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Anyone else about to cancel?


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All games have issues at launch. Let's take WoWs launch for instance. For well over a month they had horrid loot lag and mail lag. I'm talking waiting for 15 mins. just to loot your kill, nothing worked right, the lag was a nightmare. They had server crashes left and right. It took them forever to fix it. Give Bioware a break. Things will get fixed. Be patient.


<3 :)

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No. This game is awesome and the only reason I'm not playing it now is because I'm at work, and bored enough to reply to ur bandwagonesque "swtor fails" thread.


Lots of people love it, if y don't that is ok, but threads like this are pointless, most people that love the game are playing it. Most games this size are full of bugs. They will get fixed. All thise folk who think it won't last - wake up and smell the coffee, it's the biggest mmo ever launched and will grow further. Rift, warhammer etc all had one thing in common - wow was better. Sorry to pour gasoline on to the fire but IMO wow died years ago and swtor is much more fun and alot harder to play. Counts for alot.

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Switch around your drivers if you're having FPS problems, it worked for me in beta and in live build. Nvidia's most recent (285.53) didn't work in beta, so I went down to 275 and it worked flawlessly with 100+ fps. In the live build, I started out getting around 20 fps, switched back to 285.53 and didn't have an issue and was back to my normal framerates. I'm sure most of you have already tried reinstalling and changing drivers, but I suggest trying more than just one driver change, test older drivers along with newer. Just my 2 cents though.
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Cancelling mine because of class imbalance in PvE. After lv 25, you're either a god (Jedi Guardian/Sentinel/Shadow), or you're lucky to win a fight (Smuggler, IA, BH).


you sir have no clue what you are talking about. if anything sentinels/marauders and some smuggler/ia builds have issues. bh/trooper and sage/sorceror are god mode from level 1. only caveat being that powertech/vanguard gets super supre slow after 40

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I'm having all these problems, but I love the game enough to wait it out, and I'm not an entitled ****. I knew what I was getting into when I paid for an MMORPG at launch: a good game, but a buggy mess. Why anyone acts surprised that this happens every time anymore is beyond me. It's not like you can "learn" from others' mistakes and just not put bugs in the game, after a certain point when it's playable for a majority of people, you just have to release so the game starts making money. Then you can afford to fix all the bugs and make all the content.
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No, I'm not going to cancel. I'm signing up in 3 month increments.


Here's what I've experienced for far on my machine:

Core i5 750 Lynnfield@2.71Ghz

Radeon HD 6870 1GB

8GB Ram

Win 7 x64

50 down/8 up broadband hitting the server @ 37ms right now.


-Crash to desktop on loading screen x3

-Complete computer reboot x3

I believe these were my videocard overheating. Dusted my computer out, turned up the RPM's on the card's fan an haven't had a CTD/Freeze since.


But there ARE plenty of other bugs. Gameplay related. Regardless, it's been what? 3 days? I can be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are solid, long term MMO's.

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1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


Plenty of others that work, not game breaking at all. BTW did you report the ones you had problems with? /bug in game while you are near it?





Again trivial and not game breaking.



3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.


Not game breaking also, and there isn't any need to have a companion out when jumping in those areas anyway, and they are easy to summon for a reason.




My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.


Known issue being worked on.




I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.


Good luck with that.

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LOL @ the reasons people are listing for why they are about to quit. This game has less bugs than Skyrim and is 10 times as big.


This is absolutely the most complete and polished MMO to be released in 10 years. Anyone who says otherwise likely has never started playing an MMO at launch. I mean, holy crap, it's officially been launched for 4 days...


;;;;;waaaa a random archaeology node doesn't work /ragequite


They had 1.5 million sign ups at launch. They won't miss your money.

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why cancel really i did not have any problems yet everything is great and even if i got some bugs they fix the problems really fast bioware know how to make games better then any other game if there is a big problem its probaly fix in max. 1 month so cancel is for ppl that don't know what making a game is its more work then you do in a year do you think a game this big can do everything good in like a week no man the f up and just wait it out if its not fix in like 2-3 months (and it needs to be a big problem not a stupid little on that maby a few ppl notice ) then you can say that the game failed but now its been what 10 days max. give the ppl the time to fix stuff
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1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


Isnt really a bug=S it is another player that forgot loot within the nodes, and since they seem to have forgotten to add a despawn timer for loot they will stay up to that player logs out.

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Here is the BIG one.


My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.




This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


Please get it right.


i had the same problem, the reason it bugged for me was that i took the shuttle from imperial fleet.


i read up on it here the forum and saw others had problems as well, but it also had a solution, if you go back to imp fleet and take your own ship to hutta it should resolve your problem.


hope this helps.


Note: you will take the shuttle from the orbital spaceport of hutta, since you cant take your ship all the way down to hutta.

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LOL @ the reasons people are listing for why they are about to quit. This game has less bugs than Skyrim and is 10 times as big.


This is absolutely the most complete and polished MMO to be released in 10 years. Anyone who says otherwise likely has never started playing an MMO at launch. I mean, holy crap, it's officially been launched for 4 days...


;;;;;waaaa a random archaeology node doesn't work /ragequite


They had 1.5 million sign ups at launch. They won't miss your money.


I know right, bet ya half of those people haven't experienced a proper bad launch lol

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I got an i5, 8gb ram, gt540m(2gb ram), should my game run at 10-15fps at low with shadows off? i dont think so


If you are having this issue honestly not to be a jerk there is something wrong with your computer. I have an E2200 Processor, 3gb of ram, and a Geforce 9600 GT video card. Your system creams mine completely yet I am getting 25-35 fps as a general average on high settings.

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