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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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No mean to be rude, but did you read the actual post? Or any of the 246128356235 replies from those of us who clearly point out that OP is being sarcastic?


No mean to be rude, but did you notice that my reply was actually sarcasm in itself. Such a sith.

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Dungeon finder. I noticed that there are players who are actually going out into the world to quest, socialize, explore, and group with other players; I find this extremely tedious and annoying. I think I speak for the majority when I say that we'd rather sit in a capital city all day trolling general while pressing the dungeon finder/PVP Warzone button over and over again while we wait for some 35 something-year-old basement dweller form a 40-man raid. That's what MMORPGs are all about. Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


Once dungeon finder is implemented, the next step is a cross-server dungeon finder. That way, we will be able to group up with people that we'll probably never see again. Who wants to establish reputation, relationships or friends in a MMORPG? I sure don't. Bioware, you should take a page out of Call of Duty on Xbox Live. You press a button and you just go. Oh, and please make sure you de-emphasize the importance of World PVP. I don't want to feel pressured into actually going out into the cold cruel world and, you know, world PVPing. That's annoying; and the capital cities are so warm and safe. Further, I need predefined and simple PVP objectives lest I get confused.


Dual specialization and cheap respecialization fees. Don't you hate it when you specialize into a certain area, gaining benefits that allow you to perform really well in a particular role, but then you're slapped in the face with a situation in which the cons of your spec become relevant? Me too. I think we should be able to get rid of those dreaded cons whenever we feel like it. I mean, seriously, what is this, Everquest? Are you trying to scare people off by making spec choice important? There should only be pros when it comes to specialization. In fact, you should rename specialization to jack of all trades.


In conclusion, if you don't shape up Bioware, I just may have to go back to WoW. Just sayin'.




All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.


I forgot to mention in my original post that SWTOR also needs a re-class option. How many times have you been in a group that would have greatly benefited from the skills of a particular class that nobody was playing?


We should be able to change the class of our characters in-game whenever we want, for a fee of course. After all, players shouldn't be punished for choosing a class that they knew nothing about! But don't make the fee too expensive. We don't want this to turn this game into a grind-fest for money!


Restrictions = bad. They discourage experimentation, create frustration, and breed elitism!




dont know if any1 already posted this but the game already has lfg system in place so your first point isnt valid.

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The game does not NEED either. The current situation actually encourages you to socialize with people on your server to put groups together. This is something that is severely lacking in modern MMOs. Dungeon finders, and cross server groups, are a major contributor to the mess that PUGs have become. In "the old days" you'd get to have an idea of who on your server was worth playing with and who wasn't. These types of shortcuts have helped destroy server based communities. Innovation is great, but mistakes are happen along the way.... what your asking for falls under the mistake category. And if that other game already has everything you want....


Suffice to say many of us would rather keep this game different rather than transform it into WoW with laser-swords.

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Please, pretty please do not listen to this person of apparent great intellect.


I agree with what you want, but the or I will go back to WoW just makes me sick.

Really? PLease go back to WoW I don't want this kind of person anywhere near me,

even if he/she is only a bunch of pixles.

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When WOW lauched there was no dungeon finder tool, you must have started playing after BC. When wow launched there were FOURTY man raid and you had to actually assemble 40 people and walk on foot/horse to the instance. HERE you only have to find FOUR people. What are you crying about????
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Wht in hell are you hear to play on a mmo if you like xbox live go play on xbox live, this game is about involving your self with others if not then its just not for you.


No mean to be rude, but, a true Jedi withholds such emotions. Negative emotion, my fellow Jedi, leads to the dark side.

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You realize that without a functional LFG tool, the only way to find a dungeon group IS to sit around in a city spamming chat, right? The purpose of an LFG tool is to allow people to be out in the world doing things, and still find a group.
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The purpose of an LFG tool is to allow people to be out in the world doing things, and still find a group.


I hope not. When I come home from the chicken factory, I don't feel like running around a MMORPG while I click a dungeon find button. I just want to chill out in town, troll a few peeps in trade or general, and then click the dungeon find button.


And why would I be running around if I hit cap and there's no reason to world pvp (thank heavens)?


Please take your EQ mentality elsewhere.

Edited by Gestas
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you think your threat of leaving the game over something like this will make people follow you or something? you're obviously delusional.


LFG is needed, however it shouldn't be like WoW's LFG tool where all you gotta do is sit in the city and do nothing to get **** done. It should be similar to what Aion's was, just a tool. Not an insta-queue button required for anti-social kiddies.

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you think your threat of leaving the game over something like this will make people follow you or something? You're obviously delusional.


Lfg is needed, however it shouldn't be like wow's lfg tool where all you gotta do is sit in the city and do nothing to get **** done. It should be similar to what aion's was, just a tool. Not an insta-queue button required for anti-social kiddies.


go back to eq

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