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Companion candidates (may contain spoilers)


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Yesterday I took my third Imp-side alt through DK, and once again I thought Ladra would make for an interesting companion. Throughout the game, our charcters run into some pretty nifty NPCs -be it in class stories or planet quests- some of which unfortunately (in some case thankfully :p) die, in order to move the story along.


Considering some of the duds we get as companions though, I've always wondered how NPC-X* would fit into my characters story, as opposed to the one I got.


The one mentioned above, Ladra, for example: You get a grand total of two conversations with her and, to me anyway, there is more personality in those two conversations, than in 20+ levels of Corso 'Creepy' Riggs.


So, this thread, to sate my curiosity. Which character you encounter on your missions, would you say would make a good companion? For what class? Addition or repacement for extant ones? Or perhaps along the lines of Treek or HK, available to all? Why?


For me, off the top of my head...


Ladra. I think she's be a good candidate for several reasons (and could likely kill several birds in one stone <.<)


Also, the girl you meet in the Smuggler story, who has a history with Risha. Though I doubt she'd work as a Smuggler companion, storywise.


On Tython you get tasked to uncover a romance between padawans...I think the girl -who seems to be the top in that pair- would make for a good late game addition for a Sith ;)


Anyway, just curious.

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I play a Consular, so the compantions are a ...challenging batch


That being said? Hands down, I really wanted to add Hallow Voice and Gaden-Ko to the crew. Hallow Voice is of a species that not even the Rakata wanted to mess with, a heretic who sought peace with other races when his species is usually Krikkit-level zenophobes. Then we get Gaden-Ko. A newly-minted Voss Mystic whose first vision was to leave his homeworld and see the Jedi and Sith philosophies for himself. The Voss are very, very gray and amazingly complex. I really wanted to take him along on the world quest where we find out the history behind the Gormak.


I also would have taken along Dr. Avesta from Makeb. Not because my Consular was interested (she's quite happy with Felix), but because I can see her being able to handle Tharan.

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Imperial Agent chapter 2 is full of characters I wanted to keep as companions, instead we get creepy bugboy, Dr.crazy, and Ensign dimwit....

Kaylio and Scorpio I love, but the others.. where's the airlock again?

The whole Republic group could have worked as companions for my IA, my favorite would have to be the droid, and the twilek sniper.

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I save Lord Cytharat every time I do Makeb story so I'd rather pick him up at the Kaas City Hospital, so fully recovered, so ready and willing to serve :D


This! :D


Also, everytime my agent leaves Hoth, I'd really like to take Aristocra Saganu with me.

Edited by Seireeni
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Lord Praven


Granted, I understand that Lord Scourge has massive history...but in the storyline...he simply feels like Praven 2.0.


For someone who never knew about Scourge and the history of Revan going into the game...Praven was bad*** character long before your character ever meets Scourge.


They are so similar that it doesn't make sense.


I understand why Scourge is the companion...but if Bioware knew they were going that route...why did they even have Praven there? Why not use someone else...that's a different race...a different personality...a different side-story.


Again, they are too similar in the story...and Praven comes first in the storyline...so I will always be partial to him.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Attros in Consular story - I really liked him, and he looked half-way to companionship just where you absolutely needed anything but Qyzen. A great replacement for Qyzen!


A Nautolan, any Nautolan would have been great, but so far they had very brief appearances. I mean, why Gus Tunno, not a Nautolan?


A Zabrak in the IA story put for the purpose of blackmailing her and the FTB could have been interesting, but Kaliyo is better. I would trade a male Zabrack for Doc in JK story. Not having an honorable male Zabrack as a companion is sad.


Overall though, funny enough, I feel the game has too many companions to play with on one run, and seeing how huge the game is, I would wish for replacements, rather than additions. Like Bowdaar is a great guy, but he is wasted when you have Riggs added first. I'd swap him for Qyzen or T7 as the first companion... not that it would work, but theortically. In the ideal world, yada-yada-yada.

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Thana Vesh. I liked her a LOT better than dark side Jaesa, I felt like Thana Vesh was less stupidly evil and actually had emotional and psychological problems and insecurities that made her the way she was. I felt like she would be a far more interesting character to get to know than the pile of crap that is Jaesa. I'd replace Jaesa with Thana any day.


Dark side Jaesa just suddenly and unrealistically abandons every single moral and ethic she holds dear and turns completely, cartoonishly evil because shut up, whereas Thana was a product of the Empire and the Sith. It felt more motivated and believable coming from her than a jedi.

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Jonas Balker anyone? No? Ok...


I second the motion. Loved him. Also, I really, really wanted to get Fuse on my team rather than Tanno Vik. And there's Sanju Pyne from the IA story - you can actually ask him to come with you, but alas, it is not to be.

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  • 8 months later...

For Republic:


Smuggler: Agree Beryl Thorne is a great candidate. Next to Jaxo and Thana Vesh, probably best, most natural companion. She comes in early in the story and is a bit more interesting than Bowdaar, who appears a planet later, and whose backstory is really thin. Plus more Risha/Beryl moments.


Jedi Counselor: Not any great candidates out there. Qyzen is forgettable. Can't agree with either Hallow Voice or Gaden-Ko. Lemda from Makeb would be great as foil to Theran, but way too late in the story (though great option for additional companion like HK or Treek). Maybe trade for Ashara for Zenith.


Jedi Knight: Agree Praven for Scourge. Scourge makes some sense, but Praven fits more naturally into the story.

Rusk is a weak link, and could easily be replaced by the Voss commando who sacrifices herself in the story arc.



Trooper: Hands down, Jaxo should've been a companion. She also fits incredibly well into the storyline in place of Yuun.

The only problem is you can let her die. So retcon that story decision so she always lives and deep six Yuun, a Bowdaar redux. And make her a romance option!

Agree Jonas Balker would be a good choice as well as an additional female romance, because honestly Aric?


For Empire:


Imperial Agent: Can't say I liked Kaliyo. Too intense bordering on psycho (maybe even crossing into it here and there). Same for Scorpio. Would've rather had Watcher 2 or X. Thana Vesh would've been great. IA lacks force user, plus possible LI. I liked Temple, though agree with Vector being kinda meh.


Bounty Hunter: Again, Thana Vesh would've been a great choice. Force user, LI, general bad *** ala Matrix Trinity. Absolutely hate Skadge.

Unless you are playing a truly psychotic PC, I mean really chaotic evil, no way you would've allowed him to tag along. I wish I had the option of killing him in the tomb or locking him back up.



Sith Warrior: Haven't finished story yet. Agree Dark Jaessa is cartoonish in her transformation and subsequent bloodlust. Thana Vesh wins again, though I'd keep light side Jaessa. (Love Rachel Leigh Cooke, but her VActing with Jaessa is pretty bad, especially compared to Lacey Chabert's performance with Mako).


Sith Inquisitor: Haven't finished story yet.

I liked your fellow candidate on Korriban. The first executed. She was nice, felt bad for her.

Then I thought a choice of either Rylee dray or Destris Veran from Nar Shaddaa should have joined the crew.


Must-haves: Jaxo, Thana, Beryl

Good Additions: Praven, Jonas Balker, Lemda Avesta, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan

Worth a look: Tala-Reh (Voss commando), Rylee Dray/Destris Veran, Watcher 2, Watcher X

Could use a break: Korriban apprentice

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creepy bugboy


Honestly, I haven't gotten to that part of the Imperial Agent storyline yet... but Vector Hyllis can't be a worse romancing option than the Borg Queen can he?


My personal choice for additional companion material comes from the Jedi Knight Storyline:


I really wanted to take Ranna Tao'Ven with me when I left Tython. I really really did.

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Vector Hullis is a painfully bad romantic option when the female PC gets teased with a sleazy Zabrack on Hutta, Jadus, Aristocra, Koth and the Hunter as a Male, who are much, much, much... TBH, the Fifth Sith Apprentice on DK is a better choice than Vector. Heck, a planter you put in your stronghold is a better --- Anyway, the IA ends up with the second worst in-party romance of the lot. Because Quinn is still Number 1 in in the "What Were you Thinking, BioWARE?!"


Now, I play only male toons, because I am resigned to the fact that BioWARE just doesn't write the in-party romances for a female PC that I want to play through. :(


They occasionally get it right with the out of party choices, like Numen Brock (which should have been join-able) or Aristocra or Theron... that's about it. all other males I liked were not eligible. :(

Edited by DomiSotto
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Vector Hullis is a painfully bad romantic option when the female PC gets teased with a sleazy Zabrack on Hutta, Jadus, Aristocra, Koth and the Hunter as a Male, who are much, much, much... TBH, the Fifth Sith Apprentice on DK is a better choice than Vector. Heck, a planter you put in your stronghold is a better --- Anyway, the IA ends up with the second worst in-party romance of the lot. Because Quinn is still Number 1 in in the "What Were you Thinking, BioWARE?!"


Now, I play only male toons, because I am resigned to the fact that BioWARE just doesn't write the in-party romances for a female PC that I want to play through. :(


They occasionally get it right with the out of party choices, like Numen Brock (which should have been join-able) or Aristocra or Theron... that's about it. all other males I liked were not eligible. :(



Quinn's only really a bad romance option because most people would prefer to wipe out any and all light side points they may have just so they can actually kill the bastard. The problem is, Bioware decided to make the one companion character that most people would agree deserves the most horrible and painful death possible, the Sith Warrior's healer companion. If it weren't for the existence of Treek I would have given up on Sith Warrior a long time ago.



I also tend to agree. Most of the female PC's romance options are kind of pathetic. However I personally kind of want to see if they managed to write the hive mind romance option in anyway close to resembling a realistic manner. I am an avid Trekkie, and am acutely aware of just how difficult it is for people to actually write characters involved in a honest to god Hive Mind. This is because Hive Minds are so far outside the realm of the thought process of what humans are used to when it comes to their own personal thought processes that invariably it requires some level of individual distinctiveness being forced upon the Hive Mind (ala Locutus of Borg, and the Borg Queen). So I am personally interested to see if Bioware managed to pull it off the way I would hope.


And please don't spoil the storyline for me, I want to play it through.


That said, the only other romance from the female side that I am even REMOTELY interested in, is that of Tharan Cedrax on the Jedi Consular. And this has absolutely nothing to do with Tharan himself, and absolutely everything to do with Holiday. Personally I wish it was Holiday who was romance-able.


I know, I have problems. I have things for Hive Minds and Robot Girls / Holograms XD

Edited by XantosCledwin
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Imperial Agent: Can't say I liked Kaliyo. Too intense bordering on psycho (maybe even crossing into it here and there). Same for Scorpio. Would've rather had Watcher 2 or X. Thana Vesh would've been great. IA lacks force user, plus possible LI. I liked Temple, though agree with Vector being kinda meh.


A. Vector is my Agents brosef, don't talk smack about him. Though a large part of that may have been finally getting to ditch Kaliyo

B. In spite of the fact that he's part of an alien hive mind, Vector is probably actually the most sane and well-balanced member of the IA's crew.


As a romance option for female IA's, and in general just to have a 'normal' person on the crew, would have been cool to pick up Sanju Pyne on Balmorra.

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B. In spite of the fact that he's part of an alien hive mind, Vector is probably actually the most sane and well-balanced member of the IA's crew.


You know, its kind of sad when a person who doesn't have their own distinct unique personal self consciousness can be considered the single most sane and level headed member in any given group of people.

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I cannot comment for all of the classes, but for the ones I play the most...


Sith Warrior or Inquisitor....I agree with everyone who says Thana Vesh. Her character had massive potential, and would have been far more entertaining, for me, than Jaesa or Ashara. I feel like she could have become an apprentice, and molded. For LS, be shown there is more to it than mindless killing. DS, molded into a deadly weapon to unleash upon the galaxy.


IA....Sanju Pine....Balmorra. The first time I met this character I was 99.9% sure he would be coming along for the journey. I think Bioware missed the boat by not including him for the Agent.


Smuggler.....Beryl Thorne and Theron Shan my absolute favorite NPCs in the game! Beryl, would have and still could make a great business partner, or even apprentice, for the smuggler. She has all of the tools, but I don't think she really knows how to use them. Additionally.....



it was wonderful, and sad, to see her again on Rishi. If Naelah had the opportunity she would have made her part of the crew right then.



As for Theron, I just think he fits really well with the smuggler. Although.....



based on the smuggler ending for SoR, it almost seems like he could be a future quest giver or SIS liason for us. Unless, as he said, we are arrested on some backwater non-Republic affiliated planet. If Theron is not utilized I think Bioware will be missing the boat again.


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Man, I like Vector! He's a great wingman, though I can see why Femagents might not be too keen in romancing him.


As for characters that would make good companions, I gotta go with Lord Hargrev from Oricon for either the Sinq or Warrior.


Yeah, that guy! An experienced Sith who used to be super evil but then, upon seeing real evil, said "whoa, I better tone it down a little." Seems like it'd be a companion dynamic we haven't seen before rather than yet another young female melee DPS apprentice.

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I am very glad they did not make Sanju Paine a companion. Because I would have abandoned the IA for good there and then. My two fav males, Numen and Zenith are BalRes, and I strongly emphasize with BalRes, so playing IA on Balmorra was bad enough without having to have a traitor on the ship. Edited by DomiSotto
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I am very glad they did not make Sanju Paine a companion. Because I would have abandoned the IA for good there and then. My two fav males, Numen and Zenith are BalRes, and I strongly emphasize with BalRes, so playing IA on Balmorra was bad enough without having to have a traitor on the ship.


Well..that's a bit silly :p


That's like me saying I hate all of the Republic companions purely because I like Empire storylines better.


I dislike Zenith because I find him moody and boring, not because he was Balmorran Resistance, and the enitre Republic storyline on Balmorra is far more offensive to me as someone who prefers to play Empire.

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Perhaps someone who was in open beta can answer this...was there an option at one time to kill a companion? I'd heard there was but never seen it confirmed. I'd also heard that if you got a companion to dislike you enough they'd leave...but that was removed since there was no way to get them back.


It could have been just rumors. But I'd love to have seen it.

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Perhaps someone who was in open beta can answer this...was there an option at one time to kill a companion? I'd heard there was but never seen it confirmed. I'd also heard that if you got a companion to dislike you enough they'd leave...but that was removed since there was no way to get them back.


It could have been just rumors. But I'd love to have seen it.


You heard correct. You could kill your companions,


Quinn, anyone?


or piss them off enough that they would indeed leave. Problem was, people weren't happy when this happened because they realised "oh no! My healer / tank is gone!" and moaned to Bioware, despite the fact that it completely ruins a lot of the stories for the companions because;

1. Why would you keep certain companions around despite what they did?

2. Why would certain companions stay despite being completely against what you are doing?

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