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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare, please do not let the sadistic minority ruin your game


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First, I have played World of Warcraft since beta. However, I want to move on. I want a company to give me an option to play a different game that is fun. However, every time a promising game comes out, it gets ruined. There is always this vocal minority on the forums that want everything to be horribly time consuming like EQ. However, the majority of players do not agree with them. It is just that we are busy playing the game to post on the forums. Most of the people I play with don't even read the forums. This game has what MMORPG's have been missing for a long time, an amazing story. It is like a good book I can't put down. That's why I loved your single player RPGs, and that's why I love SWTOR so far. However, there are certain features that need to be implemented to keep the player base and allow this game to grow. I read these forums and it sickens me how people want to ruin your game. If you are asking why the game needs these features? It is simple. The story will only hold people for so long. Then it comes time for the end game. If an end game is not fun, people will leave. If it takes hours to form a group to do a 30 minute objective, people will leave. Why? Because there are games out there that have solved this problem. They will just go back to those games once they are done with the story. I love this game so far, which is why I want to see it improve. Not die off like so many other MMORPGs before it. Please hear me out.


Looking For Flashpoint tool:

The game NEEDS it. People say "It ruins the community", no it doesn't. People have this view of WoW pre-LFD like the community was grand or something. It never was good. Stop saying it ruined the community. It has always sucked. The WoW community ruined the WoW community. If you love to sit in a channel and spam LFG, then do it, don't use the tool. Most of us have want to have fun. If someone gets queued up in your group who is obnoxious? Use the vote tool and boot him/her. Then write his/her name down on your black list or whatever you want to do to feel special. You could always use the same tip that you give others when they say they don't want to spam chat. You could always "group with people you know". However, I do not want to spend what little free time I have waiting in a channel trying to find a group. I want to actually be able to ENJOY the game.


Dual Spec:

*EDIT*: Please be aware I am referring to dual spec within your AC. I am not referring to switching AC's. While there are others who want to switch AC's, I'm referring to switching specs within the same AC.


You have three trees. You have several different options. Some people want to play around with the talents and see what they like best. Some people want to have a PvE and PvP spec. Some people want to be able to switch from DPS to Heals or tank. Some people want to have optimized specs so they can perform the best of their ability. Why not let them have it? I see people saying it "ruins diversity". This may be true. However, and this goes back to my original point, standing in a chat looking for one specific role to finish your group IS NOT FUN. Limiting your options IS NOT FUN. Letting people dual spec will add more tanks and healers to the pool of players. It will allow more people to have a PvP spec for when they want to take a break from the story. It will give people a solo spec so they can just go out in the world and kill stuff. The pro's of a dual spec system far out weigh the cons. Another argument I hear is "Roll another toon.". No, I'm not gonna roll another Jedi Guardian, go through all the same story line, just to have a DPS or PvP Jedi Guardian. If I am going to roll another toon, I want to roll a completely different class. If you don't want dual spec, DON'T USE IT. YOU can roll multiple toons just to do something slightly different. BioWare took the grind out with their amazing story. Stop trying to put it back in by telling people to roll multiple toons just to do something their class can already do.


Combat Log:

I am a tank. Sometimes I die, and I want to figure out what killed me. I want to know if I was standing in something. I want to know if it was an ability that I may be able to interrupt. I want to know if it was a DOT that stacked up to high. I want to improve my game by looking at what happened. I understand this used to be in beta and was removed. BioWare, could you please tell us why? For those who do not want it. If you do not like this, don't look at the combat log. Some of us want to improve ourselves because we find that fun. People are afraid that with a combat log, DPS meters will come. So what? If you are afraid of people linking meters and showing that your way behind, play with people you know so you don't have to worry about that. I love how people can use the excuse "play with guildies" for arguments like the LFD tool, but not when it comes to being scrutinized by people you are in a flashpoint with. If you are playing with people you are friends with, you don't have to worry about being a baddie while you get carried through something.


Portable Transport Beacon:

For people who do not know what I'm talking about.



Why was this taken out? Please implement this back into the game. Not only does it give cybertech something awesome to have, but it solves the reoccuring issue that I'm stating in this thread. Waiting is NOT fun. Not much more to say about this really.


Customizable UI.

While I do not typically use a lot of add-ons or customize my UI, I understand there are a lot of people out there who do. This is a big issue with that group of the community. Please give those players the freedom to change up their UI. There are not too many arguments against this. Options are good, constraints are bad. Give people the freedom to adjust the UI the way they want it. It doesn't harm anyone and will make your players happy.


To sum up the overall theme of my arguments, waiting is not fun. There is no aspect to waiting that is fun, for anyone. I do not play a game to spam a chat. I do not play a game so I can watch my character fly around on taxis and look at loading screens. I want to be able to enjoy the different aspects of the game, without having to grind or spend a lot of time just to get to that point. Let me spend a lot of time enjoying those aspects of the game please. Leave the grinding and hardcore mentality to EQ. Whether you love it or hate it, there is a reason World of Warcraft still dominates the MMORPG market. It doesn't even dominate it a little, it crushes the market. I want to see SWTOR flourish into the amazing game it can be.


Again, please, read this BioWare. Ignore the vocal minority on this forum that want to sabotage your game. There are a lot of us out there that want this game to succeed. We want to move on from other MMORPGs. Give us a reason to do so. Give us the tools to truly enjoy the beautiful game you have crafted.



Waiting is not fun, get over it. If you want to wait, don't use the tools. Leave your sadistic pleasures out of the game and stop telling BioWare to ruin this amazing game.

Edited by Rodiruk
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The only issues I have with any of this is the LFD tool, people are douche bags and this just lets them continue to be like that because they can just get in when ever they want, leave it as it is and these people will become known on the server and will never get invited to any thing and they can sit alone like they should.
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The only issues I have with any of this is the LFD tool, people are douche bags and this just lets them continue to be like that because they can just get in when ever they want, leave it as it is and these people will become known on the server and will never get invited to any thing and they can sit alone like they should.


The only reason it's like that in WoW is because LFD is cross-realm, and thus you are not likely to run into the same people twice.


It should be, in the very least, mandatory for every MMORPG out there to have a WoW-like LFG tool---even if it's only for your server. Don't like someone? Put them on ignore, and the LFG tool should then avoid putting them in your group again.


It's actually kind of hypocritical to have a Warzone que system but not a flashpoint/dungeon one.

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The only issues I have with any of this is the LFD tool, people are douche bags and this just lets them continue to be like that because they can just get in when ever they want, leave it as it is and these people will become known on the server and will never get invited to any thing and they can sit alone like they should.


People are going to be douche bags with or without the LFD tool. The only time I ever seen the server in WoW "blacklist" someone was when they were always talking in chat. When they either argued with someone over a dungeon or about something they "ninja'd". Otherwise it never amounted to anything. Someone would ninja, player X spams chat how they ninja'd, everyone ignored. I never saw it actually do anything. In the rare cases it did, it doesn't outweigh all the time you waste waiting around trying to form a group.




You can get into flashpoints quicker.

You can do other things while you wait.

You can still spam chat for a group or group with guildies.

You can (if implemented into the system) still boot bad players in your group.



People are douche bags with the anonymity.

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Not sadistic but masochistic.

Dual-spec is not needed atm.

LFG might come soon but after BW sees how player numbers settle.

If servers are heavily populated then only realm-based.

There's tons of talk about UI. Enough talking about it again. It will be implemented. Give people some time. It's Christmas for god's sake and developers are not magicians.

Combat Log is convenience. There are more pressing matters atm.

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I think the issue isn't really that these things are added. It is to what extent.


IMO. WoW went overboard. While many other games in the past had third party parsers and such, implementing them in the game makes them more accessible. And also easier to misuse.


I'm an old schooler. But yes, I want a personal combat log. As a operative IA, I like to see how high my backstabs are. Something about that number is good to me. But IMO, it shouldn't be a number that defines me.


I'm all for UI customization. Reskinning etc. but it can go too far.


I almost like the old idea that third party add ons are "illegal". I feel like it kept down the amount of use. And those that used it didn't feel that had carte Blanche to be an A hole.


Everything in moderation right? Using WoW as the upper level and current SWTOR as the lower, there has to be some middle ground.

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ok i'll bite,


UI yes it needs work

LFD tool i will support it if it is server only

Dual Spec umm no, pick a class and learn to play it, I've seen too many people in that other game fall flat on their face because they just cant focus on 1 damn role or what not.

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The only reason it's like that in WoW is because LFD is cross-realm, and thus you are not likely to run into the same people twice.


It should be, in the very least, mandatory for every MMORPG out there to have a WoW-like LFG tool---even if it's only for your server. Don't like someone? Put them on ignore, and the LFG tool should then avoid putting them in your group again.


It's actually kind of hypocritical to have a Warzone que system but not a flashpoint/dungeon one.


I would be fine with this option as well. I think that having cross-server is better (bigger pool of players, less queue time), and should also be implemented for WF's, but I would be happy with at least this. My experiences so far have been mainly a run with guildies, but we need one more member. A LFD tool would allow us all to still go out and do stuff and not have to force someone to stand at the republic fleet spamming for someone.

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Dual Spec umm no, pick a class and learn to play it, I've seen too many people in that other game fall flat on their face because they just cant focus on 1 damn role or what not.


Please, do not try to create a game around a few bad players. I played a druid in WoW and could do any role in a raid setting with no problem. Do not limit my, or other peoples choices, because there are a few bad players out there. Instead of condemning them, help them out and give them tips.


Designing a game and limiting a majority of your players because a few bad apples is a poor game design.



Also, as playing my druid, there were so many times we were able to raid without waiting because I could switch roles. I was primarily supposed to be a boomkin, but I didn't mind healing or tanking. Every time I healed or tanked I saved our raid time and we were able to play the game and have fun without waiting for one specific role.


I also healed about as much as I boomed.

Edited by Rodiruk
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Dear Bioware:

Dont do ANYTHING this guy is saying.


Spend your time fixing these terrible bugs.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. Also, don't let the OP convince you we are a minority, or that we are sadistic. HE is the minority. Stick with us, let the wow guys play their game, we will play yours.

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See the vocal minorty would tend to be the people who want these things in the game according to the polls. The only item you mentioned that got broad support was the UI customization.


according to the polls that were run almost every day the majority do not want a LFD tool. Not only for the fear of how players will treat others but for the fact or how it effects the game. If you look at WoW ( as an example) you hardly ever see people in the open world becasue they just sit in a city getting their rested xp while waiting for their next group from the LFD.


Porting? We have ships it takes all of 5 minutes to use quick transport to the space dock run into your ship and fly to the fleet to meet your FP group. This method still allows for the feel of being in the SWTRO Universe while not turning the open world into ghost towns


Dual specing? You have 10 lvls to decide on an AC inside of that you have 3 trees you can switch back and forth between for a fee as often as you want.

Edited by Baaddare
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I think the issue isn't really that these things are added. It is to what extent.


IMO. WoW went overboard. While many other games in the past had third party parsers and such, implementing them in the game makes them more accessible. And also easier to misuse.


I'm an old schooler. But yes, I want a personal combat log. As a operative IA, I like to see how high my backstabs are. Something about that number is good to me. But IMO, it shouldn't be a number that defines me.


I'm all for UI customization. Reskinning etc. but it can go too far.


I almost like the old idea that third party add ons are "illegal". I feel like it kept down the amount of use. And those that used it didn't feel that had carte Blanche to be an A hole.


Everything in moderation right? Using WoW as the upper level and current SWTOR as the lower, there has to be some middle ground.

I think they just have to be very careful what functions they open up in the API.


I loved tweaking the look and feel of my UI in WoW. I ended up using some of the stuff that people complain about -- BigWigs for raid bosses, and Skada for meters. But I never used damage meters to decide if somebody was in or out of my raids. I used them, for the most part, to see if my performance was lacking. If I grouped with somebody of my same class, and they blew my DPS out of the water, I could look and see what they were doing differently and adjust my play accordingly.


It allows people to learn to play better.


Now, raid mode like BigWigs and DBM might be going too far. At this point, Blizzard balances raids assuming everybody has those. Maybe it's better for the game overall if they're not in. Then again, I raid with some people who aren't extremely talented gamers, and those mods allow us to progress through raids and see content. It makes it more fun for all of us. So personally, I like them, although I understand the arguments against them.


Playing with the UI is a really fun sort of meta game, IMO. It made me more interested in the game when I knew I could extend it. And I learned more programming in the process.

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I would like a Damage Meter applied to the game. I use them to better myself and my guild/groups. I enjoy being the best I can be and those help me. As for LFG, if you're on the Fleet you can click on the upper left hand corner and put a comment by your name that you are LFG whatever. It's as efficient as it needs to be and in forming groups yourself you can get the type of group you want very easily. It also encourages dialog about classes and specs between party members.
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I don't know.... you say that the vocal minority is working against this spec, yet all of your complaints have been voiced several times here by this vocal minority.


I appreciate you taking the time to write a clear and concise post, but I disagree with most things in it.


The LFD-tool in WoW is horrible. It has removed a large chunk of the social aspects of the game. Maybe we can find some middle ground, but this QoL-stuff where everyone is teleported everywhere instantly is very very bad. It ruins my sense of disbelief. This isn't bloody Star Trek -- there are no transporters. Yet we can call for a shuttle evac several level down in underground bases.


Dual-spec again is something I prefer to be without. I prefer a diversity to the classes I meet and that the choices you make have consequences.


I respect your oppinion, but I disagree with them. I also think that your worries are unfounded -- the vocal minority on these forums are working for you and trying to get these changes implemented.

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See the vocal minorty would tend to be the people who want these things in the game according to the polls. The only item you mentioned that got braod support was the UI customization.


according to the polls that were run almost every day the majority do not want a LFD tool. Not only for the fear of how players will treat others but for the fact or how it effects the game. If you look at WoW ( as an example) you hardly ever see people in the open world becasue they just sit in a city getting their rested xp while waiting for their next group from the LFD.


Porting? We have ships it takes all of 5 minutes to use quick transport to the space dock run into your ship and fly to the fleet to meet your FP group. This method still allows for the feel of being in the SWTRO Universe while not turning the open world into ghost towns


Dual specing? You have 10 lvls to decide on an AC inside of that you have 3 trees you can switch back and forth between for a fee as often as you want.


What polls? Please provide a link.


Rested XP? At the max level? I and many others would go out in the world to complete dailies and work on trade skills while we waiting for our queue to pop.


I'm not talking about switching AC. I'm talking about having two specs that you can easily switch back and forth from. I do not want to have to spend X amount of credits and spend Y amount of time adjusting points and hotkeys just so I can go from tanking to playing DPS in a Warzone.

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And the trend of starting a post with, "I've played WoW since beta..." continues. In Star Wars.


Good. Grief.


Yes, because believe it or not, WoW is the standard. People need to understand that. There is a reason why so many MMORPGs come out and fail 6 months in. It is because people do not want to give credit, where credit is due. They do not want to admit that WoW has done ALOT of things right. Read the rest of my post and you will see I want to switch but there are tools out there that should be in every game, as a quality of life. Don't post if you have nothing constructive to add.

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I agree with this wholeheartedly. Also, don't let the OP convince you we are a minority, or that we are sadistic. HE is the minority. Stick with us, let the wow guys play their game, we will play yours.


I am willing to bet that they have a team working on new features, and one working on bugs. This game isn't being run by 5 guys in a basement.

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Yes, because believe it or not, WoW is the standard. People need to understand that.


WoW is the standard, for WoW players. Not for everyone. Believe it or not, there is a market for games that are not complete clones of your beloved Warcraft mmo.

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I am willing to bet that they have a team working on new features, and one working on bugs. This game isn't being run by 5 guys in a basement.


The way development works is that its likely one person for minor components with the whole working to put it all together in the end.

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WoW is the standard, for WoW players. Not for everyone. Believe it or not, there is a market for games that are not complete clones of your beloved Warcraft mmo.



Do you want this game to succeed? Games, especially big games, have to do well. A game such as SWTOR, that has spent a HUGE amount of money, must get a lot of subscribers or it will not stay afloat. That means it has to compete with the oh so horrible WoW.

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It allows people to learn to play better.



I'm all about opening up information to help my game. But there is a point when people feel the have a "right" to tell someone how to play.


I tend to be a non traditional player. I am never just a healer. I tend to CC or have been a puller. (in the old EQ, DAOC days). Yes, I will keep you alive, but the second you tell me how to do that. It's a boot in the butt. The idea that everyone follows a preset playlist and optimal rotation makes me want to retch. No one is thinking outside the box. I'm amazed at how everyone wants to be an individual but if you don't hit X key when you are "supposed" to, a holes are all up in arms.


Ill give into that idea that it's needed for raids. But standard grouping and flashpoints. No thanks.

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I havent had a need for any of these things.


Are they from WoW or something? :confused:


I'm finding flashpoint groups just fine, and one spec is all I've needed so far. Theres no need for dual spec, very contrived invention. UI could always benefit from some tweaks but not a priority for me, maybe in a year or so, keep with fixing up the content.

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