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Bioware forgot to include the first M in MMO...Massive


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and do you know the concept of an MMO ?


I know what an instance is and theyre fine for a dungeon. But for entire zones, even planets ??? that will never be okay with the mmo community.


I watched a lot of threads on the STO and AoC forums defending the use of sharding as well. those players are all alone now with no hope of ever seeing an expansion in their dying games.


I dont want to see this happen with the old republic. its a very good game with great potential but it still needs that first M to mean Massive. Its the only flaw with the game really, but its a huge one




That's what you sound like. Expressing that your view represents the many millions of MMO players is just as wrong as it is short-sighted. Please, wake up.

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That's what you sound like. Expressing that your view represents the many millions of MMO players is just as wrong as it is short-sighted. Please, wake up.


How is this different from what all the Bioware drones are doing? (preaching about this game being a wow killer when its actually only good for a single playthrough?)

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it's well known that shards have been rejected by the MMO community on the whole. It's not "my view" it's factual data based on past examples. What honestly makes you think things will be different this time around? People ***** that there are multiple threads popping up on this forum (and all over the internet) complaining about this very thing and then you have the audacity to say "stop QQ'ing , this is only YOUR opinion and not representative of the population at large".


Come of it man. No one asked you to read this thread nor respond to it. We have complaints we feel are valid. Bioware has a right to listen to our complaints and, if you were to ask them, they would say they value our feedback. If you want to an apologist, feel free. Eat whatever they feed you and say "can I have another". Bioware wants my money. They need to recoup the enormous cost of the game and they need to turn a profit (they are a business after all). If they want me to continue to shell out 15 dollars a month then they are going to listen to what I, and a large part of the community, have to say.

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I saw maybe 178 on the tython indicator for number of players at early access.


I saw maybe 120 on the coruscant indicator a day later


I saw maybe 80 on the Taris indicator around the 18th


I saw maybe 45 on the Nar Shadaa indicator on launch day


Today I see 23 players on Tatooine indicator


And lets be clear, I didnt actually see 178, 120, 80, 45, and 23 players. The most players I ever saw at one time was on Coruscant and it was about 12. Since then I rarely see more than 5 players in any given area


Im not exactly sure how the sharding works but its either working very well or there just arent a lot of people playing the game. I asked the following question in-game several times but nobody knew the answer...


" the number I see in the upper left corner, is that an indicator of the number of players in the shard of that planet ? or is it the total number of players on the planet ?" 23 players on Tatooine 3 days after launch AND during a holiday break seems incredibly low to me.


Sharding of any MMO just isnt a popular concept. Sure there are plenty of valid arguments around. It prevents fighting over spawns, reduces lag, etc. but the fact is the first M in MMO stands for MASSIVE....not multiplayer.


It was soundly rejected by the MMO communities in both Age of Conan and Star Trek Online. And I suspect Bioware avoided talking about it too much because well frankly they know its mostly despised.


Dont get me wrong, Im loving my time in The Old Republic....as a single player game with some multiplayer on the side. But for an MMO it feels dismally empty.


Where are the hundreds of players filling up the cantinas ? where are the masses surrounding the auction house / bazaar offering their goods and showing off (granted everyone is busy leveling so this may change later) ?


where are the sith players I so very much wish to kill ? I joined a pvp server to well actually do some pvp. the problem is Im not finding any enemy players. And believe me Ive looked. There was one sith player on Nar Shadaa and he was in a safe zone buying from the bazaar (so much for open world pvp on a pvp server). I have seen zero sith on Tatooine, heard rumors there was one but I never saw him.


the community in the game reminds me of the one in STO. "just wait till everyone catches up" or "its a weekday" or "its early" or "power is out on east coast from snow" and a hundred of excuses for the game thats lacking something important.


I will continue to push forward with the game but Im not sold on an MMO that fails to offer me adventures with other players. Bioware may be getting rave reviews from the KOTOR single player fans, but I doubt thats the consensus among MMO fans. They really need to get rid of the sharding and majorly increase the player cap on every server.


30 minute que doesnt make sense when you log in and see 2 others players around.




personally I think the sharding is a GREAT idea/concept i'd rather have 2k people spread out over 20 different instances then to have all 2K people in one area at the same time making question damned near impossible not to mention camping griefing etc. tell you what cancel your account and email me all your stuff in game and I will make great use out of it.

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Sharding is a very difficult thing to have to deal with. Often times people don't have a second pair of underpants on them for when this happens, let alone if enough shards happen in succession, you will also require a new pair of pants.


I can understand how this can be very difficult for you, as well as embarrassing. A good rule of thumb is to always have an extra pair of underwear and a travel package of baby wipes on your person AT ALL times. This can certainly alleviate any embarrassing situation.


Also be aware of your surroundings, and where the nearest clothing stores are.


Together we can all do our part to mitigate the damage of sharding.

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I believe Bioware tried its best to limit the amount of players on servers in order to provide a more stable and smooth gaming experience. Cheers to Bioware for this. Of course some may have ideas of Players all over the place like a Japanese subway station and that would cause performance issues.


So as stated by other players, there will be separate instances (in most cases) to divide the players in order to preserve good performance.

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personally I think the sharding is a GREAT idea/concept i'd rather have 2k people spread out over 20 different instances then to have all 2K people in one area at the same time making question damned near impossible not to mention camping griefing etc. tell you what cancel your account and email me all your stuff in game and I will make great use out of it.




well I would rather see 2k people in the city vs 2

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it's well known that shards have been rejected by the MMO community on the whole. It's not "my view" it's factual data based on past examples. What honestly makes you think things will be different this time around? People ***** that there are multiple threads popping up on this forum (and all over the internet) complaining about this very thing and then you have the audacity to say "stop QQ'ing , this is only YOUR opinion and not representative of the population at large".


Come of it man. No one asked you to read this thread nor respond to it. We have complaints we feel are valid. Bioware has a right to listen to our complaints and, if you were to ask them, they would say they value our feedback. If you want to an apologist, feel free. Eat whatever they feed you and say "can I have another". Bioware wants my money. They need to recoup the enormous cost of the game and they need to turn a profit (they are a business after all). If they want me to continue to shell out 15 dollars a month then they are going to listen to what I, and a large part of the community, have to say.


Throw some numbers at me on all of this "data"


Start a petition thread and see your numbers.


I just find it so funny because we all knew what this game was and what it wasn't and yet people are SHOCKED and OUTRAGED. What do you want 500 people on your screen so you are playing a game with people? Join an active clan.... Even the PvP is designed to be small scale. It is how the game is built.



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I know what an instance is and theyre fine for a dungeon. But for entire zones, even planets ??? that will never be okay with the mmo community.


I watched a lot of threads on the STO and AoC forums defending the use of sharding as well. those players are all alone now with no hope of ever seeing an expansion in their dying games.


Please don't speak for me, speak for yourself only. I have no problem with instancing during the first couple of weeks of the game's launch until server populations settle down and the powers that be have an idea of what is going to be stable.

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star wars galaxies


dark age of camelot


world of warcraft


to name just a few


oh and even the ones who do shard dont do entire worlds. and their caps are much higher. i can go right now in City of Heroes (using the same Hero engine ironically) and see 50 players standing around in a single spot.


in dark age of camelot we would sometimes have 1,200 in a single pvp battle. sure the lag got bad the game is 12 yrs old, Im sure better servers today could handle it. in star wars galaxies there used to be hundreds of imperial players coming from Bestine to invade Anchorhead


players like me arent asking for massive because well its never been done before. heck Im not even expecting thousands, id settle for 100. but when a pvp server has very little pvp because everyone is seperated by shards, its ridiculous


Of those you listed, only WoW is a "modern mmo, and the lag is STILL terrible if too many i.e. only a couple of hundred. are in one zone. You did not see 1200 players in PvP battles in DAoC. I loved that game, and played it for years. Whenever that many people were in a zone the game became totally unplayable. It wasn't that lag was bad, it was that lag made you see photos of the game. Thus why many people that worked on DAoC and are now with EA after the buyout, chose the method SWTOR uses. EQ and UO NEVER had anywhere near the server populations of today's mmos, and not anywhere near the graphics either.


please tell me how Im supposed to pvp when I literally cant see the other players ???
Join a PvP match?
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and do you know the concept of an MMO ?


I know what an instance is and theyre fine for a dungeon. But for entire zones, even planets ??? that will never be okay with the mmo community.


I watched a lot of threads on the STO and AoC forums defending the use of sharding as well. those players are all alone now with no hope of ever seeing an expansion in their dying games.


I dont want to see this happen with the old republic. its a very good game with great potential but it still needs that first M to mean Massive. Its the only flaw with the game really, but its a huge one


Stop all this 'the MMO community' crap, I'm part of the very same community, have been for over 10 years, and actually, it isn't a bit deal for me.


You only speak for yourself, so stop pretending that you are some spokesperson for the community as a whole. You aren't.

Edited by Mandrax
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hmm maybe there is a theme here then....


Yeah, that everyone that has an issue with the game starts a new thread instead of posting in the already ongoing threads about the same exact issues.


Your concerns can be expressed, we just don't need a new thread for each one.

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no its an amazing idea for an MMO world you can still get to everyone by loading it but it makes it less laggy and it makes it so u dont have to wait 20 mins to get one quest item dont complain you have no idea what your talking about.


I never had this problem in wow and i played on one of the most populated servers in the game (on the most populated faction too).

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At the end of the day it really comes down to the IDEA of being in a massive group of people. Function it does not work. Organizing 50 people in Darkfall for PvP would take upwards of 30 minutes.


Also for anyone who wants there to be an answer so we can have a massively massive MMO upgrade Americas infrastructure and probably upgrade everyone's computers as well. Then we can talk about game companies meeting that demand.


Honestly though if you want true PVP go play darkfall for free for 14 days get killed endlessly realize it is grindy as hell and come back here.



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I was one of the lucky guys to win one of those WOW server blades when they put them up for auction.



now while I realize that there is front end servers, date base servers and raid servers, and what not, supposidly they got all the zones to run on 4 server blades like this one... http://www.b2net.co.uk/hp/hp_proliant_bl20p_g2_blade_server.htm. to keep it simple



so why cant this game do it. this game can only handle about 100 people per cpu core??????

Edited by ZEROUMUS
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it's well known that shards have been rejected by the MMO community on the whole. It's not "my view" it's factual data based on past examples. What honestly makes you think things will be different this time around? People ***** that there are multiple threads popping up on this forum (and all over the internet) complaining about this very thing and then you have the audacity to say "stop QQ'ing , this is only YOUR opinion and not representative of the population at large".


Just what MMO community are you talking about? What game suffered because of sharding? Please explain. AoC? lol, that game had it's troubles for a lot of other reasons. Sharding was very very low on the list. There's multiple threads popping up here about everything. There's just as many multiple threads popping up here complaining about the lag when the servers are full, or certain areas getting laggy when too many players are on. There's people whining about lots of things in mmos. THAT's supposed to prove something?


I know where this is coming from. Please don't bring the mmorpg.com garbage here. Thanks. That site is certainly not indicative of any mmo community, except the community that never seems to be playing anything and spends all their time trolling various forums.

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