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Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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I wish people would stop with the THREATS of quitting. If you don't have the gumption to wait a few patches for improvements then you're a chump for buying an MMO @ launch.


I knew the game wouldn't be optimized at launch. I knew this and I purchased the game anyways. Im doing a 3month sub. I figure it'll take up to 6+ months for the game to really get solid content at all levels flowing with some good fixes, optimizations and new features.


Just like WoW took around that much time.

Just like EQ

Just like City of Heroes

Just like friggin every MMO.


WoW's been out for 7 years. It took blizzard FIVE **** ***** years to implement LFG. Don't you guys remember meeting stones? LOL.


Cross server LFG sucks. You group with a bunch of strangers. Say nothing, get gear and peace out. It sucks the life out of an online community. I'm all for in-sever LFG, but I completely oppose cross server LFG. Maybe in 6 years like with WoW. But servers need time to develop their own communities. Grouping with players from the same server helps that tremendously.


Unless you're at level cap and heavily min/maxing...stop respeccing every 5 seconds! A spec is suppose to be a core, but not absolutely permanent choice for your character.


I think people should either accept this game for what it is, push for positive changes or just go back to WoW.


What blows my mind is the same people the cry for every feature that WoW has are the first to complain that this game is a WoW clone.


Some restrictions are good. They give players a sense of their choices MEANING something. If you want to play a class, go level it up.


This isn't call of duty, brah.

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In conclusion, if you don't shape up Bioware, I just may have to go back to WoW. Just sayin'.




Do us all a favor and go back to Hello Kitty Island - aka World of Warcraft. Where you can be a frolicking elf or HEY EVEN A PANDA!


Hate all of you wow troll rejects.






This is the best post in the world. I love the sarcasm. LOL BRO :p

Edited by kevoh
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In conclusion, if you don't shape up Bioware, I just may have to go back to WoW. Just sayin'.




All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.



Maybe you should just go back to World of Pandacraft. Just sayin'.

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