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BioWare, please do not let the sadistic minority ruin your game


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The knowledge to write "LF2M for Mandalorian Raiders, need healer", copy it, and paste it into Fleet general chat every three minutes.


Only the wise will find their way.


Nope the more that actually do it is the more "idiots" you get in aswell.



Just take this i never meet a player that knew that he was bad player...




Instead he thinks that the encounter must be bad .........................



Only because he is a good player........................................


And put one off thos in any instance and we will encounter fluffy things :p


But these days the above shouldnt happen because then it is not FPS enough ...............................................

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The only reason it's like that in WoW is because LFD is cross-realm, and thus you are not likely to run into the same people twice.


It should be, in the very least, mandatory for every MMORPG out there to have a WoW-like LFG tool---even if it's only for your server. Don't like someone? Put them on ignore, and the LFG tool should then avoid putting them in your group again.


It's actually kind of hypocritical to have a Warzone que system but not a flashpoint/dungeon one.


Very true, you have a PvP que system, simply add a same server LFG tool for both heroic 4 and flashpoints. If the ques down the road become too large for people, then switch to cross shard. You do not need to have an instant cross shard LFG, baby steps.

Edited by silverdanta
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This would solve a lot of issues with the game.


Maybe after a year or two, when the game's no longer as active as it is now, Bioware could look into an LFG system.


But right now, all we need is a global LFG channel. It'd solve a lot of our problems.


This is what I've been saying. Although, I fear it will be less than a year until it's needed.


I do hope a LFG channel across appropriate planets is patched in very soon. It took me an hour yesterday looking for a group for Mandalorian Raiders. I had to spam 3 different channels (Fleet, Nar Shadda, Tatooine) until I found the players.

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Dear Bioware:


Please don't ever give a crap about who's in the majority and who's in the minority, since you know as well as the OP here does that we have no idea which is which. Besides that, if you let the majority make decisions for your game, it'll become a crapfest.


I'm sure you're aware of that, but as the OP isn't, I figured it was worth mentioning.

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James Ohlen made mention that they will be looking into how dual specs for AC could work. This will be something they will monitor and to be honest, typically what you suggest is not the case. You can level as a healer or tank fine in the game, I know because I am leveling a healer (Operative full Medicine tree) and a friend is Powertech (Shield Tech). What is more likely to occur is a person will have a PvP/PvE specs or the more negative side of having peer (guild/friends) presure to do something you do not like doing. I can see however if they allow save specs, you head back to the repsec trainer and have a saved spec waiting. Still makes you pay for it and go through the motions of physically changing your spec.


The combat log will be coming out "soon" as stated by James Ohlen in an interview. This will be far more comprehensive then anything we have seen and should give raiders/pvpers/gamers a great deal to work with and parse through.


They have an entire team working on the UI customization options for the game. Heck they have teams for almost everything it feels like lol.


Last thing I do want to say if you read this far, heres a cookie my friend!, is if you have been playing WoW for so long then you intimately know how long Blizzard took to bring out the options you take for granted. Did they have Raids or BGs during their release, no, unless you count UBRS/Scholo/Strat lol. Bioware had their priorities set on things that had farther reaching goals then dual spec. Yes you could make a strong arguement UI customization should have been in the game but again, they are working on it and things take time.


If your so willing to disregard a game because it does not have your feature that will ensure your sustained enjoyment, comeback when they do have it. Play another game, play some console games, play some indie games (orcs must die yay!), then come back and knock down some sith/jedi!

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Dear Bioware:


Please don't ever give a crap about who's in the majority and who's in the minority, since you know as well as the OP here does that we have no idea which is which. Besides that, if you let the majority make decisions for your game, it'll become a crapfest.


I'm sure you're aware of that, but as the OP isn't, I figured it was worth mentioning.


I support this statement with jawa power!

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I'm already level 50 does that make me the 1% o.o?


I don't need a LFG tool, that's why I have a guild/friends list. People forget the social aspect of a game (please note social rank meter in game).

I don't need duel spec to play effectively, but I'd like it.

The current UI needs to work properly (i.e. health bars properly reflecting player heath) before anything is overhauled.

Combat Log would be nice, but it's about time people started playing a game to play a game and stopped min maxing their raids. People are already taking out raid mobs and world bosses without issues and without combat logs. Combat meters are a crutch and tool used for epeen and weeding out people that you should already know are bad without looking at that data. It's a game not a job.


Finally (to address the OPs first statement), congratulations on beta'ing WOW but this isn't WOW and it isn't meant to be. This is a different MMO with a different design direction.


-takes off monocle and top hat-

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Even here, on the SWTOR forums, every post beings with "I have been playing wow since the start!!1"


Please, give me a break.


Well, to be honest, I would take someone whose played the most successful mmo of all time more seriously than a player who just skips around failed ones.

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The problem I have with the LFD tool is that it does the work for you. Effectively ruining any responsibility or initiative in forming groups. If it takes work to form a group, people will be less likely to ruin it by being disruptive because they know that if they are kicked, it will take more time and work to get back into another group.


For people, all actions are the results of their concequences. If there are no negative concequences for negative behavior, it will never be corrected. You only have to look at how people treat each other on forums vs real life to understand that.

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Well, to be honest, I would take someone whose played the most successful mmo of all time more seriously than a player who just skips around failed ones.


Why is it that everyone who complaints has to begin there post with "I've played wow since release!"


Why do people think that makes their point more valid? I just dismiss the thread if they say that because more often than not they're lying.

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Why is it that everyone who complaints has to begin there post with "I've played wow since release!"


Why do people think that makes their point more valid? I just dismiss the thread if they say that because more often than not they're lying.


Well, you should just discount the forums in general than. lol

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I agree with the OP on all fronts. These systems have little / no drawbacks if implemented correctly and those such as dungeon LFG system are even optional. It's so fashionable these days amongst mmo forum regulars to berate these design mechanics because they were adopted by WoW, and people associate them with WoW's failure. However, people never seem capable of stepping back and objectively considering their pro's and con's. You can't infer causality from correlation, and just because WoW has these options doesn't mean the game is bad due to them. As far as I'm concerned, the reason WoW is a bad game is because the only decent/challenging content it offers is heroic mode raiding, which becomes very boring when cleared and repeated. The rest of the game was uninspired, rubbish and easy.
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Umm, I guess you didn't know that you can do other things while in que. Work on professions, questing and such. Pretty much things you can't do if you're sitting in the fleet spamming LFG on the channels.
You can't craft when in the fleet? You forgot this game has companions... you can keep on crafting and gathering from anywhere in the game.
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Waiting is not fun, get over it. If you want to wait, don't use the tools. Leave your sadistic pleasures out of the game and stop telling BioWare to ruin this amazing game.

If the tools exist, you'd pretty much have to use them. If a LFG tool was put into the game, and I enter chat with a "LFG such-and-such", ppl will say to go use the tool...


Imo, I like the not having to rely on a tool to find groups. As for dual-talent spec, don't really care about it (atm anyway).


So far, I like the game as it is :)

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The only issues I have with any of this is the LFD tool, people are douche bags and this just lets them continue to be like that because they can just get in when ever they want, leave it as it is and these people will become known on the server and will never get invited to any thing and they can sit alone like they should.


You know, they could implement a "quality control" mechanism where a team could vote to neg-rep a player, and after a while he would have a very high negative reputation, which would be visible, so whenever the LFD tool popped him up, everyone would know and could act accordingly. It works for ebay.

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Looking For Flashpoint tool:

The game NEEDS it. People say "It ruins the community", no it doesn't. People have this view of WoW pre-LFD like the community was grand or something. It never was good. Stop saying it ruined the community. It has always sucked. The WoW community ruined the WoW community. If you love to sit in a channel and spam LFG, then do it, don't use the tool. Most of us have want to have fun. If someone gets queued up in your group who is obnoxious? Use the vote tool and boot him/her. Then write his/her name down on your black list or whatever you want to do to feel special. You could always use the same tip that you give others when they say they don't want to spam chat. You could always "group with people you know". However, I do not want to spend what little free time I have waiting in a channel trying to find a group. I want to actually be able to ENJOY the game.


WoW player since vanilla reporting in and corroborating everything you say here. This idea that the LFG tool introduced in Wrath suddenly and irreversibly destroyed WoW's shining paragon of community is ridiculous. The only thing the LFG tool did was allow people to do content in their own time, at their pace, using an automated system that afforded convenience, security, and accountability. Not only that but the people who want to form groups the usual way are given that choice.


I read and agree with everything in your post (good read by the way, well spoken) but this is the part I personally agree with the most and want to see implemented into this game.

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This idea that the LFG tool introduced in Wrath suddenly and irreversibly destroyed WoW's shining paragon of community is ridiculous.


it was one of the factors. people are more likely to act like jerks if they can get away with it (enough studies that proof it), and which better way is there than x-shard dungeon finder?


science. it works.

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I agree with adding a combat log and allowing for customizable UI.

Dual-spec would be nice but doesn't seem essential at this stage, especially since everyone is still levelling up their mains. Perhaps a few months down the line when people are 50 for a while, perhaps then we can gauge whether a majority would like to see dual-spec or not.

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You know, they could implement a "quality control" mechanism where a team could vote to neg-rep a player, and after a while he would have a very high negative reputation, which would be visible, so whenever the LFD tool popped him up, everyone would know and could act accordingly. It works for ebay.


bioware is in for the money. a downvoted douche would whine about on the forums and then quit.

why put money into developing a function if you can get MORE money from all the douches anyway?

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You call us sadistic, I call you lazy.

You are right, adding new features to a game for convienence is lazy. I put forward that we should no longer level through quests and go back to the good old days of farming mobs to end level. I'm sure you will agree?

it was one of the factors. people are more likely to act like jerks if they can get away with it (enough studies that proof it), and which better way is there than x-shard dungeon finder?


science. it works.


First off, prove*. Normally not a grammar nazi but if you are going to run with the "it's science" line you might as well learn how to type correctly.

Secondly and more to the point, a cross server dungeon tool like the one found in WoW has more accountability because it lets you /ignore people who you don't want to run with and you will never see those people again. Not only that but if they act a fool in too many dungeon groups they will have a smaller pool to play with. Perfect, automated accountability with no need to have a scratchpad next to your monitor for blacklisting players.

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Has anyone posting here played a game other than WoW? To think that WoW is original is just crazy. There were great games that got it right before Wow. I.E. UO and Everquest. Even those games are not original. Most MMO games are based on pen and paper dynamics of DnD and the like. All games have borrowed what made those games fun and made it more interactive. All of the features that are wanted by the OP were unheard of at the launch of WoW. Alot of people want all newly launched games to have all the features that they enjoyed in WoW. I know from expiernce since I have beta tested and play AoC, Aion, Rift and many others. I am sure the devs have in mind the direction they want the game to move in. I beta tested WoW before it ever came out and have played it off and on for its entirety. The LFD function has deminished what a true MMO game should be. A MMO should not be about getting to the max level as fast as you can but more about the journey to get there. There are alot of people who does not like to wait but that is supposed to be part of it. It is designed for you to interact with other people find friends or guilds and make the game more interactive.


Another issue is that people race to level as fast as they can then complain that they have no one to group with. You have to let people catch up. It is the holidays and alot of people have not had time to play with Christmas and having to spend time with families. Give it a little time and I am sure you will have no problems finding a group.


I am against Dual Spec because it takes away some of the fun of the game. Why is there a need for this. You pick your class and what you want your character to be able to do. Why should you be allowed to have multiple options based on what you want to do. There is only really 3 base classes, tank, healer and dps. Find a play option that suits you not the group that want to tell you what spec to be in. This leads me to my last point with UI's.


Having Bioware create UI options from people playing the game is great. What is not needed is getting kicked from a group 1/4 of the way through a dungeon becuase it is said tthat at level 50 x class should be doing 7k damage. Not meeting the mid max that everyone expects is just wrong. Forcing me to conform to those people who want mid maxers is not fair to me. Giving them the tools to do so is wrong. If you want to look at your own stats, and only your stats I great but there should be limits.


All I am asking is give the game time. There are alot things being worked on right now and you never know which direction a game will head. I applaud your opinion for wanting certain things added. I have an opinion that alot of these things will take away from what a MMO is supposed to be. But like I said its just an opinion.

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