or even havig isssues with all settings high?


I can't answer that. It's merely a person to person situation, and for those who have to deal with the situation is quite infuriating. However if the issue was enough to get the company to recognize the thread on their forums and that is enough for me to believe its not solely the fault of the player.

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Wrong. It's been stated multiple times that the engine they used doesn't support multi-threading. If you're on a Laptop with comparatively bad single-CPU power you're screwed because of it.


sounds like they are not using good computers and need to upgrade. laptops are not designed to deal with the extreme heat the cames cause the chips to experience. some are better designed than others.


Darth Freki

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