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Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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Dungeon finder. I noticed that there are players who are actually going out into your virtual world to quest, socialize, explore, and group with other players; I find this extremely tedious and annoying. I think I speak for the majority when I say that we'd rather sit in a capital city all day trolling general while pressing the dungeon finder/PVP Warzone button over and over again, waiting for some 35 something-year-old basement dweller form a 40-man raid. That's what MMORPGs are all about. Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


Once dungeon finder is implemented, the next step is a cross-server dungeon finder. That way, we will be able to group up with people that we'll probably never see again. Who wants to establish reputation, relationships or friends in a MMORPG? I sure don't. I apologize for mentioning the amazing MMORPG Call of Duty again--but Bioware--you should really take a good long hard look at how Infinity Ward was able to use Xbox Live to connect groups of anonymous players who are only interested in winning, not socializing or story telling (what are we a bunch of girls?). You just fire up CoD, press a button, and You. Just. OWN. Oh, and please be sure to de-emphasize the importance of World PVP. I don't want to feel pressured into actually going out into the cold cruel virtual world that you've painstakingly created to, you know, world PVP. That's annoying; and the capital cities are so much more warm and safe. Lastly, I need predefined and simple PVP objectives lest I get confused.


Dual specialization and cheap respecialization fees. Don't you hate it when you specialize into a certain area, gaining benefits that allow you to perform really well in a particular role, when suddenly and unexpectedly you're slapped in the face with a situation in which the cons of your spec become relevant? Me too. I think we should be able to get rid of those dreaded cons whenever we feel like it. I mean, seriously, what is this, Everquest? Are you trying to scare people off by making spec choices important and varied, as opposed to the idea of players respeccing their characters every 5 minutes so that their character lines up well with the situation that they find themselves in? Or so that their character build matches up with that new and beautifully optimized build that they found on Elitist Jerks? There should only be pros when it comes to specialization. In fact, you should rename specialization to jack of all trad...ing?


In conclusion, if you don't shape up Bioware, I just may have to go back to WoW. Just sayin'.




All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.


I forgot to mention in my original post that SWTOR also needs a re-class option. How many times have you been in a group that would have greatly benefited from the skills of a particular class that nobody was playing?


We should be able to change the class of our characters in-game whenever we want, for a fee of course. After all, players shouldn't be punished for choosing a class that they knew nothing about! But don't make the fee too expensive. We don't want this game turning into a grind-fest for credits!


In sort, restrictions = bad. They discourage experimentation, create frustration, and breed elitism!





i think rift is more your type of mmo. but when you hit 50 you will be wishing you stayed.

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Dungeon finder. I noticed that there are players who are actually going out into your virtual world to quest, socialize, explore, and group with other players; I find this extremely tedious and annoying. I think I speak for the majority when I say that we'd rather sit in a capital city all day trolling general while pressing the dungeon finder/PVP Warzone button over and over again, waiting for some 35 something-year-old basement dweller form a 40-man raid. That's what MMORPGs are all about. Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


Once dungeon finder is implemented, the next step is a cross-server dungeon finder. That way, we will be able to group up with people that we'll probably never see again. Who wants to establish reputation, relationships or friends in a MMORPG? I sure don't. I apologize for mentioning the amazing MMORPG Call of Duty again--but Bioware--you should really take a good long hard look at how Infinity Ward was able to use Xbox Live to connect groups of anonymous players who are only interested in winning, not socializing or story telling (what are we a bunch of girls?). You just fire up CoD, press a button, and You. Just. OWN. Oh, and please be sure to de-emphasize the importance of World PVP. I don't want to feel pressured into actually going out into the cold cruel virtual world that you've painstakingly created to, you know, world PVP. That's annoying; and the capital cities are so much more warm and safe. Lastly, I need predefined and simple PVP objectives lest I get confused.


Dual specialization and cheap respecialization fees. Don't you hate it when you specialize into a certain area, gaining benefits that allow you to perform really well in a particular role, when suddenly and unexpectedly you're slapped in the face with a situation in which the cons of your spec become relevant? Me too. I think we should be able to get rid of those dreaded cons whenever we feel like it. I mean, seriously, what is this, Everquest? Are you trying to scare people off by making spec choices important and varied, as opposed to the idea of players respeccing their characters every 5 minutes so that their character lines up well with the situation that they find themselves in? Or so that their character build matches up with that new and beautifully optimized build that they found on Elitist Jerks? There should only be pros when it comes to specialization. In fact, you should rename specialization to jack of all trad...ing?


In conclusion, if you don't shape up Bioware, I just may have to go back to WoW. Just sayin'.




All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.


I forgot to mention in my original post that SWTOR also needs a re-class option. How many times have you been in a group that would have greatly benefited from the skills of a particular class that nobody was playing?


We should be able to change the class of our characters in-game whenever we want, for a fee of course. After all, players shouldn't be punished for choosing a class that they knew nothing about! But don't make the fee too expensive. We don't want this game turning into a grind-fest for credits!


In sort, restrictions = bad. They discourage experimentation, create frustration, and breed elitism!




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This thread is hilarious.


The best part is that so many people don't get the joke (also a sad commentary on the general decline of reading comprehension skills).


Time to make some popcorn and watch the show. :p


No it actually isn't funny and it is a very stupid joke. You can tell the OP tries to hard.

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1 they said they will implement a DF at a later date.


2 dual spec they have yet decided


go back to wow if these 2 are gamebreakers


actually with regards to DF they said just today


We're aware of this desire, but we actually believe that finding others on the same planet as you encourages social interaction a bit more than a general 'group finder'. We're not saying it'll never, ever happen but again, not high priority right now.

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Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


:confused::rolleyes::D:p Ahaha oh man, that was good. Nothing like being at work in a bad mood and reading something like this. Good satire and great post man. I hope Bioware never adds any of that junk. Having to actually interact with people is a nice return to the way gaming should be from the way mmo's have been moving.

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