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My respec costs 36550 credits now


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All I want is to have a PvE spec and a PvP spec instead of the hybrid PvP tank mash-up I've got going now.


So true, I'm currently a full PvE healer, but I'd like to have a Healing/Madness mix for PvP but man what a Pain!

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I would love the ability to even have a free respec each week. I've been stuck at 99800 to pay for my respec at the moment, its been that way for at least two weeks now. I've been itching to try out my new skills out in the dps trees and I have no desire to pay this much for it. It's just utterly insane how much this costs. Some friends told me their's reset to a more reasonable value every week, which is seriously annoying that mine isn't. People should be allowed to play their class the different ways/styles they wish.


Put in a ticket in game to see what was going on, generic "Protocol droid blah blah blah, we've passed it on" nothing else in response.

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You have a very limited idea of what "must" be done to enjoy this game. I'm not suggesting everyone needs to play like me, but I respec maybe once a week and could go without. Have you considered that you don't need to be perfect for everything all the tiime? FFS. Take a breath. If you want WoW, play WoW. It's a perfectly good game and much easier than molding games that aren't WoW into WoW. Let the rest of us have our fun too.
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You have a very limited idea of what "must" be done to enjoy this game. I'm not suggesting everyone needs to play like me, but I respec maybe once a week and could go without. Have you considered that you don't need to be perfect for everything all the tiime? FFS. Take a breath. If you want WoW, play WoW. It's a perfectly good game and much easier than molding games that aren't WoW into WoW. Let the rest of us have our fun too.


So I cannot enjoy the game the way I would like to? lol you sir are angries. My whole point was that other people are getting a spec reset every week, I would also like to get this so I can play around with a dps tree. Not asking for a free respec every time I want it either. I would be fine with a one time reduced spec every week (as I am hearing others are getting) that would be amazing.

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So I cannot enjoy the game the way I would like to? lol you sir are angries. My whole point was that other people are getting a spec reset every week, I would also like to get this so I can play around with a dps tree. Not asking for a free respec every time I want it either. I would be fine with a one time reduced spec every week (as I am hearing others are getting) that would be amazing.


I was responding to the thread in general. If your situation is different, then yes, that is whacked and I would be disgruntled too.

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Respecs reset every week if you havent respecced in that timeframe.


Mine has yet to move from 99800 as I stated previously, this being the third weekly reset. :\


--- and I have not respec'ed at that price ever.

Edited by cpeabs
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We should be able to have multiple specs. The respec costs are ridiculous and like the OP i absolutely disagree with this design decision. Those fanbois defending the decision to limit player choice are just that - fanbois and appologists.


I want multiple saved specs. Dual is a start but ideally I would like it to be like Rifts with several saved specs. Then I can have a dps spec, a heal spec and a pvp spec. I dont see how limiting player choice makes the game more fun. It doesn't. Please hurry up and add multiple specs and you will see the severe tank and healer shortage improve significantly.

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We should be able to have multiple specs. The respec costs are ridiculous and like the OP i absolutely disagree with this design decision. Those fanbois defending the decision to limit player choice are just that - fanbois and appologists.


I want multiple saved specs. Dual is a start but ideally I would like it to be like Rifts with several saved specs. Then I can have a dps spec, a heal spec and a pvp spec. I dont see how limiting player choice makes the game more fun. It doesn't. Please hurry up and add multiple specs and you will see the severe tank and healer shortage improve significantly.


TBH I don't think you need this much, I'm totally fine with the one "Freeish" respec a week, some leeway to play my character in a different fashion would be nice.

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Mine has yet to move from 99800 as I stated previously, this being the third weekly reset. :\


--- and I have not respec'ed at that price ever.


Yeah it won't actually show up on the little window telling you the price but 1 week after your first respec it will cost 0 when you do it. It'll pop up and say like It has been a week, respec cost reset to 0. Cost: 0. It will charge nothing. I just did it yesterday and it said it was going to be 55k but then charged me nothing.

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Yeah it won't actually show up on the little window telling you the price but 1 week after your first respec it will cost 0 when you do it. It'll pop up and say like It has been a week, respec cost reset to 0. Cost: 0. It will charge nothing. I just did it yesterday and it said it was going to be 55k but then charged me nothing.


Of course, this does mean that you really have no idea when it's reset until you try it. I put it on my calendar this week just to note when I'd be able to do it for free again.

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GeorgZoeller: Just so you understand my position on the topic: I don't think skill respec should be rare or handled very restrictively. I'm actually all for players experimenting with different skill sets once they have a good grip of their character.


I don't want people to respec in the middle of combat or in between defeats in a Warzone or Operation, but other than that, I think respec is a positive thing for the game. If we find that the current pricing is too prohibitive for somewhat experienced players, we'll make adjustments.


I agree completely and so look forward to both respecs becoming less expensive and a dedicated dual-spec feature.

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You have a very limited idea of what "must" be done to enjoy this game. I'm not suggesting everyone needs to play like me, but I respec maybe once a week and could go without. Have you considered that you don't need to be perfect for everything all the tiime? FFS. Take a breath. If you want WoW, play WoW. It's a perfectly good game and much easier than molding games that aren't WoW into WoW. Let the rest of us have our fun too.


Well that's an interesting point. Exactly how is prohibitive cost for repeated respecing fun for you? Really, sell me on this idea that your game experience is in some way hurt by respecs becoming more available.

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i believe the problem would be solved if there was a reasonable cap placed. i would like to experiment but know that my cost will go up a lot i will wait till i am 50, but a lso the only other problem I have is with how drasticly it increases.


anyway i dont mind it either way. i played wow and i dont miss dual specs. it really just puts a burden on the player to have two sets of gear. and if you dps is not as good as your healing then they will just expect you to heal instead of saying "i am what i am" and taking you based on that.


I cant wait to roll a healer, cant decide which class tho.

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Id just like the ability to pay a smaller ammount to just unspend a few points in addition to the full respec option. Like say a few grand a piece to buy back your points one at a time.


Often times Im content with the majority of my spec and just fine tuneing the build... I dont need to reset my whole page just to move 2 points over to a differnt box and test it out or to drop 3 points out of a box that wasnt working for me.

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Because BH and Smuggler are the same class...


leveling my scoundrel is fast . I have no problems as a smuggler healer.


Perhaps the player should just reroll another character ?



I'm against dual specing and constant respecs

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Reading that there is a reset in price once a week is great, knowing when that's happened would be even better!


Well I think the people who are against the reduction in cost are obviously not leveling a healer. I understand the folks who like permanent changes, for example the fact that you can't change yer AC is something I'm all for. But when your guild wants to run instances and need a healer and your goal is to be a healer but you're in dps spec (because it makes leveling a million times faster than healing) what should you do?


Oh and for all the people who say it kills their fun having respecs made cheaper/more accesible, no one has given a reason yet.



p.s. Not every suggestion for improvement should be interpreted as having anything to do with WoW... just because you had a bad experience for whatever reason in that game doesn't mean you need to bring that aggro here. SWTOR forums shouldn't be about hating WoW, but about improving SWTOR.

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We need dual spec , silly to leave it out just to be diffrent than WOW. Copy the things they did well as WOW copied other games .


AC swapping i assume and hope will never happen.


Dual spec would be great when low level for heroics and flashpoints.

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