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Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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Why is a re-class system dumb?


Why should new players be punished?


Imagine a person picking a bounty hunter, leveling it up, and then realizing they don't like the bounty hunter class. What do you say to this person, "reroll"? Seriously? This is the year 2011 (almost 2012), man. MMORPG players should be able to re-class and re-spec their character whenever they feel like it. New players shouldn't be punished for not understanding what they were getting themselves into with a class.


Everquest from the 1990s called, they want their mindless grinding back.


New players punished? Hardly. When you choose your AC, you get more than enough information on what is what. If all else fails, they can use the mighty machine of Google to find out which choice would better suit their wants/needs.


New players would not be punished, but players that don't know what they are doing will be. If you give reclass option, it diminishes one of the central core attributes to this game, which is every choice you make counts.

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Dungeon finder. I noticed that there are players who are actually going out into your virtual world to quest, socialize, explore, and to group with other players; this is a travesty of what a MMORPG is supposed to be. I think I speak for the majority when I say that we would all rather sit in a capital city all day trolling general/trade while repeatedly pressing the dungeon finder/PVP Warzone button, waiting for some 35 something-year-old basement dweller form a 40-man raid. That's what MMORPGs are all about. Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


Once dungeon finder is implemented, the next step is a cross-server dungeon finder. That way, we will be able to group up with people that we'll probably never see again. Who wants to establish reputation, relationships or friends in a MMORPG? I sure don't. I apologize for mentioning the amazing MMORPG Call of Duty again--but Bioware--you should really take a good long hard look at how Infinity Ward was able to use Xbox Live to connect groups of anonymous players who are only interested in winning, not socializing or story telling (what are we a bunch of girls?). You just fire up CoD, press a button, and You. Just. OWN. Oh, and please be sure to de-emphasize the importance of World PVP. I don't want to feel pressured into actually going out into the cold cruel virtual world that you had painstakingly created to, you know, world PVP. That would be annoying; and the capital cities are so much more safe and fun anyhow. Lastly, I need predefined and simple PVP objectives lest I get confused.


Dual specialization and cheap respecialization fees. Don't you hate it when you specialize into a certain area, gaining benefits that allow you to perform really well in a particular role, when suddenly and unexpectedly you're slapped in the face with a situation in which the cons of your spec become relevant? Me too. I think we should be able to get rid of those dreaded cons whenever we feel like it. I mean, seriously, what is this, Everquest? Are you trying to scare people off by making spec choices important and varied, as opposed to the idea of players respeccing their characters every five minutes so that their character lines up well with every situation that they find themselves in? Or so that their character build matches up with that new and beautifully optimized build that they found on Elitist Jerks? There should only be pros when it comes to specialization. In fact, you should rename specialization to jack of all trad...ing?


In conclusion, if you don't shape up Bioware, I just may have to go back to WoW. Just sayin'.




All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.


I forgot to mention in my original post that SWTOR also needs a re-class option. How many times have you been in a group that would have greatly benefited from the skills of a particular class that nobody was playing?


We should be able to change the class of our characters in-game whenever we want, for a fee of course. After all, players shouldn't be punished for choosing a class that they knew nothing about! But don't make the fee too expensive. We don't want this game turning into a grind-fest for credits!


In sort, restrictions = bad. They discourage experimentation, create frustration, and breed elitism!





Then go, nobody will miss you and honestly, this game doesn't need either of those things at all.

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All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.



Why would I go back to EQ when I have a perfectly good game here that has none of the listed above? You may go back to WoW now, thank you.

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I agree, it's absolutely absurd to think that these weren't implemented on release. I doubt I'll go back to WoW but if those two features don't make it to the game in a timely fashion I will definitely cancel.


Why would anyone be against a dungeon finder? Do people enjoy sitting around spamming general chat "LFG XXX" "LFM blah"? I don't think it should be cross server but a server side LFD is needed, badly.

Edited by Norsmeang
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wow made lazy players




Need more games like original EQ to be honest.


Hell levels

Lose experience when you die

Possibility of losing all your gear and inventory when you die

Staring at your spellbook to get mana back and having no idea what is going on around you.

Getting trained by other people when AFK.

Surviving more than 3 minutes in Lower Guk was an achievement.

No auction house, mailbox, mounts, or dungeon/raid finder

Money actually increased your weight, too much = can't run.

Buying something expensive and giving them the copper equivalent for lols.

Person that dealt the most damage to something got the loot, not the first person to hit it first.


I miss EQ :(

Edited by Mooby
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I totally disagree with you...



I just got off Hoth to do a flashpoint...


These are the steps I had to take...


1. Orb to Hoth spaceport.

2. Shuttle to Hoth orbital station.

3. Go to my ship's hanger.

4. Board my ship.

5. Fly to Republic fleet.

6. Go to other deck on fleet.

7. Go to other ship in fleet.

8. Go to other deck on other ship.

9. Enter the flashpoint.


That is a terrible, terrible design... no matter how much you hate WoW dungeon finders, there are better ways then to have to jump through 9 hoops before you can finally get started.


Every person has an ability in their general abilities tab that will take you directly to the Fleet Station, on a cooldown. Every planet has a shuttle that takes you directly to the Fleet station, that is not on a cooldown. They are very much obvious. The fact that you are ignorant of shortcuts is not terrible design, it's simply ignorance. Now that you know both of these things, you are less ignorant, therefore the design is no longer terrible. One hoop, not 9.


Excellent. All of this BW or im DONE TOO! CAN WE HAZ PLZ!




Edit, after reading a bit of the replies i see a few people can't interpret sarcasm


That's because sarcasm doesn't translate on the internet, unless you make it blatantly obvious....which this was not.

Edited by Jxspyder
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This Game needs Dungeon finder badly. Level 35 Sentinel ,playing solo game here.

I see some groups once in a while i usually outlevel them. I have to skip all heroic quests, no one does them . Same with flashpoints .


Current LFG system is BAD. Really bad. I want some grouping already i am tired with standard " Master Jedi Help us Save the Universe kill 20 Imperials please" grind.

This is not an RPG , Rpgs are shorter have waaay better graphics and challenging combat

this is an MMo in Rpg skin and as an Mmo it needs grouping.


Look i understand your concerns about cross server LFD because most of u played WOW

and we all know Wow has biggest collection of Elitists And Jerks on the planet.


We need at least LOCAL LFD, where people from the same server can group.

Otherwise like it or not ,many people will eventually leave , go back to WOW/Rift or wait for GW2 . Nobody wants to play on empty server , i dont want this game to fail like many others


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