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  1. pistol from red reaper has the best look [grip atleast] IMO.
  2. ill take the pepsi challenge against any class merc/arsenal
  3. play the game as intended and you will have plenty of money to pay for things ...you dont need a "stockpile of money"
  4. slow loading times has to do with comp speed and amount of ram... do you have 8 gigs ? if not yea its gonna load slow . dont blame the game for you're lack of pc
  5. there is a mission/heroic that give that helm but that is all ive ever seen of it
  6. yea liberator server ... broke as all hell but they may enjoy it
  7. all the doom and gloomers need to just cancel and go back to world of pandas...or better yet go back to swg . yea SWG, reinstall it and just stare at the blank server list just think of the framerates they will get .
  8. any orange modded armor can be used .. it just a skin . say as a bh you want to wear sith armor[heavy] just replace the strength mods with aim mods an vice versa.
  9. fps issues = comp sux and op and op buddys pls cancel
  10. so since you canceled you're sub what are you going to do now ?..look at the box grats on wastin 60 /80/ 150 bucks
  11. Tannhauser...yea from that other movie
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