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BioWare, please do not let the sadistic minority ruin your game


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I agree on all counts to an extent. I don't think the game needs them, but they would be nice. the only thing I think the game needs is adjustable UI.


Also, LFD didn't ruin WoW.

Blizzard's encouragement of bad behavior, made the flaws of the system more potent.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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I'm one of the so called MINORITY that doesn't want to see WoW esque LFG tools implemented into game.


However OP you miss the point, it's not that we are completely against said tools, we are against the same ones that are in WoW ... instant teleport to group areas, flashpoints, operations and cross server are what most don't want to see. A tool that simply puts a group together for the required objective (IMO) would be fine, as long as it's not cross server and insta teleport.


As for these tools not affecting WoW's community, well as I (much like yourself) can't speak for every server, I can speak for mine Al'Akir. Before said tools we had a good comunity, after said tools... guilds become smaller, groups of friends become smaller, generally comunication within the sever reduced. Cross server being the worst part, ninja looting and general complete **** behaviour became the norm.


As for dual spec and combat logs, i'm on the fence, don't care either way. Damage meters, as long as used to watch aggro and gage personal damage output are fine (IMO) but being used to chastise new/begining/new to MMO players, there is no need.


Customisable UI I definately want to see and I like the sound of the portable transport thingy (as long as it has a decent CD on it).

Edited by Jacobites
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LFD tool would be great ONLY if it is inter server, not like in WoW where everyone from diiferent servers can join and just normal attack mobs greif etc. because who cares we probably wont see each another anyway.
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I agree with all of this 100%


You will get douche bags with or without LFG. LFG in some form or another needs to be implemented in this game asap.


It doesn't have to be exactly like WoW.


I would be happy with a server only LFG tool.

Edited by shaunj
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Dungeon finder. I've noticed that there are people who are actually out in the world questing, socializing, exploring, and grouping with people. I find this extremely tedious and annoying. I think I speak for the majority when I say that we'd rather sit in a capital city all day trolling general while pressing the dungeon finder/PVP Warzone button over and over again. That's what MMORPGs are all about. Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


Once dungeon finder is implemented, the next step is a cross-server dungeon finder. That way, we will be able to group up with people that we'll probably never see again. Who wants to establish relationships or friends in a MMORPG? I sure don't. Bioware, you should take a page out of Call of Duty on Xbox Live. You press a button and you just go. Oh, and please make sure you de-emphasize the importance of World PVP. I don't want to feel pressured into actually going out into the world and, you know, world PVPing. That's annoying. I need predefined objectives lest I get confused.


Dual specialization and cheap respecialization fees. Don't you hate it when you specialize into a certain area, gaining benefits that allow you perform really well in a particular role, but then you're slapped in the face with a situation in which the cons of your spec become relevant? Me too. I think we should be able to get rid of those dreaded cons whenever we feel like it. I mean, seriously, what is this, Everquest? Are you trying to scare people off by making spec choice important? There should only be pros.

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Do you want this game to succeed? Games, especially big games, have to do well. A game such as SWTOR, that has spent a HUGE amount of money, must get a lot of subscribers or it will not stay afloat. That means it has to compete with the oh so horrible WoW.


Yes, however, there are quite a few people who like this game more than wow because it does not include some of wow's "features" yet people are here complaining every day that this game does not have everything needed to be a direct wow clone.

As for needing a lot of subscribers, I think it has that now. I don't think we have to worry about the game being a success financially, I'm quite sure they have made back the development costs all in one day, on the 20th. Its all about how big of a success it will be. It just needs to be better than wow, and it is. Build a better mousetrap, and all that. It cannot be better by being the same.

There are also people who don't play wow, and don't want to play wow for some of the very reasons you listed, and are playing this game instead. If you love wow, you should play it. It seems to have all of the "features" you listed that you want. I like SWTOR, like it is, and thats what me and my other sadistic minority folks prefer. There is no need to demand that every other game must clone wow to be a success. We will prove that is not the case.

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I stand behind Rodruk! Some players need to loosen up and not let their delusions of potentially great features ruin an otherwise great game.





BIOWARE..... HEAR US OUT!!! save the future of this game! Must must must have a dual spec! That is most important,

pvp and pve both have a spot in many of our hearts, and the LFF tool too would be a huge plus! but that dual spec deal really is important.

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If you want wow, then go back to wow. Only catacylsm crybabies want this horrible tool that destroys server communities called cross server looking for dungeon


Did you read my post? Sound's like you didn't. So you should probably do that.


So, like I said, LFD doesn't ruin communities. Guys like this do.

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I read these forums and it sickens me how people want to ruin your game.


He is SICKENED by this SLAP IN THE FACE. Man, can anyone post their opinions without framing it as "I am righteous and everyone who disagrees with me is evil"? I mean, if the lack of an LFD tool sickens you, then you must be way too fragile to, say, read the news or watch a sad movie or possibly to leave the house.


I understand that people do not like waiting for a group, but after seeing what the LFD tool did in other games (turned it into a giant lobby), I would not want one in this game. I have found that hanging out in the flashpoint landing bay area on the Fleet is great for picking up folks, as well as asking my guild. Also, when you run a good group, put people on your friend list and ask them the next time you want to run something! With these three methods I find it takes no more than 10 or 15 minutes to go from no group to being inside killing things.


Good luck!

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All those things you posted likely will be in game soon. They already said the UI will be fixed a lot and more customizable shortly, I am sure a LFG system will come into place soon as well. Combat logs are addons. Addons I am sure in time will be made for this game as well.


People really need patience. WoW is 7 yrs old. Did they have all of this when it launched?? LOL nope. Actually took quite a long time for those. There is a lot required for launch and these minors things are things that be added after launch. This launch was even smoother then Rift and obviously has 903709289423 more content then any other mmo at launch also. WoW had 0 end game at launch.

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Not sadistic but masochistic.

Dual-spec is not needed atm.

LFG might come soon but after BW sees how player numbers settle.

If servers are heavily populated then only realm-based.

There's tons of talk about UI. Enough talking about it again. It will be implemented. Give people some time. It's Christmas for god's sake and developers are not magicians.

Combat Log is convenience. There are more pressing matters atm.


Have to agree mostly with this


Merry Christmas:)

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People are going to be douche bags with or without the LFD tool. The only time I ever seen the server in WoW "blacklist" someone was when they were always talking in chat. When they either argued with someone over a dungeon or about something they "ninja'd". Otherwise it never amounted to anything. Someone would ninja, player X spams chat how they ninja'd, everyone ignored. I never saw it actually do anything. In the rare cases it did, it doesn't outweigh all the time you waste waiting around trying to form a group.




You can get into flashpoints quicker.

You can do other things while you wait.

You can still spam chat for a group or group with guildies.

You can (if implemented into the system) still boot bad players in your group.



People are douche bags with the anonymity.



MAJOR CON: TOR will become a lobby game just like WoW! Having a tool which ports you to dungeons with strangers from different realms is just catastrophic.


If Bioware makes such a tool it should be realm only and shall NOT port people to flashpoints.

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Looking For Flashpoint tool:

The game NEEDS it. People say "It ruins the community", no it doesn't. People have this view of WoW pre-LFD like the community was grand or something.


That's because there was a community before LFG. After LFG? Not so much.


If you failed to participate in that community, well that's not Blizzard or Bioware's fault.


LFG is one of the reasons I left WoW. There was no reason to bother talking with anyone else because you can just join LFG to find groups. There was also no reason to behave in those groups, because you'd still get groups through LFG.


So no, there should be no WoW-like LFG tool. There should be a way to flag yourself in /who....and there already is.

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(Quote:"first, I have played World of Warcraft since beta."Quote)

this sentence alone disqualifies you to utter a word about good gaming practices...but no matter let's move on shall we.


Looking For Flashpoint tool: NO

Lazy and ruins the community get in get the loot get out repeat at will, ruins the community. There's already a gathering place for Flash Points it is a far more community friendly option.


Dual Spec: MAYBE

switching specs and re-specs, is a good idea as long as it doesn't become another rift.


Combat Log: MAYBE

min maxers love this so they can throw people out of parties and stuff HELL NO.

Now if it were displaying your own info ONLY I don't mind it.


Portable Transport Beacon: NO

there are numerous beacons you just have to find them and unlock them again lazy and ruins the game. It's not like you can only bind to one beacon.....


Customizable UI: HELL NO

ruins the balance of the game, not to mention it may make the servers unstable. Proof your skill and defeat others using the same information with zero advantages, leveled playing field we all see the same information how you act upon it defines your skill level.



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Sorry for posting before reading all the other posts.


First off, LFD. Yes it would be nice if they implement it. Yes that tool killed server community. Yes the easy fix would be to make it NON-crossrealm. Pre LFD in wow I like many people had a huge friends listt of capable "acquaintances" I would call upon or would get called upon for groups and non progression raids when guildies fell short and spamming in channel yeilded naught. This meant that everybody knew or heard of most everybody and really gave an identity and small town feel to the server. Post LFD that feeling of connectedness droped from server wide to a much smaller group usually consisting of members of guilds occuupying the servers top ~10 ranks of raiding progression. My friends list went from maxed out at the end of vanilla to about 30 when I quit after tier 1 cata HM were cleared.


Dual Specing: I don't feel real strongly one way or the other.


On Combat logs. Im a big fan of combat logs and a long time user of them. My enthusiasm for them however is greatly tempered by their over emphasized and underinformed use in wow. The abuse of and ignorance in interpretation of the data creating mostly incorrect notions of right and wrong followed by (as you stated in the OP there is a very vocal minority that creates the illusion that most people want something) the developers then ballancing based on those notions is directly responsible for creating the stupidity that was wrath of the lich king. Im not real versed in coding and programming but one idea would be to have combat logs that only track what youu yourself do and what is done to you. This will serve the purpose for those that like to test things and track their mean dmg output for a certain ability or sustained output for their rotation. In response to wondering what killed you or weither its interruptable, do what we all did and still do when competing for progression. Pay attention. If your a tank you should be focussed on grabbing aggro and then after 30 secs and aggro is solid, focus on the sitation, mobs actions, and your health bar so you know what's going on. Also, if you want to know weither someone is good or not watch how well they utilize their utility abilities and addapt to unexpected situations. If they do that well then its usually a safe bet that they are on top of thing dmg wise. Tanks and healers are always easy to tell. Is the boss dead? Healer win! Is there a baddy nomming the healers face? Tank fail!


So, LFD strictly server exclusive.

Dual spec I don't care.

Combat logs If they can find a way to make the CL self only so it doesn't result in parsers then it wont ruin the game me thinks.


That's my 2 cents. Sorry for grammar and spelling. I posted this with my phone.

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Dungeon finder. I've noticed that there are people who are actually out in the world questing, socializing, exploring, and grouping with people. I find this extremely tedious and annoying. I think I speak for the majority when I say that we'd rather sit in a capital city all day trolling general while pressing the dungeon finder/PVP Warzone button over and over again. That's what MMORPGs are all about. Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


Funny, that is exactly what not having a LFD tool does. It causes you to stand in one area spamming chat to get a group. With LFG, you can queue up and go do other things. Thanks for agreeing with me while trying to be sarcastic.


Once dungeon finder is implemented, the next step is a cross-server dungeon finder. That way, we will be able to group up with people that we'll probably never see again. Who wants to establish relationships or friends in a MMORPG? I sure don't. Bioware, you should take a page out of Call of Duty on Xbox Live. You press a button and you just go. Oh, and please make sure you de-emphasize the importance of World PVP. I don't want to feel pressured into actually going out into the world and, you know, world PVPing. That's annoying. I need predefined objectives lest I get confused.


Because having cross server LFD tool causes you to be unable to talk and group with people from your server right? Options are TERRIBLE!


Dual specialization and cheap respecialization fees. Don't you hate it when you specialize into a certain area, gaining benefits that allow you perform really well in a particular role, but then you're slapped in the face with a situation in which the cons of your spec become relevant? Me too. I think we should be able to get rid of those dreaded cons whenever we feel like it. I mean, seriously, what is this, Everquest? Are you trying to scare people off by making spec choice important? There should only be pros.


Choosing an advanced class is a big enough choice. I'm also fine with having a respec trainer. But at least have it save templates of my choices and hotkey config so I don't have to waste time setting all that up again.

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MAJOR CON: TOR will become a lobby game just like WoW! Having a tool which ports you to dungeons with strangers from different realms is just catastrophic.


If Bioware makes such a tool it should be realm only and shall NOT port people to flashpoints.


Who says it has to port you in? I want a LOOKING FOR GROUP tool, not a PORT ME IN THE FLASHPOINT tool.

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He is SICKENED by this SLAP IN THE FACE. Man, can anyone post their opinions without framing it as "I am righteous and everyone who disagrees with me is evil"? I mean, if the lack of an LFD tool sickens you, then you must be way too fragile to, say, read the news or watch a sad movie or possibly to leave the house.


I understand that people do not like waiting for a group, but after seeing what the LFD tool did in other games (turned it into a giant lobby), I would not want one in this game. I have found that hanging out in the flashpoint landing bay area on the Fleet is great for picking up folks, as well as asking my guild. Also, when you run a good group, put people on your friend list and ask them the next time you want to run something! With these three methods I find it takes no more than 10 or 15 minutes to go from no group to being inside killing things.


Good luck!


Lets look at your post here:


"but after seeing what the LFD tool did in other games (turned it into a giant lobby), I would not want one in this game."

Okay fair enough.


"I have found that hanging out in the flashpoint landing bay area on the Fleet is great for picking up folks"

Wait what? Didn't you just say you hate giant lobbies?


Let me make sure I understand. You want to be able to manually spam chat in the fleet. But you don't want to queue up and stand in the fleet, not having to spam chat and fill it with a bunch of LFG stuff?


Also with a queue system, you could also you know, quest, do fun stuff? I know that sounds terrible to me too.

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