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Frequently Asked PvP Questions


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Y'all need to stop complaining.


Bioware has said repeatedly that PVPers can just heal to full. So play your sub defensively and Make Bioware Pay for trying to kill your interest in Star Wars. We PVPers just have perception problems.


Yes they made noises about not wanting another h2f type meme, and how they learned their lesson from that, but the fact of the matter is they are handling this almost in the same exact way they handled h2f. Eric did make a half-hearted attempt at putting out the flames but as he was not permitted to acknowledge mistakes in PVP development let alone bring news of any planned corrections, he gave up and now this thread is left to fester over a weekend that everyone at the Bioware office has off.


The only real difference is that Bioware started this thread earlier in the week, but of course no one from Bioware has dared to poke his head in here for the last business day or two and now we are left alone on a Friday night to see how many google bombs and youtube memes we can generate.


I wonder how long it will be before Bioware's metrics finally catch up to indicating there's a major problem and we start seeing the yellow "Let's brainstorm fixes for PVP" threads.

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At same time Bioware say that they will not implement the ability to choose a specific Warzone to queue for but talk about create a hutball league when this require the ability to queue for a single type of warzone.


"Will we ever be able to choose a specific Warzone to queue for?"


This supposed to be pretty simple: At least take of arenas of normal queue warzones or at least you could choose if you want to queue for non ranked arenas or warzones. It's pretty lame when you want to run warzones and keep popping arenas.


Another pretty easy is, instead player choose what wz to play, we could choose only 1 or 2 warznones we do not want to play.



Another contradictory thing:


"Are there any plans of expanding open world PvP?"


"Currently we have no plans of expanding open world PvP, specifically to say we don’t have any plans to introduce any new systems which offer rewards around it. However, we will continue to encourage open world PvP in events and future content. Some examples of this would be the Oricon daily area and the shared questing areas of the Rakghoul event."


Not expanding and creating a real good open world pvp enviroment, rewards and story and other stuff, is exact on the opposite, you arent encouragin players to do open world. If you want people to do open world pvp give them a real good reason to do that. Confine them in a tiny map to do dailies isnt encouraing, sometimes you discourage people to do the dailies.


You had some good ideas but badly implemented like Ilum, why ilum was a fail? Wasn't only the lag, it was the lack of points of interest, all the fight happened at same location, the base's doors. And you only get valor. Not worth enough after a while. I'll show a idea i had long time ago, how ilum could be great, i even made changes in the map:

My Ilum Map


And for open world pvp, how could it be good? I made long time ago other thread with a whole new map i made.

Denova (Rep vs. Imp PvP planet)


But i think bioware isn't bold enough to try something like it.

Edited by Benets
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EAware doesn't have the resources for trolling.


And your sorc used to be a healer, too?


Bibidi, my brother, will our paths ever cross when we've both given up on this game?


My sub's running out in September only because it renewed about a week ago...

So I'll have this forever dwindling PvP to keep me busy here if Wildstar ends up not being the godsend of PVP MMORPGs, until Destiny comes out.


Woo Destiny!




I know :(


Yeah leveled pure healer never went dps until 2.5 when I missed being a sorc too much.


We may see each other in destiny I am looking forward too that. Ill be on for awhile more because I have 2 months left on my sub. But I've just bought Day Z and that looks pretty fun and oh and Titanfall for 360.

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You sound like a hostage. Are you ok?


Hehe yeah I'm ok, good to cya cyc. :) It's just that I felt like after two years of asking for more straightforward discussion, what I witnessed in the last couple of weeks impressed me. So, I re-subbed.


Do I like the long post of NOs. No, I don't, but I think I understand how it came about. The wrath thread went so well as an experiment that they probably decided it was a good MO to continue working that way, and an idea for the FAQ thread was brought up. I appreciate the transparency even though the message was negative. If the devs are not scared away by us now, this game has the potential to grow into something great again in the next year.


I don't know, just felt optimistic for the first time in a long while :)

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Cannot wait for Wildstar after ~2 years of this mediocrity


Then when you get in to wildstar you will be saying I cant wait for this new game wildstar mediocrity is just bad. Why because there is no pleasing you a smoke and a pancake....

Edited by Neoforcer
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Thanks a lot for your attention and for bringing this to us.


To be blunt - I'm disappointed that you seem to be answering every question with no saying that its not in your current roadmap and that you at this time have no plans to implement... Anything. Dark times ahead.



So much for player input.

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  • The launch of Warzone Arenas
  • The ability to solo queue for ranked play
  • Season 1 rewards
  • 4 new Warzone Arena maps
  • A new Huttball map



Arenas was a mistake, you can't balance 4v4 without Fing up the MMO diversity. We had more FUN in 8v8 Ranked WZ

L O L, he thinks the solo queue was an accomplishment

Area maps, see arena, same waste of time

New Huttball map, where? It is vaporware


Srsly, every time you guys "improve" PvP we lose more people, please all quit your jobs.

Edited by Foambreaker
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Why is Bolster in Ranked PvP? Why not just require a high level of PvP gear?





Yea, I can't agree with the response given to this question at all...First of all, a fresh 55 going into a ranked arena against players who are well geared and experienced is going to get stomped...Said player could even get yelled at by his/her team mates...Basically, the whole experience could be so discouraging for the new player that he/she gets completely discouraged and ranked dies...On the other hand, the more experienced players who "paid their dues" are more than likely going to get sick of getting stuck on the same team as noobs...Thus we end up with no one bothering with ranked.


Removing bolster from ranked WZs means that new players will have to go get the first tier of PvP gear vis regular. During this time it will also help get them used to PvP and gain experience so they can actually do better in ranked WZs. This should also provide a less frustrating and discouraging experience for everyone.


I could also argue that ranked WZs should be a part of the PvP progression beyond just getting better gear. After all, it's the only way to get ranked comms which are needed for the highest tier of PvP gear. With this in mind the logical conclusion is that one needs to first do regular WZs to get the first tier of PvP gear and then start progressing to ranked WZs.



As far as cross server goes: I'm sure it's already been stated, but, it obviously needs to be stated again; If low PvP populations are such a concern then the obvious solution is to implement cross server queues.



All the bloody CC in this game has also been a hot topic for PvP for a long time...Good job not responding to this concern or the current issue people are having with the current resolve system.



Quite a few people where pretty pissed with the removal of 8vs8 and having ranked arenas being forced up their asses instead...This resulted in a serious decline to the PvP population to this game and yet you still have no plans to re-implement 8vs8? You removed content which you have stated you don't like to do and have no plants to bring it back? This is just completely asinine...Seriously, what the **** is wrong with you guys?



Systems to reward people for open world PvP actually does help to encourage it...Especially considering your crappy engine chokes like hell whenever a large scale battle breaks out...So basically, from the answers provided, you have no real plans to encourage open world PvP. You just plan on making shared quests in daily areas and events, which is actually very lazy, and calling it encouragement? Again, what the **** is wrong with you guys?



These answers...Not only are they completely short sighted they are filled with even more logic fail...Seriously, does this dev team even know what logic is? Or is it the guy in charge who clearly has no brains?





If there are any plans for PvP, you guys better start telling us now unless you want to watch the population die off even more...Specifically competitive PvP...Unless, you guys just want competitive PvP to die in this game so you can put focus elsewhere...




I know that this is not everything that everyone wants. To reiterate, we aren't saying "no" to your questions, we are simply just saying "not at this time." I know it may not seem that way, but these two things are different. I know many of your are frustrated and I hope this adds a little bit of clarity to where we are coming from.




With more MMOs and even games coming out this year, this "not at this time" attitude is only going to further hurt this game. There's competition coming out and it's time to stop *********** around and get your **** together so people won't start jumping ship.


I should also mention the competition coming out is actually offering more of what the PvP communities wants than what this game has or is planning to have.

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All the bloody CC in this game has also been a hot topic for PvP for a long time...Good job not responding to this concern or the current issue people are having with the current resolve system..


oh, they addressed CC alright.

  • they made resolve "work as intended." (ppl can double-up CC without consequence)
  • they nerfed the range and cast times inconsistently across classes on stuns and mezzes.
  • they sped up the channel on their "new" WZ (ahg) so that it's 2s shorter than a stealth mezz (LOL).
  • and for the real kicker: they seriously proposed eliminating the 1-global knockdown attached to scrapper/concealment opener (LMAO).

I expect that they'll take away VG/PT harpoon/grapple next because too many ppl complain about dying to fire pulls.

Edited by foxmob
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I don't usually come to this subforum anymore, considering that since the release of GSF I've almost stopped playing ground PvP but I thought I had to emphasise as well what other people doubtlessly did on 42 pages before.



Will you be implementing Cross-server queuing?


We have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues.




This pretty much means the death of PvP in the long run. Nearly all of the problems you've pointed out in your list (great collection btw of the most commonly brought-up PvP problems), stem from this single thing: THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE PLAYING YOUR GAME ON INDIVIDUAL SERVERS. (And certainly not on PvE/RP servers.)


If you want to save what is left of the PvP community and the reputation of PvP in this game, you have to implement cross-server queues. Pretty much every other MMO game worth nothing out there has cross-server queues and several new ones are going to be launched soon with that feature. Every other issue you've listed from match fixing to dead ranked queues exist purely because player cannot get into matches due to low populations. So long as you leave the cause untreated, the symptoms will persist, no matter how much you'll try to alleviate them individually.


The fact that a rating of 1500 (which is quite low in fact) will make you a top-tier PvP'er is quite symbolic, don't you think? I've read and heard that on many servers only a few teams participate in ranked PvP, so it's exceptionally hard to get into a ranked match. Even when that happens, most matches occur between a few well-known guilds and groups, making the outcome pretty predictable.


The very least you should tell us why you cannot/don't plan to implement cross-server queues. And while I don't play ground-PvP anymore, so this post doesn't affect my future, I can emphasise with previous posters who just cancelled their subs. PvP in this game indeed faces a bleak future. (I would cancel my sub as well if you stopped adding more Operations.)


EDIT: I assume the developers knew the ramification of such a post would have on the PvP community, so I have to assume its their way of indirectly saying "we don't care about you anymore."

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Cross Server is to complicated?


There is a simple solution to solve the PVP population issue: Just make server transfers free of charge!


People would be able to change server whenever they like to play ranked and switch back for the rest of the content.

Edited by DerTaran
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Cross Server is to complicated?


There is a simple solution to solve the PVP population issue: Just make server transfers free of charge!


People would be able to change server whenever they like to play ranked and switch back for the rest of the content.


It's not compliocated, they just dont want to. Stubborns. At start almost all servers went ghost servers and you couldn't do anything and they didnt open transfers or merge servers for 2 to 3 months, so, it was 3 lost months.

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Do you have any plans to address overpowered Hybrid builds which are present in Arenas?


Our history of class balance shows that we attempt to discourage overpowered hybrid builds when and wherever possible. We are constantly balancing classes and will take action if something is not falling into line with class balance. We will continue to monitor these builds and adjust as necessary.




Bad joke or liar. They pass an year and only have like 2 patchs 'balancing' classes and he said they are constantly balancing classes. Liar.


I remember golden age at wow, after a expantion or patch one week later they already changing things to balance, here? Is more like "that was one in a million!" (han solo)

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why in novare coast does a op or scoundrel have to go to the terminal tto change the node they can be no where near it and change it , that makes no sense everyone else had to go to the terminal why cant they
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why in novare coast does a op or scoundrel have to go to the terminal tto change the node they can be no where near it and change it , that makes no sense everyone else had to go to the terminal why cant they



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why in novare coast does a op or scoundrel have to go to the terminal tto change the node they can be no where near it and change it , that makes no sense everyone else had to go to the terminal why cant they


reminds me of stugotz on the dan le batard show asking the coach of mercer (13th seed that upset duke) what he thought of the media coverage for derek jeter's final season. if you know what I'm talking about, :cool: if not...move along. move along. :p

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why in novare coast does a op or scoundrel have to go to the terminal tto change the node they can be no where near it and change it , that makes no sense everyone else had to go to the terminal why cant they


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You guys have such a poor attitude towards your playerbase. There are new MMO's coming out, one of which, is very very fun, and has features at launch that you guys still 2+ years after launch refuse to implement. What are you doing to stem the incoming competition? You're spending time/resources on player housing. LOL. That's going to keep people playing SWTOR rather than go to the other MMO which has player housing and many more features you refuse to put in.


At this point, I honestly think you guys are just trying to get as much money from the cartel market before your game dies. It's a sad feeling, i've been here supporting you since launch, and the fact that I feel you've hated me from the start is beginning to wear down what little hope I have left for you. I want you to succeed, I want you to be better, but you refuse to better yourself. It's about time we part ways, even the beta is more polished than your game.

Edited by Devilk
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I assume the developers knew the ramification of such a post would have on the PvP community, so I have to assume its their way of indirectly saying "we don't care about you anymore."


This is all the first post had to say. EAware doesn't care about the PVP community. They don't want us to play their game. We aren't the ones spending hundreds in their Cartel Market so why should we even be bothered with? PvE content is, in comparison, flourishing, while we are stuck with reskins and false incentives.


Oh yeah, and No.

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