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Any Pub side PvP guilds that don't suck the big one?


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A few of us from Jung Ma moved here because we have gotten tired of waiting 30+ minutes for a pop and only getting ranked q's once a week. Love how fast everything pops on this server but I have yet to see a pub guild worth a damn. So my question is am I just never getting into the same warzones as any good guild or is the pub side just this atrocious?
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If anything I feel like Pubs are winning more than they were a few months ago but there isn't any large Pub guild to say that that is why. I remember in January not losing to a Pub team for something like 20 straight games on my PT.


There are good Pubs in guilds that used to be much larger: Hostile Takeover, Hoth Ski Patrol. They don't queue much. Rude Dudes and Exodus have great players but don't see them much either.


Just make a note of good players and invite them. As many people have said, the big guild days are dead.

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If anything I feel like Pubs are winning more than they were a few months ago but there isn't any large Pub guild to say that that is why. I remember in January not losing to a Pub team for something like 20 straight games on my PT.


There are good Pubs in guilds that used to be much larger: Hostile Takeover, Hoth Ski Patrol. They don't queue much. Rude Dudes and Exodus have great players but don't see them much either.


Just make a note of good players and invite them. As many people have said, the big guild days are dead.


Guild days in general are dead. Most people just group up and roll. Guild representation has little impact on this game with a dwindling pvp community. It would be different if we had cross server to save this game but sadly we dont.

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A few of us from Jung Ma moved here because we have gotten tired of waiting 30+ minutes for a pop and only getting ranked q's once a week. Love how fast everything pops on this server but I have yet to see a pub guild worth a damn. So my question is am I just never getting into the same warzones as any good guild or is the pub side just this atrocious?


My current guild is called " Better Than Hacks " were a very small pvp guild but we win most of our matches. Ranked or Regular. I've been with these guys for a good 6 months now and were very good at what we do.


Seriously though if you are having problem winning, you can always ask to pair up with me. I tend to win most of my matches. Let me know if your interested.

Edited by Captain-Luke
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My current guild is called " Better Than Hacks " were a very small pvp guild but we win most of our matches. Ranked or Regular. I've been with these guys for a good 6 months now and were very good at what we do.


Seriously though if you are having problem winning, you can always ask to pair up with me. I tend to win most of my matches. Let me know if your interested.


Are you a Jedi Master?

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I remember playing on Jung Ma, and telling everyone it was dead in game and on forums (this was 8 months or more ago). I eventually got tired of you and others telling me the community was great and the server was not dead. So this is quite funny for me. But sadly there are not too many "elite" Republic pvp guilds on Pot5. Most people switched to imp long ago.
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If anything I feel like Pubs are winning more than they were a few months ago but there isn't any large Pub guild to say that that is why. I remember in January not losing to a Pub team for something like 20 straight games on my PT.


Yeah I think so too. I've seen some serious competition from Pubs that I haven't seen here since I transferred my sniper here awhile ago, but can't really say why (not counting Hoth Ski Patrol who was always the exception and not counting solo ranked either).


Better than Hacks seems to do well in solo ranked and seem to be good all around. Faced Exodus in group ranked the other night. They beat us pretty bad, but we were a pickup team. They're also frustrating to face in regs too, especially because of their really-hard-to-kill healer Jolly'Oh, but it still seems like players like him and his Sage-friend, Troll'Gee, are still the exception Pub side.

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A few of us from Jung Ma moved here because we have gotten tired of waiting 30+ minutes for a pop and only getting ranked q's once a week. Love how fast everything pops on this server but I have yet to see a pub guild worth a damn. So my question is am I just never getting into the same warzones as any good guild or is the pub side just this atrocious?


There are a few "good" guilds out there. Unfortunately, every decently-sized guild has *AT LEAST* 1-3 people that are in the closet about their clicking and keyboard turning habits that can give a bad first impression if you've been looking around at tags while playing. It *REALLY* brings the overall guild's reputation down and that's probably why you've seen so many "bad guilds".


Truth is, these people are just too set in their ways and too stubborn/casual to change their playstyle. I know WAR has a few of these types. The best I can do is apologize in advance if any of them frustrate you. They certainly frustrate me + our hardcore guys!



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Most people switched to imp long ago.


Then they wonder why they get no challenges. It's Warhammer Online all over again, and it's stupid that people think this mindset helps.


Anyway, TAW (taw.net) has a growing PvP division that is looking for good PvPers, if anyone is interested.

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You should probably help out the harbinger people when they queue for 4's m8.

That last showing of double sage was really sad


Kinda like your showing on the Harbinger, right? News of your debaucle there has reached many, many people. You were absolutely destroyed in the first few matches. Wait, wasn't like kinda like Don't Panic's many streams of your defeat after defeat after defeat, too?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kinda like your showing on the Harbinger, right? News of your debaucle there has reached many, many people. You were absolutely destroyed in the first few matches. Wait, wasn't like kinda like Don't Panic's many streams of your defeat after defeat after defeat, too?


You mean going even with the harbinger's double smash, fully geared team with our alts that didn't even have augments? After switching a few different players in, on even worse alts, and then to top it off, the only game we actually lost horribly was when I jokingly played pyro against double smash. Obviously we were going to lose that. You do realize we split matches evenly with them right?

Do you also not realize that my team used to beat Don't Panic more than we lost? Now, if you had said MvP... Then I'd agree.


I heard that the double smash team from harbs did super great on pot5, losing every single match... against teams that I've beat.

Shots fired right back m8

Edited by Abbrachmann
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Kinda like your showing on the Harbinger, right? News of your debaucle there has reached many, many people. You were absolutely destroyed in the first few matches. Wait, wasn't like kinda like Don't Panic's many streams of your defeat after defeat after defeat, too?


Omg this is hilarious :D

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