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Everything posted by Imashark

  1. you can't, and will never be able to change your class.
  2. The devs have said that if the race does not speak basic, then it won't be playable, this means no wookies, jawa's, defs no ewoks or any other super exotic race. Togruta and nautolan's are very likely to be player races in the future, but we can't be sure. sources: -beta forums, whole 100+ comment thread on this which gave predictions about races that may be playable with very high accuracy.
  3. In wow, you could buy 2200+ ratings, you make absolutely no point about being skilled, i have gone against fully geared players and i should have won, cause they didn't know how to play, ut i lost due to gear.
  4. Wookies and any other race that doesn't speak common will NOT be in the game, this has been talked about before and the devs said that they want players to be able to understand and not skip through cut scene's because you get pissed off at hearing "wargrargrgrgrgagagagag" every time your pc speaks.
  5. queue times are all server based, but since no one would want to play huttball, no one would queue for it, making players wait on the 8 republic guys to get into pvp, for instance, if your server is 5:1 empire, your going to have a 5x longer queue or longer, since maybe 2 of the 8 republic didn't re-queue for the WZ. Therefore queues for rep would be instant, and queues for empire would take an incredible amount of time.
  6. That wouldn't boost it, in fact, it would kill world pvp, when given a reward, the objective becomes about the reward, not the fun you get from doing what ever you were doing.
  7. If you have dots, or any periodic damage on you, it breaks your invisibility, so its not a bug.
  8. just figure out how to do this and you'll be good for leveling as lightning.
  9. NOOOOOO cross server queues will bring down a rain of fiery brimstone, causing the inevitable crash of this game. I don't know what you guys are doing, but it's the 2nd day of the games live career. If you find that your not doing anything in the WZ then don't do them, i leveled quite a bit through pvp, and through MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, they are very balanced. And Jediduckling, stop talking out your *** and learn how to troll, your to obvious about it so you can't min/max your trollage.
  10. protection is when you absorb damage, not when you cast a spell that keeps damage away, when someone is protected, it just means someone else is taking most of the damage. Objective points seem to be based on commendations and other things (seen 13000 objective points from a guy who stayed on a point in alderaan). If your team didn't vote you mvp for the 150k healing then i don't know about that, i would defs vote you #1 mvp for that healing tho.
  11. First off, do you understand what proofreading is? Second, if you have payed attention to anything other than protecting your shaky ego, you would have read that rated warzone's are coming soon, meaning your premade can queue against other premade's. BW didn't add rated Warzones at launch because how many people would use them if they are designed for lvl 50's?
  12. what are you smoking? realm vs realm is different servers, your thinking of race vs race, and a lvl 30 CANNOT decimate an 8man warzone, in world pvp where the stats are different, yes, but a lvl 50 cannot take out 8 other level 50s, no matter if he has better skills or gear, and thats the point of bolstering, to level the field and make it easier to learn how to pvp.
  13. You also forgot getting commendations for providing for the warzone, i'm tired of being last in everything because i go for objectives rather than running around hitting things with my saber. Your 4th point, about ops queuing for wz's, i don't think that'll happen, BW said they are making rated wz's so be patient, i don't want my pug to get stomped by some random premade.
  14. i see nothing wrong with it the way it is, you're asking for them to give you free gear, Your given many different ways to make money, such as warzone's, quests, and even just killing mobs. If your having money issues, then you just need to lay off the crew skills.
  15. ive been seing way more bh's on my server than inquisitors, people realize that bh is more overpowered than inq. so they role bh. standard fotm characteristics.
  16. show me the math behind this, a bolstered level 10 can easily go 1v1 with a bolstered lvl 30, the only reason not to pvp from 10 is that you don't have a dash or your sprint. I've done this as an assassin. Gear doesn't matter much, because i have the same hp levels as a lvl 25 assassin when i was at lvl 12.
  17. warriors of shadow has a blanced empire/republic, considering i get into voidstar more than i get into huttball (i HATE voidstar, people don't know what to do and go for damage not objectives), but warriors of shadow has a 15-30 minute queue.
  18. those are your ACTUAL level ranges, your crew missions will increase as you level it up, look for darkish orange.
  19. vote the people with the highest objective score, unless its huttball, then vote healers (coming form a dps-ninja-wizard-whachamacallit)
  20. if you don't like it, then don't play pvp till 50, the bolster mechanic is to remove the need for getting PURE PVP ITEMS in early levels to do alright in pvp and to stabilize queues for pvp. If your having problems fighting against lvl 30's then learn your class.
  21. he's not trolling. -________________-
  22. if they lower the exp then hey have to lower the # of credits you get per match, and soon no one will pvp, keep it as is.
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