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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is all social armor limited to "Light"?


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dark people aren't social.



Voldemort wasn't social


Neither was Vader



or Sauron

I'd beg to differ on Sauron. He chilled in Mordor with a ton of orcs, that is pretty social if you ask me.


Also, I agree social armor needs to scale to max armor class.

Edited by Aisriyth
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I completely agree with the OP. There is no sense on having social armors that only work as 'social' for those who can wear medium and heavy, but not only as that, but also as a complete mod-able set, with no tradeoffs for inquisitors and consulars. And this is the opinion of a Sith Inquisitor here.


If they are social only, remove the modable part and make everyone benefit exactly the same from those: tottally nothing.


Or, make those that look like light/medium/heavy, actually BE light/medium/heavy and still modable.



I'd be cool with either, but I'd surely prefer the 2nd option.

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And I understand that. I'm not saying that a heavy armor class doesn't have access to Medium or light armor. I'm asking why is social light and only light.


For a drinks party, the guy who can wear everyone else's gear is king.


For tanking a flash point, the inquisitor can look like the Sand people, an Imperial Trooper, a Hutt dancer girl, etc etc (and here is the part that confuses me) and still do their job 100% effectively.


If any other tank looks at social gear to expand their appearance, they are flat out going to take more damage. Which means more work for the healer, and a larger chance for death.


My question is why is that?



Because social gear are just clothes designed to be used for social occasions, where armor doesn't matter ? Squishies can wear them for operations because, their armor doesn't matter anyway ? James Bond does missions in tuxedo, Boba Fette doesn't.

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The real problem I see here isn't customization (I really don't care how my character looks), it's social armor's scaling with trade skills like cybernetics.


ALL flashpoint gear comes pre-modded so there is little to no point in leveling cybertech along the way. If you do, anything you create will, at best, only slightly alter the preset stats of an item. Add to this the unavailability of moddable gear in certain slots at low levels (head, boots, bracers, ect) and a sort of imbalance occurs.


At level 10, a light armor user can pick up cybertech and, through the use of commendations or taking armor mods out of ANY instance drop for a small credit cost, can keep their armor as good as it can be at any given level without ever unequipping anything.


Making social armors vary in armor type would not only balance the customization aspect of the game, but it would make cybertech worth leveling with your character.

Edited by Nimzzies
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Also, re-adding the dozens of armors for medium and heavy classes they removed in beta would be a nice fix. There's a reason so many social vendors appear to be empty. They didn't used to be, and had sets for every class until they removed them for some reason back in beta. What's distressing about this is that they're now adding new armors as light armor, when they really shouldn't be classified as that.


Obviously the asset work was done for those armor pieces. It is more likely that they are re-working some stats and/or staggering release of new sets.


Still early on and I think we'll see some medium and heavy social armor before too long. That doesn't mean stop asking for it! Certainly making it known that we want it can help speed the process a bit.

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I completely agree with the OP, social armor needs to scale to the max armor skill of the caharacters (for example, Light for SI/ Medium for SM and heavy for SJ or BH)


If your game lacks a proper appearance tab, then this would be...


Good design.

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Because I love to wear battle dress when going to a cocktail party.


Deal with it.


If they aren't going to put in the old armor classes for social armors, then that's what they have to do, all things considered.


It's not balanced at all for two classes to benefit solely from an end-game feature.




And believe me, if they keep the old social level requirements for the end-game social armors, it is an end-game feature. Those (female specific) dancer armors everyone quotes are the tip of a very deep and involved iceberg. Once people start hitting social five, most people probably won't bother with them, given the sheer number of armors that used to be in.


There's everything from TIE Pilot Armor, to armor that lets bounty hunters dress up as Mandalorians, to armor that lets you look like a modern day Revan, to Vader style armor, etc, etc, etc.


And those were just the ones I found in beta. The old Imperial fleet vendor and Ilum vendor had at least one set per class, keyed to their armor tier. I never even got around to checking out the Republic side, or the other end-game planets, before they removed them all.

Edited by Radiatonia
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I think social armor is kind of pointless without a Clothing system. Lord of the Rings did it right...they let you wear social armor over the top of your currently equipped armor.


The social clothing in this game just seems like a half thought...it was good at first, but they didn't follow through.

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I don't understand the, "it's clothing so can't be used in battle" argument.


How many of the JK heavy armor sets are cloth robes? 3/4, I'd say. The female heavy armor versions even come in tube tops!


Stop with the lame double-standard excuses, please. The social armor looks cool and we want to wear it just like any other piece of armor we can mod. It's called "social armor" because you get it by socializing, not because it's used to socialize. By that logic, PvP armor should be disabled when you PvE. All crafted armor should be BoA. Etc.

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I don't understand the, "it's clothing so can't be used in battle" argument.


How many of the JK heavy armor sets are cloth robes? 3/4, I'd say. The female heavy armor versions even come in tube tops!


Stop with the lame double-standard excuses, please. The social armor looks cool and we want to wear it just like any other piece of armor we can mod. It's called "social armor" because you get it by socializing, not because it's used to socialize. By that logic, PvP armor should be disabled when you PvE. All crafted armor should be BoA. Etc.


See, the big thing that I have against the "clothing so can't be used in battle argument" is that the light armor users can use it in battle just fine. It has all the mod slots needed to do so, thus making the entire argument invalid. As long as those mod slots are there, you absolutely can NOT make the argument that no one can use them for fighting and have any sort of credibility.

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I'm totally cool with there being heavy and medium social gear. I'm not okay, though, with those classifications being misused. The Slave/dancer outfit should be light armor only. And even that's stretching it.


Ceremonial heavy armors for Jedi/Sith, "Clean" armor for troopers and BHs and the like are all totally cool, though.

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Problem is they even stated "you can raid dressed as a sand people person!" but that doesn't apply to heavy armor wearers.

Sure it does. Unless you're a tank, your armor isn't going to mean much in a raid situation. If you mod up a dancer outfit with aim and other healing stats, I don't see why a Commando or Mercenary couldn't heal with that.

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