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Did everybody quit GSF?


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I just came back after a few months off and the queues are taking forever on a double exp weekend. If it's because of bombers somebody at Bioware needs to get them out of the game ASAP.


The upcoming housing thing is neat I guess...not that I was really asking for that since I already have a ship. I really think some PVE GSF gameplay is way overdue and the the current state of PVP is obviously not good.

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I'm asking an honest question. Over 30 minutes in the queue is a long time. Especially on a double exp weekend. Are people just tired of it? Was GSF not implemted well?


Look at my post record if you want. I don't come in here and troll and ask for nerfs etc. Again, honest question because I think something's wrong.

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I just came back after a few months off and the queues are taking forever on a double exp weekend. If it's because of bombers somebody at Bioware needs to get them out of the game ASAP.


The upcoming housing thing is neat I guess...not that I was really asking for that since I already have a ship. I really think some PVE GSF gameplay is way overdue and the the current state of PVP is obviously not good.


There's your answer...

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Look at my post record if you want. I don't come in here and troll and ask for nerfs etc. Again, honest question because I think something's wrong.


GSF is alive and well on The Bastion (there's 2-3 simultaneous games atm), and it seems like it is on a number of other servers (I play infrequently on two others). I haven't seen any sign of queues slowing down. If your server (whatever it may be) is having slow GSF queues, now would be the time to swap to another and play some GSF there. You'll be getting double XP. ;)

Edited by TrinityLyre
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The upcoming housing thing is neat I guess...not that I was really asking for that since I already have a ship. I really think some PVE GSF gameplay is way overdue and the the current state of PVP is obviously not good.


Given that it isn't even a year old PvE GSF isn't "long overdue," especially when fundamental balance issues still need to be made. Now a half-decent tutorial that is basically PvE sure that's long overdue. I wouldn't hold my breath though for a PvE mode coming any time soon. In the road map the devs gave no indication that PvE GSF is anywhere on the horizon and it looks like they will remain focused on smoothing out the PvP aspect (and adding new ships/maps to it) for the foreseeable future.


If you play an East Coast server at least some colleges are going on spring break (or coming off of break) so you might have a large percentage of the game's population currently traveling this weekend.

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I'm asking an honest question. Over 30 minutes in the queue is a long time. Especially on a double exp weekend. Are people just tired of it? Was GSF not implemted well?


Look at my post record if you want. I don't come in here and troll and ask for nerfs etc. Again, honest question because I think something's wrong.


Depends on the time of the day. Yesterday I had pops every 5 minutes after a game.

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I can certainly agree with the OP's position about queue times. During the day I can easily wait half an hour to an hour for a pop. This afternoon between 2:00 Pm EDT and 5:00 Pm EDT I had 3 Q pops all of them extremely one sided.


I doubt, it's bombers causing the problem. Matter of fact if I had my druthers I would replace the scout with the bomber as the second starting ship. This would give new players a ship that is much harder to one or two shot and let them play the game a bit. That said, there is the problem. Most players don't like to go into a game to get perpetually one or two shot without having so much as the ghost of a clue of what they are doing wrong. Their response ? Play something else that gives them enjoyment instead of grief.

Edited by General_Brass
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The novelty has passed, so it has slowed down. The queues are longer, and since I started playing on both factions I stopped playing after the daily (which, I realize, makes things worse, because the less I play the longer the queues get for everyone else, but I'm still playing this game primarily for the ground pve...)
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Recommend you all make characters on The Bastion if your queue times are lacking. We never have to wait more than 10s for queue to pop. The games are always balanced, never one-sided. Also, there are hot chicks that play here that are looking to hook up with nerdy guys. I heard that Bioware is going to rename Bastion the 'GSF Server' next patch.


*Continues to proclaim random propaganda in search of bringing in more players due to lack of cross-server capabilities*

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Double XP weekend is going to be the bigger cause of the drop right now. Everyone's running KDY, which makes sense. Give it till after the weekend. If you still are having issues getting a match, you can reroll on another server / transfer, but definitely hold off (although TEH has great que times, often with 2-3 games running at a time after 10:00am until around 2am. You can still get a game at 2, but your teammates will drive you more insane than the enemies).
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The Ebon Hawk is the place for you. I've pretty much stopped queuing on Jung'Ma because one game is all you're gonna see at a time there. Pot5 had decent times, and JC wasn't bad, but TEH is by far my favorite


Is this because the server is good or because TEH is a gunship's dream in terms of all the bombers and strikes everywhere.

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From what I've seen on my server, people play less GSF during double XP weekends. When you level a toon on double XP weekend its more efficient to quest and use XP boosts. Waiting for a queue wastes boost time and you get less XP per match than quests. Queues are better when it's not double XP weekend.
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Is this because the server is good or because TEH is a gunship's dream in terms of all the bombers and strikes everywhere.


Well, putting aside for a moment how I'm as happy as a pig in a waller traipsing about TEH in my Gunship, I think the pilots here are pretty good.


There are a lot of great pilots who fly on one to three characters, are super-supportive, and love to help out new guys.


If you do go Hawkin', do yourself a big favor and join our GSF channel, /cjoin GSF, valid both sides. The Impside channel can be a little quiet, but Repside, we're all a bunch of Chatty Cathies.


Also, yes, Strikes, Scouts and Bombers galore.

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Is this because the server is good or because TEH is a gunship's dream in terms of all the bombers and strikes everywhere.


LOL! The server is good from a queue standpoint - in terms of the quality of players, I've encountered less people that I'd consider a true "ace" than on Jung'Ma, but I also played A LOT on that server as well haven't played as many people over here on TEH. Skillwise - pubs seem to be winning more than imps (as far as I can tell). There are a lot of bombers, true enough, but it seems like the only time I encounter them is on domination matches. The battlescout population on this server is really high too - a lot higher than GSs. I'm also using a strike fighter on another toon here, and have had a lot of fun dogfights with the players here. Overall, it's a really fun place to have 3 games going at a time, and I only get accused of hacking once a week where it was starting to become a daily occurrence on Jung'Ma (the funniest thing about these "OMG YOU HAX NO LOLZ!!!" messages is that the guys are so horrendously bad that they can't figure out how to get 27-1 when they're going 0-9). Community seems to be pretty nice as a whole, and everyone is talkative in the /gsf channel. The server is good - it's not JUST a GS paradise Crin :)

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Shadowlands is dead, but it was always pretty dead.

Does anyone know the best east coast server now?


I never wait more than a few minutes for a pop on the Shadowlands. I usually /who mesa and lost and see 2 matches going. Once one ends my que pops and it tends to pop on the reg after that. I will say I see a lot more 8v8 though which is a shame.

Edited by jedimessiah
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